CA NO : CE (P) VIJAYAK/ /2012-13 Serial Page No : 01 ... - Bro.nic.in

CA NO : CE (P) VIJAYAK/ /2012-13 Serial Page No : 01 ... - Bro.nic.in

CA NO : CE (P) VIJAYAK/ /2012-13 Serial Page No : 01 ... - Bro.nic.in


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<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>01</strong>TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>BORDER ROADS ORGANISATIONCHIEF ENGINEER, PROJECT <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, C/O 56 APOName of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OFACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATECOMPOSITION OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTSS/<strong>No</strong>. Contents <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong>.<strong>01</strong>. Composition of the tender documents 102. Tender forward<strong>in</strong>g letter 02 to 0803.Lumpsum tender and contract for works required IAFW- 2249(Revised 1947) with Schedule-A, B, C & D09 to <strong>13</strong>04. Acceptance 1405. General Conditions of Contract IAFW-2249 <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g errata andamendments15 to 5406. Special Conditions 55 to 6307. Particular Specifications 64 to 7608. Form of Bank Guarantee Bond 7709. <strong>No</strong>tice Invit<strong>in</strong>g Tender (NIT) 78 to 8<strong>01</strong>0. Draw<strong>in</strong>gs 81 to 9411. Proforma for Qualification Details ( Appendix ‘A’) Stage-I 95 to 9812. NEFT/RTGS Mandate form (Appendix ‘B’)99<strong>13</strong>. Errata/Amendments to the tender documents 100 to 1<strong>01</strong>14. Relevant correspondence15 Acceptance letterTotalSignature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 02TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>REGISTERED/ADTele : <strong>01</strong>985-234124/25Fax : <strong>01</strong>985-234120 HeadquartersChief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>PIN – 931 721C/O 56 APO81047/ 19 /E8 11 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATEDear Sir(s),1. A set of tender documents for the above work is forwarded herewith. Please note that the tenderwill be received by The Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, Project <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, PIN –931 721, C/O 56 APOupto 1500 Hrs on 20 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>.Tender received after the due date and time will not beconsidered.2. Tenderer or their duly authorised representative who have submitted their tenders and who wishto be present at the time of open<strong>in</strong>g of tenders may visit the office of Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer(P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, PIN- 931 721, C/O 56 APO at the above mentioned time.3. Please note that tender documents are to be prepared <strong>in</strong> two stages conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the follow<strong>in</strong>gdocuments:-3.1 Stage-I:- QUALIFI<strong>CA</strong>TION DETAILS :3.1.1 Under this stage, clearly labeled “STAGE-I- QUALIFI<strong>CA</strong>TION DETAILS” on the envelop,particulars about the follow<strong>in</strong>g shall be furnished as per the format specified at Appendix ‘A’ andannexure thereto. <strong>No</strong> <strong>in</strong>dication of the price bid shall be given at this stage and only the detailsas sought as per the given format be submitted alongwith EMD.(a) Particulars of firm, registration status, resources held, credit limit and details of immovableproperty.(b) Work completed dur<strong>in</strong>g last five year and <strong>in</strong> hand dur<strong>in</strong>g current year.(c) Verification statement.(d) EMD <strong>in</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong> case of unenlisted bidders.(e) Power of attorney to submit tender (where applicable).(Where the bid has been <strong>in</strong>vited <strong>in</strong> parts, the particular part be<strong>in</strong>g participated be clearlyhighlighted <strong>in</strong> the verification statement to facilitate proper evaluation thereof).Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 04TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(c) The tender shall be accompanied with Earnest Money amount<strong>in</strong>g to Rs. 3,55,000/-(Rupees three lacs fifty five thousand only) <strong>in</strong> the form of Deposit at Call Receipt/TermDeposit Receipt/Special Term Deposit Receipt issued <strong>in</strong> favour of Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>,PIN- 931 721, C/O 56 APO by scheduled Bank. Tenders (<strong>in</strong> respect of un-enlisted bidders) notaccompanied with earnest money will not be considered for acceptance. The amount of thisreceipt should be basic amount and not their maturity value. Any deposit ly<strong>in</strong>g with thedepartment <strong>in</strong> any form aga<strong>in</strong>st any tender and/or contract shall not be considered for adjustmentas the earnest money aga<strong>in</strong>st this tender. Any tender not accompanied with earnest money <strong>in</strong> theform as <strong>in</strong>dicated here-<strong>in</strong>-before or accompanied with any letter/commu<strong>nic</strong>ation conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g anyrequest for adjustment of any other deposit as earnest money shall be treated as non bonafidetender. If an unregistered/un-enlisted firm revokes his offer (tender) after open<strong>in</strong>g of bids with<strong>in</strong>the validity period of his offer, the earnest money deposited by the firms alongwith his tender willbe forfeited. The Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, PIN- 931 721, C/O 56 APO will return the EarnestMoney wherever applicable to all unsuccessful tenderers by endors<strong>in</strong>g the authority on thedeposit for its refund.(d) The security deposit amount for this work shall be 25% more than the amount of earnestmoney based on the value of contract ( i.e. 1.25 times of the earnest money) subject to theprovision that <strong>in</strong> no case the <strong>in</strong>dividual Security Deposit shall exceed Rs.11,25,000.00 (RupeesEleven lacs twenty five thousand only).(e) The tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant draw<strong>in</strong>gs documents,samples, site & etc., whether he had <strong>in</strong>spected them or not.(f) Tenderers are requested to quote rates both <strong>in</strong> figure and words <strong>in</strong> column 5 aga<strong>in</strong>st eachitem of schedule ‘A’ and extend the amount to column 6 of Schedule ‘A’.(g) Any tender which stipulates any alternations to any of the conditions laid down or whichproposes any other conditions of any description whatsoever is liable to be rejected.(h) Tenderers are requested to submit their tender strictly comply<strong>in</strong>g with the variousprovision given <strong>in</strong> the tender documents.(i) Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer reserves the right to accept the tender submitted by a Public SectorUndertak<strong>in</strong>g, giv<strong>in</strong>g a price/purchase preference over other tender(s), which may be lower, as areadmissible under the Govt. Policy. <strong>No</strong> claim for any compensation or otherwise shall beadmissible from those, whose tenders may be rejected on account of the said Policy.(k) The submission of tender by a person implies that he has read this tender forward<strong>in</strong>gletter, the conditions of contract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications ofthe work to be done and of the conditions, and other factors, site conditions, taxes & leviesprevail<strong>in</strong>g etc which may affect the quotation and execution of the work.(l) Tenderer must be very careful to deliver a bonafide tender; fail<strong>in</strong>g which the tender will beout rightly rejected. Tenderers are, therefore, advised to ensure that their tender must satisfyeach and every condition laid down <strong>in</strong> the notice.8. Tenderer must ensure that the tender is unambiguous and is complete <strong>in</strong> all respects. Yourparticular attention is drawn to the follow<strong>in</strong>g requirements, which must be complied with:-(a) Tender documents are to be signed, dated and witnessed at all the pages provided for thepurpose. Each page and all corrections are to be <strong>in</strong>itialed.(b)(c)All corrections should be signed or <strong>in</strong>itialed. Use of correct<strong>in</strong>g fluid is not allowed.Cloth l<strong>in</strong>ed envelope shall be used for return<strong>in</strong>g the tender documents.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 05TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(d) In case you are submitt<strong>in</strong>g a BLANK TENDER word ‘ BLANK’ must be prom<strong>in</strong>entlyendorsed on the envelope, the forward<strong>in</strong>g letter and general summary duly signed by thetenderer. The tender documents complete <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g draw<strong>in</strong>gs (s) are required to be returned tothis office.(e) If a tender is submitted on behalf of a firm, it may be signed either by all partners or apersons or a person hold<strong>in</strong>g a valid power of attorney from all the partners constitut<strong>in</strong>g the firm.The person sign<strong>in</strong>g the tender on behalf of another or on behalf of a firm shall attach with tendera proper power of attorney duly executed <strong>in</strong> his favour by such other person or by all the partnersstat<strong>in</strong>g specifically that he has authority to b<strong>in</strong>d such other person (s) or the firm as the case mybe <strong>in</strong> all matters perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to the contract <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the arbitration clause. The power of attorneyshall be executed as <strong>in</strong>dicated below:-(i)(ii)(iii)In case of <strong>in</strong>dividual, a suitable affidavit should be submitted.In case of partnership concern, power of attorney shall be executed by allpartners.In case of company, power of attorney shall be executed <strong>in</strong> accordance withconstitution of company.9. Attention of Tenderers is drawn to the Indian Official Secret Act – 1923 (XIX of 1923) asamended upto date particularly Section 5 thereof.10. In view of postal and other delays, it is suggested that your tender be posted sufficiently <strong>in</strong>advance of the late date fixed for receipt of tenders or sent through a special messenger, ifnecessary, Tender received late will not be considered. Telegraphic commu<strong>nic</strong>ations received <strong>in</strong>connection with this tender will also be not considered.11. The tender shall rema<strong>in</strong> open for acceptance for a period of 60 (Sixty) days from the date ofopen<strong>in</strong>g of the tender (exclud<strong>in</strong>g the date of open<strong>in</strong>g).12. The tender shall be signed and returned alongwith the tender documents and shall form stage ofthe tender documents.<strong>13</strong>. Tenderers are required to quote for complete scope of work as per Schedule ‘A’, particularspecification, special conditions and other provisions of the tender documents, fall<strong>in</strong>g which thetender will be considered as “non bonafide” and shall be liable for rejection. Tenderers rate shallbe <strong>in</strong>clusive of all statutory levies, duties, surcharges, taxes, octroi, service tax etc and <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gVAT/State sale tax, on works contract tax payable under the respective statutory pursuant to theConstitution 46 th Amendment Act 1982. Any other conditions stipulated by the tenderer regard<strong>in</strong>gSale Tax on works contract will not be considered and such tender will be liable for rejection.14. The tenderers are advised to visit the work site to acqua<strong>in</strong>t themselves of work<strong>in</strong>g and siteconditions, before submitt<strong>in</strong>g their tender.15. The applicant tenderer who has downloaded the tender documents from BRO website arerequested to collect the standard draw<strong>in</strong>gs of related structures where applicable from theHQ <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, PIN- 931 721, C/O 56 APO.16. On acceptance of tender, the name of authorized representative (s) of the contractors who wouldbe responsible for tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>structions from Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge or its authorized representativeshall be <strong>in</strong>timated by the contractor with<strong>in</strong> 7 days of issue of Acceptance letters.17. DRAWINGS : The related draw<strong>in</strong>gs of structures (where applicable) are also available <strong>in</strong> theoffice HQ Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, Project <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>, P<strong>in</strong>-931721, C/o 56 APO.18. MODIFI<strong>CA</strong>TION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BID18.1 The bidder may modify or withdraw his bid after submission of bid provided that the modificationor notice of withdrawal is received <strong>in</strong> writ<strong>in</strong>g from the Client prior to the last date and time ofsubmission of bid.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 06TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>18.2 The bidder’s modification or notice of withdrawal shall be kept <strong>in</strong> sealed cover duly marked onthe envelope “MODIFI<strong>CA</strong>TION” or “WITHDRAWAL” as the case may be and be submittedbefore last date and time of receipt of bids.18.3 <strong>No</strong> bid may be modified or withdrawn subsequent to the last date and time of submission of bid.18.4. The bidder modify<strong>in</strong>g or withdraw<strong>in</strong>g his bid after last date of submission of bid will either have toforfeit the EMD submitted or will have to deposit an amount equivalent to that of EMD (<strong>in</strong> case ofenlisted contractor), with<strong>in</strong> a period of one month. In case bidder fails to deposit amount asspecified above, then bidder will be debarred for participation <strong>in</strong> the tender process for a period of12 month from the date of open<strong>in</strong>g of bid.19. EVALUATION OF BID19.1. A two stage procedure will be adopted <strong>in</strong> evaluation of the bids with qualification details(STAGE-I) be<strong>in</strong>g completed prior to open<strong>in</strong>g of f<strong>in</strong>ancial bid.(a) The qualification details (Stage-I) will be evaluated by a board of officer to beappo<strong>in</strong>ted by the Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer. The follow<strong>in</strong>g criteria will be applied for evaluation ofthe details. The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer however, reserves the right to review the criteriadepend<strong>in</strong>g upon the extent of competition and other aspect <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g securityconsiderations.(i) Whether EMD as required has been submitted or otherwise. The tender will beconsidered non-bonafide where EMD, if applicable, has not been enclosed <strong>in</strong> the formsought for.(ii)Enlistment class of the tenderer.(iii) If tenderer belongs to appropriate enlisted class, i.e. have upper tender limit at parwith the value of work i.e. class ’A’ and has adequate bid capacity (to be calculated asper the details given below hereunder), and have experience <strong>in</strong> execution of similarnature of work, the tenderer will be treated qualified for participation <strong>in</strong> the bid(aa) Adequacy of bid capacity i.e. 2.5 times the upper tender limit for theenlisted class or maximum value of work executed/completed <strong>in</strong> any one year dulyupdated to current price level over last five years (whichever is more) less thevalue of balance work <strong>in</strong> hand shall exceed the value of NIT cost.(iv) In case a tenderer is not enlisted with BRO or have enlistment <strong>in</strong> a class lowerthan the one specified as above as per the value of work, <strong>in</strong> that case only thosetenderer who meet the follow<strong>in</strong>g criteria will be treated qualified.(aa)(bb)(cc)2.5 times the maximum value of work executed/completed <strong>in</strong> a year dulyupdated to current price level, over last five years less the value of balanceworks <strong>in</strong> hand shall exceeds the value of NIT for the particular part/partsbe<strong>in</strong>g participated or whole the work, if participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> all the parts.Availability of credit facility upto 10% of Estimated cost of work.Adequacy of Hold<strong>in</strong>g of Veh/Eqpt/Plants for the proposed work.