72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion


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Socius means "friend". Father Scanlan relaxes with some o[ thestudents at a soiree in our commorrroorrr."Not a bad iob." says Father Callaghan as hetales a breal from some landscaping on the lawns.Father WI'alen and students from BrockvilleCollegiate Institute after an interschool debateon Canada-LI.S. union.Education doesn't end in the classroom. FatherGrannan, our basketball coach, gives some lastminrte;nstnrctions to the tcam.The Iittrrgy is a parto[ our daily life. evenoutside the Chapel.Father Rector blessesthc Easter meal.page nine

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