Shrikes references - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Shrikes references - Irish Rare Birds Committee

Shrikes references - Irish Rare Birds Committee


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Sachslehner, L. et al 2004. The breeding population of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) inAustria. Biological Letters 41: 135-146.Svennson, L 1988. Letters (Confusing shrikes). Birdwatch 68: 16.Tenovuo, J. & Varrela, J. 1998. Identification of the Great Grey Shrike complex in Europe. Alula 4(1):2-11.Tryjanowski, P. & Hromada, M. 2004. Do males of the great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor trade foodfor extrapair copulations? Animal Behaviour 69: 529-533.Tryjanowski, P. & Lorek, G. 1998. Notes (Common Kestrels and great Grey Shrike hunting insectsby artificial light). British <strong>Birds</strong> 91(8): 327.Vinicombe, K. 2009. Identification (Grey <strong>Shrikes</strong>). Birdwatch 208: 28-30.Southern Grey ShrikeDesert Grey ShrikeLanius elegans [Swainson 1832].[L.e. elegans] NE Mauritania, NW Mali & S Tunisia E to C & S Libya, Egypt including Sinai peninsula,SW Israel & NE Sudan S to Port Sudan and possibly NE Niger.[L.e. leucopygos] C & S Mauritania, C Mali, C & S Niger, NE Nigeria and probably extreme NCameroon, S Chad, C Sudan & Darfur.[L.e. algeriensis] NW Africa along Atlantic & Mediterranean coasts E to N Tunisia & N Libya and S tocoastal NW Mauritania & N Sahara.[L.e. koenigi] Canary Islands.Treated by del Hoyo et al 2008 as races of Southern Grey Shrike.Iberian Grey ShrikeLanius meridionalis [Temminck 1820, Provence, France].Iberian peninsula & S France.Treated by del Hoyo et al 2008 as the nominate race of polytypic Southern Grey Shrike.Socotra Grey ShrikeLanius uncinatus [P.L. Sclater & Hartlaub 1881].Socotra.Treated by del Hoyo et al 2008 as a race of Southern Grey Shrike.Asian Grey ShrikeLanius lahtora [Sykes 1832].[L.l. lahtora] Pakistan (except N) & foothills of Himalayas in N India S to Karnataka and E to CBangladesh.[L.l. buryi] Yemen.[L.l. aucheri] CE Sudan S from Port Sudan, Eritrea, N Ethiopia, NW Somalia, Iraq, S Iran, Syria, SLebanon, Israel, SE Sinai peninsula, W Arabian peninsula & Oman.The proposed forms jebelmarrae & theresae are included with L.l. aucheri.Treated by del Hoyo et al 2008 as races of Southern Grey Shrike.Callahan, D. 2011. Speciation (The spice of life). Birdwatch 231: 44-47.Callahan, D. 2011. Species profile (Grey matters). Birdwatch 232: 44-47.Campos, F. & Martín, R. 2010. Spatial and temporal distribution of Southern Grey <strong>Shrikes</strong> Laniusmeridionalis in agricultural areas. Bird Study 57(1): 84-88.Carrascal, L.M. et al 2008. Bias in density estimations using strip transects in dry open-countryenvironments in the Canary Islands. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 31(2): 45-50.Clement, P. & Worfolk, T. 1995. Letters (More Great Grey <strong>Shrikes</strong>). Birding World 8(11): 429.Clement, P. & Worfolk, T. 1995. Southern and eastern Great Grey <strong>Shrikes</strong> in northwest Europe.Birding World 8(8): 300-309.Collinson, M. 2006. Splitting headaches? Recent taxonomic changes affecting the British andWestern Palearctic lists. British <strong>Birds</strong> 99(6): 306-323 (323).Forrester, R.W. 1998. Amendments to the Scottish List. Scottish <strong>Birds</strong> 19(5): 259-261 (260).García-del-Rey, E. 2005. Density estimates of passerine bird species in Tenerifean coastal scrubusing two different methods (Canary Islands). Vieraea 33: 193-199.Gonzalez, J. et al 2008. Evidence from DNA nucleotide sequences and ISSR profiles indicatesparaphyly in subspecies of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis). Journal of Ornithology149(4): 495-506.Janni, O. et al 2001. An interesting grey shrike in Italy. Birding World 14(4): 170-171.15

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