(dd) Shall not have consistent history of unsuccessful litigation (i.e. not morethan three unsuccessful Court case/Arbitration).(ee)(ff)Value of immovable property held about 10% of the estimated value ofwork.Details of Eng<strong>in</strong>eers employed i.e. Four Eng<strong>in</strong>eers (Graduate withm<strong>in</strong>imum 02 years experience and or Diploma with 4 years experience).Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 07TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(gg) Experience of the contractor on similar work. The contractor should havesuccessfully/substantially completed at least one work of similar nature cost<strong>in</strong>g notless than 80% of the estimated cost of work or two similar works cost<strong>in</strong>g not lessthan 50% of the estimate cost of work or three similar work cost<strong>in</strong>g not less than40% of estimated cost of work. Substantially completed work means those workswhich are 90% complete on the date of submission of tender (A proof to this effecti.e. completion certificate/work order with progress thereof be enclosed).(b) After the Evaluation of Stage-I (qualification details) is completed, the Stage –II(F<strong>in</strong>ancial bid) of qualified bidders shall be opened separately on 27 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 Hrs. Allthe bidders who have not qualified for the participation <strong>in</strong> the Stage -II (f<strong>in</strong>ancial bid), their Stage -II(f<strong>in</strong>ancial bid) will be return unopened by registered post.(c) The Stage -II (F<strong>in</strong>ancial bid) will be opened on the date and time <strong>in</strong>timated as above <strong>in</strong> thepresence of the representatives of the qualified bidders who choose to attend. The prices asquoted by each bidder will be read aloud and recorded while open<strong>in</strong>g the bid.(d) The lowest f<strong>in</strong>ancial bid as whole or <strong>in</strong> a part (if so def<strong>in</strong>ed) and if found complete <strong>in</strong> allrespect will generally be <strong>in</strong>vited for execution of contract agreement. However, Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer isnot bound to accept the lowest or any bid received or to give any reason for do<strong>in</strong>g so.20. After open<strong>in</strong>g of the bid, <strong>in</strong>formation related to the exam<strong>in</strong>ation, clarification, evaluation andcomparison of bids and recommendation concern<strong>in</strong>g the award of the contract shall not bedisclosed to the bidders or any other person not connected with the process until the award of thecontractor is f<strong>in</strong>alized. Any effort by a bidder or his representative to <strong>in</strong>fluence the department <strong>in</strong>the process of exam<strong>in</strong>ation, clarification and Evaluation of bids and <strong>in</strong> decision concern<strong>in</strong>g awardof contract may result <strong>in</strong> the rejection of the bid.21. If the successful bidder fails with<strong>in</strong> the specified time limit to sign the agreement, the earnestmoney as submitted with the tender will be forfeited. In case of enlisted contractor, they will haveto deposit an amount equal to the specified EMD value. In case the lowest bidder fails to depositthe amount as specified above, then he will be debarred for participation <strong>in</strong> the tender process fora period of 12 months, from the date of open<strong>in</strong>g of bid.Yours faithfully,Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Enclosures : Tender Documents & Departmental Draw<strong>in</strong>gs.for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer<strong>No</strong>te :-1. Tender documents are also available for download<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> BRO website www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> orwww.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong>. (l<strong>in</strong>k-tender-l<strong>in</strong>k-vijayak). In case the tender documents is downloaded from BROwebsite the pr<strong>in</strong>t out is to be taken on A4 size paper only. It is advisable that the downloaded tenderdocuments be pr<strong>in</strong>ted through laser pr<strong>in</strong>ter only. Submission of Xerox copy or Photo copy of thetender is not permitted and liable to be rejected.2. Tenderer who have downloaded the tender documents from website shall submitdeclaration along with tender document that:-“I/we have downloaded the tender from website www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> orwww.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong> (l<strong>in</strong>k tender-l<strong>in</strong>k-Vijayak) and I/we have not tempered/ modified thetender form <strong>in</strong> any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered/ modified <strong>in</strong> anymanner, I/we understand that my/our tender will be summarily rejected and I/we areliable to be banned from do<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess with BRO.”Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : ___________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 09TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>S C H E D U L E ‘A’<strong>No</strong>te:-SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENT1. The unit rates/amount quoted by the tenderer for the various items to this schedule shall bedeemed to <strong>in</strong>clude for the provision of all stores, labourer, material, tools/plants, equipments andtackle process, operation and specific requirement detailed <strong>in</strong> this schedule and <strong>in</strong> the Tech<strong>nic</strong>alspecifications and elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the tender documents and for full entries and f<strong>in</strong>al completion ofthe work <strong>in</strong> accordance with the provision of the tender documents.2. The tenderer is required to quote his unit rates both <strong>in</strong> words and figures under column-5 &column-6 and carry over the total amount under column 7 on Srl <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong>. 10 to 11 hereto.3. The period of completion stipulated <strong>in</strong> <strong>No</strong>te-1 of Schedule ‘A’ shall be reckoned from the date ofhand<strong>in</strong>g over of site of work as <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> the Work Order(s). If the contractor does not takeover the site on or before the date of commencement given <strong>in</strong> Work Order the same shall betaken as deemed date of tak<strong>in</strong>g over site for reckon<strong>in</strong>g the completion period of the work.4. Works under this contract shall be completed <strong>in</strong> accordance with follow<strong>in</strong>g phas<strong>in</strong>g:-(a)100% of the works shall be completed with<strong>in</strong> 12 months from the date of plac<strong>in</strong>g ofwork order.5. <strong>No</strong> adjustment on account of variation <strong>in</strong> prices or on any account is permissible under thiscontract other than those specified at Clause 63 of General Condition of contract.6. The quantities quoted <strong>in</strong> column <strong>No</strong>. 4 at Srl <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong>. 10 to 11 are approximate and are<strong>in</strong>serted as a guide only. If it is more or less the tenderer will have no claim on this account.However, the same shall not be varied beyond the deviation limit vide condition 7 of GeneralConditions of Contract (IAFW-2249-1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t)7. The total period of completion for the work will be reckoned from the date of commencementspecified <strong>in</strong> Work Order/hand<strong>in</strong>g over site.8. Rate quoted will be considered <strong>in</strong>clusive of all types of taxes.9. The tender shall rema<strong>in</strong> open and valid for acceptance for 60 days from the date ofopen<strong>in</strong>g.10. The material for the works shall be conform<strong>in</strong>g to Tech<strong>nic</strong>al specifications <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> the tender.11. The tender will be considered for acceptance as a whole.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 10TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>S C H E D U L E ‘A’ ( Contd...)Sl<strong>No</strong>.SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUF SHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OFACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATEDescription of Item (with brief specification and reference to book ofspecification)Unit Quantity Unit Rate <strong>in</strong> Rs. Total AmountIn FiguresIn Words1 2 3 4 5 6 71. Supply and erection of Prefabricated <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter forOfficer liv<strong>in</strong>g of Size 8.77 m x 7.54 m with covered Verandah 1.80 mwide <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g one Store/Kitchen 3.66 m x 2.10 m and two Toilet2.10 m x 1.80 m as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/<strong>01</strong>/E8 dated 08 Jun<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 032. Supply and erection of Prefabricated CHDH shelter of size 20.8 m x6.10 m for Officers Mess as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/02/E8 dated08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 033. Supply and erection of Prefabricated <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter forJCOs/Supvrs liv<strong>in</strong>g accommodation of Size 18.3 m x 6.10 m with1.50 m wide covered Verandah and attached toilet block 2 <strong>No</strong>s ofsize 5.49 m x 1.83 m as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/03/E8 dated08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 034. Supply and erection of Prefabricated <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter for ORsliv<strong>in</strong>g accommodation of Size 22.08 m x 6.10 m with 1.80 m wideopen Verandah <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Toilet block as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>.46/04/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 03Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 11TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>S C H E D U L E ‘A’ ( Contd...)Sl<strong>No</strong>.Description of Item (with brief specification and reference to book ofspecification)Unit Quantity Unit Rate <strong>in</strong> Rs. Total AmountIn FiguresIn Words1 2 3 4 5 6 75. Supply and erection of Prefabricated <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter forOffice Accommodation of size 18.3 m x 6.10 m with 1.50 m widecovered Verandah as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/05/E8 dated 08 Jun<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 036. Supply and erection of Prefabricated Store Shelter of size 18.3 m x6.10 m as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/06/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s <strong>01</strong>7. Supply and erection of Prefab FFL shelter (Toilet block) of size 4.8m x 2.4 m as per Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/07/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(Part-I & II) & particular specification.<strong>No</strong>s 02Total Amount Rs.(Rupees ___________________________________________________________________________________________________only)<strong>No</strong>te :- Period of completion of whole work - 12 (Twelve) monthsSignature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 12TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>S C H E D U L E “B”SCHEDULE OF REQUIREMENTName of work: SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATES/<strong>No</strong> Particulars Rate of stores which will Place of issueRemarksbe issued to ContractorUnit Rate1 2 3 4 5 6------NIL-------SCHEDULE “C”LIST OF TOOLS AND PLANT (OTHER THAN TRANSPORT) WHICHWILL BE HIRED TO THE CONTRACTOR(See condition 15, 34 & 35 of General Condition of Contract IAFW-2249)Name of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATES/<strong>No</strong>Quantity/particularsDetails ofcrewsuppliedHire charges perunit per work<strong>in</strong>gdayStand bycharges nameper off dayPlace ofissue byNameRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7------NIL-------SCHEDULE “D”TRANSPORT TO BE HIRED TO THE CONTRACTORName of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATES/<strong>No</strong>Quantity/ParticularsRate per unit per work<strong>in</strong>gdayPlace of issueRemarks1 2 3 4 5------NIL-------Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>13</strong>TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>IAFW-2249 (1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t)TENDERThe President of IndiaThrough the Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject <strong>VIJAYAK</strong> *(*Referred to also as an Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer elsewhere <strong>in</strong> the tenderdocuments)Hav<strong>in</strong>g exam<strong>in</strong>ed and perused: -i) The forward<strong>in</strong>g letterii) IAFW-1779-A Schedule ‘A’,’B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ and notes theretoiii) General Conditions based on IAFW-2249 (1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) together with amendments.iv) Tech<strong>nic</strong>al specificationsv) Special conditionsvi) <strong>No</strong>tice of Tender andvii) Department’s draw<strong>in</strong>g/sketchShould this tender be accepted. I/we agree.a) That the sum of ` 3,55,000/- (Rupees three lacs fifty five thousand only) forwarded asEarnest Money shall either be reta<strong>in</strong>ed as parts of the Security Deposit or be refunded on receipt ofappropriate amount as Security Deposit with<strong>in</strong> the time specified <strong>in</strong> clause–22 of IAFW-2249 (1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t)General Condition of Contracts.b) To execute the work to the extent to which my/our tender may here<strong>in</strong> before be accepted upon theterms and conditions conta<strong>in</strong>ed as referred to <strong>in</strong> the said documents and at the price or prices quoted byme/us <strong>in</strong> Schedule ‘A’ hereto dur<strong>in</strong>g the period of 12 months commenc<strong>in</strong>g on the dates as given <strong>in</strong> thework order and <strong>in</strong> respect where on my/our tender may here<strong>in</strong> be accepted.c) I/we further agree that any condition of sale of contract or General Reservations, whichmay be pr<strong>in</strong>ted or written on any correspondence delivery notes, <strong>in</strong>voice etc, submitted byme/us <strong>in</strong> connection with this contract shall not be applicable hereto.d) And to refer all disputes, as required vide condition 70 of General Conditions IAFW-2249(1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) of the contract to the sole arbitration of a serv<strong>in</strong>g Eng<strong>in</strong>eer Officer of BRO to beappo<strong>in</strong>ted by DGBR or <strong>in</strong> his absence the Officer officiat<strong>in</strong>g as the DGBR whose decisionshall be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g.e) Any works be<strong>in</strong>g executed and be<strong>in</strong>g manufactured under the provision of the Contract beavailable for <strong>in</strong>spection at the respective site as well as at the work site where responsibilityof provid<strong>in</strong>g required lab equipments/test facilities rests with me/us.Witness: --------------------------------(Name <strong>in</strong> block letters)Address:---------------------------------------------Signature & Name of Contractor/ --------------------------------authorized signatory In the capacity of --------------------------------Duly authorized to --------------------------------Sign the tender for and on behalf of M/s --------------------------------(In Block letters) --------------------------------Postal Address:- --------------------------------Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 14TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>A C C E P T A N C E----------------------------------------------------------------- alterations have been made <strong>in</strong> this document and asevidence that these alterations were made before the execution of this contract agreement they havebeen <strong>in</strong>itialed by the contractor and Shri ………………………………..