72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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--lJ\\1>rrRsr Row r Bob Dottrl"lly, Bob Brine, Eugene O Reilly, Rick Boulianne, Pete Coady. secorvo row ,- John l)oylc,Jim Barnes, Joh" G.ady, Joe J.m".. Ji* Wi"gl., John Nladigan, George D Angclontonio. rrrRD now -FatherScanlan (Director), Gerry Plamondon, AIIan Do16, Stene Holl..rd. Orqanist John CIark.-The eigLteen talented young mcn.""n .borr". are the members ofSt. Ma.y s Cloir. Under thecompetent direction o[ Fr. Scan-Ian. they sfrive lhroughoul theyear to give a good accounl o[ihemselves wLenevcr they arecull"d.rpotr.'l'heir singing at theIiturgical funclions, and the majorevents are well remembered successcs this yt'ar. To the c'edit o[bolh membcrs and director thcywere invited to present tLeirChristmas progryrm at St. <strong>Mary's</strong>S.hool otrd St. Vincent s l-lospitalin Brockville as well as atother local evcnls.Pete Coady plays tl'c N{ass ".,"gby Bob Donn"lly, Ri.L Bo,,li.nn",ntt.l Ji- Bnrtt"..page forty

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