Annual Report 2011-2012.pdf - Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club

Annual Report 2011-2012.pdf - Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club

Annual Report 2011-2012.pdf - Lane Cove 12ft Sailing Skiff Club


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<strong>Lane</strong> <strong>Cove</strong> <strong>12ft</strong> <strong>Sailing</strong> <strong>Skiff</strong> <strong>Club</strong>Woolwich. These races were popular and helpedthe kids get some experience of differentconditions. It is likely there’ll be more harbourraces in future seasons.<strong>Club</strong> Champion in the Sabot 1 ups this year wasGael Glassock in Babe, who dominated over fiveraces and dropped only 3 points, taking a 2nd inthe final race on 24 March, but otherwise winningthe other four. Gael wins the D Lamprecht PeeWee Mk IV Trophy. A very close second in all ofthese races bar the last (which he had to sit outwith a cold ...) was twin brother James Glassockin Oink Oink !! who finished on 12 points after thedrop. Watching the racing between Gael andJames was very interesting, with James oftengetting out to a good start only to be slowly andpatiently run down by Gael as racing progressedup and down the river. Adam Swiderski in TookYa Time showed great improvement throughoutthe season to win the final <strong>Club</strong> Championshiprace from Gael by a matter of seconds and thuscome third overall in the club championship with19.4 points.There was some very close competition in theSabot 2 up <strong>Club</strong> Championship between eventualwinners Henry Larkings and Eve Peel in Gone in60 Seconds and Miles Davey and ArchieSwadling in Freestyler. In the end the final raceproved decisive with the win for Henry and Eveallowing them to edge out Miles and Archie bythree points, 5.7 to 8.7. Third place went toAndrea Davey and Jessica Swadling in Synergy(replacing Ad Power after the Nationals) withsome very fine sailing over the year netting them20.1 points after the drop.The Sabot 1 up Fastest Time Pointscore wastaken out by Gael Glassock with 182 points, forwhich Gael wins the Iron Ring Trophy. BrotherJames came second with 160 points and AdamSwiderski third with 115. Adam took out the Sabot1 up Handicap Pointscore with a total of 279points from James on 224 and Gael on 222. Wehad some really keen and committed sailors in theSabot 1 up class this year; girls and boys whoturned out week after week to sail. Ed Breslin inPiranha, Lisa Moran in Meteorite, MadeleineAyre in Sundowner and Billy Moran in HighCalibre in particular deserve special mention forgetting out there, getting wet, and having somefun every week. Noteworthy additions to the Sabot1 up fleet later in the season were Jack Moran inEvolution and Jack Kelly in Maximum Force,each sailing 1 up after they ran out of things totalk about in the 2 up races.Ed Breslin piloting PiranhaThe Sabot 2 up Fastest Time Pointscore for theIron Ring Trophy was won by Miles Davey andArchie Swadling in Freestyler with 262 points.Henry Larkings and Eve Peel in Gone in 60Seconds came second on 152 points. Third wasAndrea Davey and Jessica Swadling in Synergyon 132 points.The Meggs Trophy is awarded to the sailors (1 upand 2 up) who end the season with the mostnumber of starts (not necessarily finishes) inHandicap Pointscore races and who have not wonanother trophy. This year’s winners are:1 up: James Glassock in Oink Oink !!2 up: Michael Afaras and Oliver Knight inInsanity Fair.Lachlan Cozzie and Jamieson Bennetts in the <strong>Club</strong> SabotMeggsCongratulations to all our winners andcongratulations also to all of the kids who got outthere and gave it a go. Well done. So far asevents over the year went, we had greatparticipation from parents and sailors at theJunior’s sleepover sailing camp on November 26-www.LC<strong>12ft</strong>SSC.org.au Page 20

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