………………………………HQ <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong> on my behalf. The said Officer is hereby authorized to sign and <strong>in</strong>itial on my behalfthe documents form<strong>in</strong>g part of this contract.The above tender is accepted by me on behalf of the President of India <strong>in</strong> respect of ------------------of Schedule “A” attached hereto at the price quoted there<strong>in</strong> for Rs. -----------------------------------------------(Rupees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------only).Signature(Anil Kumar)Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>Accept<strong>in</strong>g OfficerFor and on behalf of thePresident of IndiaSigned this -------- day of ---------Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 15 to 54TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Name of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATEGENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTSBASED ON IAFW-2249 (1987 Pr<strong>in</strong>t)1. A copy of the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS IAFW–2249 (1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) WITHERRATA 1 TO 12 AND AMENDMENT 1 TO 15 has been supplied to me/us and is <strong>in</strong> my/ourpossession. I/we have read and understood the provisions conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the aforesaid GeneralConditions of Contracts before submission of this tender and I/we agree that I/we shall abide bythe terms and conditions thereof, as modified, if any elsewhere <strong>in</strong> these tender documents.2. It is hereby further agreed and declared by me/us that the General Conditions of Contracts(IAFW–2249-1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g condition 70 thereof perta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g to settlement of disputes byArbitration conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 40 pages (serial page <strong>No</strong>. 15 to 54) shall form part of this tender documents.3. Wherever the Phases Commander Works Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (CWE) and Garrison Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (GE) havebeen used <strong>in</strong> the General Conditions of Contract (IAFW-2249-1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) the same are consideredas Task Force Commander (TFC) and OC Contract respectively as applicable to Border RoadsOrganization.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 55TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONSName of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATE1. DEFINITIONS1.1 The follow<strong>in</strong>g Special Conditions shall be read <strong>in</strong> conjunction with General Conditions based onIAFW-2249 (1987 pr<strong>in</strong>t) <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g amendments thereto. If any provisions <strong>in</strong> Special Conditions is atvariance with the General Conditions mentioned, the condition of Special Conditions shall bedeemed to take precedence over General Conditions.2. SCOPE OF WORK2.1 The scope of work under this contract is only for “SUPPLY AND ERECTION OFPREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUF SHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FORCONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATE” and as per Particularspecifications and details given at Schedule ‘A’.2.2 The contractor’s rate shall be deemed to be <strong>in</strong>clusive of royalty, monopoly, other charges <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>gVAT/Sales Tax etc as per exist<strong>in</strong>g Govt. order to be paid by the Contractor. <strong>No</strong> extra claim will beadmissible on account of fluctuation of market rates directly and/or <strong>in</strong>directly and/or implied on anyaccount. <strong>No</strong> claim on account of misunderstand<strong>in</strong>g, whatsoever, shall be enterta<strong>in</strong>ed on anyaccount <strong>in</strong> this respect.3. VISIT TO SITE3.1 The contractor is advised to visit the site of work to make himself familiar with the work<strong>in</strong>gconditions, accessibility of sites, availability of materials, weather condition and such other relevantconditions which affect the execution and completion of the work. The expenses thereon willhowever be borne by the tenderer.3.2 The contractor shall be deemed to have fully <strong>in</strong>spected and satisfied himself as to the forego<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>respect of all rates quoted and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstand<strong>in</strong>g orotherwise shall be allowed.3.3 The Contractor shall be deemed to have fully conversant with the local conditions prevail<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>State(s) where contract is operative i.e. restrictions of ply<strong>in</strong>g of the vehicles imposed by theSecurity Forces and/or local adm<strong>in</strong>istrative and/or law enforc<strong>in</strong>g agencies, also the liabilities for thesecurity checks etc. The department will not be responsible for eventualities due to securityrisks/security requirements as may be required and/or imposed by the Security Forces and/or bythe local adm<strong>in</strong>istrative and/or law enforc<strong>in</strong>g agencies. <strong>No</strong> claim whatsoever on this account shallbe admissible.4. SECURITY AND PASSES4.1 The Contractor shall strictly adhere to all <strong>in</strong>structions given by the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge from time totime with regard to the security arrangement and issue of passes to control the admission of theContractor, his agents, servants and work people to the site of delivery and alike.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 56TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)4.2 The contractor and his agents, servants and work people shall observe the rules promulgated bythe authority controll<strong>in</strong>g the area <strong>in</strong> which the work under the contract are to be executed such asprohibition of smok<strong>in</strong>g and light<strong>in</strong>g fire precautions, search of persons at the time of entry andexit, keep<strong>in</strong>g specific route, restricted hours of work, etc. Thorough search of all persons andtransport may be conducted by Military/Para military/GREF authorities or by any other authoritiesas approved/authorized by the OC Contract at the site of work at any time and for any number oftimes for security reasons. <strong>No</strong> claim whatsoever shall be enterta<strong>in</strong>ed from the contractor for suchcont<strong>in</strong>gency.5. EMPLOYMENT OF LO<strong>CA</strong>L LABOUR (REFER CLAUSE-26 OF GENERAL CONDITIONS OFCONTRACT OF IAFW – 2249).5.1 The contractor shall, as far as possible employ local labour under this contract. All facilities as perprovisions <strong>in</strong> labour Acts <strong>in</strong> force shall be provided to the labour by the Contractor.6. CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY AGAINST SERVANTS AND WORKMEN6.1 The contractor shall employ only Indian National as his representatives, agent, servants andworkmen and verify their antecedents and loyalty before employ<strong>in</strong>g them on work. He shall ensurethat personnel of doubtful antecedents and Nationality and who are <strong>in</strong> any way connected withhostile elements prevail<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the area or with any ant<strong>in</strong>ational activities are not employed orentrusted with the works. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the period of work, if anybody <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> ant<strong>in</strong>ational activities isfound, he will immediately be sent out and the contractor shall have no claim whatsoever on thisaccount.7. INSPECTION (REF CLAUSE-46 OF CONDITION OF CONTRACT) IAFW – 2249.7.1 Inspection of work at different stages will be carried out by Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-<strong>in</strong>-Charge. OC Contract orany officer of the Department connected with this work. The contractor shall provide all facilities forsuch <strong>in</strong>spection and exam<strong>in</strong>ation of any part of the work and no special claim on this account shallbe admissible and/or accepted by the Department.8. PHASING OF CONTRACT8.1 The work under this contract shall be completed accord<strong>in</strong>g to time given <strong>in</strong> schedule “A” and notesthereto.8.2 In case any contractor is assigned with work of more than one items, the time given for completion<strong>in</strong> Schedule “A” shall run simultaneously and concurrently.9. PROCUREMENT OF OTHER STORES/MATERIALS9.1. Contractors shall rema<strong>in</strong> responsible for procurement of any stores/materials (other than thoselisted under schedule ‘B’) <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g any tools/equipments required for execution of work as listed<strong>in</strong> Schedule ‘A’ as the case may be, under this contract. His rates shall be deemed to be<strong>in</strong>clusive of all such eventualities.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 58TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)12. HIRING CHARGES OF LAND12.1 Payment of rent for road side land if any where equipment will be <strong>in</strong>stalled based on therequirement of work will be payable by contractor and this will not be reimbursable by thedepartment.<strong>13</strong>. TIME AND PROGRESS CHART<strong>13</strong>.1 The time and progress chart shall be prepared as per the General Condition of Contract. It shallconsist of detailed network analysis and a time schedule. The critical path of work will be drawnjo<strong>in</strong>tly by the OC Contract and the contractor soon after acceptance of the tender. The timeschedul<strong>in</strong>g of the activities <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a net work for the prelim<strong>in</strong>ary arrangements for mobilization ofresources e.g. manpower, plant and mach<strong>in</strong>ery will be done by the contractor so as to completethe work with<strong>in</strong> the stipulated time. On completion of the time schedule a firm calendar dateschedule will be prepared and submitted by the Contractor to OC Contract <strong>in</strong> quadruplicate with <strong>in</strong>one week from the date of hand<strong>in</strong>g over the site.<strong>13</strong>.2 Dur<strong>in</strong>g the currency of the work, the contractor is expected to adhere to the time schedule and theadherence will be part of the contractor’s performance under the contract. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the execution ofthe work, the contractor is expected to participate <strong>in</strong> the meet<strong>in</strong>g for review and updat<strong>in</strong>g thenetwork under taken by OC Contract. These reviews may be under taken at the discretion of theOC Contract either as periodical appraisal measure or when the quantum of work ordered on theContractor is substantially changed through deviation orders or amendments. Any revision of theschedule as a result of the review will be submitted by the Contractor to the OC Contract with <strong>in</strong> aweek who will approve it after due scrut<strong>in</strong>y. The Contractor will adhere to the revised schedulethereafter.<strong>13</strong>.3 The Contractor is expected to mobilize and employ sufficient resources to achieve the detailedtime schedule with<strong>in</strong> the broad frame work of the accepted methods of work<strong>in</strong>g and safety.<strong>13</strong>.4 <strong>No</strong> additional payment will be made to the contractor for any multiple shift work or other <strong>in</strong>centivemethods contemplated by him <strong>in</strong> his work schedule even though the time schedule is approved bythe department.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 59TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>14. LAND FOR OFFI<strong>CE</strong> ETCSPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)14.1 The Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for land as may be required by him forhous<strong>in</strong>g of staff and labour and for erection of store sheds, offices, go downs etc. The Contractormust ensure that the staff, labour, plant, equipment, stores etc. employed or collected <strong>in</strong>connection with the work are so, placed that there is no h<strong>in</strong>drance to the free flow of traffic on theroad. Suitable warn<strong>in</strong>g boards, lights, and other measures are to be provided by the Contractor athis own cost for the safety of the traffic.15. WATER15.1 The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for the supply of water required for work and forthe use of his staff/labour at his own expense. The contractor shall also arrange for storage andconveyance of water, if necessary, at his own expense.16. MOVEMENT OF CONTRACTOR’S VEHICLE16.1 <strong>No</strong> vehicle shall travel over f<strong>in</strong>ished earth work/sub grade duly rolled and is ready for gett<strong>in</strong>ganother layer of earth/sub grade/base/bitum<strong>in</strong>ous layer, without specific permission from OCContract. Cost of damage of such <strong>in</strong>stance if occurred will be recovered from contractor’s bill asper assessment made by OC Contract be<strong>in</strong>g not less than the cost of execution of such work plusdepartmental charges. Decision of OC Contract will be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> this regards. The routeto be adopted by the Contractor’s vehicles will be decided by the OC Contract which can be seenby Contractor before tender<strong>in</strong>g his rates. However no claim will be tenable if route gets changeddue to any reasons.17. AC<strong>CE</strong>SS TO DEPARTMENTAL WORKMAN AND OTHER AGENCY17.1 The Contractor shall permit free access and generally afford all facilities and usual conveyance toother agencies and/or departmental workmen to carry out works if any, under separatearrangements. The Contractor shall not be allowed any extra payment to this account.18. FOREIGN EXCHANGE IMPORT LI<strong>CE</strong>NSE18.1 <strong>No</strong> foreign exchange and/or import license will be arranged by the department <strong>in</strong> connection withthe work under this contract.19. PERMIT FROM LO<strong>CA</strong>L AUTHORITIES FOR PLYING VEHICLE19.1 Contractor shall make his own arrangements for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g necessary permit from local authoritiesfor ply<strong>in</strong>g his vehicles for work <strong>in</strong> accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the land.20. REGISTRATION FEE, TRADE TAX, SERVI<strong>CE</strong> TAX, INCOME TAX ETC20.1 Tendered amount shall also be deemed to have <strong>in</strong>cluded the payments of all taxes likeregistration fee, trade tax, Service tax, Income tax and other taxes/levies <strong>in</strong> force and as may bemodified from time to time to be paid to Central and State Govt. The Contractor may ascerta<strong>in</strong> fulldetails <strong>in</strong> this respect from the concerned department.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 60TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>21. ELECTRICITYSPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)21.1 <strong>No</strong> electricity will be supplied by the department. The Contractor shall make his own arrangementfor necessary power if required.22. ROYALTY22.1 The royalty charges as per the rates notified by Deptt of Geology and M<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, Govt of J&K fromtime to time shall be deducted from the RAR/f<strong>in</strong>al bill of the contractor. In case contractor producesroyalty clearance certificate to this effect, the confirmation thereof be sought from the concerndeptt before release of the f<strong>in</strong>al bill to ascerta<strong>in</strong> genu<strong>in</strong>ity thereof. In such cases no deduction willbe made at deptt level.23. PAYMENT OF WORK23.1 The payment will be released through E-Payment mode, for which the contractor is required tosubmit the NEFT/RTGS Mandate Form (enclosed at Appx ‘B’) duly filled <strong>in</strong> the specified details.Otherwise, it will be released through A/c Payee Cheque.23.2 In case where the payment through cheque is be<strong>in</strong>g made by post to the Contractor, the postagecharges will be deducted from the net amount due to the Contractor.24. ARBITRATION (REFER CLAUSE-70 & 71 OF CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT OF (IAFW-2249)24.1 All disputes between the parties to the contract other than those for which the decision of theaccept<strong>in</strong>g officer or any other person is by the contract expressed to be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g shall,after written notice by either party of the contract to the other of them, be referred to solearbitration <strong>in</strong> accordance with the rules specified hereunder :-Rules for Arbitration(a) Matter to be arbitrated shall be referred to the sole Arbitration of an Eng<strong>in</strong>eer Officer tobe appo<strong>in</strong>ted by Director General Border Roads or Officiat<strong>in</strong>g Director General Border Roads<strong>in</strong> his absence.