Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -

Come Follow To You, Vol 1 - Come Follow To You, Vol 1 -
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social. Never try to be somebody else. Just try to find out who you are and allowit, accept it, welcome it, delight in it, relish it, so that it is nourished, so that itgrows. Through you, God is trying to become somebody He has never triedbefore.God is not repetitive; His creativity is infinite. He never drives the same modelagain -- He is not a Henry Ford. He is absolutely inventive; every day He goes ontrying the new, the fresh. He never bothers to repeat a model again, He alwaysgoes on improving. He is a great innovator. That's what creativity is. So don't tryto become a Jesus -- because then God won't receive you.One Hassid was dying. His name was Josiah. Somebody asked him, "Have youprayed to God, have you made your peace with God? Are you certain that Moseswill be a witness to you? "Josiah looked at the questioner and said, "I am not worried about Moses becausewhen I am facing God I know perfectly well that He will not ask me, 'Josiah, whywere you not a Moses?' He will ask me. 'Josiah, why were you not a Josiah?' So Iam worried about myself. Stop talking nonsense! Moses -- what am I to do withMoses? My whole life has been wasted in it. Now I am dying and I am facing thereal question that He will ask me: 'Were you a Josiah or not? I made you to besomebody special, somebody unique. Did you achieve that peak or not? Haveyou missed the opportunity?'"God will certainly ask you. "Were you able to become yourself?" No otherquestion can be asked.Don't ask such questions: "Why did Jesus constantly talk in obscure parables?"He loves it that way! And a parable has to be obscure, dim, candle-lit. Too brighta light kills a parable; too much analysis kills. It is poetry."Was this a deliberate technique?" You can never go beyond the technique, youare too obsessed with the technique. Everything becomes a technique to you.This is the way Jesus is, it is not a question of technique. He is not following acertain technique -- he is not a follower of Dale Carnegie, he has never read thebook HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. He is not followinga technique, he was not an American.In America, everything has become a technique. Even if you want to make loveyou go and learn the technique. Can you imagine a more unfortunate day forhumanity? Even animals don't ask. They know perfectly well how to make love,they don't go to a school to learn the technique. But in America, everything hasbecome a technique. How to be friendly -- even that has to be learned. Is man socompletely lost that even friendship has to be learned?People come to me and I go on saying to them, "Laugh!" They ask me how tolaugh. How to laugh? -- learn from Swami Sardar Gurudayal, he is a perfectmaster! But I have come across the rumor that people don't allow him to laugh.They say, "Our meditation is disturbed." Because of laughter your meditation isdisturbed? Then it is not worth anything.Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

You have to learn everything. I think sooner or later you will have to learn howto breathe. It is possible because you follow many other things in the same way.You have to ask how to sleep, how to relax. They were natural one day, just likebreathing. Go and ask a primitive: he will simply laugh if you ask, "How do yougo so deeply into sleep?"He will say, "What a foolish question! I simply put my head down and go tosleep. There is no HOW to it."But you will say, "Still, there must be a trick because I try hard and nothinghappens. You must be knowing a secret which you are hiding."He is not hiding anything; that's how it happens. He simply puts down his headand goes to sleep. There is no gap between these two states.One day or another, man is going to ask how to breathe and then, if you say,'You just breathe; there is no HOW to it," he will not believe you. How to love,how to live, how to laugh, how to be happy -- these are all simple things, noHOW is needed. These are natural things, they are not techniques.This is how Jesus is. He loves the way he says his parables. He loves it! He knowshe has an intrinsic knack of telling parables.A parable is not arithmetic. It should not be too clear, otherwise the point is lost.It should be a persuasion, it should not be an advertisement. It should not arguebecause then the point is lost -- then why not argue, why say a parable? It shouldnot give proofs, it should only supply hints; and that, too, not completely. Just afew hints so that your being is challenged, you become alert.I have heard about Chuang Tzu that he was talking to his disciples and many ofthem were fast asleep, as disciples are. It must have been late at night and theywere tired, and Chuang Tzu was saying difficult things that were beyond them.When something is beyond you, it seems better to rest and sleep than to botherwith it.Suddenly Chuang Tzu became aware that many of the disciples were fast asleepand it was useless. They were even snoring and disturbing him. So he told aparable. He said: "Once it happened that a man had a donkey and he wastravelling on a pilgrimage towards some holy place. But he was very poor, and itcame to pass that he was hungry. No money was left, so he sold the donkey, onwhich he was riding, to another traveller who was rich. But the next afternoon,when the sun was very hot, the first owner rested in the shadow by the side ofthe donkey."The second owner said, 'This is not good. You have sold the donkey.'"The first owner said, 'I have sold the donkey, but not the shadow.' "Everybody became alert -- nobody was asleep, nobody was snoring. When youtalk about donkeys, donkeys hear it immediately! Chuang Tzu said, "I amfinished with the story. Now I come to my point."But they all said, "Wait! Please finish the story."Chuang Tzu said, "It was a parable, not a story. You are more interested indonkeys than you are in me".Come Follow To You Vol 1Osho

