Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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not transform you. You can carry the belief for your whole life: it will be a part ofyour junkyard; it won't change you.Trust, faith, is different. Belief is intellectual; trust is existential. But how can youcome to trust unless you come close to a man who can bear witness, who can sayfrom his very depths of being that "Yes, God is"? If you allow yourself to becomevulnerable to him, and his being stirs something within you, then a trust is born.THE SAME CAME FOR A WITNESS -- John became a witness -- TO BEARWITNESS OF THE LIGHT.... He has known the Light, he is coming from theLight. And remember, whosoever knows the Light also knows that he is comingfrom the Light, because there is no other way of being here.You may not be knowing it, but you also come from the Light. That is the verysource -- the seed and the source of all life. You may be unaware, you may haveforgotten, you may have become completely oblivious of the fact of where youcome from -- the source is so far away that you don't remember at all -- butwhosoever within you will become aware of the Light will immediately becomeaware that "I am coming from Him." In fact he will immediately become awarethat "I am Him; I am He. My father and I are one."As above, so below. He will claim, just as the seers of the Upanishads haveclaimed: "AHAM BRAHMASMI... I am that." Or he will say, like Mansoor:"ANALAHAK... I am the truth." Or like Jesus: "I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE."Jesus says, "If you trust me, you have trusted Him who has sent me; if you loveme, you have loved the one that you know not."THE SAME CAME FOR A WITNESS, TO BEAR WITNESS OF THE LIGHT,THAT ALL MEN THROUGH HIM MIGHT BELIEVE. John is a door, a window,from whom you can have a glimpse of the faraway Himalayan peaks.HE WAS NOT THAT LIGHT, BUT WAS SENT TO BEAR WITNESS OF THATLIGHT.This has to be understood, this is one of the really significant things. Whenever aman like Jesus comes, he is always preceded by someone who prepares theground. It has to be so because a ready ground is needed. Life is a deepcontinuity; everything is related, it is one whole. John came to prepare theground because many weeds were there. Grass was growing, a thousand andone types of trees trespassed the whole land. They had to be cut -- weedsremoved, the soil changed. Only then could the gardener come and sow the newseeds.Whenever there is a man like Jesus, he is always preceded. So the gospel says:HE WAS NOT THAT LIGHT, BUT WAS SENT TO BEAR WITNESS OF THATLIGHT -- he had come to prepare the ground.HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN, BUT HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.He has come to help; he has come to fulfill the aspiration of ages. He has comeunto his own... BUT HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT. This is something veryironical, but it has always happened. Jesus is born a Jew: Jews will not acceptCome Follow To You Vol 1Osho

him. Buddha was born a Hindu: Hindus will not accept him. This is how it hasalways been. Why? Because whenever a man like Jesus or Buddha is born, he issuch a rebellion that all that is established is shaken.An ordinary man lives in the past -- and for the ordinary man the past is moreimportant because the past is already established, grounded. He has much atstake in the past, much investment in the past. For example, if I suddenly cometo you and tell you that the way you have been praying is wrong, and you haveprayed that way for fifty years -- now there is much at stake. To believe me willbe to believe that your fifty years have been useless. To believe me will be todisbelieve fifty years of your own life; to believe me will be to believe that youhave been a fool for fifty years. This is too much! You will fight, you will defend.And when it is a question of a race.... Thousands of years the race has been doingcertain things, and then a Jesus comes and he throws things upside down.Everything is again a chaos. He melts all that is established, uproots all that wasthought to be very significant, creates confusion. He has to, because he has nowbrought you the right thing. But you have been believing that something elsewas right for so many centuries. What to choose -- Jesus or your own long past?What to choose -- Jesus or the tradition?Do you know from where the word `tradition' comes? It comes from the sameroot as the word `trade'. It also comes from the same root as the word `traitor'.Tradition is a trade, it is a business -- and tradition is also a betrayal.Tradition believes in certain things which are not true -- tradition is a traitor totruth -- so whenever truth comes, there is conflict. You can see this here. I amborn a Jain, but Jains won't accept me. Here you can find Christians, Jews,Mohammedans, Hindus, Buddhists, but very few Jains. Impossible for them