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72 ppi - Size 4.0 megs - Saint Mary's College Reunion

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?30100,uE,f 964FallpagenrteenWinterpasehDentvnineSPfingPasethirtasevenP"bh"h"d by tLe Students of St. Mo.y'r Redemptorist CoIIng", Brochville, Orrt t"ioMinor Semtnary lor the Redemptorist Fothers tn Eqstern Conadopage three

The Most R.v.."nd J. A. O'S.tlli"an, D.D.. Ll.D..A.chbtshop of Kingstott"Withgreat foy, I extend my congratulations to thegraduates of St. Mrry's<strong>College</strong>. Best wishes to all thestudents fo. srr"..s" in their studies, that they all-,rybeco-. z.alons, h"ly Redemptorists.""nd "rlltrl..dpage four

V"ry Rerr"..r,d Father George O'Reilly, C.SS.R."May the spirit ol St. <strong>Mary's</strong>, u, ."pr".r.d in vtrriortsfo.-" by PnolocuE, continue to malure .ttd d""p"tt.because it is the seed l.oIrr the great Redemntorist-hi"hSpirit must grow."poge f lt'

OUR RECTOR'V. R. A.d..w M"cDo""Id C.SS.R.has been at St. <strong>Mary's</strong> for fourteenyears, and is ftnishing hl" fifth "sour Rector. Father is a native ofPrince Edward l.[^nd and u g""d.,-ate oI St. Dunstan's Llniversity anclthe Ontario <strong>College</strong> "fEducationin Toronlo. He is no* tearling hi.specialty. Mathematics.OUR SOCIUSOURSUBSOCIUSFather David Wh"l.n C.SS.R.was appointed Subsocius at thebeginning of his ftrst year at St.Ma.y's. Bottr in St. Stephen, NewBrunswick, FatLer graduated fromSt. Francis Xavier lJniversity andstudied at Assumption. He teachesEnglish, subiect in whi.h he " 'swell educated. and is our SportsDirector.Father Desmond Scanlan C.SS.R.is completing his ftrst year as Sociusand his fourth year at St. <strong>Mary's</strong>.A graduate of Assumption fJniversityand the <strong>College</strong> of EducationFather teaches Latin and R"ligiott.In addition to direcl;ng lhe Choirand Orchestra and our dramatice.rd.rvorrrs, Father is "l.oFac.,ltyAdviso. of Schola"ta and Pnorocur.

Father Russell Conway C.SS.R.b"cu-e o... Bursar this Year, incl,arge of the money matters of the<strong>College</strong>. Born in tLe Ottawa Vallev.Ilather rr.as ordained in 1931 o".lhas spent many years on missionand parisl' worL. Despile his busv..h"d..1... Brrrsar, Father still findstime for missions ancl wet kenclOUR BURSARI"ather William O'Flaherty C.SS.R.has been teacLing F encb, English.ond Hirto.y at SL NIa'Y's fo' [or.'years. A veleran missionarY oIlhirte, n y"ar-. Fath.r has uir"nro1,io,'sly ol I'i- tim* an,l *rpnri"n, 'to training debater. ancl speaLersu'hosc trophies and plaques ha.,'bro.rght honorrr to the Clollegc.l'athcr Richard Bcdard C.SS.R.',n'as born in Zurich, Ontario. Thisis Lis second appointment to St-<strong>Mary's</strong>, this time to teacb I-atin anrlReligion. Before coming to tLeCollcge. Father rvas responsible forf;nancing out Japanese missions an

Father Arthur Connell C.SS.R..vas born in ChatLam, Nerv Bnrn"wick. He gradrrated from AssumptionLlniversity and has studied atthe Ontario <strong>College</strong> o[ Education.Forclham Unir"r.ity. and the Univer.ily of Notr" Dam,. Farh"r i.our History p.ofessor ancl Registrar,and moderates the Debating Society.Father Thomas Callaghan C.SS.R.helcl the positions of Socius andSubsocius for three years. He rvasborn in Belleville, Ontario. andgraduatecl from Assumption LJniversityan

Socius means "friend". Father Scanlan relaxes with some o[ thestudents at a soiree in our commorrroorrr."Not a bad iob." says Father Callaghan as hetales a breal from some landscaping on the lawns.Father WI'alen and students from BrockvilleCollegiate Institute after an interschool debateon Canada-LI.S. union.Education doesn't end in the classroom. FatherGrannan, our basketball coach, gives some lastminrte;nstnrctions to the tcam.The Iittrrgy is a parto[ our daily life. evenoutside the Chapel.Father Rector blessesthc Easter meal.page nine

--J:F T'''Brother Timothv C.SS.R.I."l.t,dElectrician and CarpenterBrother Edward C.SS.R.Orono, MaineRefectorianBrotLer Malachv C.SS.R.Ir"l^rtdBoiler Engineer,r:xXBrother Reginald C.SS.R.Mo.ttreal, P.Q.L.n.,drypage ten

