Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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AND IT CAME TO PASS, AS JESUS SAT AT MEAT IN THE HOUSE, BEHOLD,MANY PUBLICANS AND SINNERS CAME AND SAT DOWN WITH HIMAND HIS DISCIPLES.This has to be understood. It is a very delicate point: that whenever a man likeJesus is on the earth, sinners recognize him before your so-called righteouspeople -- because sinners have nothing to lose except their sins. Sinners don'thave opinionated minds; they don't have theologies and scriptures. Sinners havea sense that their lives have been futile, sinners have an urgency to repent andreturn.But the so-called respectable people -- trustees of temples and churches, mayors,politicians, leaders, pundits, scholars -- have much to lose and no urgency ofbeing, no intensity to transform themselves -- no desire in fact. They are dull anddead. Sinners are more alive than your so-called saints, and sinners are morecourageous than your so-called saints. To come near, to come close to Jesus,needs courage.Have you watched that your so-called saints are not really religious, but simplypeople who are afraid? Afraid of hell, afraid of God's punishment... or greedy,greedy and ambitious to achieve heaven: the awards and blessings of God. Butthey are not truly religious. When you are truly religious you don't bother abouthell and heaven, you don't bother about anything. This very moment you are sodeeply in heaven -- who bothers about the heaven which comes after death?Sinners are more courageous, they risk. And, BEHOLD, many PUBLICANSAND SINNERS CAME AND SAT DOWN WITH HIM AND HIS DISCIPLES.AND WHEN THE PHARISEES SAW IT -- the respectable people, the righteous --THEY SAID UNTO HIS DISCIPLES, WHY EATETH YOUR MASTER WITHPUBLICANS AND SINNERS?Their mind is always concerned with such foolish things: with whom you areeating, with whom you are sitting. They don't look directly into Jesus; they aremore interested in whom he is sitting with. He is sitting with sinners -- that istheir problem now. Jesus does not create any ripple in their being, but the sinnerscreate anxiety. How can they come and sit with this Master?Sinners are there. The condemned people for whom they have invented hell aresitting there. Your so-called saints won't allow those sinners to be so close --never. They would not like to be in their company at all. Why? Why are yoursaints so afraid of sinners?They are afraid of their own inner fear, afraid that if they are with sinners it ismore possible that the sinners WILL CONVERT THEM than the possibility of thesinners being converted by the saints. They are afraid. They are afraid of thesinner inside them. That's why there is the fear of the sinner outside. Alwaysremember that whatsoever you say ultimately refers to you, not to anything else.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

If you are afraid to go to a place where drunkards gather together, it showssimply that you have a certain tendency towards alcohol, intoxicants, and youare afraid. Otherwise why fear? -- you can be at ease there. Nobody can corruptyou except yourself.THEY SAID UNTO HIS DISCIPLES.... This too has to be remembered: theydidn't say it to him. I know those Pharisees who are around. They will say it toyou, they will not come to say it to me. They say it to the disciples -- becauseeven to come to Jesus to say it is dangerous. The man may hypnotize you, it isrisky -- just talk to the disciples. Such impotent people have become important;they hold all the key posts in the world, they hold all power, and they areabsolutely impotent. They are not even ready to come and face Jesus.WHY EATETH YOUR MASTER WITH PUBLICANS AND SINNERS? -- as ifsinners are not human beings. And as if they themselves are not sinners. Who isthere who can say, "I am not a sinner"? To be here in this world is to be somehowor other involved in sin. Nobody can claim otherwise.When the whole humanity is involved in sin, how can you be out of it? You arepart. If sin is happening somewhere, I am part of it because I am part ofhumanity. I create the climate -- maybe a very tiny part of it, but I also create theclimate. A Vietnam happens: I am part of it; I am the sinner. How can I think ofmyself as out of it? Whatsoever any human being is doing anywhere, he is partof me and I am part of him. We are members of each other.A real saint always