KENILWORTH - Penn State University

KENILWORTH - Penn State University

KENILWORTH - Penn State University


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Sir Walter Scottnatural will, Amy, thou canst not choose this state of slaveryand dishonour. Thou hast been bound by some spell—entrappedby some deceit—art now detained by some compelledvow. But thus I break the charm—Amy, in the nameof thine excellent, thy broken-hearted father, I command theeto follow me!”As he spoke he advanced and extended his arm, as with thepurpose of laying hold upon her. But she shrunk back fromhis grasp, and uttered the scream which, as we before noticed,brought into the apartment Lambourne and Foster.The latter exclaimed, as soon as he entered, “Fire and fagot!what have we here?” Then addressing the lady, in a tone betwixtentreaty and command, he added, “Uds precious!madam, what make you here out of bounds? Retire—retire—there is life and death in this matter.—And you, friend, whoeveryou may be, leave this house—out with you, before mydagger’s hilt and your costard become acquainted.—Draw,Mike, and rid us of the knave!”“Not I, on my soul,” replied Lambourne; “he came hitherin my company, and he is safe from me by cutter’s law, atleast till we meet again.—But hark ye, my Cornish comrade,you have brought a Cornish flaw of wind with you hither, ahurricanoe as they call it in the Indies. Make yourself scarce—depart—vanish—or we’ll have you summoned before theMayor of Halgaver, and that before Dudman and Ramheadmeet.” [Two headlands on the Cornish coast. The expressionsare proverbial.]“Away, base groom!” said Tressilian.—”And you, madam,fare you well—what life lingers in your father’s bosom willleave him at the news I have to tell.”He departed, the lady saying faintly as he left the room,“Tressilian, be not rash—say no scandal of me.”“Here is proper gear,” said Foster. “I pray you go to yourchamber, my lady, and let us consider how this is to be answered—nay, tarry not.”“I move not at your command, sir,” answered the lady.“Nay, but you must, fair lady,” replied Foster; “excuse myfreedom, but, by blood and nails, this is no time to straincourtesies—you must go to your chamber.—Mike, followthat meddling coxcomb, and, as you desire to thrive, see himsafely clear of the premises, while I bring this headstrong ladyto reason. Draw thy tool, man, and after him.”49

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