72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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|5|JfiTwo students adore before the Blessed Sacramentduring the Forty Hours Devotion.A text is read at a Holy WeeLBible Vtgil.Th" C.o.s is held for CooclFriday veneration.In solemn remembrance, Fr. Rector offers the HolvSacriftce on Maundy Th.r..d,,y.Lent and the Vigil climax with the Alorious celebration of Mass.Symbolic of Christ's Resurrection the Paschalcandle is lit at the Easter Vigil.Rogation Day procession winds around thepage fortV-one

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