Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Oshorajneesh.com


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the individual, it is a new being arising and expanding in the individual. <strong>You</strong>have a new look, you have new eyes through it. <strong>You</strong> can see the old problems,but they disappear. Not that they are solved -- they simply disappear, theydissolve. With a new eye, they cannot be there. <strong>You</strong> have a new vision, a newdimension.These things have to be remembered because when a Jesus -- a man like Jesus --<strong>com</strong>es, these things be<strong>com</strong>e the problem.I have heard an Arabian proverb: it says -- "Show a man too many camels' bones,or show them to him too often, and he will not be able to recognize a camel whenhe <strong>com</strong>es across a live one.""Show a man camels' bones too many times, or too often, and" -- the Arabiansaying says -- "that man will not be able to recognize a camel when he <strong>com</strong>esacross a live one." This happens when a Jesus <strong>com</strong>es to the world. <strong>You</strong> have seenso many phoney priests, you have seen so many hocus-pocus preachers, youhave seen so many scholars, not knowing anything but creating much fuss aboutit, that when a Jesus <strong>com</strong>es you cannot recognize him. Whenever a Jesus or aBuddha <strong>com</strong>es, it be<strong>com</strong>es almost impossible to recognize him. For the majority,it is almost impossible. Only a few rare beings who have some potentiality orwho are a little alert -- only they can have a few glimpses:<strong>To</strong> recognize a Jesus is a great achievement because that means you have acertain consciousness which can relate to Jesus. <strong>You</strong> have a certain quality whichcan relate to Jesus: you are already on the way to be<strong>com</strong>ing a Jesus yourself. <strong>You</strong>can only recognize that which you already have within you -- opening,flowering. It may be just a bud, but you can recognize a little bit; your eyes arenot <strong>com</strong>pletely closed.There are priests who are Pretenders. <strong>To</strong> them, religion is a trade. It is alivelihood, not their life. <strong>To</strong> Jesus, religion is life; to the rabbis, to the priests, it isa livelihood. Then there are scholars who go on talking about nothing -- and theycan talk so much, they are so articulate, that you will never be able to recognizethe fact that, deep within, they are empty.I have heard about one international <strong>com</strong>petition. A <strong>com</strong>petition was arrangedand essays were invited from many countries. The subject of the <strong>com</strong>petition was'The Elephant'. The Englishman immediately went to South Africa with camerasand a group of followers, and he investigated the whole thing. He came backafter six months and wrote a book -- wellprinted, illustrated. The title of the bookwas HUNTING THE ELEPHANT IN SOUTH AFRICA.The Frenchman never went anywhere. He simply went, every day, to visit theelephant house in the zoo in Paris. After two or three weeks he started to write abook -- a very carelessly printed book, not even hard-cover, just a paperback. Thetitle of the book was THE LOVE LIFE OF THE ELEPHANT.The Indian, who had been appointed by the Indian Government, was a man whohad never seen an elephant because he had always remained in the Himalayas.He was a great yogi and poet and Sanskrit scholar. He never even went to the<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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