Brother John C.SS.R.Eugenia, OntarioH."d Co"kBrother Emile C.SS.R.St. John, N.B.Vocation BureauBrother Linus C.SS.R.Nova ScotiaGe.te.al MaintenanceBrother Eugene C.SS.R.St. John, N.B.L.,tndry

Brother Gregorv C.SS.R.St. John, N.B.Assistant CooLThe Brothers work in the background tokeep the <strong>College</strong> hummingCandidate PatrickSt. Joht '", N"*fo.,.tdl..tdKitchen AssistanceThe Brother's life is changing - BrotherEugene at work on an L B.M. typewriter.Candidate Fra.rLSault Ste. Mariel(itchen Assistancepdg,e tuelueThe Brothers display their three forms ofdress including the new collar.

WHAT IS ST. MARY'S?<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Mary's</strong> <strong>College</strong> is the Junior Seminary of theRedemptorist Fathers. It is therefore a school of trainingfor the Priesthood and for the Missionary Vocation o[the Redemptorists.May any good Catholic young man enter St. <strong>Mary's</strong>?No, o.rly those interested in the Priesthood ^ttdMi.sionary Life.What education does a student receive? The prog""- ofstudies is that o[ the Ontario Department of Education,which grants to our Grade 12 students their JuniorMatriculation Diplo-r. Q,talified Redemptorist prieststeach Grades 9. 10. 11. 12 and First Year Coll"g..Students write the exams of the Pt"limittary Arts Year ofthe LJniversity of Wi.td.ot. I[ a student leaves in anyyea.. hi" g..des are accepted by other High Schools.'What happens after First Year <strong>College</strong>? The Craduatesenjoy two months of holld.y. ..td tlren enter the Novitiateat Keswick, Ontario. for r y..t of special religiottstraining. After it they take the three vows o[ Poverty,Chastity, and Obedien"" in the Redemptorist Congregation.They tlren reside at Lloly Redeemer <strong>College</strong>,Windsor. Ontario. Holy Redeemer is our Major Seminaryrffilir,t"d rvith the LJniversity of Windsor."nd Studentsfollo- courses at the lJniversity: many receive their"o-"B.A. and B".h"lo. of Th"ology deg.ees. After three yearsof Tle"l"gy, the seminarian is ordained to the Priestlrood.He then completes his fourth and final year o[ seminarystudy.Where doe" the newly ordained priest worL? He isg"adually introduced into priestly wo.L the RedemptoristMissions by a special year of guidance, c"lled the"ttdPastoral Year. Then his assignment: to the home missions,to the foreign missions. to Redemptorist pa.isles andother priestlv work.What must I do to become a Redemptorist? Write to:Y ocation Bureau, Sf. Mary'" CoIIege, Brochvill,z, Ontorio.A Father will interview you and help you in your vocation.page thirteen

LIFE AT ST. MARY'SW[at l{ind of a picturc do yo., h.v. of Iife in a JuniorSerninary? l-ife here at St. <strong>Mary's</strong> is a pleasant combination of prayer. sports. study and work. But it s evenmore. It's "growing up" in a lot of ways that ot" tor"lymentioned.Take the char,ffet,rs, for instancc. Every September FatherSocius selects a group of student drivers for tLc year.When they whisl fellow stnde nts to tLe Rotary SwimmingPool, Hockey Arena and Basketball games. in ou. F.l"ontrucl; whcn they clrive to Gananoque. Otto*'^ arr


The GraduatesIn September of this yet" we came 78 strong' We .ame f"o- places.rear .nd far t"ross eastem Canada. W. came yo,rng, healthy andr-bitious. We came to St. <strong>Mary's</strong> <strong>College</strong>, The Redemptorist MinorSeminary b..arrse w" wanted to be priests and Redemptorists.We came, of us veterans' others ste<strong>ppi</strong>ng into an entirely"ome.rew life, to live together in a community. There is a division though,accordi.rg to the class to which w. belo.tg. It is as of this unit^embersthat we l.ar., a.td study; it is as members ol this unit that we areL.ro*rr. Ir, .ach ol o,r, [iv. there develops a spirit which is"lassescharacteristic ol .r,ery activity in *hich ettg.g..-.For the students of First Arts the year is a vital one in their lives.They are the lead".i o{ the C"ll.g., the ones to whom all lo"k forBut more important, the year is {or them one of consideration""a^pl".arrd p".ye", one ol decision ..rd ftnal preparation for Novitiate.Newman AbbottThis yonng Ieft his ho*.in Conception -a.r Bay, N.wfo.rndla.td,to loitt the First Arts classof this year. In his easy-goingway, Newman contributed considerablyto the spirit at St.<strong>Mary's</strong>. During hir t""- .r .nbh"pe"fo"-ed his dnties".pomost efftciently.Daniel BogueA French Ca.tadiat , Dr.rrrycame to us firr. years ago f.omHawLesbn"y, Ontario. Withexcellent spirit he was faithfuland ge.re"orr" in his duties. Forseveral years h" hrs *ork.d irtthe students' small store, andha" be".r a chauffeur sinceGrade Eleven. Dan was alsocarro fo" the {irst term.pqge sixte.