feels humble because he knows that he is also a sinner. Onlya false saint feels proud and thinks that he is above. Nobody is above. If there isany God, He must be part of your sin also. And He knows it, because He isinvolved in you. He beats in your heart, He breathes in you, and if you commitsin, He is a part of it. Only so-called saints -- dummies, not real -- can thinkotherwise and be proud.BUT WHEN JESUS HEARD THAT, HE SAID UNTO THEM, THEY THAT BEWHOLE NEED NOT A PHYSICIAN, BUT THEY THAT ARE SICK.He simply said, "Those who are sick need the physician. I am the physician, sothe sick people have come to me." It should be the criterion: around a saint,sinners will gather together. This should be the criterion. If you see a saint andonly respectable people are around him, he is no saint at all. The physician isfalse, because whenever a great physician comes into the world, people who areill are bound to rush to him. They are bound to crowd the man because theirneed is there. They want to be whole and healed, and the physician has come.THEY THAT BE WHOLE NEED NOT A PHYSICIAN, BUT THEY THAT ARESICK. But the reverse is not true, remember. A sinner needs a saint, but if youthink that you don't need a saint, it does not mean that you are not a sinner. Asick man seeks a physician and there is no need for a healthy man to seek aphysician, but, just by not seeking a physician, don't deceive yourself that youCome Follow To You Vol 1Osho

AND IT CAME TO PASS, AS JESUS SAT AT MEAT IN THE HOUSE, BEHOLD,MANY PUBLICANS AND SINNERS CAME AND SAT DOWN WITH HIMAND HIS DISCIPLES.This has to be understood. It is a very delicate point: that whenever a man likeJesus is on the earth, sinners recognize him before your so-called righteouspeople -- because sinners have nothing to lose except their sins. Sinners don'thave opinionated minds; they don't have theologies and scriptures. Sinners havea sense that their lives have been futile, sinners have an urgency to repent andreturn.But the so-called respectable people -- trustees of temples and churches, mayors,politicians, leaders, pundits, scholars -- have much to lose and no urgency ofbeing, no intensity to transform themselves -- no desire in fact. They are dull anddead. Sinners are more alive than your so-called saints, and sinners are morecourageous than your so-called saints. <strong>To</strong> <strong>com</strong>e near, to <strong>com</strong>e close to Jesus,needs courage.Have you watched that your so-called saints are not really religious, but simplypeople who are afraid? Afraid of hell, afraid of God's punishment... or greedy,greedy and ambitious to achieve heaven: the awards and blessings of God. Butthey are not truly religious. When you are truly religious you don't bother abouthell and heaven, you don't bother about anything. This very moment you are sodeeply in heaven -- who bothers about the heaven which <strong>com</strong>es after death?Sinners are more courageous, they risk. And, BEHOLD, many PUBLICANSAND SINNERS CAME AND SAT DOWN WITH HIM AND HIS DISCIPLES.AND WHEN THE PHARISEES SAW IT -- the respectable people, the righteous --THEY SAID UNTO HIS DISCIPLES, WHY EATETH YOUR MASTER WITHPUBLICANS AND SINNERS?Their mind is always concerned with such foolish things: with whom you areeating, with whom you are sitting. They don't look directly into Jesus; they aremore interested in whom he is sitting with. He is sitting with sinners -- that istheir problem now. Jesus does not create any ripple in their being, but the sinnerscreate anxiety. How can they <strong>com</strong>e and sit with this Master?Sinners are there. The condemned people for whom they have invented hell aresitting there. <strong>You</strong>r so-called saints won't allow those sinners to be so close --never. They would not like to be in their <strong>com</strong>pany at all. Why? Why are yoursaints so afraid of sinners?They are afraid of their own inner fear, afraid that if they are with sinners it ismore possible that the sinners WILL CONVERT THEM than the possibility of thesinners being converted by the saints. They are afraid. They are afraid of thesinner inside them. That's why there is the fear of the sinner outside. Alwaysremember that whatsoever you say ultimately refers to you, not to anything else.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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