board of directors report - RTD

board of directors report - RTD

board of directors report - RTD


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REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTTWO-WEEK CALENDAREvents Scheduled as <strong>of</strong> June 18, 2012Page 1WEEK OF JUNE 18, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 22, 2012Monday, June 18, 201210:00 a.m. Dedication South Platte River-Lakewood Gulch ChannelImprovements Dedication(Malpiede, Walker)6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Phone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St. 3 rd Floor Conference Room(McMullen)7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom(Tobiassen)Tuesday, June 19, 20128:30 a.m. Meeting DRCOG1290 Broadway, Independence Pass ConferenceRoom, Denver 802035:30 p.m. Meeting DBE/Operations & Customer Service/ F&AA1600 Blake, Rooms R,T, & DWednesday, June 20, 20126:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Meeting CAC Quarterly Meeting Aurora Municipal Center(Aurora Room) 15151 E. Alameda Pkwy6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom (Cohen)7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom(Hoy)Thursday, June 21, 201212:00 p.m. Meeting Executive Committee, Board Conference Room6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom(Bagley)Friday, June 22, 2012

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTTWO-WEEK CALENDAREvents Scheduled as <strong>of</strong> June 18, 2012Page 2WEEK OF JUNE 25, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 29, 2012Monday, June 25, 20126:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Phone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St. 3 rd Floor Conference Room(Tayer)Tuesday, June 26, 20127:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Meeting North Metro Local Governments TeamMargaret Carpenter Recreation Center11151 Colorado Blvd., Thornton, Co. 802335:30 p.m. Meeting Board Meeting 1600 Blake St.R, T & D RoomsWednesday, June 27, 20125:00 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom (O’Boyle)6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom(Anderson)Thursday, June 28, 201210:30 a.m. Event Eagle Project Groundbreaking near WestminsterStation @ 69 th Ave & Grove St.(Anderson, Hoy, Tayer)6:15 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Meeting Telephone Town Hall Session1600 Blake St., 3 rd Floor Board ConferenceRoom(Walker)Friday, June 29, 20129:30 a.m. Event Sheridan Garage Groundbreaking1050 Ames St.(10 th & Sheridan)

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTTWO-WEEK CALENDAREvents Scheduled as <strong>of</strong> June 18, 2012Page 3FYI – UpcomingJuly 3, Tues – 5:30 p.m.P&D/Government Relations/FasTracks- R, T & DJuly 3, Tues 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. DUSPA Finance Committee, WWMOB 201 West Colfax Avenue, 10 th Floor,Conference Room 10.E.1July 4 , Wed, All Day4 th <strong>of</strong> July Holiday, Administrative Offices ClosedJuly 5, Thurs, 1:30-3:30 p.m. DUSPA Board Meeting, Hogan & Lovells, 1200 17 th Street, Suite 1500,Denver, 80202July 10, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Operations & Customer Service/FAA/ R, T & DJuly 12, Thurs 12:00 p.m.Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorJuly 17, Tues, 7:30-9:00 a.m. DDP 57 th Annual Meeting Hyatt Renency Denver @ Co. Convention Center511 16 th At., Ste 200, Denver, CoJuly 17, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203July 17, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DJuly 20, Fri, 9:00-11:00West Rail Line Community TourJuly 21 st – 24 thAPTA Board Support Workshop, Atlanta, GAJuly 21 st – 25 thCOMTO National Meeting and Training ConferenceJuly 24, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Study Session, R, T & DJuly 25, Wed 8:00-3:00COMTO HUB Day Program (Deadwyler, Malpiede, McMullenJuly 26, Thurs7 th Annual Chamber Challenge 5K Run/Walk @ Multipurpose fields Trail,ThorntonJuly 31, Tues 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. DUSPA Finance Committee, WWMOB 201 West Colfax Avenue, 10 th Floor,Conference Room 10.E.1Aug 2, Thurs, 1:30-3:30 p.m. DUSPA Board Meeting, Hogan & Lovells, 1200 17 th Street, Suite 1500,Denver, 80202Aug 7, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Government Relations/P&D, R, T & DAug 10, Fri, 7:30 a.m.. West Rail Line Elected Officials, WRL Office – 10455 W. 6 th Ave., #250,Lakewood, Co. 80213Aug 14, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203Aug 14, Tues, 5:30 p.m.FA&A/DBE/Operations & Customer Service, R, T & DAug 16, Thurs, 12:00 p.m. Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorAug 17, Fri, 9:00-11:00 a.m. West Rail Line Community TourAug 21, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DAug 28, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Study Session, R, T & DSept 3, MondayLabor Day Holiday, Administrative Offices ClosedSept 4, Tues 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. DUSPA Finance Committee, WWMOB 201 West Colfax Avenue, 10 th Floor,Conference Room 10.E.1Sept 4, Tues, 5:30 p.m.FasTracks/P&D/ Government Relations, R, T & DSept 6, Thurs, 1:30-3:30 p.m. DUSPA Board Meeting, Hogan & Lovells, 1200 17 th Street, Suite 1500,Denver, 80202Sept 11, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Operations & Customer Service/FAA, R, T & DSept 13, Thurs, 12:00Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorSept 18, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203Sept 18, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DSept. 19, Wed, 6:00-8:00 p.m. CAC Quarterly Meeting, TBDSept 21, Fri, 9:00-11:00 a.m. West Rail Line Community TourSept 25, Tues 5:30 p.m.Study Session, R, T & DSeptember 30 th – October 3 rd APTA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WAOct 9, Tues, 5:30 p.m.P&D/Government Relations/FasTracks, R, T & D

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTTWO-WEEK CALENDAREvents Scheduled as <strong>of</strong> June 18, 2012Page 4Oct 14 th – 17 thRail-Volution, Los Angeles, CAOct 16, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203Oct 16, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Operations & Customer Service/FAA/DBE, R, T & DOct 17, Wed.Annual Taste <strong>of</strong> the Chambers @ Denver Merchandise MartOct 18, Thurs 12:00 p.m.Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorOct 23, Tues 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DOct 30, Tues 5:30 p.m.Study SessionNov 6, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Government Relations/FasTracks/P&D, R, T & DNov 9, Fri 7:30 a.m. West Rail Line elected Officials, WRL Office – 10455 W. 6 th Ave., #250,Lakewood, Co. 80215Nov 11-13,Light Rail & Street Car Conference, Salt Lake City, UTNov 13, Tues, 5:30 p.m.FA&A/Operations & Customer Service, R, T & DNov 15, Thurs, 5:30 p.m.Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorNov 20, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203Nov 20, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DNov 22 nd – 23 rdThanksgiving Holiday, Administrative Offices ClosedNov 27, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Study Session, R, T & DDec 4, Tues, 5:30 p.m.P&D/FasTracks/Government Relations, R, T & DDec 11, Tues, 5:30 p.m.DBE/Operations & Customer Service/FAA, R, T & DDec 13, Tues, 5:30 p.m.Executive Committee, Executive Conference Room, 3 rd FloorDec 18, Tues, 8:30 a.m.DRCOG, 1290 Broadway, Independence Pass Conference Room, Denver80203Dec 18, Tues 5:30 p.m.Board Meeting, R, T & DDec 19, Wed, 5:30-8:00 p.m. CAC/Board Reception & Quarterly Meeting. 1600 Blake Street, Rooms R, T& D.

