Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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And when God happens, everything happens: the trees, the stars, the rivers. Andto me, to be capable of enjoying is the door. Serious people have never beenknown to have reached Him. Seriousness is the barrier -- the wrong attitude.Anything that makes you serious is irreligious. Don't go to a church that makesyou serious.It happened once:A woman purchased a parrot, but by the time she reachedhome she was very much puzzled, worried. She had paid a good price for it; theparrot was beautiful. Everything was good, only one thing was very dangerous --once in a while the parrot would say loudly, "I am a very wicked woman." Thiswas something!The woman lived alone. And she was a very religious woman -- otherwise whylive alone? She was a very serious woman, and this parrot would say again andagain -- and even passers-by would hear and listen -- and the parrot would say,"I am a very, very wicked woman."She went to the vicar because he was the only source of her wisdom andknowledge and information. She said, "This is very bad, and I am puzzled aboutwhat to do. The parrot is beautiful and everything is good except this."The vicar said, "Don`t be worried. I have two very religious parrots. Look!" -- onewas in his cage tolling the bell and another was praying in his cage. Veryreligious people -- "<strong>You</strong> bring your parrot. Good <strong>com</strong>pany always helps. Leaveyour parrot for a few days here with these religious people, and later on you cantake your parrot back."The woman liked the idea. She agreed brought the parrot, and the vicarintroduced the parrot to his parrots. But before he could say anything, the parrotsaid, "I am a very, very wicked woman."The vicar was also nonplussed -- what to do? In that moment the parrot whowas praying stopped praying and said to the other parrot, "<strong>You</strong> fool! Stop tollingthe bell, our prayers are fulfilled." They were praying for a woman! "Stop tollingthe bell; the prayer is answered!".In fact whenever you see somebody praying, suspect something has gone wrong.They are praying for a woman, praying for money; praying for something,praying for happiness. A really happy person does not pray. Happiness is hisprayer, and there cannot be a higher or a greater prayer than just to be happy.A happy person does not know anything about god, does not know anythingabout prayer. His happiness is his God, his happiness is his prayer-he is fulfilled.Be happy and you will be religious: happiness is the goal.I am a hedonist, and as far as I see it, all those who have known have alwaysbeen hedonists, whatsoever they say. A Buddha, a Jesus, a Krishna -- allhedonists. God is the ultimate in hedonism, He is the peakest peak of beinghappy.Drop all the conditioning that you carry with you. And don't try to condemnyour parents because that won't help. <strong>You</strong> are a victim of there conditioning, butwhat could they have done? They where victims of there on conditionings of<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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