Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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But because of him.... And Jesus was to follow him, Jesus was a disciple of hisown disciple. He was initiated by John the Baptist because John the Baptistpreceded him. He became linked. Then he had to use the same terminology. Itwas almost certain that he would be misunderstood.John the Baptist died in prison, beheaded. Jesus died on the cross -- killed,murdered. John the Baptist was also talking about the kingdom of God. Ofcourse he was not aggressive, but the very terminology appeared political. Hewas a very innocent man, nothing to do with politics.But John the Baptist helped in a way. Jesus could work because all the disciplesof John the Baptist were ready to receive him, he was not a stranger. John theBaptist had created a small opening, a small clearance in the wilderness ofhumanity. When he came he was received; there was a home ready for him -- afew people receptive to him. That would not have been possible if he had <strong>com</strong>ealone without a predecessor. But the home was made by John the Baptist and thedisciples whom he attracted were attracted by him. That created the trouble.This is the oldest format: the Master is preceded by a disciple who functions as apredecessor and prepares the ground. Because of its defects and limitations,there has been another, the opposite.Ramakrishna is succeeded by Vivekanand; he is not preceded by anybody. TheMaster <strong>com</strong>es first, then the disciple follows. This has its own benefits becausethe Master creates the whole climate, the Master creates the whole possibility ofgrowth -- how the thing is to go. He gives language, pattern, direction,dimension.But there are defects because the Master is infinite and when the disciple <strong>com</strong>eshe is very finite. Then the disciple has to choose, because he cannot move in alldirections. The Master may be showing all the directions, he may be leading youtowards infinity, but when the disciple <strong>com</strong>es he has to choose, he has to select,and then he forces his own pattern on it.Ramakrishna was succeeded by Vivekanand. Ramakrishna is one of the greatestflowerings that has ever happened; Vivekanand is the prophet. Ramakrishna isthe messiah, but Vivekanand set the whole trend. Vivekanand's own inclinationswere extrovert, not introvert. His own inclinations were more towards socialreformation, political change. He was more interested in bringing riches to thepeople, destroying poverty and hunger and starvation. He turned the wholetrend around.The Ramakrishna Mission is not true to Ramakrishna; the Ramakrishna Missionis true to Vivekanand. Now the Ramakrishna Mission functions as a socialservice. Wherever there is famine, they are there to serve people. Whenever thereis an earthquake, they are there to serve people. Whenever there is flood -- andthere is no lack of these things in India -- they are there. They are good servants,but Ramakrishna's inward revolution has <strong>com</strong>pletely disappeared into the desertland of Vivekanand.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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