Regional Transportation Dist rictBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors1600 Blake StreetDenver, CO 80202-1399303/299-2303Chatr - Lee Kemp, Dtstnct IFirst Vice Chair John Tayer, Distoct 0Second Vice Chatr - Matt Cohen, District MSecretary - Ang1e M alpiede, District CTreasurer Kent Bagley, District HLorra1ne Anderson, District LBruce Daly, District NBarbara Deadwyler, Distnct BLarry Hoy , District JBi ll James, District AWilliam " Bill'' McM ullen, District EJack O'Boyle, District GTom Tobiassen, District FJeft Walker, Distnct DKathi Williams, District KAGENDADBE/OPERATIONS AND CUSTOMER SERVICE/FINANCEADMINISTRATION AND AUDITDBE CommitteeChaired by Angie M alpiedeTuesday, June 19, 2012Rooms R, T, & D5 :30p.m .Conference Dial-in #: 303-299-2663Conference ID: 1 5 120I. Updat es• W IN Program (Pe rez, Cook)o Cohort update summaryo Minutes from White House Roundtable event with FT A Administrator ThereseM cMillan• SBO Compliance M onitoring Reports - (Perez, Cook)• Outreach Efforts - (Perez, Cook) No back-upII. Other MattersIll. Next Meeting Date - August 14, 2012IV. Adjourn t o Operations and Customer ServiceOperations and Customer Services CommitteeChaired by Director TobiassenI. Recommended A ctions• August 201 2 Service Changes• W est Corridor Service Plan - April 2013

• Paratransit Service Contract Extensions and Funding• Recommended Smart Media Related Fare Policy Adjustments• Recommended Smart M edia Technology Fare Enforcement PolicyII.Updates• 2012 Fare Enforcement Law Changes (Genova/Tarbert)• South JeffCo Call-n-Ride Update (Becker/M atthews)• Community Pilot Project Program Proposal (additional information)(Abel/ Carter)• Radio-CAD/AVL Project Status Update (Abel Farrington)• SMT Project Status Update (Abei/Googins)• Quarterly <strong>report</strong>s - 1 51 Quarter 2012 Security Statistics & Fare Inspection Summary,Contracted Fixed-Route Quarterly Report - 1 51 Quarter 2012, Access-a-RideQuarterly Report - 1 sl Quarter 2012, Special Services Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter2012 (Genova, Smith, Buter, Matthews)• Customer Complaint Analysis (Conover)Ill. Ot her MattersIV. Next Meeting Date - July 10 . 201 2V . Adjourn to Financial Administration and Audit CommitteeFinancial Administration and Audit CommitteeChaired by Director JamesI. Recommended Actions• A uthorization to Enter Into IGA with COOT to Accept FA STER Grant Funds forCentral Corridor Light Rail Improvements (Howerter/Cohen)• Authorization to Enter Into an IGA with COOT to Accept FASTER Grant Funds forTicket Vending M achine Upgrades and Replacements (Howerter/Cohan)• Contract Amendment with Scheidt & Bachmann for Southeast Corridor T icketVending Machine Upgrade and Southwest and Central Corridor Ticket VendingMachine Replacement (Howerter/Cohen)• Approval <strong>of</strong> 201 2 Amended Budget (Howerter/ Scarpino)11. Updates• First Quarter 2012 Performance M easures (Howerter/Scarpino)• Pension Accounting Update (Howerter/Macl eod)• April 2012 Monthly Financial Status Report (Howerter/Macl eod)Ill. Other MattersIV. Next Meeting Date - July 10, 2012V . AdjournThe follow ing communication assistance is available for public meetings:• Language Interpreters• Sign-language Interpreters• A ssisted listening devicesPlease notify <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>of</strong> the communication assistance you re quire at least 4 8 hours in advance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>RTD</strong> meetingy ou w ish to attend by calling 30 3.299.2307

Regional Transportation DistrictBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors1600 Blake StreetDenver, CO 80202-1399303/299-2303Chair - Lee Kemp, District IFirst Vice Chair - John Tayer, District 0Second Vice Chair - Matt Cohen, District MSecretary - Angle Malpiede, District CTreasurer Kent Bagley, District HLorraine Anderson, District LBruce Daly, District NBarbara Deadwyler, District BLarry Hoy, District JBill James, District AWilliam " Bill " McMullen, District EJack O'Boyle, District GTom Tobiassen, District FJeif Walker, District DKathi Williams, District KAGENDADBE COMMITTEETuesday, June 19, 2012Rooms R, T, & D5 :30p.m.Conference Dial-in #: 303-299-2663Conference 10 : 15120DBE CommitteeChaired by Angie MalpiedeI. Updates• WIN Program (Perez, Cook)o Cohort update summaryo Minutes from White House Roundtable event with FTA Administrator ThereseMcMillan• SBO Compliance Monitoring Reports - (Perez, Cook)• Outreach Efforts - (Perez, Cook) No back-upII. Other MattersIll. Next Meeting Date - August 14, 2012IV. Adjourn to Operations and Customer ServiceThe following communication assistance is available for public meetings:• language Interpreters• Sign-language Interpreters• Assisted listening devicesPlease notify <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>of</strong> the communication assistance you require at least 48 hours in advance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>RTD</strong> meetingyou wish to attend by calling 303.299.2307

WIN Cohort SummaryPositionlocationNumberStatusCoho rt 1 Inspection/ AssessJob Shadow, laborer<strong>RTD</strong>/FMDTP11HiredHiredGeneral LaborerlaborerJob Shadow, field <strong>of</strong>iceDTPAmes/GraniteDTP111HiredHiredHiredMinor Repair/ HMlaborerInspection/ Assess<strong>RTD</strong>/FMDTP<strong>RTD</strong>/FM111HiredHiredHiredCompliance Asst<strong>RTD</strong>/CR1HiredCompliance AsstCompliance A sst<strong>RTD</strong>/CR<strong>RTD</strong>/CR11HiredHiredAdmin AssistHeavy Equip OpDTPDTCG11HiredHiredLight Rail TechAdmin Assist<strong>RTD</strong>-LRTOTP11HiredHiredGeneral LaborerGeneral LaborerDTPDTP11HiredHiredGeneral LaborerDTP1HiredTotal l8Cohort 2 COL Driver Water TankRecelptionistAmes/DTPDTPAccounting ClerkDTPOffice Manager Trainees Ames/ US 36Fence LaborerFence ForemanGeneral LaborerAdministrative Office ClerkKSW/ EagleKSW EagleAndorado/ EagleAn dorado/ EagleCADD Technician HDR/US 36Geotechnical Engineer Trainee HOR/US 36Engineer in Tra ining HDR/US 36Bus Operat ors<strong>RTD</strong>COL Drivers GeneralGeneral Laborer I FlaggerTBDTBD2Hired1Hired1Hired3Hired1 to 3 employer interviews1employer interviews1employer interviews1employer interviews3in recruitment1in recruitment2in rec ruitment2 start recruiting 4/303start recruiting 4/303start recruiting 4/30Tota1 2SCohort 3 Carpenter Formsetter Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Equipment Operator Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Equipment Oller I Mechanic Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Gradesetter Technician Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Ironworker Reinforcing Steel Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Traffic Control Technician Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Truck Driver Trainee Ames/Granite US 36Courtesy Pa trol Tow Truck Trainee Ames/Granite US 3655112252start recruiting June 11start recruiting June 11start recruiting June 11start recruiting June 11start recruiting June 11starLrecruiting June 11start recruiting June 1 1start recruiting June 11Total 23~JtNWORKFORCEINITIATIVE Ill iJ

