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Case 1:13-cv-03241-AT Document 1 Filed 09/30/13 Page 22 of 64pursuant to breeding loan agreements. If the import occurs, this careful populationmanagement process has the potential to extend the current beluga whalepopulation in human care an estimated 60+ years without additional acquisitions.D. The Aquarium’s Commitment to Research46. Research relating to species in the care of Georgia Aquarium is also acore mission of Georgia Aquarium. The Aquarium’s mission statement states theAquarium is to be an institution “[s]upporting, conducting, and disseminating basicand applied research on environmental issues and stimulating our community’s andour visitors’ thoughtful consideration of them....”47. Much can be learned about animals in human care, including belugawhales, that cannot be learned from studying the animals in the wild. As Dr. GreyStafford, Director of Conservation at World Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium, testifiedat the October 12, 2012 public hearing on the permit application, “vitalphysiological and behavioral data” can only be gathered in captivity because “formany physiological parameters, the mere act of collecting information [in the wild]interferes with or dramatically skews the very natural processes one is attemptingto measure.” For example, Dr. Stafford pointed to the importance of understandingthe energy needs of beluga whales related to available food supplies, research thatcan only be done with animals in human care. Dr. Stafford concluded: “Given the22

Case 1:13-cv-03241-AT Document 1 Filed 09/30/13 Page 23 of 64changes now affecting arctic regions, a better understanding of beluga energeticsrepresents some of the physiological and behavioral insights necessary for theconservation of the wild population. [Such information] is increasingly importantto policy makers and scientists making decisions in areas such as balancing theneeds of ecosystem management and setting sustainable fishing levels to ensureadequate food supplies.”48. Dr. Ann Pabst at the University of North Carolina at Wilmingtonsubmitted similar comments to NMFS on the Georgia Aquarium permit applicationstating: “The study of marine mammals in human care has added significantly toour understanding of their biology, and, thus, to our efforts to conserve them in thewild. The controlled conditions provided by research [at] public display facilitieshave permitted careful study of such fields as energetics (i.e., metabolism,locomotion, thermoregulation), and reproductive and sensory biology of a numberof marine mammal species. These data have provided critical baselines that havebeen used to determine how human activities may impact marine mammals in thewild.”49. Dr. Brandon Southall, who is affiliated with the University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz and Duke University, submitted a comment to NMFS on theGeorgia Aquarium permit application stating: “There is no viable debate about the23

Case 1:13-cv-03241-AT Document 1 Filed 09/30/13 Page 23 of 64changes now affecting arctic regions, a better understanding of beluga energeticsrepresents some of the physiological and behavioral insights necessary for theconservation of the wild population. [Such information] is increasingly importantto policy makers and scientists making decisions in areas such as balancing theneeds of ecosystem management and setting sustainable fishing levels to ensureadequate food supplies.”48. Dr. Ann Pabst at the University of North Carolina at Wilmingtonsubmitted similar comments to NMFS on the Georgia Aquarium permit applicationstating: “The study of marine mammals in human care has added significantly toour understanding of their biology, and, thus, to our efforts to conserve them in thewild. The controlled conditions provided by research [at] public display facilitieshave permitted careful study of such fields as energetics (i.e., metabolism,locomotion, thermoregulation), and reproductive and sensory biology of a numberof marine mammal species. These data have provided critical baselines that havebeen used to determine how human activities may impact marine mammals in thewild.”49. Dr. Brandon Southall, who is affiliated with the University ofCalifornia, Santa Cruz and Duke University, submitted a comment to NMFS on theGeorgia Aquarium permit application stating: “There is no viable debate about the23

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