Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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with these two. When the breathing stops, the fire disappears: then the bodyloses warmth; then it is dead. If water is gone from the body, the body becomestoo hot, feverish -- you will die soon. A deep communion between water and fire,a deep balance, is continuously needed.You eat food -- through food, fire from the sun reaches your body. You breathe --through breathing, oxygen reaches in the body. You drink water, continuouslywater is being rep].:-ed in the body. Between fire and water you exist.John the Baptist used water to bring something within you from the above. Thatis one way of initiation. There is a higher way: to bring something within youupwards. Then it becomes initiation by fire.IN THOSE DAYS CAME JOHN THE BAPTIST, PREACHING IN THEWILDERNESS OF JUDAEA, AND SAYING, REPENT YE: FOR THE KINGDOMOF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.Every moment the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This very moment thekingdom of heaven is at hand, so it is absolutely urgent to repent. That was hismeaning. Don't waste a single moment! -- because if you waste it, it can never berecaptured, regained. All time gone is gone. It could have been a deepcelebration of God. You wasted it -- for nothings, for dreams. REPENT YE: FORTHE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.I INDEED BAPTIZE YOU WITH WATER UNTO REPENTANCE: BUT HETHAT COMETH AFTER ME IS MIGHTIER THAN I, WHOSE SHOES I AMNOT WORTHY TO BEAR: HE SHALL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLYGHOST, AND WITH FIRE.John the Baptist prepared people so that God could descend in them. Then Jesusprepared people so that God could ascend in them. Both are the possibilities:either you ascend into God or God descends in you. Descendence is easierbecause you simply wait -- receptive, like a womb.You must have observed: Lao Tzu never talks about fire, he always talks aboutwater. His method of initiation was just like John the Baptist's. That's why hetalks about the feminine mind: one has to become feminine to receive. Just likewater descends from the clouds, God descends."Jesus," John the Baptist says, "will baptize you with fire. He will take you toGod; he will help you to go upwards." It is difficult -- an uphill task. Beforeanybody can go uphill, he has to learn how to go downhill. Before one is ready tobe baptized by fire, one has to be ready and baptized by water. If you cannot godownwards, you cannot go upwards. To go downwards is very easy, to just waitand receive is easy, but if even that is difficult, then what to say about goinguphill? It is going to be very difficult.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

So first let God descend in you. The moment God descends in you, you willbecome very powerful because you will no longer be yourself. Then going uphillbecomes very easy: then you can fly, then you can become fire.John the Baptist prepared people, prepared the ground for the seed to descend.Look -- when you throw a seed in the soil, it descends into the soil. When itbreaks, it starts rising upwards. The first act is baptism by water: you throw theseed into the soil, it descends deep and rests there. The seed has nothing to do; itjust has to rest and everything happens. Then an upward energy -- the seed startsmoving, sprouts; becomes a big tree, goes to the sky.The tree needs to be watered every day so that the roots can go deeper anddeeper into the earth, and the tree needs sun, the fire, so that the branches can gohigher and higher. In the deep forests of Africa, trees go very high because Theforests are so dense that if they don't go high they will not reach the fire. Theyhave to rise higher and higher so that they can open their being to the sun andthe fire can be received. If you give only water to the tree, the tree will die; if yougive only fire to the tree, the tree will die. The tree cannot exist with only water, itcannot exist in a desert only fire. It needs a deep combination.So a baptism of water is needed in the beginning: that is the first initiation. Thena baptism in fire is needed: that is the second initiation. And between the two,when the balance is achieved, is transcendence. Between the two -- when thebalance is totally achieved and neither is too much and neither is too little: justthe right proportion -- suddenly the transcendence. In balance is transcendence.I INDEED BAPTIZE YOU WITH WATER UNTO REPENTANCE: BUT HETHAT COMETH AFTER ME IS MIGHTIER THAN I, WHOSE SHOES I AMNOT WORTHY TO BEAR: HE SHALL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLYGHOST, AND WITH FIRE.HOLY GHOST is just symbolic of balance. In Christianity the concept of threeexists as the Trinity. God, the father; Christ, the son -- but these are two poles:father and son. Something has to balance these two and that is the Holy Ghost. Itis neither son nor father, just pure spirit which is in between the two -- thebalance. Between fire and water, the Holy Ghost happens.These are symbolic terms: the Holy Ghost is not a being somewhere. The HolyGhost is the music, the harmony, between duality. The Holy Ghost is the riverbetween two banks. If you go on looking for him you will not find him. The HolyGhost is there when any duality ceases within you. Love/hate ceases within you-- a sudden balance. You cannot say whether it is love, you cannot say whether itis hate -- it is neither. It is something absolutely unknown, you have neverknown it before... the Holy Ghost has happened.THEN COMETH JESUS FROM GALILEE TO JORDAN UNTO JOHN, TO BEBAPTIZED OF HIM.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

with these two. When the breathing stops, the fire disappears: then the bodyloses warmth; then it is dead. If water is gone from the body, the body be<strong>com</strong>estoo hot, feverish -- you will die soon. A deep <strong>com</strong>munion between water and fire,a deep balance, is continuously needed.<strong>You</strong> eat food -- through food, fire from the sun reaches your body. <strong>You</strong> breathe --through breathing, oxygen reaches in the body. <strong>You</strong> drink water, continuouslywater is being rep].:-ed in the body. Between fire and water you exist.John the Baptist used water to bring something within you from the above. Thatis one way of initiation. There is a higher way: to bring something within youupwards. Then it be<strong>com</strong>es initiation by fire.IN THOSE DAYS CAME JOHN THE BAPTIST, PREACHING IN THEWILDERNESS OF JUDAEA, AND SAYING, REPENT YE: FOR THE KINGDOMOF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.Every moment the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This very moment thekingdom of heaven is at hand, so it is absolutely urgent to repent. That was hismeaning. Don't waste a single moment! -- because if you waste it, it can never berecaptured, regained. All time gone is gone. It could have been a deepcelebration of God. <strong>You</strong> wasted it -- for nothings, for dreams. REPENT YE: FORTHE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND.I INDEED BAPTIZE YOU WITH WATER UNTO REPENTANCE: BUT HETHAT COMETH AFTER ME IS MIGHTIER THAN I, WHOSE SHOES I AMNOT WORTHY TO BEAR: HE SHALL BAPTIZE YOU WITH THE HOLYGHOST, AND WITH FIRE.John the Baptist prepared people so that God could descend in them. Then Jesusprepared people so that God could ascend in them. Both are the possibilities:either you ascend into God or God descends in you. Descendence is easierbecause you simply wait -- receptive, like a womb.<strong>You</strong> must have observed: Lao Tzu never talks about fire, he always talks aboutwater. His method of initiation was just like John the Baptist's. That's why hetalks about the feminine mind: one has to be<strong>com</strong>e feminine to receive. Just likewater descends from the clouds, God descends."Jesus," John the Baptist says, "will baptize you with fire. He will take you toGod; he will help you to go upwards." It is difficult -- an uphill task. Beforeanybody can go uphill, he has to learn how to go downhill. Before one is ready tobe baptized by fire, one has to be ready and baptized by water. If you cannot godownwards, you cannot go upwards. <strong>To</strong> go downwards is very easy, to just waitand receive is easy, but if even that is difficult, then what to say about goinguphill? It is going to be very difficult.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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