(b) The venue of Arbitration be a such place or places as may be fixed by the arbitrator at ishis sole discretion.(c) The Arbitration proceed<strong>in</strong>gs shall be governed by arbitration and conciliation act 1996.(d) The arbitrator shall give reasons for the award <strong>in</strong> each and every case irrespective ofthe value of claims or counter claims.(e)The award of the arbitrator shall be f<strong>in</strong>al and b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g on both the parties.(f) The appropriate court at Kargil (J&K) shall alone have jurisdiction to decide any disputearis<strong>in</strong>g out of or <strong>in</strong> respect of this contract.(g) The expenses <strong>in</strong>curred by each party <strong>in</strong> connection with preparation, presentation etc.of its proceed<strong>in</strong>gs as also fees and expenses paid to the arbitrator shall be borne by eachparty itself.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>. <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong>: 61TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>25. PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT25.1 GeneralSPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)25.1.1 This section of the Specification sets out limitations on the Contractor’s activities specifically<strong>in</strong>tended to protect the environment.25.1.2 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures and precautions and otherwise ensure that theexecution of the works and all associated operations on site or off-site are carried out <strong>in</strong> conformitywith statutory and regulatory environmental requirements <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those prescribed elsewhere <strong>in</strong>this document.25.1.3 The Contractor shall take all measures and precautions to avoid any nuisance or disturbancearis<strong>in</strong>g from the execution of the works. This shall wherever possible be achieved by suppressionof the nuisance at source rather than abatement of the nuisance once generated.25.1.4 In the event of any spoil, debris, waste or any deleterious substance from the Site be<strong>in</strong>g depositedon any adjacent land, the Contractor shall immediately remove all such material and restore theaffected area to its orig<strong>in</strong>al state to the satisfaction of the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer.25.2 Water Quality25.2.1 The Contractor shall prevent any <strong>in</strong>terference with the supply to or abstraction from, and preventany pollution of, water resources (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g underground percolat<strong>in</strong>g water) as a result of theexecution of the Works.25.2.2 Areas where water is regularly or repetitively used for dust suppression purposes shall be laid tofall to specially constructed settlement tanks to permit sedimentation of particulate matter. Aftersettlement, the water may be re-used for dust suppression and r<strong>in</strong>s<strong>in</strong>g.25.2.3 All water and other liquid waste products aris<strong>in</strong>g on the Site shall be collected and disposed of ata location on or off the Site and <strong>in</strong> a manner that shall not cause either nuisance or pollution.25.2.4 The Contractor shall not discharge or deposit any matter aris<strong>in</strong>g from the execution of the Works<strong>in</strong>to any waters except with the permission of the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer and the regulatory authoritiesconcerned.25.2.5. The Contractor shall at all times ensure that all exist<strong>in</strong>g stream courses and dra<strong>in</strong>s with<strong>in</strong>, andadjacent to, the Site are kept safe and free from any debris and any materials aris<strong>in</strong>g from theWorks.25.2.6. The Contractor shall protect all watercourses, waterways, ditches, canals, dra<strong>in</strong>s, lakes and thelike from pollution as a result of the execution of the Works.25.3 Air Quality25.3.1. The Contractor shall devise and arrange methods of work<strong>in</strong>g to m<strong>in</strong>imize dust, gaseous or otherair-borne emissions and carry out the Works <strong>in</strong> such a manner as to m<strong>in</strong>imize adverse impacts onair quality.25.3.2 The Contractor shall utilize effective water sprays dur<strong>in</strong>g delivery manufacture, process<strong>in</strong>g andhandl<strong>in</strong>g of materials when dust is likely to be created, and to dampen stored materials dur<strong>in</strong>g dryand w<strong>in</strong>dy weather. Stockpiles of friable materials shall be covered with clean tarpaul<strong>in</strong>s, withapplication of sprayed water dur<strong>in</strong>g dry and w<strong>in</strong>dy weather, Stockpiles of material or debris shallbe dampened prior to their movement, except where this is contrary to the Specification.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 62TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>.SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)25.3.3. Any vehicle with an open load-carry<strong>in</strong>g area used for transport<strong>in</strong>g potentially dust produc<strong>in</strong>gmaterial shall have properly fitt<strong>in</strong>g side and tail boards. Materials hav<strong>in</strong>g the potential to producedust shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, and shall be covered with aclean tarpaul<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> good condition. The tarpaul<strong>in</strong> shall be properly secured and extend at least 300mm over the edges of the side and tail boards.25.3.4. In the event that the Contractor is permitted to use gravel or earth roads for haulage, he shallprovide suitable measures for dust palliation, if these are, <strong>in</strong> the op<strong>in</strong>ion of the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer,necessary, Such measures may <strong>in</strong>clude spray<strong>in</strong>g the road surface with water at regular <strong>in</strong>tervals.25.4 <strong>No</strong>ise25.4.1 The Contractor shall consider noise as an environmental constra<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> his plann<strong>in</strong>g and executionof the Works.25.4.2 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures so that the operation of all mecha<strong>nic</strong>alequipment and construction processes on and off the Site shall not cause any unnecessary orexcessive noise, tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to account applicable environment requirements. The Contractor shalluse all necessary measures and shall ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> all plant and silenc<strong>in</strong>g equipment <strong>in</strong> good conditionso as to m<strong>in</strong>imize the noise emission dur<strong>in</strong>g construction works.25.5. Control of Wastes25.5.1 The Contractor shall control the disposal of all forms of waste generated by the constructionoperations and <strong>in</strong> all associated activities. <strong>No</strong> uncontrolled deposition or dump<strong>in</strong>g shall bepermitted. Wastes to be so controlled shall <strong>in</strong>clude, but shall not be limited to, all forms of fueland eng<strong>in</strong>e oils, all types of bitumen, cement, surplus aggregates, gravels, bitum<strong>in</strong>ous mixturesetc. The Contractor shall make specific provision for the proper disposal of these and any otherwaste products, conform<strong>in</strong>g to local regulations and acceptable to the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-In-Charge.25.6. Emergency Response25.6.1.The Contractor shall plan and provide for remedial measures to be implemented <strong>in</strong> the event ofoccurrence of emergencies such as spillages of oil or bitumen or chemicals.25.6.2 The Contractor shall provide the Eng<strong>in</strong>eer-In-Charge with a statement of the measures he <strong>in</strong>tendsto implement <strong>in</strong> the event of such an emergency which shall <strong>in</strong>clude a statement of how he <strong>in</strong>tendsto provide personnel adequately tra<strong>in</strong>ed to implement such measures.25.7. Measurement25.7.1 <strong>No</strong> separate measurement shall be made <strong>in</strong> respect of compliance by the Contractor with theprovisions of this Section of the Specification. The Contractor shall be deemed to have madeallowance for such compliance with these provisions <strong>in</strong> the preparation of his prices for items ofwork <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the Schedule’A’ and full compensation for such compliance will be deemed to becovered by them.26. MINIMUM FAIR WAGES PAYMENT TO LABOUR26.1 The Contractor shall pay wages not less than the m<strong>in</strong>imum fair wages fixed from time to time bythe Central Govt./State Govt./Local Authorities. He shall have no claim whatsoever, if on accountof any local regulations and/or otherwise, he is required to pay wages <strong>in</strong> excess of the wages sofixed.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>. <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong>: 63TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Contd…)26.2 The Contractor shall observe the laws/regulations applicable <strong>in</strong> the area regard<strong>in</strong>g the employmentof labour, payment of wages and other cognate matters relat<strong>in</strong>g to the conditions.27. RATES AND PRI<strong>CE</strong> ADJUSTMENT27.1 Rates quoted <strong>in</strong> Schedule “A” shall not be subjected to any adjustment whatsoever due tofluctuations <strong>in</strong> the local rates and rate of dearness allowances etc, for labour dur<strong>in</strong>g the contractperiod and/or any other cause whatsoever except as allowed only vide clause 63 of the GeneralConditions of Contract of IAFW-2249.27.2 Contractor’s rates quoted <strong>in</strong> the Schedule “A” shall be deemed to be <strong>in</strong>clusive of all sucharrangement as may be <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> satisfactory execution of the work under the contract. <strong>No</strong> claimwhatsoever on account of any misunderstand<strong>in</strong>g or otherwise shall be admitted.27.3 Any Local taxes/charges <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Octroi, Royalty charges, <strong>in</strong>come tax, Sales tax etc as perexist<strong>in</strong>g order of the Govt. shall be borne by the contractor and the rate quoted by the tenderershall be deemed to be <strong>in</strong>clusive of all such cont<strong>in</strong>gencies.28. DEDUCTION OF TAXES AT SOUR<strong>CE</strong>28.1 Income Tax : Income Tax at source shall be deducted as per exist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>structions and as notifiedfrom time to time by the Income Tax authorities.28.2 Service Tax: The tax <strong>in</strong> respect of service provided <strong>in</strong> the shape of work, as payable to the stateGovt, as per their notification shall be deducted at source from the RAR/f<strong>in</strong>al bill of the contractoras per the rate prevail<strong>in</strong>g at the time of execution of work. For the calculation of Service tax aspayable, the value of Schedule ‘B’ store, issued, if any be deducted from the contract amount. Anysubsequent <strong>in</strong>crease/decrease <strong>in</strong> the service tax over and above the one prevail<strong>in</strong>g at the time ofsubmission of bid will be adjusted suitably.29. SPECIAL SECURITY DEPOSIT (SSD)29.1 3% of the contract value shall be deposited by the contractor as Special Security Deposit either <strong>in</strong>the form of bank guarantee or <strong>in</strong> the form of Deposit at Call receipt/Term Deposit/Special TermDeposit issued <strong>in</strong> favour of Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, Project Vijayak, PIN-931721, C/o 56 APO byScheduled Bank, hav<strong>in</strong>g validity till expiry of defect liability period (i.e. One year after completion ofwork). In case the contractor fails to deposit the SSD <strong>in</strong> this form, the amount shall be deductedfrom the RAR/f<strong>in</strong>al bill of the contract. The special Security Deposit will be released on successfulcompletion of defect liability period, on receipt of no demand/no claim certificate from thecontractor and OC, Contract.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 64TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONSName of work : SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ126 RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&KSTATE1. GENERAL1.1 All materials to be used, all methods adopted and all works performed shall be strictly <strong>in</strong>accordance with the requirements of the specification mentioned hereunder.1.2 All the stores, goods, materials to be supplied/erected by the contractor shall be brand new and <strong>in</strong>conformity with the make and IS Code/ISD specifications referred at Schedule ’A’ and hereunder<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g any other stipulation made there<strong>in</strong> and draw<strong>in</strong>gs enclosed.1.3 Samples of all items as per Sch ‘A’ shall be got approved from OC Contract and Engr-<strong>in</strong>-Chargebefore commencement of supply/erection.1.4 The civil works as <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> construction of these shelters viz Foundation, pl<strong>in</strong>th, floor<strong>in</strong>g(except tile works), external dra<strong>in</strong>age, external water supply and external electrification willbe carried out by the department.1.5 The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer at any po<strong>in</strong>t of time, dur<strong>in</strong>g supply & erection of shelter, get certa<strong>in</strong>part/parts checked for quality thereof <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g tax payment details thereof to ascerta<strong>in</strong> qualitystandards as per the specification given hereunder. Any deviation <strong>in</strong> quality standard andnon-payment of taxes as applicable may lead to cancellation of contract at risk & cost of thecontractor.2 SCOPE OF WORK, SIZES AND DESIGN PARAMETERS2.1 The follow<strong>in</strong>g type of shelter are to be supplied and erected under this tender:-2.1.1 Prefab <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter for Offrs liv<strong>in</strong>g of Size 8.77 m x 7.54 m with Verandah 1.80 m wide<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g one Store/Kitchen 3.66 m x 2.10 m and two Toilet 2.10 m x 1.80 m (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>.46/<strong>01</strong>/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II).2.1.2 Prefab CHDH shelter of size 20.8 m x 6.10 m for Officers Mess (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/02/E8dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II).2.1.3 Prefab <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter for JCOs/Supvrs liv<strong>in</strong>g accommodation of Size 18.3 m x 6.10 m with1.50 m wide Verandah and attached toilet block 2 <strong>No</strong>s of size 5.49 m x 1.83 m (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>.46/03/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II).2.1.4 Prefab <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter for ORs liv<strong>in</strong>g accn of Size 22.08 m x 6.10 m with 1.80 m wideVerandah <strong>in</strong>cl Toilet block. (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/04/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II).2.1.5 Prefab <strong>in</strong>sulated PUF shelter for Office Accn of size 18.3 m x 6.10 m with 1.50 m wide Verandah(Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/05/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>).2.1.6 Prefab Store Shelter of size 18.3 m x 6.10 m (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/06/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(Part-I & II).2.1.7 Prefab FFL shelter (Toilet block) of size 4.8 m x 2.4 m (Drg <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/07/E8 dated 08 Jun<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II).Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 65TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)2.2 DESIGN CRITERIA: The follow<strong>in</strong>g criteria will be followed for the design of the shelters:(a) Seismic Co-efficient – As per Seismic Zone V.(b) Snow load - 1 meter stand<strong>in</strong>g on roof.(c) W<strong>in</strong>d load - Equivalent to w<strong>in</strong>d speed of 55 mtrs/sec as per IS-875(d) Roof slope - 1:3.(e) External temperature - (-) 40 0 C to + 35 0 C.(f) Water absorption/Penetration – Nil.