72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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-FrRsr Ro\\'* Dennjs Daorr.l. l'renton. L)nt.; (lordon Peters. Prescotl. Ont.r Patrir:k l--nr;glrt, Qucbcc Cllty: Den,ris Arcler. \,*aaksis,\.[J. sEcoND Ro$,+ P.rtrick Trask, St. John s. NIId.: H;lu.in' Cassirly. L;r'cl1. C)nt.; DoLrglas L;ttle. St. .lol,,r N.13., PIiennecl-v. Dorchesler. N.B.r Alan Dorr-ettc, Charloltetorvn. rHrRD Row - N1;cl'acl lrl,vn". I-oncion; Jarrres C]trick, L.onclonr \\IilfoDoyle. St. .loh,r'. Nfcl.: Nlark Sl'arrr,,,, \\';nclsor.(}rt. r.ounrn nr u = SieplenFrancis l(inclellan. Ilonlreal: llavi(l St..J;rrnr:s. Ilontreal; Scott Follis. (lttz,rva:.lom.. (il,v,rn. P.te'Lo.o,,gh. O"t.Singing tLeir way to Latin proficrency.pogc tucntu tuoThc natural man is dcvcloped by activities. Th" ..l.rcu-tion of a Redemptorist cannot stop in the classroom, forhi. *o"1< does not end with study. llis endeavours tospread the Cood News of Christ will cor.y hi- into manyft"ldr utrd bring him into conlact with many differentpcoplc. Norv, here at St. N{ary's. is tlre time to receivean introduction to some of our {ulurc *otL ,rtrd lo l"n",-tto dcal with p"opl". Lt pRoI-ocuE and Scholacra we ftndan outlet for our crcative genius. Tlese two publicationsalso cle.'elop in thc staff members a personal sense ofresponsibility. The arts of public speaLing and debate arefostered by contests among ourselves and with outsideschools. These are but the maior activitics and new ideasare always welcome.

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