EVENT:WHAT:WHEN:White House RoundtableFT A Administrator Therese McMillan WIN Program VisitFriday, May 11,20128:00 - 9:30a.m.WHERE:Denver Transit Partners OfficeBroncos Conference Room - 34'h Floor1670 BroadwayDenver, CO 80202WIN Participants:Azim Adams DTP LaborerDavid Ali <strong>RTD</strong> Station InspectorDixie Brienza DTP ReceptionistBelinda Corleyturnipseed <strong>RTD</strong> Light Rail Service WorkerInger Douglas DTP Receptionist I Document ControlDonnell Evans <strong>RTD</strong> Ught RailEricka Franklin Jacobs Administrative AssistantEdward Guidry DTP LaborerMondray Jefferson <strong>RTD</strong> Station InspectorWalter Johnson <strong>RTD</strong> Compliance AssistantRuby Mora DTP Accounting ClerkMarion Richardson DTP Receptionist/ Office ManagerKamil Riley <strong>RTD</strong> Light RallEric Taylor <strong>RTD</strong> Compliance AssistantSalvador Vigil <strong>RTD</strong> Compliance Assistant

<strong>RTD</strong> & Program Staff Participants:Phillip A. Washington, General ManagerBarbara Deadwyler, <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsAngie Malpiede, <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsCarla Perez, <strong>RTD</strong> Assistant General Manager, AdministrationSherry Ellebracht, Government Relations OfficerKenn Hardin, <strong>RTD</strong> Manager WIN ProgramKatrina Wert, Community College <strong>of</strong> Denver, Director <strong>of</strong> Workforce InitiativesKatherine Ridings, Community College Denver, Career CoachRosella Palacios, Community College Denver, Administrative AssistantMartell Oyles, <strong>RTD</strong> Small Business Opportunity OfficeCharles Robertson, CER and AssociatesGreg An1parano, Denver Transit PartnersLandri Taylor, Urban League <strong>of</strong> Metro DenverSemaya DerusoCassandra ErnstChristina OpreFTA Region 8 StaffCharmaine Knighton, Acting Regional Administrator for FTA Region 8Dave BeckhouseNo media

White House Roundtable Minutes 5/11/2012Attendants to note- Deputy McMillian, Phil Washington, Angie Malpiede, Barbara Deadwyler, LandriTaylor, Charles Robe rtson, Katrina Wert, Kenn Hardin, Carla Perez, Sherry Ellebracht.The fol lowing bullet points reflect extracted ideas, statements, and topic references <strong>of</strong> ongoinginterest/importance to the Workforce Initiative.• Developing vision <strong>of</strong> mass transit Denver- gas prices are very high but more importantly, masstransit is about community and growth-linking us to one another. This project looks at how wecan foster connections between education and preparing people for careers through trainingpractices.• Experiences working with community colleges, gives options, encouragement for "later in life"individuals and those wanting to make career changes. "Community College <strong>of</strong> Denver helps reinventindividuals in the business world".• Initiative started with 34 and is now at 42 training partners over the past 2 years.• Each individual completes their own development plans. Some partners are already focusing onmoving program partkipants to higher positions- beyond entry level.• Large opportunity in "new green initiative". Programs and training must be geared towardindustry and its constant changes. We must communicate better on what the market is lookingfor- what training programs will yield the most benefit.• Large opportunities in the career field <strong>of</strong> "asset tracking" . Learning how to cut costs andincrease efficiency. In addition, we need to look into whether "new green technology" can bebrought into renovation projects as opposed to only being implemented into new facilities.• The over arching theme <strong>of</strong> this is about getting individuals into the door and helping them moveup, as opposed to looking at an institutionalized specific skill set. This must correlate to theneed-as in a service to the contractor-as this is what makes the program succeed.• This program has to be particular- different states have di-fferent needs. The core blocks <strong>of</strong> thisprogram must be built and implemented (i.e. amount <strong>of</strong> federal funding), and then thecommunity must personalize it to best meet their needs. This is what promotes sustainability.• The leaders in this program must be creative in providing much needed opportunities to thepeople in the community. ''We must challenge and critique ourselves in an honest way toeva luate where we are, and where we need to be going".• This model can work in any city with the right leadership team invested in the community.• "Expectation management" is very important. It is better to develop people appropriately asopposed to developing several people to lesser standards.• STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)- is a huge area in which the US must catchup. Currently trying to implement this more strongly in Middle and High Schools.• 3'd Cohort will start to recruit in June/July_ 20 new people for each developing Cohort.(Currently 2°° Cohort is COOT).

• Redevelopment <strong>of</strong> Union Station-Committed to using WIN members.• Idea <strong>of</strong> Urban area infrastructure- this program is exportable to other regions (especially Urbanareas).• FTA has been a great partner in this- Denver received the largest grant in the country.• Currently, this is an ongoing learning process to develop this program successfully. We mustnote and evaluate- what works, what doesn't, and what the core building blocks need to be.• Important conclusion- per provided statements, the necessary components <strong>of</strong> this programappear to rest on 4 distinct factors: entry, advancement, sustainability, and reach.

DBE/SBE Monthly Compliance ReportsSmall Business OfficeJune 2012

DBE/SBE Monthly Compliance <strong>report</strong><strong>RTD</strong> Base System DBE/SBE Contracts1DBE/SBE Goal v. Commitment Attainment$35,650,691.39$40,000,000.00$30,000,000.00$15,464,239.73$20,000,000.00$10,000,000.00$-DBE/SBE GoalDBE/SBE CommitmentPayments to DBEs/SBEs v. Payments to Non-DBE/SBEs1Payments toDBE/SBEs$30,955,352.82Page I 2

DBE/SBE Monthly Compliance Report<strong>RTD</strong> FasTracks DBE/SBE ContractsDBE/SBE Goal v. Commitment Attainment$394,738,846.00$395,000,000.00$390,000,000.00$385,000,000.00$380,000,000.00$375,000,000.00$370,000,000.00$365,000,000.00$360,000,000.00D/SBE GoalD/SBE CommitmentPayments to DBE/SBE v. Payments to Non-DBE/SBEsPayments To 0/SBE,$124,708,905.63Page I 3

DBE/SBE Monthly Compliance ReportEagle P3- Denver Transit PartnersI. Project ChartsGoal Attainment Status35%30%25%~::mitm-en_t_s i---~::---t--~yments 18%•commitments = Executed ContractsSBE Construction32% :~: ---t--- ':: 1__30% .____ 1% 2%Design PhaseDBE vs. Non-DBE ParticipationSBE vs. Non-SBE ParticipationPage I 4

Construction PhaseDBE vs. Non-DBE Participation08ENon·SBEParticipation$4,684,234SBE vs. Non-SBE ParticipationII. SummaryDesign & Build Phase Dollar Value PercentageDesign Build Contract Value $1,308,573,578Change Orders $68,565,862Total Contract Amount $1,377,139,440less: Rolling Stock $276,020,591Total DBE/SBE Qualifying Contract Amount $1,101,118,849DBE/SBE Goal $214,770,276 19.5%DBE/SBE Commitment $112,617,887 10.2%Total DBE/SBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $237,486,568 21.6%DBE/SBE Payments vs. DBE/SBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $32,798,618 13.8%DBE/SBE Payments vs. DBE/SBE Qualifying Contract Amount $32,798,618 3.0%• Exceeded SBE Goal for the Design Phase by 11%.• DTP has Letters <strong>of</strong> Intent (LOI) to Perform as a Subcontractor with 49 DBE and SBE Companiestotaling approximately $119 million. 45 lOis have been converted into contracts. Thisrepresents 92% <strong>of</strong> the 49 lOis and 80% <strong>of</strong> the Total Dollar Amount ($119M).• DTP has committed $164 million to DBE and SBE companies. $119 million in LOis and $45million in new contracts.• DTP has executed subcontracts/POs with 129 DBE and SBE companies (including the 43 lOis).The total amount <strong>of</strong> these subcontracts/POs is $112,617,887. To date DTP has paid $32,798,618to DBE and SBE companies.• At this point in the project, commitments are expected to meet the target levels. The DBE/SBEteam continuously monitors DBE/SBE participation to assess overall compliance with theDBE/SBE goals.Page I 5

