Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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Suddenly his whole science disappeared and he started believing in theimpossible. Even in his later life he used to shrug his shoulders: "It happens, butif you ask me as a scientist I cannot vouch for it. But it happens -- if you ask meas a man."In his last days he said, "If love exists, then God must also exist. If one impossibleis possible, then why not the other?" He died as a deeply humble and religiousman.Somebody asked him, "If you are born again, what would you like to be?"He said, "Not a scientist again. I would rather be a plumber."What is he saying? He is saying that he has seen the falsity of all logic and he hasseen the futility of all scientific argument.What he is saying that he has seenthrough and through that cause and effect maybe the base, but they are not thepinnacles. The real temple the real mystery of life, moves through love, prayer,happiness -- all impossibles. If you think of them you cannot believe, but if youallow them to happen then a great trust and a great grace arises in you.Moses is the law. The society cannot exist without Moses, he is a must. Thesociety cannot afford to lose him; the society would be a chaos without a Moses.He is absolutely needed, he is the very foundation. BUT JESUS IS LOVE. Mosesis needed, is necessary, but not enough. If Moses alone rules the world, the worldwill be not worth living.Jesus. A breeze from the unknown -nobody knows from where it <strong>com</strong>es, nobodyknows where it goes. A penetration of eternity into time -the entry of themysterious into the known.Jesus cannot <strong>com</strong>e without Moses, remember. Moses will be needed. He is thebread, but the bread has nothing of romance in it. The wine -that is the romance,the poetry, the dance, the celebration, the joy, the ecstasy.Yes, Moses cannot exist without Jesus... Jesus cannot exist without Moses. That'swhy Jesus says again and again, "I have <strong>com</strong>e to fulfil, not to destroy." Moses wasjust a foundation. Jesus raises the temple of God in it.Moses is the absolutely right citizen, the good man. Jesus is not so good.Sometimes one suspects whether he is good or bad; he confuses. He moves withdrunkards, he stays with a prostitute. No, never... you cannot conceive of Mosesdoing that. Moses is an absolutely right man, but thats where he missessomething: the beauty, the freedom. He always moves on the right track, he is arailway line. Jesus is like a river. He changes -sometimes left, sometimes right,sometimes he changes the path <strong>com</strong>pletely.Moses is absolutely believable; Jesus not so. Sometimes one suspects whether thisman is right or wrong. That was the problem for the Jews. They had lived on thebread of Moses, they had followed Moses and his Ten Commandments, and nowthis man <strong>com</strong>es and says, "I am the fulfillment of all that has preceded me," and,"I have <strong>com</strong>e not to destroy, but to fulfill." But what type of fulfillment is this? Hedoes not look like Moses at all.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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