Davicl GrarrtDav,, comes to us lrom St.J,tL. 's. Nerr'[,r,r.dla.d, theLotn" he I"lt fu.,. years ilgo.Alt"ays ."ad1 to assist in anvlabu,,., h., has dn,re ,,-an,,,.1great deal of *'otk backstagt,1., ,u. .-all 1,roJu, ti.'n.. ll,is1'"nt I.,. prrt Lis persuasivettilents to Lrsc as a d,,Later. an.lIte irs srrL capo for tLe".rtedfirst ternr..loseph.la-esToronto lost Joe to St. <strong>Mary's</strong>?rs a Gracle Nine student. Hel,as been outstanding in tLe fielduf P,,blt. Sp"olirrg a'd as i,,'r"-1r", nf the choit. He 1,.,"plu-v"d tro small part in manvother organizations too ancl LasLeen most Lappy to give ol himsellat ever,v opportrrn ity.l(]erard l-ewisTLe th;rd student ol this classf..rr' Ne*-lorrndland, Cerr ycame to Ma.y's this year.-St.l Ils home is Baie Vcrte. Hewas given ample opportunity toJrractise a corpc,r,rl work oftttercl, r,r'he1 hc was trp'ointedheacl siclrl'aiter. lrr his sJ,,,..tinre hc works on variorts proiectsol the L.egion nf Ma.u.tpage erghteen

Joh,r MadiganJohn is another fin" y"u.coming from Palmer Raptds, -.r,Ontario. During the secondr.hool t".- of this yea., JacLse.rred as capo. He *a, .l*uy,glad to lend a hu.rd i. o.,ystudent activity and in specialvyork projects. His silk-screenability has pl.y.d a great partin the production of eacLScholacta cover. -ontl-r'sEugene O'ReillyForrr y.a.s ago Toronto gave"Red" to us as a me-ber of theCrad" T"n .1o... 11 y o.r, 1Iot,g b"for. his musical talentswe.. disco,,,ered a.d h. becar,,.on" of St. <strong>Mary's</strong> "music men."Eugetre served u..la.. b.rb..for most of hi. ti-" h.."^rrd^l.o .,. r.,b capo drrring part olthis vear.,John PriceLondon, Ontario was tle honreof this young *hi.h h. l"ftforr. y"u,.. ago. -..t,This y"a, 1,"*as head Sacristan. Joltn ha".l.o b."., a student driver sincehir G.ud" Eleven yea.. Heexcells in tLe fields of Debatinga"d P,rLItc Sp".ki.tg.page nrneteen

i ,*natures * the supernatural life built upon 1lr" fi"* fo..nd6-d"-relop"d by study. The priest must have a thoroughthe student applies the good advice off.""d ort 6ffi6isn1tr.e of th. regular study periods he will develop gooJroom training and so we have * Iibtury rvith stimrtlafingFrRSr Row + Peter Coady. Toronto; Loyol. Hy."r, Aquaforte. Nfd.; Bu'.'ham Tho.p, S"nlt Ste Marie, Ont.; James Bond' PiciOnt. srcor.ro now G".^ld Q,,e.r,"l, Wild"or, Ont.; Daniel McG"un, St.Johr,'r, Nfid.: Johrt Swidersli, Montreal; Btyan H.,tl-Peterborough, Ont.; Peter Barbeito, Toronto. 1H1qp p6rv Paul Gouett, S^..lt St". Marie, Ont.; Joh.' G".dy. Cornwall' Or-Ri"h."d Bo,rli..,r,e, Trenton. Ont.; Glendon Pi""ce, St. Johr,, N.B.: Raymond Bourgoin. Trenton, Ont. rounrrr now Ger -Pl.-adorr, Quebe. City; AIIan Dor6. Londo.r; Ral,rnond Cloutier. Windso". Ont.; Stephen Holl.nd, Londott; James WinlEganville. Ont.; Anthony W.^ngha-, Montreal. The Christian, and .bo.'e all the priest. is a man o[ twotion of the natural Iife. At St. Marv's the whole man isd"*'elop"

3?{The natural man is developed- by athletics. The Redemptorist must at all times be master of himself. Hemust be able to taste the bitterness o[ defeat and yet riseup again and again to do battle until victory is attained.Wrether this struggle be under the heat ol the Japanesesun, or under the pressure of mission sermon after sermon,or in filling the countless needs of a parish, it will Le agreat strain on physical resources. Sports. then. serve atwo lold purpose, the development of self-control, and theformation of strong, healthy bodies. They are also a sourceof relaxation and fun after a day in class. Baseball. lootbull. ho"L"y and basletball a.e played according to theseason. In addition there are many who indulge in theless famous ga-e. IiL" handball. tennis and vollevball. p1ge twentv-one Panel discussion of Engltsh topics.

