Charles Capps of - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia

Charles Capps of - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia

Charles Capps of - Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia


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mine. Out <strong>of</strong> the blue, my cousin asked if he could buy my equipment and lease myland to farm. I agreed.”A New ThingTransitioning into full-time ministry, <strong>Charles</strong> found himself busy traveling andspeaking. In 1981, while ministering at the West Coast Believers’ Convention inAnaheim, Calif., his preaching turned to prophecy. In a moment many will alwaysremember, <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Capps</strong>, the man accustomed to scanning the horizon and seeingthe future <strong>of</strong> a cotton crop, looked into the spirit realm and saw the future <strong>of</strong> electroniccommunications. At the time, fax machines were considered cutting-edge technology.But <strong>of</strong>f in the distance, God showed <strong>Charles</strong> something new—a kind <strong>of</strong> network (aninternet) that would connect people around the world.“Inventions are coming…” <strong>Charles</strong> told the audience assembled in that meeting.There are inventions coming in the area <strong>of</strong> communications that have not yeteven been conceived in the minds <strong>of</strong> men…. And it will come. And it will comeand it will go throughout the earth. And it will be so far beyond what men haveknown in the days past. There’ll be no conceivable way that men can block thiscommunication system. It will reach all the areas <strong>of</strong> the earth and the Word <strong>of</strong>God shall be spread over it and there shall be, as it were, a “network”….A farmer foreseeing the Internet.It’s a surprising turn <strong>of</strong> events, for sure. But then, <strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Capps</strong>’life has been full <strong>of</strong> surprises. The man who didn’t think he neededto write papers or learn literature, has now written 23 books, 12 <strong>of</strong>which have been translated into other languages. His first book,God’s Creative Power, emerged from the yellow tablet where hewrote the first Scripture confessions that changed his life.The man who loved to be at home in England, Ark., walkingalone in his fields, has traveled the world and preached the gospelto multitudes on television and on radio.Having just celebrated 60 years <strong>of</strong> marriage this past June, today<strong>Charles</strong> and Peggy <strong>Capps</strong> are enjoying life with their two growndaughters, Annette and Beverly, along with three grandchildrenand one great-grandchild.“There’s another one in the hangar,” <strong>Charles</strong> says, his eyes sparkling.It’s been quite a journey thus far, spanning farmlands and missionfields. But looking back, it’s easy to see that <strong>Charles</strong> has always beenwell equipped for the call <strong>of</strong> God on his life. A natural fishermanand a farmer from the start, he is a fisher <strong>of</strong> men whose heart firstled him to teach personal evangelism and cast his net in the Bahamas.As a farmer, he has planted the Word <strong>of</strong> God deep into the hearts<strong>of</strong> men, women, boys and girls around the world. He has watered,pruned and reaped a whole generation <strong>of</strong> people who live by faith.<strong>Charles</strong> and Peggy, we, your family <strong>of</strong> faith, thank you. We blessyou in the Name <strong>of</strong> the Lord Jesus for the seeds you have plantedand cultivated in our lives. May your years be long upon the earth.May your voice <strong>of</strong> faith grow ever stronger. May your pilot’s eyesever look to the horizon and see the future as God said it would be.VICTORY<strong>Charles</strong> &Peggy <strong>Capps</strong>celebrated60 years<strong>of</strong> marriagethis past June.Partner withKCM today!Contact us andask for our FREE“New Partner”package withcomplete informationabout partnership,complimentary giftsand more. Simplycheck the box on theresponse form in thismagazine, call+65 6499 9310 orfax +65 6338 9089visit kcm.org.sgpartnershippSEEINGTogether!God has big plans for allHis children. And, just like<strong>Charles</strong> <strong>Capps</strong>, when we seeHis plan, nothing can keep usfrom it!<strong>Kenneth</strong> <strong>Copeland</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>is here for you…to help youtake hold <strong>of</strong> God’s Word andsee how it applies to yourlife. Through the power <strong>of</strong>partnership, you can see andrealize His plan for you, yourfamily and your world!Is now the time for you tobecome a Partner with KCM?Ask the Lord. We know He hasa plan for your life—and wecan help you see it!Inside your Partner package:Brother <strong>Copeland</strong>’s personal letter<strong>of</strong> welcomeBenefits <strong>of</strong> partnership brochureCovenant Partner Card—goodfor a 10-percent discount atKCM-meeting book tablesMinistry report DVDScripture promises CDThe Anointing in Partnership CDJANUARY '11 | BVOV | 11

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