Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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zoo. He wrote a big book, a great treatise. The title was THE DIVINEELEPHANT. It was written in the form of poetry and he quoted great Sanskritbooks, from the Vedas to Shree Aurobindo. Anybody who read the book had theimpression that this man had never seen an elephant. He was a poet, he mayhave seen one in his dreams. He talked about the elephant which was seen byBuddha's mother before he was conceived -- mythology, a white elephant.And last of all, the Germans. They appointed six professors of philosophy towrite the book. They went all over the world, to all the museums and libraries, tostudy everything that is written about the elephant. They never went to see anyelephant or any zoo -- just museums and libraries. They searched all over, theytook almost six years, and they wrote a book -- twelve volumes, almost anEncyclopaedia Britannica. The title of the book was A SHORT INTRODUCTIONTO THE STUDY OF THE ELEPHANT! Professors of philosophy -- what do theyhave to do with elephants? And that, too, a short introduction -- a prolegomena.It was not even about the elephant. It was just an INTRODUCTION to the studyof the elephant.When a Jesus <strong>com</strong>es, you are already too much in the know. <strong>You</strong> have read thebooks, you have listened to the scholars, you have listened to the priests. <strong>You</strong> aretoo full of ideas and when Jesus, or a man like Jesus, <strong>com</strong>es, you simply cannotrecognize him. The live animal is there and you have be<strong>com</strong>e too addicted to thedead bones. <strong>To</strong> recognize Jesus means you will have to put aside all that youknow already.Jesus was not murdered by bad men, he was not murdered by criminals; he wasmurdered by very respectable rabbis. In fact, religious people killed him.Religion is never in danger from irreligious people because they don't botherabout it. Religion is always in danger from the so-called religious, because theirwhole life is at stake. If Jesus is right, then all the rabbis are wrong. If Jesus isright, then the whole tradition is wrong. If Jesus is right, then the whole Churchis wrong.Everybody stands against Jesus. Jesus is always alone, very alone. <strong>You</strong> cannotunderstand his aloneness. Whatsoever you know about aloneness is a physicalaloneness. Sometimes no one is in the house, the house is dark, and you arealone. The electricity has also gone so you cannot put on the light, you cannotput on the radio or the TV. <strong>You</strong> are suddenly thrown into aloneness. But this is aphysical sense of aloneness; you don't know what Jesus feels.He is spiritually alone, amidst strangers, where it is so difficult to find a friendwho will recognize you. He goes on looking into each and everybody he meetson the path, penetrating, gazing deep in the eyes. Nobody recognizes him,nobody understands him. Rather, people misunderstand him. They are ready tojump into misunderstanding, but nobody is ready in any way to understand him.Whenever there is a religious being, the so-called religious are all against him.They would like to kill him immediately so the danger is avoided and theirsecurity again be<strong>com</strong>es certain.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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