DBE Design Qualifying Work Dollar Value PercentageDBE Design Qualifying Contract Amount $72,148,545Change Orders $4,358,372Total DBE Design Qualifying Contract Amount $76,506,917DBE Goal $14,536,314 19%DBE Commitment $16,347,943 21%Total DBE Design Qualifying Payments to Prime $71,854,145 94%DBE Payments vs. DBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $13,429,480 19%DBE Payments vs. DBE Qualifying Contract Amount $13,429,480 18%• The DBE Participation for the DBE Design Qualifying Work this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:o Currently, 19% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Design Qualifying Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEso Currently, 21% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Design Qualifying Amount has been committed to DBEso Currently, 18% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Design Qualifying Amount has been paid to DBEsSBE Design Qualifying Work Dollar Value PercentageTotal SBE Design Qualifying Contract Amount $15,883,455SBE Goal $3,017,586 19%SBE Commitment $5,037,765 32%Total SBE Design Qualifying Payments to Prime $14,373,141 90%SBE Payments vs. SBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $4,843,497 34%SBE Payments vs. SBE Qualifying Contract Amount $4,843,497 30%• The SBE Participation for the SBE Design Qualifying Work this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:o Currently, 34%% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Design Qualifying Payments to Prime has been paid to SBEso Currently, 32% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Design Qualifying Amount has been committed to SBEso Currently, 30% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Design Qualifying Amount has been paid to SBEsDBE Construction Qualifying Work Dollar Value PercentageDBE Construction Qualifying Contract Amount $732,251,382Change Orders $49,997,609Total DBE Construction Qualifying Contract Amount $782,248,991DBE Goal $156,449,798 20%DBE Commitment $76,3 72,484 10%Total DBE Construction Qualifying Payments to Prime $143,016,427 18%DBE Payments vs. DBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $10,967,021 8%DBE Payments vs. DBE Qualifying Contract Amount $10,967,021 1%• The DBE Participation for the DBE Construction Qualifying Work this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:o Currently, 8% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Construction Qualifying Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEso Currently, 10% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Construction Qualifying Amount has been committed to DBEso Currently, 1% <strong>of</strong> the Total DBE Construction Qualifying Amount has been paid to DBEsPage I 6

SBE Construction Qualifying Work Dollar Value PercentageSBE Construction Qualifying Contract Amount $212,269,606Change Orders $14,209,880Total SBE Construction Qualifying Contract Amount $226,479,486SBE Goal $40,766,307 18%SBE Commitment $14,859,695 7%Total SBE Construction Qualifying Payments to Prime $8,242,855 4%SBE Payments vs. SBE Qualifying Payments to Prime $3,558,621 43%SBE Payments vs. SBE Qualifying Contract Amount $3,558,621 2%• The SBE Participation for the SBE Construction Qualifying Work this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:o Currently, 43% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Construction Qualifying Payments to Prime has been paid toSBEso Currently, 7% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Construction Qualifying Amount has been committed to SBEso Currently, 2% <strong>of</strong> the Total SBE Construction Qualifying Amount has been paid to SBEsPage I 7

DBE Monthly Compliance ReportWest Corridor- Denver Transit Construction GroupI. Project ChartsOBE Participation vs. Non- DBE ParticipationNon DBEParticipation$256,426,36477%DBE Participation Trend line: : : : : : :: :- Oil{ Go.!081: P..,....nu" 10 ,,.,. PavmtniS"M.ly- 11 lun·U Jut.u Auc-u Sopoll Oct-II Nov-11 Doe-ll J..,.l2 Feb-12 M>r· l218" 18" 1"' 18" 18" 1"' 181' 18" 181' II" 18"191' I'll' 2011 2011 ll" 21" u. 22" 231' 21" 23"Apr 12 M.ly-12I"' 18"231' 23"$90,000,000$80.000.000s 70.000.000$60.000.000i...$50.000,000>$40.000.000$30.000,000$20.000.000$10,000,000$·........ .... ... ,.uil~tDDI& SA1JW\.)M S\oi,M1J11_,_,,DBE Payments'"""_,O.C-tt ... u-IIllllt-11S~).J14,1JI Ss1pn,al' j~t.S40,111 SQ.KJ.- J.M.61l.)H so.uo .. 11 .. $10..M1..6U $11.11-.,.cn.. .,.._1$71,X,,.tUPage I 8

DBE Monthly Compliance ReportWest Corridor - David Evans & AssociatesDBE Participation vs. Non- DBE ParticipationNon DBEParticipation$25,625,61281%DBE19%DBE Participation Trend Line20%18%16%14%8%6"M

DBE Monthly Compliance ReportWest Corridor- Balfour Beatty Rail Inc.Non DBEParticipation$38,386,11472%DBE Participation vs. Non-DBE ParticipationParticipation$14,812,59728%DBE Participation Trend Line35"3'"'i 25!(,• 2'"'l:~ 15!(,.....1'"';= • :C: :: :: :-:5!(,- 06EGo;ol'"'OBE Pay.,.,nu" to Prime P..,.,..,nu "May·ll Jun-11 Jul·ll AU&·ll Sep-11 Oct-11 Nov·ll Oec·ll18!(, 18!(, 18!(, 18" 18" 18!(, 18" 18"14" 17" 17% 18" 2'"' 29!(, 25" 25!(,J.>n-12 Feb-U18!(, 18!(,25" 26"Mar-12 Apr•12 tM(-1218" 18" 18"26" 27" 28!(,DBE Payments$$14,000,000.00$12.000,000.00$10,000,000.00! $8,000,000.00"' $6,000,000.00$4,000,000.00$2.000,000.00s-e TcxaiPaymt_nts1o 06-EJ $$,763,790. $5,71i3,790. $1,084,447. SU.164,205 SU,l64,205$U ,888,&9Page 110

1. SummaryDenver Transit Construction GroupDTCG Dollar Value PercentageTotal Contract Amount $ 362,404,877DBE Goal $ 65,232,878 18.00%DBE Commitment $ 82,780,852 22.84%Total Payments to Prime $ 333,695,819 92.08%DBE Payments to Prime Payments $ 77,269,455 23.16%DBE Payments to Total Contract Amount $ 77,269,455 21.32%• The West Corridor Construction Phase is 88.61% completed• The DBE Particpation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo22.64% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEs22.91% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been committed to DBEs20.06% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been paid to DBEsDavid Evans & AssociatesDEA Dollar Value PercentageTotal Contract Amount $31,673,607DBE Goal $6,017,985 19.00%DBE Commitment $6,055,658 19.12%Total Payments to Prime $31,360,616 99.01%DBE Payments to Prime Payments $6,047,995 19.28%DBE Payments to Total Contract Amount $6,047,995 19.09%• The West Corridor Design Phase is 100% completed• The DBE Particpation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo19.28% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime were paid to DBEs19.12% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount was committed to DBEs19.09% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount was paid to DBEsBalfour Beatty Rail, Inc.BBRI Dollar Value PercentageTotal Contract Amount $ 66,131,656DBE Goal $ 11,903,698 18.00%DBE Commitment $ 16,447,905 24.87%Total Payments to Prime $49,507,935 74.86%DBE Payments to Prime Payments $12,750,302 25.75%DBE Payments to Total Contract Amount $ 12,750,302 19.28%• The West Corridor Systems Integration Phase is 74.86% completed• The DBE Participation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo25.75% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEs24.87% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been committed to DBEs19.28% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been paid to DBEsPage 111