-FrRsr Ro\\'* Dennjs Daorr.l. l'renton. L)nt.; (lordon Peters. Prescotl. Ont.r Patrir:k l--nr;glrt, Qucbcc Cllty: Den,ris Arcler. \,*aaksis,\.[J. sEcoND Ro$,+ P.rtrick Trask, St. John s. NIId.: H;lu.in' Cassirly. L;r'cl1. C)nt.; DoLrglas L;ttle. St. .lol,,r N.13., PIiennecl-v. Dorchesler. N.B.r Alan Dorr-ettc, Charloltetorvn. rHrRD Row - N1;cl'acl lrl,vn". I-oncion; Jarrres C]trick, L.onclonr \\IilfoDoyle. St. .loh,r'. Nfcl.: Nlark Sl'arrr,,,, \\';nclsor.(}rt. r.ounrn nr u = SieplenFrancis l(inclellan. Ilonlreal: llavi(l St..J;rrnr:s. Ilontreal; Scott Follis. (lttz,rva:.lom.. (il,v,rn. P.te'Lo.o,,gh. O"t.Singing tLeir way to Latin proficrency.pogc tucntu tuoThc natural man is dcvcloped by activities. Th" ..l.rcu-tion of a Redemptorist cannot stop in the classroom, forhi. *o"1< does not end with study. llis endeavours tospread the Cood News of Christ will cor.y hi- into manyft"ldr utrd bring him into conlact with many differentpcoplc. Norv, here at St. N{ary's. is tlre time to receivean introduction to some of our {ulurc *otL ,rtrd lo l"n",-tto dcal with p"opl". Lt pRoI-ocuE and Scholacra we ftndan outlet for our crcative genius. Tlese two publicationsalso cle.'elop in thc staff members a personal sense ofresponsibility. The arts of public speaLing and debate arefostered by contests among ourselves and with outsideschools. These are but the maior activitics and new ideasare always welcome.

a: '.:'..- .now -John 'l'eixeira. Torontoi Peter C,,rlal,y. Toronto; CLristopher Rastjn. London.qh. Ont.; Danicl Clirarrl. I).larvare. Ont.; Parrl Cot6. Narlrsa.rksis. N.B. rrrrnnn. Srrclb"ry. Ont.: James FIc"". Belle.;lle. C)"t.sEco\D Ro\\' -) lch';lle ArtLonlPctcrnou -(lart' \\r;ll;",r',,. )lontrcal: IolrnAtrove all, the supernatural life is developed. A priestmay be an cxpert in theology and philosophy: he bean eloquent speaker and a pcrfect physical specimen; -aybuttnless he is also a man of praycr. he will do nothing forGod, his neighbou", o" hi-self. AII the worl in the rvorldis empty unless it is promptecl Ly a lo.'c of God and aIif" of p..y"t. Prayer not only in common or wLeir theru]e requires it, but a spirit of p"..ott"l prayer, a pcrsonalrelationship with Jesus Christ. a relationship tLat permeateshis every action. At St. <strong>Mary's</strong> a boy begins to livethis life. The chapel -Christ is never more than a-minute away. H" I"""tt" to pray in common. and alone.And most of It. Legins to love thc Mass, thc centre"ll,of hi. Iif" r'rol.'ur'td Ordination. The res"lt is a rvlolc^ft""man, and. if God wills. a great Redcmptorist.Developing reuding.Lill..page tuentV-three

'IFrRSr Row ,- Paul Gouett, Mike Follis. Jlm Barnes. srcoNo Row -RavCloutier, JoLn Price, Tom DeForee, Fred Lemieux.BaseballdRsr Row Gordie Pctcrs, Dennis -Archer. Steve Mclnnis, Chris Rastin.John Teixeira. srcoxn now Glynn, Bill -.limDoyl", Jt- Quick. FranlKindcllan.page trrenl.u lour

nasr norv ,- Nervman Abbott, Xd Dale, Dan Bogue, Loyola Hynes, MikeCousineau."srcoro now -Dan N{cGcan. John CIarL, I_". C-*.FootballttFrRsr Row -Clris Rastin. pa,rl Kennedy, AIan Dorrcette, Bill Doyle, La.ryCassidy. sacoro row .- Qe.di,, petcrs, John l-eixeira. Steve U.1""i", e*" C"a"n",Mark Shar.on.page twentA-frDe

