Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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mad, in a rage, just put on a classical record. Play it and it will soothe him, andhe will be perfectly calmed down."The farmer couldn't believe it -- that this was going to be so -- but it had to betried, so he tried it. It worked! Immediately the ram would become silent andcool down.For one year there was no trouble. Then one day the shepherd came running andsaid, "Something has gone wrong -- I don't know what. The ram has killedhimself! As usual, seeing that he was getting in a rage again, I had put a recordon. But he worsened. Then he became more and more mad and he simplycharged into the wall. His neck is broken -- he is dead."The farmer went there. The ram was Iying dead there near the wall. Then helooked on the gramophone to see what record was there. There had been aterrible mistake: it was not classical music, but Frank Sinatra's record...singing:'There Shall Never Be Another Like You'. That created the trouble.'There shall never be another like you' -- the ego is the cause of all madness,unhappiness, misery. That is going to be the cause of your death, that is going tobreak your neck.You can cope with it if it is lukewarm. My whole effort is to bring it to a peakwhere you cannot cope with it. Either you have to drop it, or you will drop. Andwhenever such a choice arises -- that you have to drop the misery or you have todrop yourself -- you will drop the misery.And with the misery: the ego, the ignorance, the unawareness -- they alldisappear. They are names of the same phenomenon.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

Come Follow To You, Vol 1Chapter #9Chapter title: Go thou and preach the kingdom of god29 October 1975 am in Buddha HallLUKE 957 AND IT CAME TO PASS, THAT, AS THEY WENT IN THE WAY, ACERTAIN MAN SAID UNTO HIM, LORD, I WILL FOLLOW THEEWHITHERSOEVER THOU GOEST.58 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, FOXES HAVE HOLES, AND BIRDS OF THEAIR HAVE NESTS; BUT THE SON OF MAN HATH NOT WHERE TO LAY HISHEAD.59 AND HE SAID UNTO ANOTHER, FOLLOW ME. BUT HE SAID, LORD,SUFFER ME FIRST TO GO AND BURY MY FATHER.60 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD: BUTGO THOU AND PREACH THE KINGDOM OF GOD.61 AND ANOTHER ALSO SAID, LORD, I WILL FOLLOW THEE; BUT LET MEFIRST GO BID THEM FAREWELL, WHICH ARE AT HOME AT MY HOUSE.62 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, No MAN, HAVING PUT HIS HAND TO THEPLOUGH, AND LOOKING BACK, IS FIT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD.ONCE A MAN owned a very big pond. A small lily plant was growing on it. Theman was very happy; he had always liked the white flowers of lilies. But then hebecame very concerned because the plant was doubling itself every day: sooneror later it would cover the whole pond. He had trout in the pond and he loved toeat those trout. Once the pond was covered by the lilies all the life woulddisappear from it, including the trout.He didn't want to cut the plants, he didn't want his trout to disappear -- he wasin a dilemma. He went to an expert. The expert calculated and said, "Don't beworried. It will take one thousand days for the lily to cover the whole pond. Theplant is very small and the pond is very big, so there is no need to worry." Thenthe expert suggested a solution which appeared absolutely right. He said, "Wait,and when half the pond is covered with lilies, then cut the plant. Always keep itonly half-covered so that you will enjoy the white flowers and your trout will notbe in danger. Fifty-fifty -- half the pond for the lilies, half for the trout."The solution looked perfectly right, and one thousand days -- there was enoughtime, so there was no need to worry. The man relaxed. He said, "When the pondis half-covered, then I will cut the lilies."The pond was half-covered -- but it was half-covered on the nine hundredninety-ninth day. Ordinarily you would think that it would be half-covered afterCome Follow To You Vol 1Osho

<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong>, <strong>Vol</strong> 1Chapter #9Chapter title: Go thou and preach the kingdom of god29 October 1975 am in Buddha HallLUKE 957 AND IT CAME TO PASS, THAT, AS THEY WENT IN THE WAY, ACERTAIN MAN SAID UNTO HIM, LORD, I WILL FOLLOW THEEWHITHERSOEVER THOU GOEST.58 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, FOXES HAVE HOLES, AND BIRDS OF THEAIR HAVE NESTS; BUT THE SON OF MAN HATH NOT WHERE TO LAY HISHEAD.59 AND HE SAID UNTO ANOTHER, FOLLOW ME. BUT HE SAID, LORD,SUFFER ME FIRST TO GO AND BURY MY FATHER.60 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, LET THE DEAD BURY THEIR DEAD: BUTGO THOU AND PREACH THE KINGDOM OF GOD.61 AND ANOTHER ALSO SAID, LORD, I WILL FOLLOW THEE; BUT LET MEFIRST GO BID THEM FAREWELL, WHICH ARE AT HOME AT MY HOUSE.62 AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, No MAN, HAVING PUT HIS HAND TO THEPLOUGH, AND LOOKING BACK, IS FIT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD.ONCE A MAN owned a very big pond. A small lily plant was growing on it. Theman was very happy; he had always liked the white flowers of lilies. But then hebecame very concerned because the plant was doubling itself every day: sooneror later it would cover the whole pond. He had trout in the pond and he loved toeat those trout. Once the pond was covered by the lilies all the life woulddisappear from it, including the trout.He didn't want to cut the plants, he didn't want his trout to disappear -- he wasin a dilemma. He went to an expert. The expert calculated and said, "Don't beworried. It will take one thousand days for the lily to cover the whole pond. Theplant is very small and the pond is very big, so there is no need to worry." Thenthe expert suggested a solution which appeared absolutely right. He said, "Wait,and when half the pond is covered with lilies, then cut the plant. Always keep itonly half-covered so that you will enjoy the white flowers and your trout will notbe in danger. Fifty-fifty -- half the pond for the lilies, half for the trout."The solution looked perfectly right, and one thousand days -- there was enoughtime, so there was no need to worry. The man relaxed. He said, "When the pondis half-covered, then I will cut the lilies."The pond was half-covered -- but it was half-covered on the nine hundredninety-ninth day. Ordinarily you would think that it would be half-covered after<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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