72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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WHAT IS ST. MARY'S?<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Mary's</strong> <strong>College</strong> is the Junior Seminary of theRedemptorist Fathers. It is therefore a school of trainingfor the Priesthood and for the Missionary Vocation o[the Redemptorists.May any good Catholic young man enter St. <strong>Mary's</strong>?No, o.rly those interested in the Priesthood ^ttdMi.sionary Life.What education does a student receive? The prog""- ofstudies is that o[ the Ontario Department of Education,which grants to our Grade 12 students their JuniorMatriculation Diplo-r. Q,talified Redemptorist prieststeach Grades 9. 10. 11. 12 and First Year Coll"g..Students write the exams of the Pt"limittary Arts Year ofthe LJniversity of Wi.td.ot. I[ a student leaves in anyyea.. hi" g..des are accepted by other High Schools.'What happens after First Year <strong>College</strong>? The Craduatesenjoy two months of holld.y. ..td tlren enter the Novitiateat Keswick, Ontario. for r y..t of special religiottstraining. After it they take the three vows o[ Poverty,Chastity, and Obedien"" in the Redemptorist Congregation.They tlren reside at Lloly Redeemer <strong>College</strong>,Windsor. Ontario. Holy Redeemer is our Major Seminaryrffilir,t"d rvith the LJniversity of Windsor."nd Studentsfollo- courses at the lJniversity: many receive their"o-"B.A. and B".h"lo. of Th"ology deg.ees. After three yearsof Tle"l"gy, the seminarian is ordained to the Priestlrood.He then completes his fourth and final year o[ seminarystudy.Where doe" the newly ordained priest worL? He isg"adually introduced into priestly wo.L the RedemptoristMissions by a special year of guidance, c"lled the"ttdPastoral Year. Then his assignment: to the home missions,to the foreign missions. to Redemptorist pa.isles andother priestlv work.What must I do to become a Redemptorist? Write to:Y ocation Bureau, Sf. Mary'" CoIIege, Brochvill,z, Ontorio.A Father will interview you and help you in your vocation.page thirteen

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