pobierz - Katowice

pobierz - Katowice

pobierz - Katowice


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egion | localfot. UM <strong>Katowice</strong><strong>Katowice</strong> is the heart of the „Silesia”Metropolis and has two millioninhabitants. Its location inthe right in the middle of CentralEurope at the intersection of internationaltrade routes is onlyone of its many assets. The city isa strategic investment area forboth the private and public sectors.The fast-paced developmentof the Upper Silesian capitalresults from the vast networkof services available – from bankingthrough to entertainment.The time has also come to transformthe city centre into one reflectingthe significance of themetropolis. The redevelopmentand revitalisation of the city centrewill encompass an area of1 000 000 m 2 – the sheer magnitudeof which makes it the largestproject of this type in Europe.<strong>Katowice</strong> is in the running for thetitle of European Capital of Culturefor 2016, and it is for thisreason that many plans for theup-coming years are centredaround culture, including theconstruction of the new concerthall and headquarters for the NationalPolish Radio Orchestra, thecombined Silesian University andUniversity of Economics library,a theatre within the Pałac Młodzieży(youth centre) and thedesign concept of an Opera andBallet Theatre. In addition, theconstruction of the new headquartersof the Silesian Museumfit the bill perfectly.Currently, the city’s potential canbe illustrated not only by the seriesof new investments in culture,but also in business and, asmentioned earlier, the redevelopmentof the city’s central businessdistrict. This includes anextensive redevelopment of therailway station and the constructionof the International CongressCentre. Business tourism infrastructureis also on the rise andwith the opening of the ConventionBureau <strong>Katowice</strong>, whose aimis to promote the city as the perfectmeeting-place for businesspeoplein the Metropolis, this isset to continue to rise.With large sporting events suchas the finals of the Men’s VolleyballWorld Cup or the EuroBasketMen’s Basketball held at the recentlyre-furbished legendarySpodek Entertainment Centre,<strong>Katowice</strong>’s position as the City ofGreat Events is well and truly cemented.The Spodek is also hometo huge annual concert events ofperformers of world-renown inmany different musical genres –– such as the Grzegorz FitelbergInternational Conductor’s Competition,Rawa Blues Festival, Metalmania,Silesian Jazz Festivaland Mayday, as well as thosegaining in renown and popularitysuch as Nature One Poland andTauron Nowa Muzyka. Also, thisyear the cult OFF Festival will beheld in <strong>Katowice</strong> for the firsttime.It’s also worth mentioning thediverse range of theatre festivalssuch as the National Directors’Festival „Interpretations”, the InternationalFestival of Doll’s Theatres„<strong>Katowice</strong> for kids”. Regularculture vultures are invited to the„Ars Cameralis Silesiae Superioris”chamber music festival.<strong>Katowice</strong> is also home to thelargest sporting complex in theregion – the Silesian Stadium.Apart from football matches ofnational importance, the stadiumalso hosts large-scale events suchas performances of U2 and ThePolice.It is impossible to revitalise thecity without taking into accountits traditions and heritage –particularlyvisible in the historic Nikiszowiecdistrict and other sitesalong the Industrial HeritageRoute. The multitude of variouscultural, business, entertainmentand sporting events held in <strong>Katowice</strong>are attracting more andmore visitors every year. As a result,each subsequent year is providing<strong>Katowice</strong> with more andmore new events.W 2009 roku w Hali Widowiskowo--Sportowej „Spodek” w katowi-cach odbyły się finały Eurobasket– Mistrzostw Europy w Koszykówcemężczyzn. Impreza spotkałasię z bardzo dobrym przyjęciemzarówno ze strony fanów, jaki biorących w niej udział drużynIn 2009, the finals of the Men’sBasketball European Championshipwere played at the SpodekEntertainment Centre in<strong>Katowice</strong>. The event was deemeda success by both fans andparticipating teamsfot. UM <strong>Katowice</strong>8 silesia airport

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