Parents' Day, held on Thanksgiving weekend eachyear, is Open House for parents and families. Hereseveral families tale in the East-West ball g"m".D^n Bog.,"'. Iittlc sister seems to bc more interested in herbig brother than in the game.The festivities oI Hallo*"'".t even manage tocreep into tl'e halls of St. N1a.y's. The above sightin thc loyer greete

'. '1FrRsr Row -Fr. Whalen. Cerry Quesnel. Dan Bogue, Bryan Hurrle, RicLEgan, Burnie Thorp, Eugene O'Reilly, Dan McGean. secouo now -Ric[Bonli^,rtt", Barry O'Neil, Jim Glynn, Dave Crant, Jack Madigan, JohnCIarl, Joe James, John Swiderski.Hockeypage thirtV-two

Jlm \\';"gle. J;- Birnes. Geo'gc DAngelontonio. Bob Brine, Ed Dale, A"dyK;rkpatricL. Pete Barbcito, John Callngl,an, \like Foll;s.BohunkHockeyJuniorI)ete Cludahy. AIan Dotrcctte, Chris Rastin,.lim (]uick,f)aoust. Larry Cassidy, John HLrntington, Go.die Moorev.Irarrl Ke"necly, De'nispage thitr1-thiee

Dnlrrlrrcs HAvE ALwAys been an important activity at St. <strong>Mary's</strong>, developing poise, appearance, ..rd"peech ability. Besides our frequent and.olorrrfrrl skits, we stage one malor dramatic *o"L e".h year. This year itwas Reginald Ro."'. Tt elon Angry Men, the award-winning story of aiury's struggle to reach a i.t the case of a teenage switchbladefJnde" Father Scanlan's -,e.dict direction, the cast did an admirable job-..rd"". and captured the irnaginations of their two audiences, at St. <strong>Mary's</strong> itselfand at the Catholic hioh school in Brocl

Gr.d" EI"r,"r, in thc fever of triumph after their candidate, AII"n Daley, was elected by thefrc,rlty as King of th" Mardi Gras. Thiu y"r. the respective candidates elected by their classeson .n all-rou.rd basis. were Chris Rastin, Grade Nine; Dennis Daoust, Grade Tet; Get.yPlamondon, Grade Twelve; .nd John Doyle, First Arts. The festivities tale place on the threedays p"e.edi.rg A.h Wednesday."Red" O'Reilly .-ceesthe St. Patrick's Daysho*.Peul Gouett of Grade Twel,r" p"o.rdly di.plays a poster advising election of theircandidate.St, Pat's night climaxed with the dramatic and unexpecte

FlRsr Row -Bob Donnelly. G".ry Q"e.."I. sEcoND Row Paul Gouett, Bob Btine,-R;ck Bo"lianne, Ray ClorrLier. Steve Holland, NliLe Cousinea". Da,rny N'lcCean,Johtr Cull.gh...Basketball..:FrRsr Ro$'- Mil{e FIy"", J;- Hcnn. srcorlo Rot\'- Pat Trask, Dan Cit,rtd. Mu.l,Sl'arron, Dave St. James. Steve lVlc,ln',is. Fta"L Kltt.l"ll.tt. Do.,g l-;ttlc, Go.dl"Pcters.page thirtg-sit


Public Speakirgrrnsr now*John Teixeira, John Price, Father O'Flaherty (Moderator),AIIan Dor6, Frank Kinde[an. sEcoND Rowi Steve Kenny, Joe James,Ed Dale.The art of elocution plays a very important part intlre life of every Redemptorist and therefore also inthe life "fevery Redemptorist student. Each weelwe draw from Fr. O'Flaherty's twenty years ofmission experience as we attempt to imitate thegreat spealers of the Congregation.Father WiIIiam O'Flahertv C.SS.II.Fat[er Arthur C,onnell C.SS.R.FrRsr Ro\ff d Dan McGean, Bob Donnelly, Dan Bog,l", Ed Dale, BobBrine. Pete Coady, Gerry Lewis. srcowo Row -Steve Holiand, StenPalbom, Mi[

Leo Carter p"epa"er fo" Gerry Quesnel's shot inEaster N{ondav o.."hb"ll.Thi..*hibit of Carpenter Ants captured the laurels of First Prizefor Paul Kennedy, Doug Little at the St. La*""ttc" Rideau ScienceFair and olaced fourth in the Montreal Canada-Wide Contest.In this debate the team of John Frice at d JohttDoyle triumphed over two young BrockvilleIadies.Eugene O'Reilly Leep" . ".feGrannan inspectsthe rocketdi"tance *hilethat didn't goFr.off.The students Iisten with rapt attention to Frs. Campbell andNishi-Moto tell of Japan. A native of the country, Fr. Ni"hi-Mot"studied at Holy Redeemer <strong>College</strong> in Windsor and also in Rome.Boston's Leo Boivin gives us interesting hockeyfacts at our annual sports banquet,page thirly-nine