DBE Monthly Compliance ReportDenver Union StationI. Project ChartsKIEWIT WESTERNNon DBEParticipation$152,783,52681%DBE Participation vs. Non-DBE ParticipationDBEParticipation$35,129,08119%20%DBE Participation Trend Une: :10%$40,1XX).(XXlAc>

AECOMDBE Participation vs. Non-DBE ParticipationNon DBEParticipation$29,171,56388%DBE Participation$4,303,13112%DBE Participation Trend lineMar·ll Apr·ll Mooy-11 Jun-11 Jul·ll Au&-11 S-11 Oct-11 Nov-11 Oec·ll Jon·12 Fob-12 Mar-12- ol!f Goo I lSl(, 15" 1s" 15" lS" lSl(, 15" 15" 15" 15" lS" 15" lSl(,OBf PoymenlS "to Prime Paymenu " 12" 12" U" 13" 13" 12" 12" 12" 12" 13" 12" 12" 13%$5.000,000$4,500,000$4,000,000$3,500,000$3,000.000Sl.SOO.OOOStOOO.OOO$1,500.000$1.000,000ssoo.oooS·DBE Payments$3,730,]19 $3,730,319 SMS7.8001 $3,9&2,675 $4,JOJ,lll $4,465)40Page 113

11. SummaryKiewit WesternKiewit Western Dollar Value Percentage$326,855,002.00--OBEGoal $52,296,800.32 16.00%DBE Commitment $59,917,411.70 18.33%Total Payments to Prime $187,912,607.00 57.49%DBE Payments to Prime Payments $35,129,081.04 18.69%DBE Payments to Total Contract Amount $38,456,025.25 11.77%• The Denver Union Station Construction Phase is 58% completed• The DBE Particpation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo18.69% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEs18.3% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been committed to DBEs11.7% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been paid to DBEsAECOMAECOM Dollar Value PercentageTotal Contract Amount $35,574,540.00DBE Goal $5,336,181.00 15.00%OBE Commitment $5,458,333.55 15.34%Total Payments to Prime $33,636,703.12 94.55%OBE Payments to Prime Payments $4,298,512.68 12.78%DBE Payments to Total Contract Amount $4,465,140.13 12.55%• The Denver Union Station Design Phase is 95% completed• The DBE Particpation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo12.8% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEs15.3% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been committed to DBEs12.5% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been paid to DBEsPage I 14

DBE Monthly Compliance ReportWRl Wadsworth Garage Parking StructureI. Project ChartsSWINERTON BUILDERSDBE Participation vs. Non-DBE ParticipationNon DBEParticipation$2,110,691DBEParticipation$530,719.00DBE Participation Trend Line~...Q)tiOIVc:Q)u....Q)~26%21%16%11%6%r=oal '16%ayments %to PrimePayments%Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-1216% 16% 16%15% 10% 12% 25%May-1216%20%DBE Payments$600,000$500,000$400,000$300,000$200,000$100,000$·F-Page 115

II. SummarySwinerton BuildersSwinerton Dollar Value PercentageTotal Contract Amount $13,379,619.00DBE Goal $214,739.04 16.00%DBE Commitment $2,916,568.00 21.80%Total Payments to Prime $2,641,411.00 19.74%DBE Payments to Prime $530,712.54 20.09%DBE Payments to Total Contract $530,712.54 3.97%• The Garage Parking Structure started the Design/Build in January 2012• The DBE Participation for this <strong>report</strong>ing period is as follows:ooo19.7% <strong>of</strong> the Total Payments to Prime has been paid to DBEs21.8% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been committed to DBEs3.9% <strong>of</strong> the Total Contract Amount has been paid to DBEsPage 116

Regional Transportation DistrictBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors1 600 Blake StreetDenver, CO 80202-1399303/299-2303Chair ~ Lee Kemp, District IFirst Vice Chair ~ John Tayer, District 0Second Vice Chair ~ Matt Cohen, District MSecretary ~ Angie Malpiede, District CTreasurer ~ Kent Bagley, District HLorraine Anderson, District LBruce Daly, District NBarbara Deadwyler, District BLarry Hoy, District JBill James, District AWilliam "Bill" McMullen, District EJack O'Boyle, District GTom Tobiassen, District FJeff Walker, District DKathi Williams, District KAGENDAOPERATIONS AND CUSTOMER SERVICETuesday, June 19, 2012Rooms R, T, & D5:30p.m.Conference Dial-in #: 303-299-2663Conference ID: 1 5120Operations and Customer Services CommitteeChaired by Director TobiassenI. Recommended Actions• August 2012 Service Changes• West Corridor Service Plan - April 201 3• Paratransit Service Contract Extensions and Funding• Recommended Smart Media Related Fare Policy Adjustments• Recommended Smart Media Technology Fare Enforcement PolicyII.Updates• 2012 Fare Enforcement Law Changes (Genova/Tarbert)• South JeffCo Call-n-Ride Update (Becker/Matthews)• Community Pilot Project Program Proposal (additional information)(Abel/ Carter)• Radio-CAD/AVL Project Status Update (Abel Farrington)• SMT Project Status Update (Abei/Googins)• Quarterly <strong>report</strong>s- 1st Quarter 2012 Security Statistics & Fare Inspection Summary,Contracted Fixed-Route Quarterly Report ~ 1st Quarter 2012, Access-a-RideQuarterly Report - 1st Quarter 201 2, Special Services Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter2012 (Genova, Smith, Buter, Matthews)• Customer Complaint Analysis (Conover)

Ill. Other MattersIV. Next Meeting Date - July 10, 2012V. AdjournThe following communication assistance is available for public meetings:• Language Interpreters• Sign-language Interpreters• Assisted listening devicesPlease notify <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>of</strong> the communication assistance you require at least 48 hours in advance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>RTD</strong> meetingyou wish to attend by calling 303.299.2307

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo: Phil Washington, General Manager Date: June 14, 2012From: Bruce Abel, Assistant General Manpger GM<strong>of</strong> Bus OperationsDate: June 14, 201 2 Board Meeting Date: June 19, 201 2r---------------------------------------Subject: August 201 2 Service Changes ACTION X DISCUSSION INFORECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors approve the August 201 2 Service Change package as revised and summarized inAttachment A resulting in an annualized cost increase <strong>of</strong> approximately $517,000 and,further, to authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute contract amendmentsas necessary for private operators whose service is impacted by these changes.DISCUSSIONTo meet the diverse travel needs <strong>of</strong> the Citizens <strong>of</strong> the District and maintain a highperformance,sustainable transit system, <strong>RTD</strong> has developed a networked family <strong>of</strong>services for which the classes <strong>of</strong> service have different expectation <strong>of</strong> performance. Forthis year we will be focusing on adjusting services in response to the recent servicereductions and changes in ridership and operational performance.The proposed August 201 2 Service Changes reflect the continued budgetary challengesfaced by <strong>RTD</strong>. The guiding principles for service changes continue to be:• Service performance evaluation based on the <strong>RTD</strong> Service Standards• The effects on the overall integrity <strong>of</strong> the transit network and on transit dependentmarkets• The availability <strong>of</strong> alternative services to affected riders• Cost-effective distribution throughout the District and Family <strong>of</strong> Services• Title VI <strong>of</strong> the Civil Rights Act: benefits and services are provided without regard torace, color or national origin• Response to changes in the communities where services are providedSUMMARY OF PUBLIC HEARINGSThe 4 public meetings were attended by a total <strong>of</strong> 6 members <strong>of</strong> the general public. Pleasesee Attachment B for a summary <strong>of</strong> the public meetings, a summary <strong>of</strong> additionalcomments received by e-mail, telephone or fax and letters from municipalities orstakeholders. <strong>RTD</strong> staff conducts these meetings to receive input from the public andrecords comments by taking notes, which are summarized in this <strong>report</strong>. Neither taperecorders nor court <strong>report</strong>ers are employed in the recording <strong>of</strong> these meetings. Stafftypically does not engage in discussion other than to explain a proposal, until the end <strong>of</strong> ameeting, focusing instead on making sure everyone participating in the meeting has anopportunity to be heard.

