Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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When Jesus <strong>com</strong>es -- a man of consciousness, a man of learning not of knowledge-- Judas is bound to be there. He's a scholar, the man of knowledge. He musthave felt many times that he knew more than Jesus. And maybe he was rightalso.He may know more, but he does not know the state of knowing. He knows onlyknowledge, dead information. He is a collector of dead information. He willbetray Jesus.And, of course, when Jesus is there, there will be women who will love himdeeply: a Mary Magdalen, a Martha. They are bound to be there becausewhenever a man the quality of Jesus arises, that quality has to be understood firstby women and then by men. Trust is the door to it, and women are moretrusting, more innocently trusting.That's why it is so difficult to find a woman scientist. Sometimes a MadameCurie happens -- that must be a freak of nature. Or the woman may not havebeen much of a woman.Deep down, a woman is a poet. Not that she writes poetry. She lives it. And sheknows how to trust -- it <strong>com</strong>es easy to her, it <strong>com</strong>es spontaneously to her. In fact,for a woman to doubt is a difficult training. She will have to learn it from a man,just like she will have to learn science from a man. She is illogical, irrational.Those are not good qualities as far as the world is concerned -- they aredisqualifications in the world -- but as far as the inner kingdom of God isconcerned, they are the qualifications.Man cannot have both worlds. At the most he can have one where he's topmost:the outer world. He can have it, but then he will have to lose the other. There hecannot be the top; he will have to follow women.Have you seen Jesus being crucified? No male disciple was near him, onlywomen -- because the male disciples started doubting. This man cured illnesses,this man revived dead people, and now he cannot save himself? Then what is thepoint of believing in him and trusting in him?They were waiting for a miracle. They were hiding in the crowd and waiting fora miracle, for something miraculous to happen. Then they would have believed.They needed proof and the proof never happened; Jesus simply died like anordinary man.But the women were not waiting for any proof. Jesus was enough proof, therewas no need for any miracle. HE was the miracle. They could see the miracle thathappened that moment -- that Jesus died with such deep love and <strong>com</strong>passion.Even for his murderers he had a prayer in his heart. His last words were, "God,forgive them because they don't know what they are doing."The miracle had happened, but for the male eye it never happened. The womenaround there understood immediately. They trusted this man and this man'sinnermost heart was opened to them. They understood that the miracle hadhappened. The man had been crucified and he was dying with love, which is the<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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