72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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Joh,r MadiganJohn is another fin" y"u.coming from Palmer Raptds, -.r,Ontario. During the secondr.hool t".- of this yea., JacLse.rred as capo. He *a, .l*uy,glad to lend a hu.rd i. o.,ystudent activity and in specialvyork projects. His silk-screenability has pl.y.d a great partin the production of eacLScholacta cover. -ontl-r'sEugene O'ReillyForrr y.a.s ago Toronto gave"Red" to us as a me-ber of theCrad" T"n .1o... 11 y o.r, 1Iot,g b"for. his musical talentswe.. disco,,,ered a.d h. becar,,.on" of St. <strong>Mary's</strong> "music men."Eugetre served u..la.. b.rb..for most of hi. ti-" h.."^rrd^l.o .,. r.,b capo drrring part olthis vear.,John PriceLondon, Ontario was tle honreof this young *hi.h h. l"ftforr. y"u,.. ago. -..t,This y"a, 1,"*as head Sacristan. Joltn ha".l.o b."., a student driver sincehir G.ud" Eleven yea.. Heexcells in tLe fields of Debatinga"d P,rLItc Sp".ki.tg.page nrneteen

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