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 2CHANGES TO INITIAL RECOMMENDATIONSStaff receives input during the public comment process and continues to conductadditional analysis after the initial service recommendations are proposed to the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors. Depending on the outcome <strong>of</strong> the public comment process and continuedanalysis, staff may or may not propose modifications to the initial recommendations. Thefollowing represent substantive changes proposed to the service changes initially proposedto the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors for implementation as part <strong>of</strong> August 2012 service changes:Route 1 - West 1st AvenueBased upon public comments received, Route 1 will retain service to the area <strong>of</strong>East Virginia Avenue and South Cherry Street. From the Cherry Creek ShoppingCenter area, routing will be via 1st Avenue, Colorado Blvd., and Leetsdale Drive, tothe terminal on Birch Street at Virginia, then return via Virginia and Cherry toLeetsdale. This will retain convenient access to the Super Target and King Soopersstores in Glendale. See map for details.SUMMARY OF PROPOSED SERVICE CHANGESService ReductionsRoute 66 - Arapahoe Road: Discontinue school deviation into Regis High SchoolRoute 153 - Chambers Road: Discontinue school deviation into Regis High SchoolRoute 228 -Louisville/Broomfield: delete the weekday AM trips prior to 1 Oam out <strong>of</strong> theFlatiron Mall loopMixed Service Reductions/Service IncreasesRoute 120X - Thornton/Wagon Road Express: discontinue the 5:05am NB tripRoute 122X- Wagon Rd/Civic Center Express: extension <strong>of</strong> AM trip at 7:59am SB fromWagon Road PnR and add 5:00PM trip from MSSLight Rail Lines C, D and E: addition and truncation <strong>of</strong> various early and late peak periodtripsService IncreasesRte OLtd - South Broadway Limited: add and shift PM tripsRoute 1 - West 1st Avenue: Revise terminal loop on eastRoute 1 5 - East Colfax: Increase Saturday service frequencyRoute 1 21 - Peoria Street: Add peak service due to overloadsRoute BOLT - Boulder/Longmont: add a 4:1Opm NB trip from Boulder Transit CenterRoute HX -28 1 h Street/Civic Center: add one AM tripRoutine Service AdjustmentsRoute 10 - East 1 2 1 h Avenue: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 12 - Downing Crosstown: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 16 -West Colfax: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 17 - Jeffco: Schedule adjustments

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 3Route 20 - 20th Avenue: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 28 - 28th Avenue: Schedule adjustmentsRoutes 29/36 - Riverbend/Ft. Logan: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 44 - 44th Avenue: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 52 -West 52nd Avenue/ South Bannock: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 59- West Bowles: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 67 - Coal Mine/Ridge Road Crosstown: Schedule adjustmentsRoute 72 - 72 Avenue Crosstown: Running time adjustmentsRoute 79Ltd - South Quebec Way Limited: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 83Ltd - Cherry Creek/Parker Road Limited: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 88 - Thornton/Commerce City/Stapleton: Add bus on weekday and rerouteRoute 92 - 92nd Avenue: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 130 - Yale/Buckley: Add bus on SaturdayRoute 131 - East Iliff: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 133 - Hampden/Tower: Minor schedule adjustmentsRoute 169Ltd - Buckley/Tower/DIA:Running time analysis and adjustments.Route 225 - Boulder/Broomfield via Baseline: Adjust PM trips to EBCCRoute 228 -Louisville/Broomfield: Running time adjustments on Sat/SunRoute 402L - Highlands Ranch Parkway Limited: Schedule adjustmentsRoute B - Boulder/Denver: Schedule adjustmentsRoute BOLT - Boulder/Longmont: Running time adjustmentsRoute Bound - 30th Street: Schedule adjustmentsRoute OM - Boulder/Anschutz/Fitzsimons: implement reroute in Fitzsimons-AnschutzRoute L - Longmont/Denver : Schedule adjustmentsRoute YL -Lyons/Longmont : Schedule adjustmentsReinstate seasonal school trips or deviations on the following routes:Route 1 W - West 1st AvenueRoute 6 - East 6th AvenueRoute 9 - West 1Oth AvenueRoute 11 - Mississippi AvenueRoute 16 -West ColfaxRoute 24 - University BlvdRoute 30 - Federal BoulevardRoute 30 Limited - South Federal LimitedRoute 31 - Federal CrosstownRoute 43 - MLK Boulevard/Green Valley RanchRoute 51 - Sheridan CrosstownRoute 52 - West 52nd/South BannockRoute 65 - Monaco ParkwayRoute 73 - Quebec StreetRoute 76 - WadsworthRoute 100 - Kipling Crosstown

Attachment AJune 14, 201 2Page 4Route 206 - Pearl/EisenhowerRoute 208- lris!ValmontRoute SKIP, JUMP, BOUND, DASH: Seasonal schedule adjustment to fall/spring scheduleFINANCIAL IMPACTThe annualized net costs are estimated to be approximately $51 7,000 and are included inthe <strong>RTD</strong> 201 2 amended budget.

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 5DETAILED SERVICE CHANGE PROPOSALS - AUGUST 2012Rte OLtd - South Broadway LimitedPassenger <strong>board</strong>ings on Rte Oltd have increased, despite the January 2012 reduction inservice. Two trips are now experiencing passenger loads that exceed service standardsfor peak hour standees. It is proposed to add a trip from Civic Center Station to 1-25 &Broadway at 4:19 p.m. and shift the current Southglenn trip from that time to 4:25 p.m.An additional trip from CCS to 1-25 & Broadway would be added at 4:55 p.m. and thecurrent 4:59 p.m. trip would be shifted to 5:00 p.m. Other minor adjustments for gateavailability will be made. Anticipated annual cost estimated to be $17,310 and 1 pm peakvehicle.Route 1 -West 1st AvenueRevise terminal loop on east end as follows: From 1st/Fillmore in the Cherry Creek district,continue east on 1st Avenue to Colorado Blvd, then south to Leetsdale Drive, andsoutheast to Birch Street. The route terminal will be on Birch at Virginia Avenue, behindthe Super Target store. Provides replacement service along 1st Avenue between Steeleand Colorado Blvd. previously served by Route 2, and standardizes service at ColoradoBlvd. This revised routing provides convenient access to the Super Target and KingSoopers stores in Glendale, the predominant destination for Route 1 customers in thisarea. No cost impact is anticipated.Route 6 - East 6th Avenue/North PecosSchedule adjustments.Route 10 - East 12th AvenueRun time analysis and schedule adjustments to address this service 81% on-timeperformance.Route 1 5 - East ColfaxOur traditional service pattern <strong>of</strong> 30 minute frequency in Aurora, combined with muchhigher frequencies (7.5 to 10 minute) in Denver, no longer matches ridership demand,which has grown very significantly in Aurora and at the Anschutz Medical Campus. Thishas lead to overcrowding and poor on-time performance on the Aurora trips. Thus, it isproposed to increase frequency on Saturdays from every 30 to every 1 5 minutes,1 O:OOam to 6:00pm. Anticipated annualized cost estimated to be $21 ,200.Route 16 - West ColfaxSchedule adjustmentsRoute 17 - JeffcoSchedule adjustmentsRoute 20 - 20th AvenueMinor schedule adjustments

