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na weekend | for the weekendfot. www.istockphoto.comBonnano Pisano began buildingthe freestanding belltower, orcampanile, adjoining the cathedral,in 1173. He chose to usematerials available in Tuscany –the same white marble for whichMichelangelo’s sculptures arefamed. Pisa was in those days aport city, however, accumulatingriver sediments cut it off fromthe sea. Amazingly, there wereno solid foundations built for thetower, despite the fact that eventhen it was a well-known fact theground was sandy and unstable.Even the first of its eight storeyswas already was found to beleaning. The architect, however,underestimated the severityof his miscalculations, and itwas only those continuing thetower’s construction who beganattempts to straighten the tower.Kierunek | DestinationLotnisko | AirportKod IATA | IATA codeKod ICAO | ICAO codeStrona internetowa | WebsiteLinia lotnicza | AirlineCzęstotliwość lotówFlight frequencyDługość lotu | Flight timeRezerwacja biletówTicket reservationsThis was impossible and the58m-high, 4-ton tower’s lean wasso severe, that had it not been forits base being strengthenedusing reinforced concrete andsteel rings towards the end ofthe 20th century, the towerwould have collapsed.It’s worth climbing thetower not only for thestunning view from thetop – but to feel Pisa’shistory. It was from herethat Galileo Galilei, usingrocks and woodencanonballs, researcheduniform acceleration– with spectacular results.This is the mostimportant part of theCampo dei Miracoli(Field of Miracles) andthe very fact that thetower is still standing,is testament to this fact. Framedby a sea of green well-kept lawnsare several other blindingly whitebuildings. Together, they form afantastic Roman architecturalcomplex dominated by the imposingSanta Maria Assunta Cathedral.The campanile had sevenbells, each tuned to a note of themajor scale. Galileo researchedpendulum motion inside the tower,thus defining yet anothergroundbreaking law of physics.Alongside the tower is the baptisterydedicated to John theBaptist. Its astounding acousticsare demonstrated duringPiza | PisaAeroporto Galileo GalileiPSALIRPwww.pisa-airport.com2 loty tygodniowo2 flights per week1:55 hwww.wizzair.comtours and the baptistery itself isregarded as the world’s largestmusical instrument. Completingthe complex is the monumentalCamposanto (Sacred Field) cemetery,which is said to have beenbuilt around a shipload of soilfrom Golgotha and is decoratedwith breathtaking frescoes.Moving along, we pass hundredsof colourful market stalls. If you’relooking for a replica of the LeaningTower, don’t waste time lookinghere. It’s worth knowing thattwo streets away, you can buy allthese things at half the price. Visitorsaren’t aware of this and soare led like lambs to the slaughterand are routinely fleeced oftheir euros by stall-holders. Thepeople of Pisa have always hada flair for trade. Located at themouth of the Arno River and onthe border of the Tyrrhenian andLigurian Seas, Pisa was a medievaleconomic power. The remainsof this are still in evidence – notonly palaces, but also a prestigiousuniversity dating back to1343. Its significance is obviouswhen taking a walk along theriverside where all the cafes arefull of young people. Fifty-twothousand students are proud ofthe fact that they will one day bealumni of the same institution asGalileo, Pope Clemens XII, EnricoFermi and Andrea Bocelli. Onlytwo-hundred of these studentsgraduate from the exceptionallyelite Scuola Normale Superiorein the Palazzo della Carovanaat Piazza dei Cavalieri – and it isthese who get the most lucrativejob offers. In 1406, on this, themost beautiful square in the city,the end of the Republic of Pisawas decreed when it was sold tothe de Medici family and becamea part of Florence.Along the way, step into theNational Museum of San Matteo:the Madonna de Latte, by NinoPisano and the bust of St Rossore,by Donatello. For those who decideto take the time to see somemore of the museum, I suggestthe collection of Islamic ceramics,the works of Masaccio or theartworks of Ghirlandiao.It won’t be difficult to convincethose who are tired of sightseeing,to visit the Botanical Gardensdating back to 1543 – a precursorin this field.But here, the Arno dictates therhythm of life – a river which onlylooks peaceful, but can show itsexcesses. And it’s no differentwith Pisans who with such grace,every day of the year, fleece millionsof tourists every year. Thispeaceful aspect of the Italiantemperament accelerates drasticallyin the middle of June whenthe city celebrates the festivalof San Ranieri, Pisa’s patron. Thecandlelight festivities of Luminarisee the facades of the housesalong the riverside lit with over70 000 candles. At least as manycandles float down the river itself,chasing each other to the sea.The following day visitors can enjoywatching the Regatta of theAncient Maritime Republics – theregatta is followed by a colourfulparade of flag wavers – keepingthe ancient art alive.Pisa celebrates tradition in manyways. Dating back to the 16thcentury the inhabitants fromeither side of the river rivaliseagainst each other in a series ofhistorical battles during the IlGioco del Ponte. In the past, thebattle was performed on the waterand the battle was fierce butnow, it’s a matter of pushing awagon weighing 7 tons from themiddle of the Ponte di Mezzo toone of the sides of the river. Thewinners boast of the triumph forthe entire year.Another thing that Pisans canboast about is food. It doesn’tinvolve a lot of pizza (!) but avast array of gnocchi, ravioli andtortellini – and every family’s recipeis the best, of course. In termsof wines, Brunello di Montalcinoand the popular Chianti are mostwell-known. Both of these aremade only in this region.The only nightmare is findingsomewhere to park. Those flyingin to Aeroporto Galileo Galilei,with its exceptionally efficientstaff, will, thankfully, be able toavoid this problem.Andrzej Wiktorowicz12 silesia airport

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