Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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He has no condemnation of the bad. He says, "Judge ye not! " Moses is a greatjudge, and Jesus says, "Judge ye not, so that ye may not be judged." Moses says,"Don't do evil," and Jesus says, "Resist not the evil" -- very confusing. He musthave created great chaos. Wherever he moved he must have brought confusionand conflict to people's minds, he must have created anxiety. That's why theytook revenge and killed him; it is absolutely logical.Buddha was not killed in India, Mahavir was not killed -- sometimes a fewstones were thrown or things like that, but they were not killed, crucified. Theynever confused the mind so much as Jesus. They had something of the Moses inthem, and Jesus has nothing of the Moses in him. Mahavir has much of theMoses in him. He has something of the law and something of love, both.Jesus is pure love. That's why he was crucified. He had to be crucified -- suchpure love cannot be tolerated, such pure grace is impossible to bear; the verypresence is intolerable because it hurts. The very presence of Jesus throws you inconfusion, and the only way to protect yourself and defend yourself is to kill thisman, destroy this man.By destroying Jesus the people tried to live with Moses and law alone, and not bebothered by love. The day Jesus was crucified, it was nothing but an indicationthat the ordinary mind would like to live without love. Love was crucified, notJesus. He is just symbolic.There are many <strong>com</strong>plications. Jews have always been puzzled about why thisman Jesus influenced the whole world so much and he could not influence theJews at all. Jews are great scholars, their rabbis are great pundits, and they havebeen trying to prove that Jesus did not say a single new word, that all that hesaid is written in Jewish scriptures. Then why has this man be<strong>com</strong>e the very axisof humanity? What happened? -- it seems unbelievable.They are right in a way: Jesus has not said a single word that cannot be found inthe sayings of old rabbis. No, he has not said a single new word. But that is notwhere he is unique, he is unique in the way he has said it -- not the word, but theway he has asserted it. In the Old Testament you <strong>com</strong>e again and again acrossthe expression: "The Lord hath said...." But that is not characteristic of Jesus.Whenever he says this, he says, "I say unto you..." -- not, "The Lord...." He is theLord. The Old Testament says: "The Lord says this"; Jesus says, "I say unto you."The old rabbis stammer, Jesus speaks; the old rabbis have a borrowed glory,Jesus has his own. The old rabbis speak FROM authority; Jesus with authority --and that is a great difference.It is said that once the enemies of Jesus sent a man to catch hold of him and bringhim to the temple. He was teaching near the temple and a crowd had gathered.The man went there to catch hold of him, to imprison him, but the crowd was bigand he had to enter the crowd to reach the man -- it took time. While he waspenetrating the crowd, he had to hear what this man was saying. Then hestopped, he forgot that for which he had <strong>com</strong>e. Then it became impossible toimprison this man. He came back.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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