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 6Route 24 - University BlvdSchedule analysis and running time adjustments are proposed to address substandard ontimeperformance on the weekend Route 24 service. In the first three months <strong>of</strong> thisservice change period weekday service was recorded on-time less that 74% percent <strong>of</strong> thetime. Saturday service on Route 24 was on time less than 80%. No costs are anticipatedfor weekday adjustments, due to adequate recovery time at the terminals <strong>of</strong> the service.Saturday and Sunday annualized cost impacts estimated at $59,730, using 1 all dayvehicle.Route 35 - Hampden AvenueRunning time adjustments are expected to require 1 p.m. peak vehicle, with an estimatedannualized cost <strong>of</strong> $46,1 60. Current on-time performance for the Route 35 list this serviceas having a 83% schedule adherence.Route 44 - 44th AvenueSchedule adjustmentsRoute 52 - West 52nd Avenue/South BannockSchedule adjustments to weekday and Saturday service with an anticipated cost <strong>of</strong>$1 5, 1 80 annualized.Route 66 - Arapahoe RoadRoute 153 - Chambers RoadDiscontinue school deviation into Regis High School in an effort to reduce travel time onthese services, while maintaining schedule reliability. Ridership is very low, averaging atotal <strong>of</strong> 12 <strong>board</strong>ings and alightings on Route 66, and 6 <strong>board</strong>ings and alightings on Route153. Patrons will still have convenient access to Regis from bus stops along LewistonStreet, a walking distance <strong>of</strong> approximately 400-800 feet. No cost impact anticipated.Route 72 - 72 AvenueRunning time adjustments weekday and Saturday after 4:00p.m., in efforts to address a82.5% on-time performance rating.Route 79Ltd - South Quebec Way LimitedMinor schedule adjustmentsRoute 83Ltd - Cherry Creek/Parker Road LimitedMinor schedule adjustments to address weekend on-time performance below 70%.Route 88 - Thornton/Commerce City/StapletonAdd an all day bus to the cycle to improve on-time performance and re-route to use 49thAvenue to Central Park Boulevard (new roadway connection) to Stapleton Transfer Center.Recent data list the on-time performance <strong>of</strong> the Route 88 at 79%, which is well below theperformance goal. Anticipated cost impact estimated to be an annualized $161,545.

Attachment AJune 14, 201 2Page 7Route 92 - 92nd AvenueIt is proposed to make minor schedule adjustments in early weekday morning schedule, toimprove transfer connections at Westminster Park-n-Ride.Route 120X - Thornton/Wagon Road ExpressIt is proposed to discontinue the 5:05am NB trip due to low ridership (3 passengers); andto use these resources on Route 1 22X for an additional AM trip at 7:53AM SB fromWagon Road PnR. Annualized cost savings estimated to be $21 ,41 5Route 1 21 - Peoria StreetAdd a PM peak bus to cycle for running time, recovery, and proper passenger loaddistribution and add peak load trippers to handle heaviest ridership, 6:30am southboundfrom Montbello, 3:00pm northbound from Nine Mile. Standardize Ulster/Tufts loop tooperate clockwise at all time, instead <strong>of</strong> current morning counterclockwise/afternoonclockwise pattern to simplify service patterns and provides faster travel time. Cost impactsare anticipated to be $84,233.Route 122X - Wagon Rd/Civic Center ExpressIt is proposed extend the 7:59 AM trip from Thornton pnR to Wagon Road pnR to addresspassenger levels on the previous trip at 7:46AM from Wagon Road. It is also proposed toadd a 5:00pm trip, due to current overloads on the 5:04pm trip. Resources for theadditional PM trip to be taken from discontinuing Route 120X 5:05am NB trip. Theannualized cost is estimated to be $23,556.Route 130 - Yale/BuckleyAdd bus on Saturday for running time and reliability. Current on-time performance data<strong>report</strong>s the Saturday Route 130 performing with only 69% <strong>of</strong> trips on-time.Annualized cost impact is estimated to be $28,236Route 131 - East IliffMinor schedule adjustmentsRoute 133 - Hampden/TowerMinor schedule adjustmentsRoute 169Ltd- Buckley/Tower/DIARunning time analysis and adjustments.Route 228 -Louisville/BroomfieldIt is proposed to delete the weekday AM trips prior to 1 Oam out <strong>of</strong> the small Flatiron Mallloop, due to non-existing ridership. Anticipated annualized savings estimated to be$11 ,540.Route B - Boulder DenverSchedule adjustments

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 8Route BOLT - Boulder/LongmontRunning time adjustments are proposed for weekday, Saturday and Sunday service.Schedule adjustments to trips to Front Range Community College to match last class endtimeand to address passenger level imbalances. Additionally, a 4:1Opm northbound tripfrom Boulder Transit Center to 8th/C<strong>of</strong>fman PnR is proposed to address overloads on thecurrent 4:25pm northbound trip, which creates an even 15 min headway starting at3:00pm. The anticipated cost is estimated to be $26,244.Route Bound - 30th StreetDue to a lack <strong>of</strong> recovery/layover space at 28th/Iris, this proposal shifts all operator layoverto the southern terminal <strong>of</strong> the Route Bound at Baseline/Broadway. No cost impacts areanticipated.Route DM - Boulder/Anschutz/FitzsimonsOfficially implement the reroute to the current PM routing via Quentin and Montview Aveto Peoria, to better serve the new Health and Wellness Building on campus; create bidirectional/sameAM/PM routing within the campus.Route HX -28th Street/Civic CenterIt is proposed to add one trip in the AM, between the current 6:45am and 7:00am trips, inorder to address overloads on the current 7:00am trip. Anticipated cost estimated to be anannualized $26,300.Route L - Longmont/DenverRoute YL -Lyons/LongmontSchedule adjustment - change interlines to Route YL in PM to % hour earlier at8th/C<strong>of</strong>fman. No cost impacts anticipated.Light RailA series <strong>of</strong> minor changes are proposed for Light Rail, with most costs <strong>of</strong>fset by savingsfrom services made redundant by the improvements.C-LineThe 8:14 a.m. weekday trip from Union Station to 1-25 & Broadway Station and the 3:33p.m. weekday trip from Evans Station to Union Station are proposed to be replaced by E­Line trips.D-LineIt is proposed to terminate the weekday trips that start at 18th & Stout Station at 8:02,8:32 and 9:02 a.m. at 1-25 & Broadway Station, rather than continuing their supplementalservice to Littleton/Mineral Station. Additionally, it is proposed to add a weekday trip fromLittleton/Mineral Station to 18th & California at 7:1 3 a.m. Also, minor scheduleadjustments will be made.E-Line

Attachment AJune 14, 201 2Page 9It is proposed to add a weekday trip at 8:14 a.m. from Union Station to Lincoln Station,serving 9:00 a.m. work starting time and appointments in the Southeast Business Parks.E & F linesIt is proposed to extend the weekday 1:56 p.m. southbound F-Line trip from SouthmoorStation to Lincoln Station in order to smooth loadings on trains from the Auraria campus1 :45 p.m. class break. The extended trip would return from Lincoln Station on the E-Lineat 3:09 p.m., providing an earlier start on peak period service. The annualized net total <strong>of</strong>this proposal is estimated to be $40,400.