(g) Termite proof<strong>in</strong>g -Termite proof.(h) Fire resistant - Fire retardant & should not emit toxic fumes.(j) Ease of construction - Shelter should be modular <strong>in</strong> design.(k) Design load - As per IS 875.2.3 DETAILS OF STRUCTURAL MEMBER2.3.1 The roof shall be laid over a framework of trusses; purl<strong>in</strong>s and columns fixed us<strong>in</strong>g suitablefasteners like self drill<strong>in</strong>g bolt or J-hooks with bitumen washers, nuts, bolts etc.2.3.2 The trusses will be made by us<strong>in</strong>g suitable size hollow steel tube/rolled section(as per draw<strong>in</strong>g).The trusses are provided at a suitable distance (as shown <strong>in</strong> Drg) and shall be supported on trusscolumns made us<strong>in</strong>g rectangular hollow steel sections, fixed with each us<strong>in</strong>g MS end plates &suitable nut/bolts at top level.2.3.3 The purl<strong>in</strong>s will be made us<strong>in</strong>g suitable size hollow steel tube/rolled sections provided on thetrusses at a max, pitch of 1.8 mtr or less and are fixed and flushed with the top level of trusses withthe help of MS end plates & nut/bolts.3. SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS FOR PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUF SHELTER INCLUDINGMATERIALS THEREOF3.1 PUF INSULATED PANEL3.1.1 Insulated sandwich panels to be used <strong>in</strong> wall & roof are one of the most important components ofpre-fabricated structures. It should strictly conform to the specifications listed hereunder.3.1.2 PUF panels to be supplied and used shall be Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich panels manufacturedthrough automatic plant with high quality f<strong>in</strong>ish and strength and properties conform<strong>in</strong>g to thespecifications given at Clause 3.2 (e) below:-3.1.3 A certification of confirmation should be provided at the time of commencement of supply of thecont<strong>in</strong>uous sandwich panels (Wall & Roof both) conform<strong>in</strong>g to the specification mentionedhereunder from the manufacturers of the same. The Manufacturer must have got evaluated thecont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich panels from Central Build<strong>in</strong>g Research Institute, Roorke (CBRI) for varioustests as under:-.(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich panels must be Fire Retardant.Physico-Mecha<strong>nic</strong>al Properties of Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich Panels.Typical Properties of Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich Panels.Various Impact Tests conducted on Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich Panels.Deflection <strong>in</strong> Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich Panels before and after load<strong>in</strong>g.Fire Tests on Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Sandwich Panels.3.1.4 The details of Cycanide and polyol liquid component used for process of poly urethane foam forpanel should be accompanied with manufacturer test certificate <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g batch number, date ofmanufacture and expiry date.3.1.5 Before commencement of supply/erection of cont<strong>in</strong>uous sandwich panels a sample of full CrossSection of Wall Panel (size 1ft x 1mt) and a sample of full Cross Section of roof panel (size 1ft x1mt) be provided along with all related test reports, relevant specifications, Fire retardant Testreports /certificates.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> :66TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)3.1.6 Every supply of cont<strong>in</strong>uous sandwich panel (Wall and Roof) should accompany with the orig<strong>in</strong>al<strong>in</strong>voice of the manufactur<strong>in</strong>g company along with orig<strong>in</strong>al EXCISE GATE PASS for verify<strong>in</strong>g thepayment of central excise for confirmation of orig<strong>in</strong>al supply.3.1.7 Pre-<strong>in</strong>spection of the sandwich panels (Wall and Roof) at the factory site of the manufacturer willbe carried out by a Board Of Officers to be detailed by Commander Contract before delivery of theconsignment for scrut<strong>in</strong>iz<strong>in</strong>g the quality of these sandwich panels. The board of officers will verifythe follow<strong>in</strong>g aspects:-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Whether the sandwich panel is cont<strong>in</strong>uous or not.Thickness of Panel for wall panel.Thickness of Panel for Roof panel.Density of PUF Insulation.Verification of Orig<strong>in</strong>al Certificates for the above seven properties / specifications.3.2. Wall Panels (Internal/External):- All walls shall be made of <strong>in</strong>ner white colour coated GI metalsk<strong>in</strong> PUF panels. The thickness of PUF panels shall be 60 mm. The PUF <strong>in</strong>sulation material <strong>in</strong> thepanel shall have fire retard<strong>in</strong>g and self ext<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g properties as per <strong>in</strong>ternational standard.There should not be any gap between PUF wall and roof and this should be done with suitableflush<strong>in</strong>g of all jo<strong>in</strong>ts.(a)(b)(c)All material required for the manufacture of shelter shall be new and shall comply withrelevant Bureau of Indian Standard Specification.The PUF panels are to be manufactured us<strong>in</strong>g high pressure dispens<strong>in</strong>g mach<strong>in</strong>e ofrequired capacity to <strong>in</strong>ject specified amount of PUF chemical <strong>in</strong>to the cavity of a full panel<strong>in</strong> one shot not exceed<strong>in</strong>g 25 sec duration. This is to ensure that the liquid PUF mixture issprayed <strong>in</strong>to the cavity before the foam<strong>in</strong>g reaction starts so that the <strong>in</strong>sulation core of thepanel is formed <strong>in</strong> one piece and provides desired structural and physical properties. Thebulk density of <strong>in</strong>sulation panel should be 40 Kg ±2Kg/Cum and the dispens<strong>in</strong>g mach<strong>in</strong>eryshould be kept with a PLC controlled panel for monitor<strong>in</strong>g and controll<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>jection rateto assure specified uniform density requirements. The total thickness of the f<strong>in</strong>ishedcomposite panel should be 60 mm. The tolerance <strong>in</strong> the panel can only be on the plus side.The outer colour coated GI sk<strong>in</strong> (RAL-10<strong>01</strong>) of the panels should be 0.55 mm thick TCT(Total coated thickness) with 50 micron thick PVC guard film on the f<strong>in</strong>ished surfaced onlyfor protection aga<strong>in</strong>st scratches dur<strong>in</strong>g handl<strong>in</strong>g and galvanization as per GR-120 IS-277.(d) The pre coated GI sheet sk<strong>in</strong> should have m<strong>in</strong> coat<strong>in</strong>g of 4.5 micron epoxy primer and 25micron polyester top coat on the f<strong>in</strong>ished surface and 7-8 micron Primer Alkyd Backer onbackside which is bounded to the polyurethane foam. The pre coated GI sheet shouldconform to IS 14246-1995 with manufacturer test certificates conform<strong>in</strong>g to specification.(e)The PUF <strong>in</strong>sulated core of these composite panels should have the follow<strong>in</strong>g properties:-(i) Density : 40 kg/cum (± 2 kg/cum)(ii) Compressive strength at 10% deformation: 2.10kg/cm2(iii) Tensile Strength : 4.0 kg/cm2(iv) Bend<strong>in</strong>g Strength : 4.2 kg/cm2(v) Adhesion Strength : 3. 0 kg/cm2(vi) Dimensional Stability (48 Hours)(aa) (-) 25 degree C : 0.1%(ab) +38 degree C & 90% RH : 0.1%(ac) +100 degree C : 0.4%Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 67TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(f)(g)(h)(j)(k)(l)(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)(vii) Close Cell Content : 90 – 95%(viii) Temperature Range : (-180 deg. C to 110 deg. C)(ix) Thermal Conductivity at 10 deg C: 0.<strong>01</strong>8 k-Cal/m-hr/ deg. C(Design value 0.020 K-cal/m-hr/ deg.C. or 0.23 W/m-k)(x) Fire Resistant : Horizontal extent of burn BS 4735 < 100mm(xi) Type : Self Ext<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g ASTM D 1692(Fire retarded foam chemical)<strong>No</strong>t easily ignitable as per BS : 476 Pt 5class –I as per BS : 476 Pt 7(xii) Water Absorption : 0.20% volume at 100%RH2 mm thick MS sheet channel at the bottom (Floor level) and top shall be provided to slideand fit the wall panels.All composite panels will be provided with suitable number of cam-locks which are fixed <strong>in</strong>place dur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>-site process itself. The plac<strong>in</strong>g of cam-lock should be eccentric andsuch that 2.7m long x 1.2 m wide wall panel should be provided with 3 pairs of cam lockson the vertical jo<strong>in</strong>ts. The holes <strong>in</strong> the panels for operat<strong>in</strong>g the cam locks should beprovided with PVC caps for seal<strong>in</strong>g after <strong>in</strong>stallation.The panels should be moulded <strong>in</strong> place us<strong>in</strong>g the above <strong>in</strong>-situ process after plac<strong>in</strong>g them<strong>in</strong> a hydraulic press with heated alum<strong>in</strong>um pattern and corner mould so as to atta<strong>in</strong> thedesired f<strong>in</strong>ish, bond<strong>in</strong>g and structural properties.All panels will be manufactured <strong>in</strong> s<strong>in</strong>gle piece as per approved panel layout draw<strong>in</strong>g us<strong>in</strong>gthe above materials and manufactur<strong>in</strong>g process. A spare of one panel for test<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong> the design will be supplied along with these panels totals supplies.The purchaser can get quality test<strong>in</strong>g of any panel from the lot supplied to ensure qualitycontrol as per given specification. Cost of quality test<strong>in</strong>g will be borne by the supplier.Panel should have cam lock PVC cap.3.3. False Ceil<strong>in</strong>g: - False ceil<strong>in</strong>g shall be extended upto the toilets and utility area. False ceil<strong>in</strong>gpanels will be made up of white colour coated GI metal sk<strong>in</strong> PUF <strong>in</strong>sulated panels with 50 mmthick PU Foam. The false ceil<strong>in</strong>g will be supported with the help of <strong>in</strong>verted CR<strong>CA</strong> Tee section50mm x 50 mm x 6mm thick. The PUF <strong>in</strong>sulated core of these panels should meet thespecifications as listed at Clause 3.2 (e) above.3.4. Panel jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Arrangements. The <strong>in</strong>sulated panels are jo<strong>in</strong>ed with each other with cam locks andtongue and groove arrangements for complete seal<strong>in</strong>g. The panels are fitted on the bottom & toptrack made out of 2.00mm thick GI sheet anchored to concrete pl<strong>in</strong>th.3.5. Gable End. PUF panel of 60mm will cont<strong>in</strong>ue till the ridge of the truss, factory cut to the size andmatch<strong>in</strong>g with the colour of wall panel will be provided at both gable ends of the shelter withnecessary fix<strong>in</strong>g arrangement.3.6. Bird Board. Bird board of size m<strong>in</strong>imum 30cm width will be provided to PGI sheet 0.6mm thick <strong>in</strong>shape best suited for aesthetics of the shelter. The bird boards will ensur<strong>in</strong>g no gaps with suitableover lapp<strong>in</strong>g where required.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 68TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>3.7. Structural Members.(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)(a)(b)Columns, Trusses and Purl<strong>in</strong>s. All column, trusses and purl<strong>in</strong>es will be made ofrectangular/ square hollow tube section confirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS 4923 grade YST 310 andstructural steel shall confirm to IS 2062. Thickness of cleats to truss should be m<strong>in</strong>imum 6mm. The verandah should be provided with truss supported by the ma<strong>in</strong> columns andverandah column. Each ma<strong>in</strong> column shall have base plate of size 300 x 300 x 10 mm withfour holes for fix<strong>in</strong>g foundation bolts with nuts and top sleeve plate of size 220 x 220 x 8mm with predrilled holes of appropriate sizes for fix<strong>in</strong>g with the truss. Each truss shall haveappropriate plate of size 100 x 220 x 8 mm with predrilled holes of appropriate sizes forfix<strong>in</strong>g the truss with the ma<strong>in</strong> column. All the members like trusses, purl<strong>in</strong> & columns will befixed with 10 mm dia and 150 mm long size nut & bolts.Base Plate and Foundation Bolts.3.8 Roof(i)(ii)iii)Base Plate at foundation : - Size 300 mm x 300 mm x 10 mm with holes forfoundation bolts.Foundation Bolts :- Size dia 20 mm x 450 mm long, four numbers for eachfoundation. The bolts must be made from hardened MS wire and m<strong>in</strong>imum length ofthreads should be 100 mm.Purl<strong>in</strong> to be provided from outside of toilet/bathroom to accommodate geysermount<strong>in</strong>g.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)The roof slope shall be 1:3. Roof and provided with 0.63 mm (24 guage) pre coated precoloured steel (RAL-10<strong>01</strong>) profiled sheets z<strong>in</strong>c 120 GSM confirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS 277 for z<strong>in</strong>ccoat<strong>in</strong>g and IS 14246-1995 for steel component.Ridge cover: - Provided with 0.63 mm (24 guage) thick precoated pla<strong>in</strong> sheet match<strong>in</strong>gwith the roof sheet of size 3.0 m long and 0.45 m wide.Roof Projections: - The roof will have m<strong>in</strong>imum projection of 300 mm from backsidewall/verandah wall cable end the roof sheet with wall panel to be flashed with same colourPPGI sheet of 0.63 mm thick.Overlapp<strong>in</strong>g: - Sheets to have m<strong>in</strong>imum overlap of two full corrugations.There should not be any gap between roof and walls. These to be done with suitableflash<strong>in</strong>g of size 0.6 mm thick precoated sheets of same colours of walls/ roofs.3.9 Verandah:- Verandah shall be of 1.50/1.80 Mtr width along the length of shelter(as shown <strong>in</strong>Drg). The roof of the verandah shall be provided by 0.63 mm thick pre-profile pre-coated steelsheet as per IS specification fixed with the truss with necessary fasteners. Front portion of theverandah shall be covered with the follow<strong>in</strong>g:-(i)Top portion 0.3 m height made of alum<strong>in</strong>ium anodized frame with toughened glass 5 mmthick ISI 2553 part –I 1992 (make Sa<strong>in</strong>t Goba<strong>in</strong>/ Aasshi/ Modi Guard) fixed along the lengthof the verandah with support<strong>in</strong>g frame at suitable distance.(ii) Middle portion 0.9 m height made of alum<strong>in</strong>ium anodized frame with toughened glass of 5mm thick ISI 2553 Part-I 1992 (Make Sa<strong>in</strong>t Goba<strong>in</strong>/ Aasshi/ Modi Guard) fixed type withthree number of w<strong>in</strong>dow slid<strong>in</strong>g shutter type (1200 x 900 mm) (Length x height)Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 69TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)(iii) The bottom portion 0.9 m height made of 5 mm thick flat polycarbonate sheet of 20%transparency fixed with alum<strong>in</strong>ium frame work with support<strong>in</strong>g frame at suitable distance.(iv) All the alum<strong>in</strong>ium anodized frame work material should confirm to IS-5<strong>13</strong>, 1996, 2 mm thickwith sections of suitable dimension and of make J<strong>in</strong>dal/NALCO/HINDALCO. All sharp edges to berounded.(v)sheet.Automobile grade rubber bead<strong>in</strong>g, PVC filler plash<strong>in</strong>g between alum<strong>in</strong>ium partition and roof3.10 Doors, W<strong>in</strong>dows and Ventilators:-(a) Door (D):- The door of size as marked on draw<strong>in</strong>g will be fixed to panel with suitablefasteners. S<strong>in</strong>gle leaf shutter shall be made out with G.I. pre-coated both side of PUF. Thethickness of shutter shall be m<strong>in</strong>imum 50mm. The door shutter shall be fixed with the door framewith 3 <strong>No</strong>s h<strong>in</strong>ges. The door shutter shall be provided with <strong>01</strong> <strong>No</strong> Alu. aldrops at outside.Alu. tower bolts of size 200 mm at the center <strong>in</strong>side and 100mm handles shall be provided on boththe sides.