toaccept me. HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN, BUT HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.Jains are too much against me. Hindus are not so much against me but they arealso, a little. But Christians -- no. Jews -- not at all. The further away you go, theless is the antagonism. I am born a Jain -- Jains are a small community,surrounded from everywhere by Hindus; Jains are almost Hindus -- so Jains willbe very antagonistic, Hindus a little less, and Mohammedans, Christians andJews not so much.The further away you go, the less will be the antagonism. Hence you canunderstand why so many people from so many countries are here and not somany Indians. With Indians there is a problem: their tradition is at stake. If theybelieve me, then their tradition -- they will have to lose it.That's why you will see more young people near me and less old people, becauseyoung people do not have much investment in their past. In fact, a young man islooking for the future, an old man looking after the past. A young man has afuture; an old man has only a past. The future means death: his whole life is past.So whenever a man of seventy comes to me, it is very difficult to change himbecause seventy years will be fighting me. When a small boy of seven comes, alittle Siddharth, there is nothing to fight. He can surrender absolutely, there isCome Follow To You Vol 1Osho

him. Buddha was born a Hindu: Hindus will not accept him. This is how it hasalways been. Why? Because whenever a man like Jesus or Buddha is born, he issuch a rebellion that all that is established is shaken.An ordinary man lives in the past -- and for the ordinary man the past is moreimportant because the past is already established, grounded. He has much atstake in the past, much investment in the past. For example, if I suddenly <strong>com</strong>eto you and tell you that the way you have been praying is wrong, and you haveprayed that way for fifty years -- now there is much at stake. <strong>To</strong> believe me willbe to believe that your fifty years have been useless. <strong>To</strong> believe me will be todisbelieve fifty years of your own life; to believe me will be to believe that youhave been a fool for fifty years. This is too much! <strong>You</strong> will fight, you will defend.And when it is a question of a race.... Thousands of years the race has been doingcertain things, and then a Jesus <strong>com</strong>es and he throws things upside down.Everything is again a chaos. He melts all that is established, uproots all that wasthought to be very significant, creates confusion. He has to, because he has nowbrought you the right thing. But you have been believing that something elsewas right for so many centuries. What to choose -- Jesus or your own long past?What to choose -- Jesus or the tradition?Do you know from where the word `tradition' <strong>com</strong>es? It <strong>com</strong>es from the sameroot as the word `trade'. It also <strong>com</strong>es from the same root as the word `traitor'.Tradition is a trade, it is a business -- and tradition is also a betrayal.Tradition believes in certain things which are not true -- tradition is a traitor totruth -- so whenever truth <strong>com</strong>es, there is conflict. <strong>You</strong> can see this here. I amborn a Jain, but Jains won't accept me. Here you can find Christians, Jews,Mohammedans, Hindus, Buddhists, but very few Jains. Impossible for them toaccept me. HE CAME UNTO HIS OWN, BUT HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT.Jains are too much against me. Hindus are not so much against me but they arealso, a little. But Christians -- no. Jews -- not at all. The further away you go, theless is the antagonism. I am born a Jain -- Jains are a small <strong>com</strong>munity,surrounded from everywhere by Hindus; Jains are almost Hindus -- so Jains willbe very antagonistic, Hindus a little less, and Mohammedans, Christians andJews not so much.The further away you go, the less will be the antagonism. Hence you canunderstand why so many people from so many countries are here and not somany Indians. With Indians there is a problem: their tradition is at stake. If theybelieve me, then their tradition -- they will have to lose it.That's why you will see more young people near me and less old people, becauseyoung people do not have much investment in their past. In fact, a young man islooking for the future, an old man looking after the past. A young man has afuture; an old man has only a past. The future means death: his whole life is past.So whenever a man of seventy <strong>com</strong>es to me, it is very difficult to change himbecause seventy years will be fighting me. When a small boy of seven <strong>com</strong>es, alittle Siddharth, there is nothing to fight. He can surrender absolutely, there is<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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