72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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OUR RECTOR'V. R. A.d..w M"cDo""Id C.SS.R.has been at St. <strong>Mary's</strong> for fourteenyears, and is ftnishing hl" fifth "sour Rector. Father is a native ofPrince Edward l.[^nd and u g""d.,-ate oI St. Dunstan's Llniversity anclthe Ontario <strong>College</strong> "fEducationin Toronlo. He is no* tearling hi.specialty. Mathematics.OUR SOCIUSOURSUBSOCIUSFather David Wh"l.n C.SS.R.was appointed Subsocius at thebeginning of his ftrst year at St.Ma.y's. Bottr in St. Stephen, NewBrunswick, FatLer graduated fromSt. Francis Xavier lJniversity andstudied at Assumption. He teachesEnglish, subiect in whi.h he " 'swell educated. and is our SportsDirector.Father Desmond Scanlan C.SS.R.is completing his ftrst year as Sociusand his fourth year at St. <strong>Mary's</strong>.A graduate of Assumption fJniversityand the <strong>College</strong> of EducationFather teaches Latin and R"ligiott.In addition to direcl;ng lhe Choirand Orchestra and our dramatice.rd.rvorrrs, Father is "l.oFac.,ltyAdviso. of Schola"ta and Pnorocur.

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