(b) Toilet/ Bathroom/Kitchen Door (D1):- The toilet doors will be as marked on draw<strong>in</strong>gmade of alum<strong>in</strong>um anodized frame 2 mm thick. The door will be of GI metal sk<strong>in</strong> re<strong>in</strong>forced PUFpanel 25 mm thick and of same colour as wall panel on either side of door. Each door will havelatch<strong>in</strong>g arrangements from <strong>in</strong>side and outside. The door will have suitable fix<strong>in</strong>g arrangements.(c) All the Alum<strong>in</strong>ium anodized frame work material should confirm to IS-5<strong>13</strong>, 1996, 2 mmthick sections of suitable dimension.3.11 W<strong>in</strong>dow:- W<strong>in</strong>dows of size as marked on draw<strong>in</strong>gs. The w<strong>in</strong>dow frame and w<strong>in</strong>dow shutter willbe manufactured us<strong>in</strong>g 2 mm thick alum<strong>in</strong>um anodized sections confirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS-5<strong>13</strong>, 1996. Thew<strong>in</strong>dow will have with two slid<strong>in</strong>g shutters with suitable lock<strong>in</strong>g arrangement. The w<strong>in</strong>dow will beprovided 24G fixed GI wire mesh of Maximum aperture 1.18 mm fixed <strong>in</strong> side and alum<strong>in</strong>umanodized grill fixed on outer side. Shutters will be provided with double glazed toughened glass 5mm thick with 10 mm air gap. The make of toughened glass will be Sa<strong>in</strong>t Goba<strong>in</strong>/ Modiguard/Aashi.3.12 Ventilators:- Ventilators outer frame will be made out of alum<strong>in</strong>um anodized section 2 mm thickconfirm<strong>in</strong>g to IS-5<strong>13</strong>, 1996. The ventilator shutter shall be drop flap type and shall bemanufactured us<strong>in</strong>g 6 mm thick frosted/p<strong>in</strong> lead s<strong>in</strong>gle glaz<strong>in</strong>g glass of make SAINT GOBAIN/Modiguard/Aashi open<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternally :-(a) All standard fitt<strong>in</strong>gs i.e. h<strong>in</strong>ges, eye hooks, tower bolt 100 mm long tower and slid<strong>in</strong>g boltsto be provided as good eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g practice of alum<strong>in</strong>um. The wall panel hous<strong>in</strong>g the ventilators tobe precut to the ventilator specification ex factory.(b) Fixed fly proof<strong>in</strong>g on alum<strong>in</strong>um anodized frame from outside (with 24 GI wire mesh ofaperture 1.18 mm maximum) shall be provided <strong>in</strong> all ventilators. The wire mesh shall be affixedafter giv<strong>in</strong>g a fold <strong>in</strong>to the frame.3.<strong>13</strong>. Sun Shade: - Door and w<strong>in</strong>dow open<strong>in</strong>gs except where covered verandah is there, they will beprovided with sun shade made out of same material as of roof sheets match<strong>in</strong>g with roof colour.Suitable brackets should be provided for fix<strong>in</strong>g sun shade to the wall alongwith proper fix<strong>in</strong>garrangement <strong>in</strong>side the wall panels. Sun shade will have 20 0 downward slope. Angle iron will bepa<strong>in</strong>ted with two coat red oxide and match<strong>in</strong>g colour of the shelter.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 70TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)3.14 Peg Stays:- Adjustable peg stays will be provided at the scale of two per bed room and two perbath room. Pegs shall be collapsible and of size 450 mm x 10 mm x 12 mm each fitted with 4 <strong>No</strong>sof sta<strong>in</strong>less steel 4” long cloth<strong>in</strong>g pegs (as measured <strong>in</strong> horizontal direction).3.15 Curta<strong>in</strong> Rods:- Drapery rod made of 25 mm dia, coated MS pipe. Suitable fix<strong>in</strong>g arrangement forthe curta<strong>in</strong> rods shall be made and supplied to hold the curta<strong>in</strong> rods. The curta<strong>in</strong> rods shall be fixedsuch that the rod is m<strong>in</strong>imum 100 mm away from the wall panels and overhang (projection) – 200mm on both sides.3.16 F<strong>in</strong>ishes: - All steel surface other than pre coated GI sheet shall be given two coats of redoxide, z<strong>in</strong>c chromate primer before erection of shelters. In addition, two coat of white pa<strong>in</strong>ts ofgrade III quality of Johnson & Necholson /Berger/Nerolac/Asian/ make shall be applied <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>nerside of each shelter.3.17 Floor:(a) Liv<strong>in</strong>g Portion :- <strong>No</strong>n skid pla<strong>in</strong> sand colour ceramic tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8 mm thickfirst grade of Off white colour will be provided of make Orient/ Kajaria/ Somani/ Johnson ISI.Colour to be approved at consignee end.(b) Toilet Portion: - All as per liv<strong>in</strong>g portion but non-skid floor tiles of size 300 x 300 x 6mm. Colour to be approved at consignee end.(c)Verandah Portion:- PVC mat of bright green grass colour will be provided. It should havehigh abrasive resistance confirm<strong>in</strong>g to relevant IS specification.3.18. Toilet Block Sanitary/Plumb<strong>in</strong>g Fixtures/Toilet Accessories:- All accessories will conform torespective IS code and bear ISI mark and will be first quality. All sanitary items to be got approveddur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spection well before commencement of supply/erection for make & quality. Detailsthereon are given under clause 5 to 9 hereunder.3.19. Water Storage and Supply to Toilet Block (02 <strong>No</strong>s):- 2 x PUF <strong>in</strong>sulated cyl<strong>in</strong>drical water storagetank (Vertical/Horizontal) of 500 ltr capacity conform<strong>in</strong>g to IS-1270<strong>01</strong>/96 alongwith lid of samematerial with lock<strong>in</strong>g arrangement follow<strong>in</strong>g specification will be provided for provid<strong>in</strong>g watersupply to each toilet block:-(a) Inner will be HDPE of relevant IS specification.(b) Outer 5 mm thick FRP jo<strong>in</strong>tless cas<strong>in</strong>g(c) Outlet to be fixed at the time of cast<strong>in</strong>g of tank.(d) Thickness of PUF <strong>in</strong>sulation – 75 mm.(e) M<strong>in</strong>imum density of PUF <strong>in</strong>sulation – 40 Kg/M 3 .(f) Rest of relevant IS specification to be used.3.20. MS Angle Stag<strong>in</strong>g for the Water Storage Tank:- 2 x Water storage Tank stand of size 1 m x 1m x 3 m made of angle iron 65 x 65 x 5 mm vertical and 40 x 40 x 5 mm diagonal members with 1mm thick MS plate top supported by MS angle 25 x25 x 5 mm diagonally will be provided witheach shelter.3.21. Nuts and Bolts :- All nuts and bolts used for jo<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the structural members shall be high qualityand varieties of bolts shall be kept to a m<strong>in</strong>imum.3.22. Draw<strong>in</strong>g:- Detailed draw<strong>in</strong>g of each shelter is enclosed.(Ref page <strong>No</strong>. 81 to 94 of tenderdocument)Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 71TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(PARTICULAR SPECIFI<strong>CA</strong>TIONS CONTD…)3.23. Electric items:- Make of all electrical items shall be as per the make mentioned for the respectiveshelters at clause 5 to 9 hereunder.3.24 W<strong>in</strong>d Tie:- 40 m wide & 5 mm thick M.S. Flat will be provided for w<strong>in</strong>d tie at top of roof on twoeves end of shelter.3.25. Seal<strong>in</strong>g Material:- Seal<strong>in</strong>g material as per std IS specification which weathered temp (-) 40 degreecentigrade to +40 degree centigrade be provided to seal all jo<strong>in</strong>ts between PUF panels.3.26. Quality of steel:- Steel used for fabrication of tubular structure will be YST 310 grade conform<strong>in</strong>gto IS 4923. <strong>No</strong> rerolled steel will be used, steel of makeSAIL/TATA/JSW/ESSAR/ISPAT/Equivalent subject to confirm<strong>in</strong>g to given IS specification.3.27. Flash<strong>in</strong>g:- Suitable flash<strong>in</strong>g of 0.63 mm thick precoated sheet of match<strong>in</strong>g colour with wall panelswill be provided at all jo<strong>in</strong>ts between roof and wall corners. The gaps <strong>in</strong> w<strong>in</strong>dows and otheropen<strong>in</strong>g should be m<strong>in</strong>imized by provid<strong>in</strong>g tee flash<strong>in</strong>g.3.28 Colour:-(a)(b)(c)PUF Panels:- Colour of PUF panels both wall and false ceil<strong>in</strong>g will be white <strong>in</strong>ner side andsand colour (RAL-10<strong>01</strong>) external side.Precoated Roof sheet:- (RAL-10<strong>01</strong>) sand colour.Poly carbonate sheet for Verandah:- Translucent with 20% transparency.3.29. Quality of Alum<strong>in</strong>ium used:- All alum<strong>in</strong>ium anodized member used <strong>in</strong> fabrication must confirm toIS-5<strong>13</strong>, 1996 make J<strong>in</strong>dal/NALCO/HINDALCO. Moulded alum<strong>in</strong>ium frame to be utilized forw<strong>in</strong>dows doors and ventilators to reduce <strong>No</strong> of alum<strong>in</strong>ium sections used for the purpose.4. STORE SHELTER (PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED)4.1 Description : The prefabricated Shelter shall be suitable for mount<strong>in</strong>g on ready made concretefloor. The components shall be fabricated at factory for easy to assembly at site. The structureshall be manufactured by us<strong>in</strong>g G.I. Pre-coated Profile sheets for wall and roof, portal trusses,purl<strong>in</strong>s and columns made of suitable M.S. Rolled / hollow steel sections, as per the detailedspecifications given here<strong>in</strong>.4.2 Type and Size of shelter : Prefab store shelter of size 18.0 m x 6.10m x 3.0mt - withoutVerandah. Ref. drg. <strong>No</strong>.- VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/06/E8 dated 08 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-I & II)4.3 Wall Cladd<strong>in</strong>g: Walls shall be made of 0.63 mm thick, G.I. Pre-coated Profile sheets. Thesesheets are fixed to supported MS structure with suitable fasteners like self drill<strong>in</strong>g bolt or J - bolts.4.4 M.S. Structure :(a)(b)The roof shall be laid over a framework of portal trusses; purl<strong>in</strong>s and columns fixed us<strong>in</strong>gsuitable fasteners like self drill<strong>in</strong>g bolt or J-hooks with bitumen washers, nuts, bolts etc.The Portal trusses shall be made us<strong>in</strong>g suitable size hollow steel tube / rolled section. Thetrusses are provided at a suitable distance and shall be supported on truss columns madeus<strong>in</strong>g rectangular hollow steel sections, fixed with each us<strong>in</strong>g MS end plates & suitablenut/bolts at top level.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 72TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(c)(d)(e)The purl<strong>in</strong>s shall be made us<strong>in</strong>g suitable size hollow steel tube provided on the trusses at amax. pitch of 1.8mt. or less and are fixed and flushed with the top level of trusses with thehelp of MS end plates & nut/bolts.The W<strong>in</strong>d tie shall be made us<strong>in</strong>g suitable size MS Flat provided on roof top.One coat of red oxide as primer on all structure and two coats of good quality oil pa<strong>in</strong>t shallbe provided only on expose structure after erection, as approved by OC Contract.(f) For detail of MS section's please refer the draw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>No</strong>. VJK/T-<strong>No</strong>. 46/06/E8 dated 08 Jun<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Part-II)4.5 Roof Cladd<strong>in</strong>g:(a)(b)(c)4.6 Doors (D2):(a)(b)The roof cladd<strong>in</strong>g shall be made of 0.63 mm thick, G.I. Pre-coated Profile sheets. Thesesheets are fixed to supported MS structure with suitable fasteners like self drill<strong>in</strong>g bolt orJ - bolts.A GI Ridge cover of size 225x225mm made from GI Pre coated steel Sheet/coil. It is to befixed on top junction of the roof us<strong>in</strong>g suitable fasteners.The roof shall have m<strong>in</strong>imum projection of 0.3m from the eaves wall and 0.15m from thegable walls.The door frame shall be made out with MS Folded section / rolled sections. The doorframe shall be fixed to supported structure with suitable fastners size as <strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> Drg.S<strong>in</strong>gle leaf shutter shall be made out with G.I. Pre coated sheets both side of PUF. Thethickness of shutter shall be m<strong>in</strong>imum 30mm. The door shutter shall be fixed with the doorframe with 3 nos. h<strong>in</strong>ges. The door shutter shall be provided with 1 <strong>No</strong>. Alu. aldrops at outside Alu. tower bolts of size 150mm at the center <strong>in</strong>side and 100mm long handles shall beprovided on both the sides.4.7 Openable W<strong>in</strong>dow: The Frame for openable type w<strong>in</strong>dow shall be made from pressed steelus<strong>in</strong>g 1.5mm thick. Shutter shall be made out of steel hollow box profile of 1.25mm thick. Thew<strong>in</strong>dow shall be complete with all necessary hardware for lock<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>in</strong>side. Clear glass sheet of4mm thick shall be fixed us<strong>in</strong>g glass putty. The frame shall have grills made from MS square bar of10mm hav<strong>in</strong>g equal spac<strong>in</strong>g.5. LIST OF STORES FOR EACH SHELTER OF OFFI<strong>CE</strong>R ACCOMMODATION :- The follow<strong>in</strong>gstores/items shall be provided and fixed <strong>in</strong> each shelter suitably as per the direction of OC,Contract and layout plan approved thereon.(a)Electrial item:-S/<strong>No</strong> Description of Items A/U Qty.1. MS hook for fan <strong>No</strong>s 032 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for ceil<strong>in</strong>g fan <strong>No</strong>s 033. Po<strong>in</strong>ts for Tube light/electric bulb <strong>No</strong>s 214. SSC - 5/15Amps 6 p<strong>in</strong> ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 65. Switch 5 Amps flush button piano type<strong>No</strong>s 27( Make : Anchor)6. Ceil<strong>in</strong>g rose ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 247. Distribution board enclosure with MCB & ELCB Job 18. PVC capp<strong>in</strong>g/cas<strong>in</strong>g 32mm/20mm with accessories Job As reqd.(Make : Anchor ISI marked)9. PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 1.5 sqmm Job As reqd.(Make : Anchor)10. PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 2.5 sqmm(Make : Anchor)Job As reqd.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 73TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(b)11. Earth<strong>in</strong>g Tubler type / Plate type Set 112. Earth<strong>in</strong>g patty G.I. 25 x 3 mm Job As reqd.Arrangement for placement for Electrical Geyser 20 liter <strong>No</strong>s 1<strong>13</strong>. capcity14. PVC Switch board Job As reqd.Sanitation & Plumb<strong>in</strong>g work1 European type WC pan with cistern, lid, fill<strong>in</strong>g, seat <strong>No</strong>s 1cover complete Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware; ModelStudio/Consellation2 PVC low level complete flush<strong>in</strong>g cistern 10 ltrs cpacity <strong>No</strong>s 1Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware3 IWC Orissa Pan(Grace) Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/ Parryware <strong>No</strong>s 14 Wash hand bas<strong>in</strong> 24” with Granite table top size 30” x <strong>No</strong>s 327” Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware5 CP pillar cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer Make : <strong>No</strong>s 3Sona/Jaguar6 Soap holder CP <strong>No</strong>s 27 CP Bib Cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer (Make : <strong>No</strong>s 3Sona/Jaguar)8 Look<strong>in</strong>g Mirror 450 x 600mm ( Modiguard or equivalent) <strong>No</strong>s 29 Towel rails 600mm long CP brass – ISI marked <strong>No</strong>s 210 Nahni trap, soap disc <strong>No</strong>s 311 CP Stop cock brass 15mm ISI marked (Make<strong>No</strong>s 2Sona/Jaguar)12 PVC connection 300mm x 15mm <strong>No</strong>s 8<strong>13</strong> PVC pipe for water supply 15 mm dia Job As reqd.14 PVC pipe for Dra<strong>in</strong>age l<strong>in</strong>e 100 mm dia Job As reqd.15 PVC corner 10” & 8” <strong>No</strong>s 1 each6. LIST OF STORES FOR JCO ACCOMMODATION :- The follow<strong>in</strong>g stores/items shall be providedand fixed <strong>in</strong> each shelter as per the direction given by OC, Contract and layout plan approvedthereon.