Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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God gives you total freedom: if you don't want to seek, He will not interfere; Hewill not be an intruder. If you want to seek, only then does He knock at yourdoor.If you have invited, only then does the guest come. The guest may be justwaiting to knock on the door; only your invitation is needed. Otherwise He canwait for eternity, there is no hurry. God is not in any haste.REPENT: FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. It would have beenabsolutely different if the word was not translated as 'repent', if it was left to theoriginal: 'return'. That is what Patanjali says in his yoga sutras -- thatPRATYAHAR is 'returning to oneself'. That is what Mahavir means when hesays to move within-wards: PRATIKRAMAN, to go in.The word TESHUVAH has a totally different meaning from repent. The momentyou say 'repent' it seems that man is a sinner: a deep condemnation comes in. Butif you say 'return', there is no question of sin, no condemnation enters. It simplysays that you have gone far away, you have played too long -- please come back.The child has been playing outside and evening is descending. The sun is settingand the mother calls, "Please return." A totally different quality, a totallydifferent connotation. There is no condemnation in it, just a deep love call:"Return!"Just listen to the sentence if I say: "Return ye: for the kingdom of heaven is athand." All condemnation, all sin, and the whole nonsense that has created guiltin man, disappears just by a single word translated rightly. A single word can besignificant, but the whole of Christianity will disappear if you translate repent as'return'. All churches, the Vatican -- everything will disappear because theydepend on repentance.If it is a question of return -- and you are not condemned and you have notcommitted any sin -- then guilt disappears. And without guilt there cannot bechurches, without guilt the priest cannot live. He exploits the guilt, he makes youfeel guilty -- that is his trade secret. Once you are made to feel guilty, you have toseek his help because he will ask for forgiveness for you, he will pray for you; heknows the way to pray. He is in a deeper relationship with God: he will defendyou, he will persuade God for you, and he will show you how not to be a sinneragain, how to be virtuous. He will give you the commandments: do this anddon't do that.All the churches of the world are founded on the word 'repentance'. If it is only aquestion of return, the priest is not needed; you can return home. It is not aquestion of condemnation: nobody is needed to purify you; you have never beenwrong. You HAD gone a little farther away, but nothing is wrong in it. In fact itcould not have been so if God were not willing for you to go so far. There mustbe something in it: that going far away must be a way of coming back. becausewhen you have gone too far and then you come back home, for the first time yourealize what home is.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

It is said that travellers in foreign countries realize for the first time -- as youmust be realizing in Poona -- how beautiful home is. It is difficult to realize whenyou are at home; everything is taken for granted. But when you go away, noweverything is difficult. It is no longer home, you cannot take anything forgranted. There are a thousand and one inconveniences, discomforts -- andnobody is there to look after you; you have to look after yourself. Nobody cares;you move in an alien world, a stranger.In contrast, suddenly for the first time, the home, the meaning of the home,arises. First it was just a house to live in; now it is a home. Now you know thathouses are different from homes. A house is just a house; a home is not just ahouse, it is something plus. Plus love. Maybe it is needed that man should go alittle astray -- off the track, into the wilderness -- so that, in contrast, coming backto home becomes significant, meaningful.I say 'return'; I don't say 'repent'. Jesus never said 'repent'. He would laugh at theword, because the whole thing is corrupted by the word. Churches know well nothat the word is a wrong translation, but they still insist on it because it hasbecome their foundation. 'To return' is so simple: it depends on you and yourGod; no mediatator is needed, no agent is needed. FROM THAT TIME JESUSBEGAN TO PREACH, AND TO SAY, RETURN: FOR THE KINGDOM OFHEAVEN IS AT HAND.Another meaning of the Hebrew word TESHUVAH 'answer'. Your return is youranswer. Answer to what Answer to the shout: "Enthrone me!"; answer to thequestion God has been asking you: "Come back home."This is again a very beautiful contribution of Judaism. Every religion hascontributed something original. Judaism says: "God asks the question; mananswers." Other religions say that man asks the question and God answers.Judaism says, "No, God asks the question; man answers."The moment you answer, that is the return. The moment the child says, "Yes, Iam coming," he is already on th way. Have you heard the question? If you havenot heard it yet, how will you be able to answer?People come to me and they say, "Where is God? "I say, "Forget about God -- have you heard the question?They say, "What question?""The question that God asks! "If you have not heard the question, you cannot know where God is. The momentyou hear the question the direction is clear -- the moment you hear the questionthat arises deepest in your being, at the deepest core, and becomes; constanthaunting in the heart: who are you, why are you here, why do you go onexisting? For what?If the question has arisen in the heart, you will know God is, because who isasking this question? YOU cannot ask it. You are unconsciousness, a deep sleep -- you cannot ask. Somewhere deeper within you God is asking the question,Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

God gives you total freedom: if you don't want to seek, He will not interfere; Hewill not be an intruder. If you want to seek, only then does He knock at yourdoor.If you have invited, only then does the guest <strong>com</strong>e. The guest may be justwaiting to knock on the door; only your invitation is needed. Otherwise He canwait for eternity, there is no hurry. God is not in any haste.REPENT: FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. It would have beenabsolutely different if the word was not translated as 'repent', if it was left to theoriginal: 'return'. That is what Patanjali says in his yoga sutras -- thatPRATYAHAR is 'returning to oneself'. That is what Mahavir means when hesays to move within-wards: PRATIKRAMAN, to go in.The word TESHUVAH has a totally different meaning from repent. The momentyou say 'repent' it seems that man is a sinner: a deep condemnation <strong>com</strong>es in. Butif you say 'return', there is no question of sin, no condemnation enters. It simplysays that you have gone far away, you have played too long -- please <strong>com</strong>e back.The child has been playing outside and evening is descending. The sun is settingand the mother calls, "Please return." A totally different quality, a totallydifferent connotation. There is no condemnation in it, just a deep love call:"Return!"Just listen to the sentence if I say: "Return ye: for the kingdom of heaven is athand." All condemnation, all sin, and the whole nonsense that has created guiltin man, disappears just by a single word translated rightly. A single word can besignificant, but the whole of Christianity will disappear if you translate repent as'return'. All churches, the Vatican -- everything will disappear because theydepend on repentance.If it is a question of return -- and you are not condemned and you have not<strong>com</strong>mitted any sin -- then guilt disappears. And without guilt there cannot bechurches, without guilt the priest cannot live. He exploits the guilt, he makes youfeel guilty -- that is his trade secret. Once you are made to feel guilty, you have toseek his help because he will ask for forgiveness for you, he will pray for you; heknows the way to pray. He is in a deeper relationship with God: he will defendyou, he will persuade God for you, and he will show you how not to be a sinneragain, how to be virtuous. He will give you the <strong>com</strong>mandments: do this anddon't do that.All the churches of the world are founded on the word 'repentance'. If it is only aquestion of return, the priest is not needed; you can return home. It is not aquestion of condemnation: nobody is needed to purify you; you have never beenwrong. <strong>You</strong> HAD gone a little farther away, but nothing is wrong in it. In fact itcould not have been so if God were not willing for you to go so far. There mustbe something in it: that going far away must be a way of <strong>com</strong>ing back. becausewhen you have gone too far and then you <strong>com</strong>e back home, for the first time yourealize what home is.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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