--lJ\\1>rrRsr Row r Bob Dottrl"lly, Bob Brine, Eugene O Reilly, Rick Boulianne, Pete Coady. secorvo row ,- John l)oylc,Jim Barnes, Joh" G.ady, Joe J.m".. Ji* Wi"gl., John Nladigan, George D Angclontonio. rrrRD now -FatherScanlan (Director), Gerry Plamondon, AIIan Do16, Stene Holl..rd. Orqanist John CIark.-The eigLteen talented young mcn.""n .borr". are the members ofSt. Ma.y s Cloir. Under thecompetent direction o[ Fr. Scan-Ian. they sfrive lhroughoul theyear to give a good accounl o[ihemselves wLenevcr they arecull"d.rpotr.'l'heir singing at theIiturgical funclions, and the majorevents are well remembered successcs this yt'ar. To the c'edit o[bolh membcrs and director thcywere invited to present tLeirChristmas progryrm at St. <strong>Mary's</strong>S.hool otrd St. Vincent s l-lospitalin Brockville as well as atother local evcnls.Pete Coady plays tl'c N{ass ".,"gby Bob Donn"lly, Ri.L Bo,,li.nn",ntt.l Ji- Bnrtt"..page forty

|5|JfiTwo students adore before the Blessed Sacramentduring the Forty Hours Devotion.A text is read at a Holy WeeLBible Vtgil.Th" C.o.s is held for CooclFriday veneration.In solemn remembrance, Fr. Rector offers the HolvSacriftce on Maundy Th.r..d,,y.Lent and the Vigil climax with the Alorious celebration of Mass.Symbolic of Christ's Resurrection the Paschalcandle is lit at the Easter Vigil.Rogation Day procession winds around thepage fortV-one

FLsilr;John Price bid. St. NI"'y'r "Fa.e*'ell" on behalI o[ all tLeCrads in the Valedictory printecl on tLe opposite pagc.i i:,t:i:1I:Fatlrcr Francis Cunerty, C.S.S.R., deliverslLe Graduation Arldress.b*-Joe James receivesF-ather Rector.hi. diplo-.fro-'l'he choir sing. tl,e theme song oI lh"enterta;nmenl "No NIan is An lsland"page fortV-tuo

Farewell to shrine and stage and tree'Farewell to St. Lawrence shoreSt. lvlary's look your last at meFor I come home no more.You must forgive me if I reminisce toomuch, or il my thoughts are not united in aJlowing tribute of goodbye Because when Isat down to write this Valedictory my mindscampered like a young unleashed puppyenjoying his first spring lt roved the grassylawns of the <strong>College</strong> recalling many' somany, happy memories. ln my mind, ltriedto pick a bouquet of memories and tie themwith a golden ribbon of thanks and thencarefully place them in the crystal vase of{arewell. However, neither time nor talenipermitted me to completely translate all myd reams to words.Just as the white apple blossoms hangheavy with a cool dew in our orchard' Ishould to pluck from our eleven hearts a Jewof the memories which hang heavy with adew of tha nk you.A special thanks to all the Fathers andBrothers who have guided our unsure footstepsthrough the years, so that now we canwalk with some confidence, a lot of inspiration,and with a bundle of hope, to God'sholy altar.But our tenderest thanks must go to you,Mom and Dad, who gave us the life we nowenjoy. You have been the oak of confidenceand help in our lives, Dads, so please continueto follow us with the same assuringhand as we climb the high road to glory.And Moms, you know that You are thesweetest flower of our lives, a flower whichwill never lose its lragrance, nor {ade in theheat of time, "nor waste its sweetness on thedesed air." lt's a remarkable thing, Mom,that we have "machines to do the dishes,yes, and one to wash the clothes; another oneto dry them - how simply living goes. Andyet no one's invented machines that scrub aface, or soothe a iall, or wipe the tears, ortake a Mother's place."And to the fellows that we leave behind usat St. <strong>Mary's</strong>, a warm goodbye. Many farewellshave already been expressed along withsome words oJ wisdom and encouragement.But, "remember this above all else, to yourown sell be true, and it must follow as thenight follows the day, that you cannot be thenfalse to any man!"A day like today which is filled with theglorious splendors of spring, such a daysneaks into our bosoms and demands asense of thanksgiving to God. Truly' we havemuch to be thankful 1or, but we only askOur Lord "to make us instruments of Yourpeace. Where there is hatred, let us sowlove; where there is iniury, pardon; whereihere is doubt, faith; where there is despair,hope; where there is darkness, light; andwhere there is sadness, joy."O Divine Master, grant that we may notso much seek to be consoled as to console;to be understood as to understand; to beloved as to love; for it is in giving that wereceive; it is in pardoning that we arepardoned; and it is in dying that we are bornto eternalife. "Yes, goodbye dear old St. lVlary's, andthanks. You know, my problem is that onceI start, I'm awfully hard to stop. The Latinauthor Pliny had a simple way of concluding,for Pliny used just one simple word: Vale.And yet Pliny's one word sums up a universeof feelings this May day, because St. <strong>Mary's</strong>has become over the years, not just a school,or a home away from home, but rather St.l\4ary's has become a way ol life. And sotogether we shout Vale! And may it echofrom the classrooms to the Shrine; let itshatter the still silence of the study halls anddormitories; may it ring in song and prayerfrom the auditorium io the Chapel. May itcrack in a storm of thunder over the lreshspring air from the dock to the sports field;and let our shout literally rock our rooms andthe refectory - a mighty and triumphantVale, St. <strong>Mary's</strong> - Farewell!JOHN T. PRICEpage fortV-three