(a)Electrical items:-S/<strong>No</strong> Description of Items A/U Qty1 MS hook for fan <strong>No</strong>s 42 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for ceil<strong>in</strong>g fan <strong>No</strong>s 43 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for Tube light/electric bulb 274 SSC - 5/15Amps 6 p<strong>in</strong> ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 85 Switch 5 Amps flush button piano type<strong>No</strong>s 35( Make : Anchor)6 Ceil<strong>in</strong>g rose ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 357 Distribution board enclosure with MCB & ELCB Job 18 PVC capp<strong>in</strong>g/cas<strong>in</strong>g 32mm/20mm with accessories Job AS reqd.(Make : Anchor ISI marked)9 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 1.5 sqmm Job AS reqd.(Make : Anchor)10 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 2.5 sqmm(Make : Anchor)Job AS reqd.Signature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 74TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(b)11 Earth<strong>in</strong>g Tubler type / Plate type Set 112 Earth<strong>in</strong>g patty G.I. 25 x 3 mm Job As reqd<strong>13</strong> Arrangement for placement for Electrical Geyser 20 liter <strong>No</strong>s 4capcity14 PVC Switch board Job As reqdSanitation & Plumb<strong>in</strong>g work1 European type WC pan Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware <strong>No</strong>s Nil2 PVC flush<strong>in</strong>g cistern low level complete 10 ltrs capacity <strong>No</strong>s 4Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/ Parryware3 IWC Orissa Pan (Grace) Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/ Parryware <strong>No</strong>s 44 Wash hand bas<strong>in</strong> 24” with Granite table top size 30” x <strong>No</strong>s 427” Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware5 CP pillar cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer Make : <strong>No</strong>s 4Sona/Jaguar6 Soap holder CP <strong>No</strong>s 47 CP Bib Cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer (Make : <strong>No</strong>s 4Sona/Jaguar)8 Look<strong>in</strong>g Mirror 450 x 600mm ( Modiguard or equivalent) <strong>No</strong>s 49 Towel rails 600mm long CP brass – ISI marked <strong>No</strong>s 410 Nahni trap, soap disc <strong>No</strong>s 411 CP Stop cock brass 15mm ISI marked (Make<strong>No</strong>s 12Sona/Jaguar)12 PVC connection 300mm x 15mm Job As reqd.<strong>13</strong> PVC pipe for water supply 15 mm dia Job As reqd.14 PVC pipe for Dra<strong>in</strong>age l<strong>in</strong>e 100 mm dia Job As reqd.15 PVC corner- 10” & 8” <strong>No</strong>s 1 each7. LIST OF STORES FOR ORS ACCOMMODATION :- The follow<strong>in</strong>g stores/items shall be providedand fixed <strong>in</strong> each shelter as per the direction given by OC, Contract and layout plan approvedthereon.(a)Electrical items:-S/<strong>No</strong> Description of Items A/U Qty.1 MS hook for fan <strong>No</strong>s 42 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for ceil<strong>in</strong>g fan <strong>No</strong>s 43 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for Tube light/electric bulb 274 SSC - 5/15Amps 6 p<strong>in</strong> ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 85 Switch 5 Amps flush button piano type ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 356 Ceil<strong>in</strong>g rose ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 357 Distribution board enclosure with MCB & ELCB Job 18 PVC capp<strong>in</strong>g/cas<strong>in</strong>g 32mm/20mm with accessories Job AS reqd.(Make : Anchor ISI marked)9 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 1.5 sqmm Job AS reqd.(Make : Anchor)10 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 2.5 sqmm Job AS reqd.(Make : Anchor)11 Earth<strong>in</strong>g Tubler type / Plate type Set 112 Earth<strong>in</strong>g patty G.I. 25 x 3 mm Job As reqd<strong>13</strong> Arrangement for placement for Electrical Geyser 20 liter <strong>No</strong>s 4capcity14 PVC Switch board Job As reqdSignature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 75TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>(b)Sanitation & Plumb<strong>in</strong>g work--------- <strong>No</strong>t Applicable -------8. LIST OF STORES FOR EACH SHELTER FOR TOILET BLOCK ATTACHED WITH ORSACCOMODATION :- The details to be provided and fixed <strong>in</strong> these shelter are given below.Thelayaout pan thereof be got approved from OC Contract:-(a)Electrical items:-S/<strong>No</strong> Description of Items A/U Qty.1 Po<strong>in</strong>ts for tube light <strong>No</strong>s 122 SSC - 5/15Amps 6 p<strong>in</strong> ( Make : Anchor/LI<strong>CA</strong>) <strong>No</strong>s 73 Switch 5 Amps flush button piano type ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 194 Ceil<strong>in</strong>g rose ( Make : Anchor/LI<strong>CA</strong>) <strong>No</strong>s Nil5 Distribution board enclosure with MCB & ELCB Job 16 PVC capp<strong>in</strong>g/cas<strong>in</strong>g 32mm/20mm with accessories Job As reqd.(Make : Anchor/K<strong>in</strong>jal or equivalent ISI marked)7 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 1.5 sqmm Job As reqd.(Make : Anchor/F<strong>in</strong>olex/Gloster)8 PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 2.5 sqmm Job As reqd.(Make : Anchor/F<strong>in</strong>olex/Gloster)9 Earth<strong>in</strong>g Tubler type / Plate type Set 110 Earth<strong>in</strong>g patty G.I. 25 x 3 mm Job As reqd.11 Arrangement for placement of Electrical Geyser 20 liter <strong>No</strong>s 5capcity12 PVC Switch board <strong>No</strong>s 6(b)Sanitation & Plumb<strong>in</strong>g work1 IWC Orissa Pan (Grace) complete with low level cistern <strong>No</strong>s 5capacity (10 Ltr) Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware2 Wash hand bas<strong>in</strong> 24” with Granite table top size 30” x <strong>No</strong>s 327” (Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware)3 CP pillar cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer Make : <strong>No</strong>s 3Sona/Jaguar4 Soap holder CP <strong>No</strong>s 55 CP Bib Cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer (Make : <strong>No</strong>s 5Sona/Jaguar)6 Towel rails 600mm long CP brass – ISI marked <strong>No</strong>s 87 Nahni trap <strong>No</strong>s 58 CP Stop cock brass 15mm ISI marked (Make<strong>No</strong>s 15Sona/Jaguar)9 PVC connection 300mm x 15mm Job AS reqd.10 PVC pipe for water supply 15 mm dia Rmt As reqd.11 PVC pipe for Dra<strong>in</strong>age l<strong>in</strong>e 100 mm dia Rmt As reqd.12 Ur<strong>in</strong>al pot Aquafree (Make H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware) <strong>No</strong>s 2<strong>13</strong> PVC Corner – 10” & 8” <strong>No</strong>s 1 eachSignature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 76TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>9. LIST OF STORES FOR EACH FFL SHELTER (TOILET BLOCK) OF OFFI<strong>CE</strong> ACCOMMODATION:-The follow<strong>in</strong>g items be provided <strong>in</strong> each shelters as per the layout plan approved by the OC, Contract.(a)Electrical items:-S/<strong>No</strong> Description of Items A/U Qty.1. Po<strong>in</strong>ts for Tube light/Electric bulb <strong>No</strong>s 52 SSC - 5/15Amps 6 p<strong>in</strong> ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 23. Switch 5 Amps flush button piano type<strong>No</strong>s 7( Make : Anchor)4. Ceil<strong>in</strong>g rose ( Make : Anchor) <strong>No</strong>s 55. Distribution board enclosure with MCB & ELCB Job As reqd6. PVC capp<strong>in</strong>g/cas<strong>in</strong>g 32mm/20mm with accessories Job As reqd(Make : Anchor ISI marked)7. PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 1.5 sqmm Job As reqd(Make : Anchor)8. PVC Copper Cable <strong>in</strong>sulated, multi standard 2.5 sqmm Job As reqd(Make : Anchor)9. Earth<strong>in</strong>g Tubler type / Plate type Set 110. Earth<strong>in</strong>g patty G.I. 25 x 3 mm Job As reqd11. PVC Switch board <strong>No</strong>s 1(b)Sanitation & Plumb<strong>in</strong>g work1 EWC complete with cistern, lid, fill<strong>in</strong>g, seat cover, make <strong>No</strong>s 1H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware, Model-Studio2 PVC flush<strong>in</strong>g cistern 10 ltrs cpacity<strong>No</strong>s 1(Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware)3 IWC Orissa Pan (Grace) Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware <strong>No</strong>s 14 Wash hand bas<strong>in</strong> 24” with Granite table top size 30” x <strong>No</strong>s 227” Make : H<strong>in</strong>dware/Parryware5 CP pillar cock 15mm centre hole bas<strong>in</strong> mixer Make : <strong>No</strong>s 2Sona/Jaguar6 Soap holder CP <strong>No</strong>s 27 CP Bib Cock 15mm (Make : Sona/Jaguar) <strong>No</strong>s Nil8 Look<strong>in</strong>g Mirror 450 x 600mm ( Modiguard or equivalent) <strong>No</strong>s 19 Towel rails 600mm long CP brass – ISI marked <strong>No</strong>s 210 CP Stop cock brass 15mm ISI marked (Make <strong>No</strong>s 10Sona/Jaguar)11 PVC connection 300mm x 15mm Job As reqd12 PVC pipe for water supply 15 mm dia Job As reqd<strong>13</strong> PVC pipe for Dra<strong>in</strong>age l<strong>in</strong>e 100 mm dia Job As reqd14 Ur<strong>in</strong>al Pot Aquafree(Make H<strong>in</strong>ware/Parryware) <strong>No</strong>s 215 PVC corner – 10” & 8” <strong>No</strong>s 1 eachSignature of ContractorDated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>For Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 77TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE(To be stamped <strong>in</strong> accordance with the Stamp Act of India)Bank Guarantee <strong>No</strong>. ___________________Date of issue _________________________To :HeadquartersProject VijayakC/O 56 APOThe Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerWHEREAS …………..(Name and address of Contractor) (here<strong>in</strong>after called “the Contractor”) hasundertaken, <strong>in</strong> pursuance of contract <strong>No</strong>. …………………dated…………… to execute the……………….(Name of work) . AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated <strong>in</strong> the said Contract that the Contractor shallfurnish you with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified here<strong>in</strong> as security forcompliance with his obligations <strong>in</strong> accordance with the contract <strong>in</strong> lieu of cash deposits held byyou…………………..AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a bank guarantee.<strong>NO</strong>W THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of thecontractor upto a total of …...……..(amount of guarantee)………………………………………….………………………………(<strong>in</strong> words), such sum be<strong>in</strong>g payable <strong>in</strong> Indian Rupees, and we herebyunconditionally, irrevocably and without demur undertake to immediately pay you, upon your first ‘writtendemand’ and without cavil or argument any sum or sums with<strong>in</strong> the limits of …………………(amount ofguarantee) as aforesaid without your need<strong>in</strong>g to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demandfor the sum specified there<strong>in</strong>.We hereby waive the necessity of your demand<strong>in</strong>g the said debt from the contractor before present<strong>in</strong>g uswith the demand.We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract or of theworks to be performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between youand the contractor shall <strong>in</strong> any way release us from any liability under the guarantee and we herebywaive notice of any such change, addition or modification.This guarantee shall be valid for 24 months from the date of commencement of the work. The tendency ofany dispute or arbitration or other proceed<strong>in</strong>g shall not affect this guarantee <strong>in</strong> any manner.SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE GUARANTORNAME OF BANKADDRESSNAME OF OFFICIALAND HIS DESIGNATION

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 78TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong><strong>NO</strong>TI<strong>CE</strong> INVITING TENDERS(NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING)GENERAL RESERVE ENGINEER FOR<strong>CE</strong>M<strong>in</strong>istry of Road Transport and Highways(BORDER ROADS ORGENISATION)1. A sealed tender is <strong>in</strong>vited for “SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUFSHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED SHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126RCC AT PADAM ON NIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATE ”2. The work is estimated to cost Rs. 280.00 lacs approximately. This estimate, however, is not aguarantee and is merely given as rough guide and if it costs more or less to any extent, the tenderer willhave no claim on that account.3 The tender shall be based on General Conditions of Contract, IAFW 2249 and Special Conditions,where the tenderer are required to quote their rates for the items of works listed <strong>in</strong> the Schedule ‘A’ both <strong>in</strong>figures and words.4. The contract is to run for a period of 12 months with reference to the total cost of the work fromthe date of acceptance of the tender/issue of work order.5. <strong>No</strong>t more than one tender shall be submitted by one contractor or one firm of contractors. Underno circumstance will a father and son(s) or other close relations, who have bus<strong>in</strong>ess deal<strong>in</strong>g with oneanother be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this conditionwill render the tenders of both parties liable to be rejected.6. The Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (Project) Vijayak, P<strong>in</strong>-931 721, C/O 56 APO will be the Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer,here<strong>in</strong>after referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.7. Tender forms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents will be available for sale/issue from 22 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> onward.8. The applicants must submit, cost of the tender documents <strong>in</strong> the form of Bank Draft/BC for Rs.2000.00 (Rupees two thousand only) issued by the State Bank of India/ any Nationalised Bank drawn<strong>in</strong> favour of the Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer, Project Vijayak payable at Kargil, Code <strong>No</strong> - <strong>13</strong>90 (J&K State) valid form<strong>in</strong>imum six months. Please note that the application received without Bank Draft towards cost of thetender documents will not be enterta<strong>in</strong>ed. An advance copy of the application with photocopy of demanddraft for Cost of tender may also be sent through Fax at <strong>No</strong> <strong>01</strong>985-234120.9. The tender document will also be available <strong>in</strong> downloadable form <strong>in</strong> website www.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong> orwww.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong>. (l<strong>in</strong>k-tender-l<strong>in</strong>k-vijayak) & Central Public Procurement Portalhttp://eprocure.gov.<strong>in</strong>.epublish/app.An applicant may download it directly from the website and participate<strong>in</strong> the process. However, <strong>in</strong> such case cost of document shall be payable <strong>in</strong> the above form at the time ofsubmission of the document. Intimation to this effect may however be given to this office so thatsubsequent changes, if any, could be <strong>in</strong>timated.10. All the applicants shall attach details about their registration/enlistment with BRO / MES / StatePWDs / CPWD / Railway or any other Govt organization, particulars of the works executed dur<strong>in</strong>g lastthree years and works <strong>in</strong> hand and details about resource and f<strong>in</strong>ancial capability to undertake the work,as per the format enclosed with the tender. Tender not accompany<strong>in</strong>g with these details may be rejectedwithout assign<strong>in</strong>g any reasons thereto.(Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 79TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>11. The tender shall be accompanied with earnest money deposit of Rs. 3,55,000/- (Rupees threelacs fifty five thousand only) <strong>in</strong> the form of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) issued <strong>in</strong> favour of ChiefEng<strong>in</strong>eer (Project) Vijayak, P<strong>in</strong>-931 721 C/O 56 APO by any scheduled Bank, payable at State Bankof India, Kargil, Code <strong>No</strong> - <strong>13</strong>90 (J&K State).12. In case the tenderer is not enlisted/registered with any formation of BRO and his tender is notaccompanied with the requisite earnest money deposit, such tender shall be considered as non-bonafidetender and shall be rejected.