social. Never try to be somebody else. Just try to find out who you are and allowit, accept it, wel<strong>com</strong>e it, delight in it, relish it, so that it is nourished, so that itgrows. Through you, God is trying to be<strong>com</strong>e somebody He has never triedbefore.God is not repetitive; His creativity is infinite. He never drives the same modelagain -- He is not a Henry Ford. He is absolutely inventive; every day He goes ontrying the new, the fresh. He never bothers to repeat a model again, He alwaysgoes on improving. He is a great innovator. That's what creativity is. So don't tryto be<strong>com</strong>e a Jesus -- because then God won't receive you.One Hassid was dying. His name was Josiah. Somebody asked him, "Have youprayed to God, have you made your peace with God? Are you certain that Moseswill be a witness to you? "Josiah looked at the questioner and said, "I am not worried about Moses becausewhen I am facing God I know perfectly well that He will not ask me, 'Josiah, whywere you not a Moses?' He will ask me. 'Josiah, why were you not a Josiah?' So Iam worried about myself. Stop talking nonsense! Moses -- what am I to do withMoses? My whole life has been wasted in it. Now I am dying and I am facing thereal question that He will ask me: 'Were you a Josiah or not? I made you to besomebody special, somebody unique. Did you achieve that peak or not? Haveyou missed the opportunity?'"God will certainly ask you. "Were you able to be<strong>com</strong>e yourself?" No otherquestion can be asked.Don't ask such questions: "Why did Jesus constantly talk in obscure parables?"He loves it that way! And a parable has to be obscure, dim, candle-lit. <strong>To</strong>o brighta light kills a parable; too much analysis kills. It is poetry."Was this a deliberate technique?" <strong>You</strong> can never go beyond the technique, youare too obsessed with the technique. Everything be<strong>com</strong>es a technique to you.This is the way Jesus is, it is not a question of technique. He is not following acertain technique -- he is not a follower of Dale Carnegie, he has never read thebook HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. He is not followinga technique, he was not an American.In America, everything has be<strong>com</strong>e a technique. Even if you want to make loveyou go and learn the technique. Can you imagine a more unfortunate day forhumanity? Even animals don't ask. They know perfectly well how to make love,they don't go to a school to learn the technique. But in America, everything hasbe<strong>com</strong>e a technique. How to be friendly -- even that has to be learned. Is man so<strong>com</strong>pletely lost that even friendship has to be learned?People <strong>com</strong>e to me and I go on saying to them, "Laugh!" They ask me how tolaugh. How to laugh? -- learn from Swami Sardar Gurudayal, he is a perfectmaster! But I have <strong>com</strong>e across the rumor that people don't allow him to laugh.They say, "Our meditation is disturbed." Because of laughter your meditation isdisturbed? Then it is not worth anything.<strong>Come</strong> <strong>Follow</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>You</strong> <strong>Vol</strong> 1Osho

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