page fortg-fourFather James Grannan C.SS.R.organized by Fr. Davis. several years ago the two Legion of Mary praesidia have now becometwo very capable worling units. with the help of Fr. Grannan the catechetical worlr of ourLady of Good counsel Praesidiu- h." bee'extended to a greater number of the neighbour-Lood children. workirtg in cooperation witL Fathers Davis and Mason and Brother Emire,the legionnaires of our Mother of Perpetual Help Praesidia have increased the efliciency oftheir vocation club efforts. Nerv worl with the patients of the ontario Hospitar in B"ock.ri .was undertalen by both praesidia this year.Fatler James Davis C.SS.R.

paeeThe most popular hobby at S.M.C. is obviously photography. Thisgroup of shutter-cliclers preserves events o[ the year for history onthe silver salts of photographic p*pe". In fact their worl ha" b""rtresponsible for many o[ the photos [ound in Pnorocue. From theexperience of the veterans ne- me-Lers learn to develop and printin our darlroom.FatlerJames Grannan C.SS.R.FrRsr Row ! Paul Gouett, tarry Cassidy, Allan Daley, Par Enrisht. S.ot Follissrcoxn now F*d Lmieux, JoLn LegBuh, MiLe Follis, Stoe -Ke"ry, BoL Donnellv.Paul Ke"nedy, Pat Tlask. lim Quk[. rH'RD now - byola Hyrres. Sr*e Mctmis, Ri.kBoulianne, George D'Anselo"ronio. Dan Mccean, Fhn[ Kindellan. Jin Henn. GawWilla-". rounrn now - Go.die Mooey. Tom D"fo.se, cordie Peters, Pcre Bsrbeiro,St* P.lb"-.Ca,rnera ClubOrchestraFrRsr Row ,- Pat Enright, Eugene O'Reilly, BoL Brine. secorpnow-John Doyle, Jlm Barnes, Joe Jume", D..t McGean, A[anDoucette, Father Scanlan (Director). rurno now -Rick Bo,.,lianne,Joh.r L.g"olt, Pete Coady, Ge.ry Q.resnel.Fatfier Desmond Scanlan C,SS.R,Many students oI St. <strong>Mary's</strong> are gifted with a considerable amountof musical talent. Part of this is refected in the outstandingpe"formance of our orchestra. Some oI the membe"" played beforecoming to St. <strong>Mary's</strong>, but others have become proftcient at aninstrument through long hours of practice. Under the direction oIFr. Scanlan they perlorm at all big celebrations.

Prologueand Schola,ctaThe staffs of Pno,-ocur and Scholacto: F^culty Adrri.o. Fathcr D. Scanl"n. C.SS.R.; Editots ,- Johtt Doyle, Allan Dor6.-Ed Dul", J;m Wingle. Pete Coady: Photography -Allan Daley, St",r" Holl.nd, RicL Bo,tli..tn"; Co,te"s * Johtt M.dig.tt.Bob Brine. Bryan Hurrle, Ger.y (.).,".,,"1, Steve )lclnnis; Typists and printers -Brothers Emile and Eugene; Circulation ,-Ji- Bo,rd, Ray Cloutie,, .lim Barnes. B;ll Dovle. St",.r Palbo-. AIan Doucette, Pat Enright; Layout * Bob Brine, ChrisRastin; Advertiser5 Allan Dor6. John G..dy, Ji* Bu.t'es.-B.y.,, H...rI", Steve Mclnnis ".tdGetryQuesnel sil[< screen Scholacta covers. meter rearling. details to interested Dave Grant.