<strong>13</strong>. Earnest money deposit of all unsuccessful tenderer will be returned immediately by endors<strong>in</strong>g anauthority on the CDR for its refund.14. The security deposit amount for this work shall be 25% more than the amount of earnest moneydeposit calculated as per scale laid down based on the contract amount. The amount of security depositshall, however, not exceed Rs. 11, 25,000.0<strong>01</strong>5. The earnest money deposit of the successful tenderer will be returned on receipt of the full securitydeposit or will reta<strong>in</strong> it as a part of security deposit.16. Tenderers are advised to visit the site by mak<strong>in</strong>g prior appo<strong>in</strong>tment with Commander 762 BRTF(Phone <strong>No</strong>. <strong>01</strong>985-232196), P<strong>in</strong> 930762, C/O 56 APO/Officer Command<strong>in</strong>g 126 RCC (Phone <strong>No</strong>.<strong>01</strong>983-245184), P<strong>in</strong> 93<strong>01</strong>26 C/O 56 APO well <strong>in</strong> advance before quot<strong>in</strong>g the rates <strong>in</strong> the tender form. Thetenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents, sites, etc. whether he has<strong>in</strong>spected <strong>in</strong> person or not. However the cost of visit<strong>in</strong>g the sites shall be at the expense of tenderer.17. Tender duly sealed will be received by Chief Eng<strong>in</strong>eer (Project) Vijayak, C/O 56 APO up to 1500Hrs on 19 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>. Tender will be opened immediately after the time <strong>in</strong>dicated here<strong>in</strong>before.18. Tender will be opened <strong>in</strong> two stages i.e. Stage-I (Qualification bid) and Stage-II (Price bid).Under Stage-I, (Qualification bid), the documents as sought about the qualification will be opened on thedate specified above. The Stage-II (price bid) conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g price bid and complete tender document willhowever be opened separately on 29 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 Hrs after evaluation of Stage-I. The Stage-II willbe opened only <strong>in</strong> respect of those bidders who qualify the stipulated criteria about their resourcefulness.Stage-II (price bid) of non-qualified tenderer will be return back unopened.19. The tender shall rema<strong>in</strong> open for acceptance for a period of 60 days from the stipulated date of itsreceipt.20. Any tender which propose any alternation to any of the conditions laid down or which proposesany other conditions described whatsoever is liable to be rejected.21. The submission of tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and conditions ofcontract and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of theconditions and other cognate factors hav<strong>in</strong>g bear<strong>in</strong>g on the execution of the work.22. The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer reserves his right to accept a tender submitted by a public undertak<strong>in</strong>ggiv<strong>in</strong>g a price preference over other tender(s) which may be lower, as are admissible under the Govt.policy. <strong>No</strong> claim for any compensation or otherwise shall be admissible for such tenderer whose tendersmay please be rejected on account of the said policy.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 80TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>23. A bonafide tenderer must satisfy each and every condition laid down <strong>in</strong> this notice. Tenderer mustbe very careful to deliver a bonafide tender or alternatively to return the blank tender complete with alldocuments form<strong>in</strong>g part of the tender duly signed.24. The earnest money as submitted with the tender document will be forfeited:-(a) If the tenderer withdraws the tender after tender open<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>g the validity period.(b) If the successful bidder fails with<strong>in</strong> the specified time limit to sign the agreement or furnish therequired security deposit25. The Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer does not b<strong>in</strong>d himself to accept the lowest or any tender or to give anyreasons for not do<strong>in</strong>g so.26. Information relat<strong>in</strong>g to exam<strong>in</strong>ation, evaluation and comparison of tender and recommendation forthe award of contract shall not be disclosed to the bidders or any other person not officially concerned withsuch process until the award to the successful bidder has been announced. Any efforts by a tenderer to<strong>in</strong>fluence the process<strong>in</strong>g of tender or award decision may result <strong>in</strong> rejection of his tender. This notice oftender shall form part of the Contract Agreement.27. Tenderer who have downloaded the tender documents from website shall submit declaration alongwith tender document that I/we have downloaded the tender from BRO website www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong> /www.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong> (l<strong>in</strong>k tender-l<strong>in</strong>k-Vijayak) / Central Public Procurement Portalhttp://eprocure.gov.<strong>in</strong>.epublish/appand I/we have not tempered/ modified the tender form <strong>in</strong> any manner.In case if the same is found to be tempered/ modified <strong>in</strong> any manner, I/we understand that my/our tenderwill be summarily rejected and I/we are liable to be banned from do<strong>in</strong>g bus<strong>in</strong>ess with BRO.28. Further details can be seen at the Indian Trade Journal at the BRO website http://www.bro.<strong>nic</strong>.<strong>in</strong>and http://www.bro.gov.<strong>in</strong>. (l<strong>in</strong>k-tender-l<strong>in</strong>k-vijayak). The tenderer may also contact SSW of ProjectVijayak at <strong>01</strong>985-234124/25 & 09419970787 dur<strong>in</strong>g office hours.Sd xxx(Signature of Contractor)EE (Civ) SGSSWDated : <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> For Accept<strong>in</strong>g OfficerHeadquartersChief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject VijayakP<strong>in</strong>-931 721C/O 56 APO NIT <strong>No</strong>. : 81047/ 02/E8Dated : 30 Mar <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Distribution:All Projects/Units: ________________________________________C/O 56/99 APOM/s __________________________________________________________________

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 95TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Appendix 'A'PARTICULARS OF FIRM AND RESOUR<strong>CE</strong>S HELDSl <strong>No</strong>. Items Details1. Name of firm or Individual2. Legal status of the firm Individual company (<strong>in</strong>corporated/un-<strong>in</strong>corporated) partnership firm/publiclimited3. Address4. Contact telephone, Mobile, Fax <strong>No</strong>.5. PAN <strong>No</strong>.6. Details of Banker & Bank A/C7. Availability of credit facility duly certified by thebankers ( <strong>No</strong>t more than three months old)8. Annual Turnover for last five years (Pleaseenclose copy of balance sheet)(a) 2007-08(b) 2008-09(c) 2009-10(d) 2<strong>01</strong>0-11(e) 2<strong>01</strong>1-129. Registration details:(a) Registration class & <strong>No</strong>.(b) Authority with whom registered andtheir address10. Details of personnel resources employed:-(a) Graduate Eng<strong>in</strong>eer andabove_______(b) Diploma HolderEng<strong>in</strong>eers_______(c) Others_____________Rs.________Rs.________Rs.________Rs.________Rs.________11. Details of Veh/Eqpt/Plants owned Pl enclose an affidavit on non-judicialstamp paper of appropriate value dulyattested by the Magistrate/<strong>No</strong>tary publicgiv<strong>in</strong>g details of Vep/Eqpt/Plants.12. Details of Veh/Eqpt/Plants proposed to be- do -hired/acquired, if any<strong>13</strong>. Details of immovable property ( exclusively <strong>in</strong> thename of contractor/firm)Pl submit an affidavit on non-judicialstamp paper of appropriate value giv<strong>in</strong>gdetails of immovable property and valuethereof, with a certificate that theproperty is free from mortgage,hypothecation, dispute or anyencumbrances. Valuation shall beauthenticated by a registered valuer.14. Litigation History Submit an affidavit <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g litigationcases entered <strong>in</strong> last five years andoutcome/ present state thereof.(Signature of Contractor)

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 96TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Annexure-I of Appendix ‘A’WORKS COMPLETED DURING LAST FIVE YEARS AND IN HAND DURING CURRENT YEARRELATED TO SUPPLIES/FABRI<strong>CA</strong>TION/ ERECTION PF SHELTERSl<strong>No</strong>.Name ofClient/Depttconcerned<strong>CA</strong> <strong>No</strong>Natureof work<strong>in</strong> brief<strong>CA</strong>Amount (Rs <strong>in</strong>Lacs)Date ofCommencementStipulatedperiod ofcompletionActual/likely dateofcompletionValue of work executeddur<strong>in</strong>g the year(Rs <strong>in</strong> Lacs)2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2<strong>01</strong>0-11 2<strong>01</strong>1-12Value ofbalancework (Rs<strong>in</strong> Lacs)Remarks<strong>No</strong>te :-Signature of contractor1. In case the work executed or <strong>in</strong> hand related to any other deptt or Project than Project Vijayak, please enclose a copy ofcompletion certificate (<strong>in</strong> case of completed works) and copy of acceptance letter/ work order <strong>in</strong> case of on go<strong>in</strong>g work.2. The details of contracts may be given <strong>in</strong> Category wise manner viz H/C contract, supply of materials, Fabrication works, Bridgeconstruction, Build<strong>in</strong>g Construction etc.

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 97TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Annexure-II of Appendix ‘A’BID <strong>CA</strong>PACITYAvailable Bid Capacity (ABC) will be calculated as under:-Available Bid Capacity = 2.5 x A X N – BA.-Maximum value of all works <strong>in</strong> any one year dur<strong>in</strong>g the last 5 f<strong>in</strong>ancial years,updated to the current price level with enhancement factors as given below:-YearMultiply<strong>in</strong>g factorLast year 1.10Year second to last year 1.20Year third to last year 1.30Year fourth to last year 1.40Year fifth to last year 1.50N- Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which the current bid is <strong>in</strong>vited.B- Value of the balance ongo<strong>in</strong>g works to be executed <strong>in</strong> period N.<strong>No</strong>te : The tenderers shall <strong>in</strong>dicate actual figures of completion cost of work and Value of A without any` enhancement as stated above.Signature of the Contractor with seal)Dated : _________________<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>for Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 98TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>VERIFI<strong>CA</strong>TION STATEMENTAnnexure-III of Appendix ‘A’By virtue of my signature below, I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief the<strong>in</strong>formation conta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the specified formats (Appendix ‘A’, Annexure-I) and enclosure thereto aretruthful and exact.We have participated for the PART-I/PART-II/PART-III or all the PARTS of the bid (score outthe part /parts not participated).Dated :(Signature of contractor)

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 99TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Appendix ‘B’(Ref para-23 of Special Condition of contract)NEFT/RTGS MANDATE FORM(1) Name of firm/contractor as peraccount <strong>in</strong> the Bank(2) Beneficiary’s Account Number (Asappear<strong>in</strong>g on the Cheque Book)(3) Name of Bank where a/c is held(4) Name of Branch(5) Address of Branch(6) Telephone <strong>No</strong>. of Branch(7) IFSC Code of Branch(8) 9-Digit MICR Code Number of theBank & Branch(9) E-Mail ID of Contractor<strong>No</strong>tePlease attach a blank cancelled cheque for verification of the above particulars.I, hereby, declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If thetransaction is delayed or not effected due to <strong>in</strong>complete or <strong>in</strong>correct <strong>in</strong>formation of thebank details, I will not hold the payment releas<strong>in</strong>g authority responsible for it.Dated :<strong>CE</strong>RTIFI<strong>CA</strong>TE BY BANKSignature of the contractor(Seal)Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.Seal of BankDated :Signature of the branch managerof the Bank

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-<strong>13</strong> <strong>Serial</strong> <strong>Page</strong> <strong>No</strong> : 100TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>AMENDMENT TO NITSUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUF SHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TEDSHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126 RCC AT PADAM ONNIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATE1. Reference this HQ NIT <strong>No</strong>. 81047/02/E8 dated 30 Mar <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>.2. The follow<strong>in</strong>g amendment is made <strong>in</strong> the NIT issued vide this HQ letter cited at reference:-SALE/ISSUE, RE<strong>CE</strong>IPT & OPENING DATE OF TENDERPara-07, Para-17 and Para- 18 of NIT shall be amended as under:-For Sale/Issue of Tender : 22 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Receipt/Open<strong>in</strong>g of Tender (Stage-I) : 19 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsOpen<strong>in</strong>g of Price bid (Stage-II) : 29 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsRead : Sale/Issue/Upload<strong>in</strong>g of Tender : 04 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Receipt/Open<strong>in</strong>g of Tender (Stage-I) : 02 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsOpen<strong>in</strong>g of Price bid (Stage-II) : 09 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 Hrs3. All other entries of NIT will rema<strong>in</strong> unchanged.(Signature of the Contractor)81047/ 08 /E8Sd xxxEE (Civ) SGSSWfor Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer05 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>HeadquartersChief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject VijayakP<strong>in</strong>-931721C/O 56 APODistribution:-All Concerned

<strong>CA</strong> <strong>NO</strong> : <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/ /<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>-20<strong>13</strong> SERIAL PAGE <strong>NO</strong> : 1<strong>01</strong>TENDER <strong>NO</strong>: <strong>CE</strong> (P) <strong>VIJAYAK</strong>/46/ 2<strong>01</strong>1-<strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>AMENDMENT TO NIT (AMENDMENT <strong>No</strong>. 02)SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TED INSULATED PUF SHELTER/PREFABRI<strong>CA</strong>TEDSHELTER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ACCOMMODATION FOR HQ 126 RCC AT PADAM ONNIMMU-PADAM-DARCHA ROAD IN LEH-LADAKH REGION OF J&K STATE1. Reference this HQ NIT <strong>No</strong>. 81047/02/E8 dated 30 Mar <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> and letter N0 8104/08/E8 dated05 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> (Amendment <strong>No</strong>. <strong>01</strong>).2. The follow<strong>in</strong>g amendment is made <strong>in</strong> the NIT issued vide this HQ letter cited at reference:-SALE/ISSUE, RE<strong>CE</strong>IPT & OPENING DATE OF TENDERPara-07, Para-17 and Para- 18 of NIT shall be amended as under:-For Sale/Issue of Tender : 22 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Receipt/Open<strong>in</strong>g of Tender (Stage-I) : 19 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsOpen<strong>in</strong>g of Price bid (Stage-II) : 29 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsRead : Sale/Issue/Upload<strong>in</strong>g of Tender : 11 Jun <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>Receipt/Open<strong>in</strong>g of Tender (Stage-I) : 20 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 HrsOpen<strong>in</strong>g of Price bid (Stage-II) : 27 Jul <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong> at 1500 Hrs3. All other entries of NIT will rema<strong>in</strong> unchanged.4. This amendment <strong>No</strong>. 02 supersedes the amendment <strong>No</strong>. <strong>01</strong> issued vide this HQ letter mentionedat reference.(Signature of the Contractor)81047/<strong>13</strong>/E8Sd xxxEE (Civ) SGSSWfor Accept<strong>in</strong>g Officer30 May <strong>2<strong>01</strong>2</strong>HeadquartersChief Eng<strong>in</strong>eerProject VijayakP<strong>in</strong>-931721C/O 56 APODistribution:-All Concerned

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