Mortuary Notes 1848 - 1953 & 1972 - 1974

Mortuary Notes 1848 - 1953 & 1972 - 1974

Mortuary Notes 1848 - 1953 & 1972 - 1974


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MORTUARY NOTES 1948-<strong>1953</strong> & <strong>1972</strong>-<strong>1974</strong>Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>Allenza Jenny 12/6/<strong>1972</strong> 85 GilmartinAllyn John D. 11/12/<strong>1953</strong> 81Alwardt Frank 1/8/<strong>1972</strong> 80 MarleyArmstrong Fred 3/26/<strong>1953</strong> 86Beachel Harold 6/26/<strong>1972</strong> 72 BohmBeecher Nettie 1/3/<strong>1974</strong> 86 TurnerBeechler Claude 10/5/<strong>1972</strong> 80 BohmBell Loretta 5/22/1973 79 SteuberBennett Marilla 4/28/1949 87Berdel Frank 4/17/1950 74Biegasiewicz Frank 3/27/1950 59Biltiar Edward C. 8/28/1950 64Bird Mary 12/13/1948 83Bishop William 5/23/1950 65Blodgett Harry C. 11/25/1952 85Bolles Clifford 2/18/<strong>1974</strong> BrooksBonk John 1/13/<strong>1972</strong> 84 TurnerBooth Willis H> 2/11/<strong>1953</strong> 84Bordner Sanford 10/25/1951 76Bradley John 11/17/1948 78Brice Richard 3/10/<strong>1953</strong> 93Brumstead Clarence 5/29/<strong>1972</strong> 76 BurdetteBuckland Clarence 8/1/1973 76 BohmBudney Anthony 1/13/1949 75Burnhouse Beepa Marie 5/27/<strong>1953</strong> 47Burt George 7/13/1952 82Bush Hascall 2/25/1952 89Butler Jay 3/16/1951 71Caccamise Josephine 12/19/<strong>1953</strong> 95 SteubersCain Wallace 9/17/<strong>1953</strong> 84Calkins Lena 12/1/<strong>1953</strong> 72Carpenter Frank W. 11/24/1950 76Carter Charles 6/25/1950 75Champlin Belle 9/14/1952 82Churchill Clara G. 4/22/1951 77Clark Jennie 2/6/1952 76Clement Charlotte 5/4/<strong>1972</strong> 88 TurnerCleveland Emma 5/13/1949 80Combs Jennie 2/28/1973 92 TurnerConnor Martha 11/10/1949 87Consaul George A. 5/24/1951 85Crosby Agnes 5/16/1952 81

Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>Damarowski (Schultz) Annie 8/12/1951 77De Lury James 6/13/1949 67DeWitt Herman J. 12/24/1952 82DeWitt Agnes 11/4/<strong>1953</strong> 75Dibble Edna 9/25/<strong>1972</strong> 84 TurnerDiemoz Bernard 11/3/1951 80(?)Doehn Katherine 10/21/1952 89Drock Ira 12/13/1950 82Dunn Agnes 2/3/1951 82Earle William George 4/14/1951 78Elliott Clifford 2/29/<strong>1972</strong> 70 SteuberElwell Eram 1/9/<strong>1972</strong> 88 TurnerEly Fannie 1/26/<strong>1972</strong> 90 WeeksErvine Lola 4/29/1951 68Fechter Joseph 3/20/1952 71Field Ida 5/19/1952 69Finigan Miles 11/29/1949 89French C. Tracy 4/27/1949 67Frye Nillie 1/19/<strong>1972</strong> 97 Marilla L. of Harold EwellGallagher Mary 11/10/<strong>1972</strong> 93 TurnerGarwood Frank 12/14/1948 88Giordano Guido 10/14/<strong>1972</strong> 91 SteuberGraham Charles A. 10/17/<strong>1953</strong> 72Grant Mary Ann 10/9/1949 88Green John 6/8/<strong>1953</strong> 76Griffen Lewis 1/24/1949 80Griffith Harry 8/18/<strong>1972</strong> 87 BeachGrzebinoga Martin 4/22/1951 90Haggerty Frank 3/17/1973 77 McAndrewHamilton Chester 4/12/1950 82Happ Bessie 1/23/<strong>1972</strong> 76 BohmHarmon Albert 7/14/1952 96Hartle Michael 9/6/1950 75Hawker Frank 12/11/<strong>1972</strong> 91 TurnerHayduck Joseph 10/8/1948 71Heiler Margaret 12/26/1973 86 BohmHenry Thomas 2/17/<strong>1953</strong> 73Herdegen William 2/9/1952 64Hickey Mary Ann 6/4/<strong>1953</strong> 84Hodge Charles 1/19/<strong>1953</strong> 91Holfenger Christina 2/21/1952 75Holmes Albert 2/27/1952 86Holt Lewis J. 5/29/1952 85Horni Christine 1/6/1952 89

Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>Houston Edith 6/10/1951 87Hoy Margaret 1/14/1951 89Husted Mildred 1/16/<strong>1974</strong> 77 TurnerIreland Archie 4/20/1950 65Ireland Leroy 3/11/<strong>1953</strong> 97Jackson John 3/20/1973 54 McAndrewJamison William J. 9/26/1949 85Janes Marion C. 1/26/<strong>1974</strong> 82 TurnerJohnston Andrew 3/17/<strong>1953</strong> 87Judd Charles 3/8/1952 79Judge Katherine 3/6/<strong>1972</strong> 91 BohmsKananaugh Stella 5/4/<strong>1972</strong> 82 McAndrewKellogg Smith 12/16/1948 84Kelly Hattie 3/26/1973 88 McAndrewKeltz James 12/31/<strong>1953</strong> 75 BradyKetter Joseph 3/31/1952 71Kilter Edith 11/13/1973 87 TurnerKinne Ora Robert 6/25/1951 85Kolczak Anna 2/16/<strong>1972</strong> 80 McAndrewKriske Bessie 4/7/<strong>1972</strong> 85 TurnerLaBelle Frank 9/26/1950 82Lake Roy 12/31/1948 52Lawrence Martha 6/28/1952 74Lawson George 1/17/1949 85Lawton Lena 5/5/1950 65Lehman Sophia 1/20/<strong>1953</strong> 91Lehmis Kate 1/3/1950 81Leight Samuel 7/10/<strong>1972</strong> 85 BurdetteLeoman Herbert 12/24/<strong>1953</strong> 79 Burdett & SanfordLewis Agnes 5/13/<strong>1972</strong> 78 BohmLeybourne Louise 9/15/1950 77Lientara Joseph 1/12/<strong>1972</strong> 83 McAndrewLindsley Edward 9/13/1951 71Little John 2/14/<strong>1972</strong> 90 McAndrewLoughnan John 3/24/1952 84Lovett Ozzie Lee 1/17/1952 56Lowe Emma 3/24/1973 90 GilmartinMarble Sherman 10/2/1950 85Marsh Florence 3/28/<strong>1972</strong> 82 GilmartinMartin Roy A. 6/16/1951 69Martyn Wilbur 2/2/<strong>1974</strong> 91 SteuberMastin Herbert 7/17/1950 58Mathews Herbert 12/10/1952 76Matthews Ida Moe 1/4/<strong>1953</strong> 76

Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>May Carrie 4/28/<strong>1972</strong> 87 McAndrewMc Nish Carrie 2/7/1952 84McBratney Bingham 10/24/1950 76McGovern Thomas 6/8/<strong>1972</strong> 81 McAndrewMcJury Mayme 6/27/1950 70Menzie Monroe 2/5/1949 86Merriman Eugene 1/28/<strong>1974</strong> 89 TurnerMoltrup Fred 5/16/1951 88Morgan Georgia 1/31/<strong>1953</strong> 85Mosher John 4/5/1973 74 BrooksMullen Lula 2/12/<strong>1972</strong> 77 Burdette & SanfordMunn Louise 4/14/1951 82Murphy John 10/2/1948 96Murphy Ira 10/2/1950 76Myers Edward 9/24/<strong>1953</strong> 81Naughton John 11/2/1950 83Nichols Sarah 6/18/<strong>1953</strong> 90Novak Rose 9/1/1973 73 GilmartinO’Harrigan Thomas 7/12/1949 85Ohl Michael 8/11/1951 80Oles Stephen Thomas 3/4/1952 85Oles Joe 5/4/<strong>1972</strong> 74 McAndrewPaddon Samuel 5/15/1951 83Parker Elizabeth 3/7/<strong>1972</strong> 95 BernhardtPassage George W. 6/25/<strong>1953</strong> 91Paul Harry 1/5/<strong>1972</strong> 80 SteuberPeck Earl 12/19/1973 72 MarleyPeio Sophia 10/14/1951 81Phelps Charles O. 6/21/1952 80Pierce Frank 3/14/<strong>1953</strong> 83Pierce Van 1/10/<strong>1974</strong> 89 Chamberlain, DansvillePither John 2/7/1949 64Pope Charles 7/19/<strong>1953</strong> 79Porschett John 11/2/1948 82Pundt Herman 7/18/1949 75Radley William 5/6/1949 83Rix Ernest 11/20/1948 68Roberts Frances 9/6/<strong>1972</strong> 62 McAndrewRogers Arthur 2/14/1951 79Ruck Susie 3/11/<strong>1972</strong> 93 Burdette & SanfordRudolph Fred 5/16/<strong>1972</strong> 95 SteuberSangrigario Lucy 12/15/1949 65Sauter Fidelia 6/22/1949 86Sawday Alice 11/6/1949 88

Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>Scheiber Elizabeth 1/15/<strong>1972</strong> 89 BohmSchley Winfield 4/16/1973 62 Ulrich’sSchroth George 4/17/1973 72 BeachScofield Laura 2/2/<strong>1972</strong> 77 WoodSecord Charles B. 2/23/<strong>1953</strong> 76Shamp Owina 1/7/<strong>1974</strong> 82 TurnerSharick Charles 4/2/1951 84Sheehan Lillian 2/25/<strong>1974</strong> McAndrewSheridan Edward L. 1/13/<strong>1972</strong> 83 SteuberSherman George 5/19/<strong>1953</strong> 84Slusser Edward 3/5/1952 93Smith Alfred 10/3/1949 82Smith Frank 1/16/1951 65Smith Charles 3/31/1952 87Smith Michael 10/9/1952 87Smith John 10/24/<strong>1953</strong> 85Smock Earl 7/18/1973 78 Burdette & SanfordStoll Ferdinand 6/9/1952 85Swank Clarence 8/9/1950 48Swimline Fred 2/15/<strong>1953</strong> 79Taylor Grace 7/18/<strong>1953</strong> 71Terola Stephen 3/5/1952 70Thomas Lucy Mortimer 5/23/1950 80Thompson Edward 3/22/1949 80Tiede Carl 8/21/<strong>1972</strong> 94 TurnerTimm Charles 5/17/1952 82Tower Isaac W. 12/29/1949 81Traxler John 11/2/1951 79Tripp George 1/15/<strong>1972</strong> 85 FowlerTurner Samuel 9/3/1949 76Turner Dee J. 5/1/1951 74Underhill Charles 12/24/1950 86Van Curen Arthur 4/12/1973 83 BeachVan Duser William 12/1/1951 77Van Volkenberg Polly 1/2/1973 74 SteuberVegszynek Tony 12/24/1952 75 Age EstimatedVippolla Jennie 6/4/1973 65 McAndrewWalker Mary 2/29/<strong>1972</strong> 86 BrooksWhitcher Isabelle 10/27/1950 87Whiting Uri c. 1/17/1950 80Wiedrich Carrie 1/12/1951 83Wilson Amelia 9/30/<strong>1972</strong> 85 BohmWoodard Georgia 2/12/1973 97 TurnerWoodrich Edward 7/17/1950 64

Last Name First Name Date Age <strong>Mortuary</strong>Worthington Frank 1/13/1950 88Wright Charles 7/4/1949 79Wythe Edith 3/23/1952 81

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