OUR PAIROI{$Mosi Rev. J.A. OrSullivon, our Archbishop.Very Rev. G.T. OrReilly,C.SS.R., Provinciol.Msgr. J, Z. Noel , Windsor, Onf .Rev. A. O'Neill, Brockville, Ont.Rev. T.H. Jockmon, Soult Ste Morie, Ont.Rev. F.J. Lynch,S,J.,St. John's, Nfld.Sisters of Providence, Brockvi lle, Ont.Sisters of Notre Dome, Brockville, Ont.Sisters of Soint Joseph, White River, Ont.Our Lodyrs Missionories, Toronlo, Ont.The Grey Sisters, Egonville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. Deegon, Brockville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. Boss, Brockville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. McGuire, Brockville, Onf .Dr. & Mrs. McAvoy, Brockville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. Lonthier, Brockville, Onf .Dr. & Mrs. Dunn, Brockville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. Wyott, Brockville, Ont.Dr. & Mrs. Perrin, Brockville, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. J.J. McMohon, North Boy, Ont,Mr. & Mrs. A, Buchonon, Courtright, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. V. P. Lowless, Brockville, Onf .Mr. & Mrs. H. Foirbourne, Brockville, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. J. Grody, Peterboro, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. M. Krmpotich, Soult Ste Morie, Ont.Mr. & Mrs.Bernord Bond, Picton , Ont,Mr. & Mrs, O. Dore, London, Ont,Mr. & Mrs. E. Dole, Windsor, Ont.Mr. & Mrs, P.A. Morrey, Schreiber, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Morrey, Schreiber, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. W. Hoey, Compellford, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. J.Bornes, Toronto, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. M. Anthony, Peterboro, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. Wi llioms, Montreol , P. Q.Mr. & Mrs. Plomondon, Ste, Foy, P.e.Mr. & Mrs. A.J. lvlocDonnell, Sudbury, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. J. Wronghom, Montreol, P.Q.Mr. & Mrs. H. O'Neill, Toronfo, Onr.Mr. & Mrs. F.J. Colloghon, Holifox, N.S.Mr. & Mrs. F. G. Corter, London, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. E, Bourgoin, Trenton, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Jomes, Toronto, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. R. Bickerton, Toronfo, Onf .Mr. & Mrs. C. Peters, Prescoft, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. D. Keoyes, Prescott, Onf .Mr. & Mrs. L. O'Ar1orro, Trenton, Ont.Our Lody of Assumption, Toronfo, Ont.St. Alphonsus, Peterboro, Oni.Mr. & Mn. J.Morkson, Clorkson, Ont.Mr. & Mn. J. Egon, Brockville, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hynes, Aquoforte, Nfld.Mr. & Mrs. T.W. Rostin, London, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. E.Reil, Peterboro, Onf .Mr. & Mrs. J. DrAngeloontonio, Peterboro, Onf ,Mr. & Mrs. G. Peters , Prescott, Ont.Mr. & Mrs. D. Copolbo, Toronto, Ont.Mr. F. A. Fitzpofrick, Brockville, Onr.Mr. T. D. Doiley, Brockville, Ont.Mr. O'Horo, Trenfon, Ont.Mr. P. Enright, Toronto, Onr.Mr. McAllister, St.John, N.B.Mr. Bondi, Brockville, Ont.Mr. K,J. Cudohy, Toronto, Ont.Mr. S. F. Boroneski, Trenton, Ont.Mr. M. Enright, Chorlbourg, P. Q.Mr. Cliff Hunt, Kitchener, Ont.Mr. F.A. Woodbury, Brockville, Ont.Mr. A. LoMorre, Trenton, Ont,Mr. F.G. Cosey, St.John'N.B.Mr. J. J. McNob, Trenfon , Ont.Mr. C. Grody, Peterboro, Ont.Mr. B. Sioui, Trenton, Ont.Mr. R. Reid, Trenton , Ont.Mrs. G.S. Doyle, St. John's Nfld.Mrs S. Boroneski, Cordinol Onf .Mrs. J.E. Power, Brockville, Ont.Mrs Y. Cebrorio, Schreiber, Ont.Mrs. M. Kenyon, Loncoster, New York.Mrs. C. Quick, Windsor, Ont.Miss Denise Coody, Toronto, Ont.Miss Sqroh Jomes, Toronto, Ont.Miss Mory Bomois, Windsor, Ont.Miss Joon Anthony, Peterboro, Ont.Miss Cloro OrReilly, Toronto, Onf .Miss J. Lyvett, Trenton, Onf .Miss G. loshly, Brondon, A4onitobo.Miss J. Scqnlon, Montreol, P.Q.Mrs. Jeon Cosselmon, Prescott, Onf .Rr0tl'|Pl0ntsr l|0t|s$cilil0tSi. Ann's, Montreol , P.Q.5t. Peter's, St. John, N.B.5t. Pofrickrs, Toronto, Onf .Sf. Pofrickrs, London, Onf .St. Polrickrs, Quebec, P.Q.5t. Alphonsus, Whitbourne, Nfld.Sf. Thereso's, St. John's, Nfld.Holy Redeemer, Chorlottefown, P.E.l.Holy Redeemer, Sudbury, Onf .5t. Alphonsus, Windsor, Onf .

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