Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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The merchant thought. "Maybe he knows something about silk, spices, perfume.Maybe he can be helpful in showing me some market where I can get even morelow-priced <strong>com</strong>modities."He went to the wise man. Before he had even asked, the wise man said, "Yes, Iknow. <strong>You</strong> go to the north, in the Himalayas," and he gave him a particular peakto go to. "Go to that peak and sit on that peak for three days. In those three daysyou will see something which you have never seen before. Then <strong>com</strong>e back."The man rushed away. He had the fastest horse in the country and he rushed tothe mountains and found the peak. Fasting, praying, for three days he sat therelooking around and dreaming about silk, perfume, spices. He was waiting forsome unknown door to open so that he would be<strong>com</strong>e the master of all the silkin the world, all the spices, all the perfumes. Within these three days, the key wasgoing to be handed to him. He waited and waited; he fantasized, he dreamed. Hecould not even see the beautiful valley that was around or the beautiful, silentriver that passed by, not making even a slight noise. He could not hear the birdssinging in the morning, he could not see the beautiful sunset. He could seenothing because he was so full of dreams and so tense, waiting for something.Three days passed and nothing happened. He was very annoyed and angry. Herushed back to the wise man and he said, "Nothing happened. I could not seeanything that I had not seen before. What went wrong?"The wise man laughed and said, "<strong>You</strong>r idea of riches." Then he said, "Don't go tothat valley again, you will never find it, but all around on the bank of the riverthere were diamonds. Those were not stones, they were diamonds. But youmissed them."Then the man remembered, as if through his dream: he HAD seen something --dim, vague, cloudy, but he had seen something. Yes, in the morning in thesunrays many times he had a glimpse of many stones that were shining. But hehad his own idea of riches.Even John had his own idea of revolution, of what religion is. He becamesuspicious. But that day, when Jesus was baptized, he was a witness. He hadseen the opening of heaven.AND JESUS, WHEN HE WAS BAPTIZED, WENT UP STRAIGHTWAY OUT OFTHE WATER: AND, LO, THE HEAVENS WERE OPENED UNTO HIM, ANDHE SAW THE SPIRIT OF GOD DESCENDING LIKE A DOVE, AND LIGHTINGUPON HIM:The dove is one of the oldest symbols of silence, of peace, of purity, of harmony.Have you ever seen a dove descending? Watch a dove descending.... In the very<strong>com</strong>ing down you will feel a silence surrounding the dove. That's why it hasbe<strong>com</strong>e a symbol.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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