72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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The GraduatesIn September of this yet" we came 78 strong' We .ame f"o- places.rear .nd far t"ross eastem Canada. W. came yo,rng, healthy andr-bitious. We came to St. <strong>Mary's</strong> <strong>College</strong>, The Redemptorist MinorSeminary b..arrse w" wanted to be priests and Redemptorists.We came, of us veterans' others ste<strong>ppi</strong>ng into an entirely"ome.rew life, to live together in a community. There is a division though,accordi.rg to the class to which w. belo.tg. It is as of this unit^embersthat we l.ar., a.td study; it is as members ol this unit that we areL.ro*rr. Ir, .ach ol o,r, [iv. there develops a spirit which is"lassescharacteristic ol .r,ery activity in *hich ettg.g..-.For the students of First Arts the year is a vital one in their lives.They are the lead".i o{ the C"ll.g., the ones to whom all lo"k forBut more important, the year is {or them one of consideration""a^pl".arrd p".ye", one ol decision ..rd ftnal preparation for Novitiate.Newman AbbottThis yonng Ieft his ho*.in Conception -a.r Bay, N.wfo.rndla.td,to loitt the First Arts classof this year. In his easy-goingway, Newman contributed considerablyto the spirit at St.<strong>Mary's</strong>. During hir t""- .r .nbh"pe"fo"-ed his dnties".pomost efftciently.Daniel BogueA French Ca.tadiat , Dr.rrrycame to us firr. years ago f.omHawLesbn"y, Ontario. Withexcellent spirit he was faithfuland ge.re"orr" in his duties. Forseveral years h" hrs *ork.d irtthe students' small store, andha" be".r a chauffeur sinceGrade Eleven. Dan was alsocarro fo" the {irst term.pqge sixte.

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