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 10Cherry CreekShoppingCenter1st Avec0.!~cv::EBayaudAlameda"1 &,...1-('1~t!00"$ &+1o~0Route 1- Proposed Aug12 Routlng- Proposed Aug12 Discontinuancec= other Local Routes (3, 40 & 46)- Other Limited Routes (3l, 79L & 83L)

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 11Northfield Mall1-70... - "'s:Q)(J38th AveStapleton PnR36th Ave!!u"' ~0Q.Route 88Proposed Aug12 Routing- ProposedAug12 D•sconllnuance

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 12RegisHighSchoolRoutes 88 and 153Proposed Aug12 RoutmgArapahoe CrossingShopping Center- Proposed Aug12 DiscontinuanceArapahoe

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 13ATTT ACHMENT BSUMMARY OF PUBLIC MEETINGS - AUGUST 2012Commerce City Recreation Center- Thursday, June 7, 7:00pmA total <strong>of</strong> 1 member <strong>of</strong> the public attended this meeting, along with 3 members <strong>of</strong> the<strong>RTD</strong> staff. The only concerns voiced were in regard to several stops along Route 40 and73 and possible better access to the stop locations. The customer approved <strong>of</strong> theproposed re-route for Route 88, stating that the better access to Northfield Mall definitelyis a positive change. The meeting concluded at 7:17pmRoss Cherry Creek - Monday, January 30, 2012, 7:00 pmIn addition to 2 staff members, District A Director Bill James, and one member <strong>of</strong> thepublic attended. The meeting started promptly at 1:OOpm. The one public participantexpressed dissatisfaction with the proposed change to the Route 1 . She specifically askedfor continued service to the King Soopers at Holly/Leetsdale. She also protested the time<strong>of</strong> the meeting as needing to be in the evenings so that people can more easily attend.The meeting concluded at 1:20pm.<strong>RTD</strong> Administrative Offices- Wednesday June 13, 2012NoonA total <strong>of</strong> 3 members <strong>of</strong> the public attended this meeting, along with 2 members <strong>of</strong> the<strong>RTD</strong> staff. The main concern voiced was that there is no Sunday Service in Longmont andthat the service provided within Longmont, in general, does not run late enough or withenough flexibility <strong>of</strong> travel times. In addition, mention was made <strong>of</strong> Call-n-Ride service notbeing responsive by not returning phone calls and the service usually being too busy tobook trips, especially during peak hours. Comments requesting that the current LSX4:1Opm trip leave Market Street Station to be turned into an LNX trip, as well as toresolve the issue <strong>of</strong> the late arrival <strong>of</strong> an interline from Route B to the LSX 5:45pm leaveMarket Street Station trip. It was also requested to allow the operators on Route L/LSX touse US 287 and US 36, instead <strong>of</strong> 1-25 in case <strong>of</strong> know traffic congestion on 1-25. Themeeting concluded at 12:30pm6:00p.m.One member <strong>of</strong> the public attended the June 13 1 h, 6:15 p.m. meeting. She wasconcerned about the relocation <strong>of</strong> the east end <strong>of</strong> Rte 1 which she rides from time to time.The one staff member also answered a number <strong>of</strong> questions regarding the West Corridorplan, mainly in respect to Route 16.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORToAAFlTo:Phillip Washington, General ManagerDate: June 14, 2012From: Bruce Abel, Assistant Genera! ~nager GM<strong>of</strong> Bus Operations -1~'Date: June 14, 2012 Board Meeting Date: June 19, 2012Subject: West Corridor Service Plan - April 201 3 ACTION X DISCUSSION INFORECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors approve the West Corridor Service Plan package as revised and summarized inAttachment A and, further, to authorize the General Manager or his designee to executecontract amendments as necessary for private operators whose service is impacted bythese changes.BACKGROUNDPursuant to the Board policy on service changes, service plans for the implementation <strong>of</strong>the West Light Rail Line and connecting transit network are included herein. The primaryobjectives <strong>of</strong> this plan are to:• provide the appropriate level <strong>of</strong> service to and from the West Line Light Railstations• provide reliable and convenient transit service from and to the residential,commercial and governmental entities surrounding the West Line• establish convenient connections between Call-n-Ride, Fixed-Route Bus and Railservice to accommodate passenger demands in peak and <strong>of</strong>f-peak periods in allcommute pattern directionsDISCUSSIONThe West Line Light Rail service is slated to begin April 28, 2013. While diversesuggestions for service changes routinely are <strong>of</strong>fered and considered, a formal public inputprocess for the West Corridor began with the Environmental Impact Study in 2002-2003.This included discussions with the public that determined which stations would beequipped with bus gates, how many would be provided, etc. It also introduced theconcept <strong>of</strong> replacing "line-haul" bus service with light rail service and using buses for localaccess.This West Corridor Service Plan was updated and taken to local governments and majoremployers in August 2011 and is also available for anyone to review on <strong>RTD</strong>'s Website.E-mail contacts were also made with local governments, including supplying them withlinks to the preliminary draft plan. Revisions were made with the information gleaned fromthese sources and the draft was brought to the <strong>RTD</strong> Board in February 2012 for reviewand permission to proceed to public meetings for the West Corridor service. The publicmeetings were held in April 2012 and further revisions were made. Staff also met in this

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 2period with City <strong>of</strong> Wheat Ridge staff members to determine adjustments in that city'sservice. met with City and County <strong>of</strong> Denver staff members and related agencies in theDenver Livability Partnership, corresponded in detail with an interested Edgewater councilmember, met with Jefferson County Local Coordinating Committee and JeffTAAG(Jefferson County Transportation Action and Advocacy Group) . Throughout this period,suggestions and questions from the general public continued to come in.Attachment A details the West Line service plan and Attachment B contains the publicmeeting summaries.CHANGES TO INITIAL RECOMMENDATIONSEight public meetings were held between April 16th-28 1 h in order to obtain comments onthe proposed service plan for the West Corridor, including the West Rail Line (W -Lin e) andbus and call-n-Ride services. 201 public participants <strong>of</strong>fered their views or attended to askquestions. Information from the hearings and additional field work was then taken intoaccount where resources permit and the plan was modified.Based on input received during the public comment process and additional analysisconducted since the initial service recommendations were proposed to the Board <strong>of</strong>Directors, the following revisions are recommended to the service changes initiallyproposed:Route 2 1 - Evans Crosstown: routing change in the Federal CenterRoute 30Ltd - South Federal limited: routing change west <strong>of</strong> WadsworthRoute 3 2 - West 32"d Avenue/City Park : se lected trips added to serve High School andDowntown commute patternsRoute 36Ltd - Fort Logan Limited: schedule changes to coordinate with Route 30LtdRoute 76 W adsw orth Crosstown: proposed service increase betweenHampden/Wadsworth and Old Town Arvada park-n-RidesRoute 76Ltd - W adsworth limited: proposal canceledRoute 11 6Ltd - South Simms Limited: changes to proposed routingRoute AF - Dow ntown Denver I Denver International Airport: early morning trips addedbetween Federal Center via Downtown Denver when W-Line not in serviceApplew ood call-n-Ride: change to service area descriptionGolden call-n-Ride: scheduled times for Jefferson County social services facilities addedWide Acres call-n-Ride: change to service area descriptionFINANCIAL IMPACTThe annual change in cost <strong>of</strong> for the base system budget due to the West Line ServicePlan was intended to be revenue neutral. The changes listed herein represent a .23%increase in annual service hours over current West Corridor service or an estimated$132,000 annual. The annual cost for the West Line Light Rail service will be sourcedfrom the FasTracks budget.FIXED ROUTE BUS SERVICE

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 3Route 1 - West First Avenue is proposed to connect with the West Line at Knox Station.It would no longer pass through the Colfax & Federal Transfer Center. No other alignmentchanges are proposed.Route 2X - Alkire/Federal Center Express is proposed to be replaced by additional Regionaltrips between Civic Center Station and Federal Center Station and by Route 11 6Ltd andcall-n-Ride service west <strong>of</strong> Union Boulevard.Route 3 - Alameda Crosstown is proposed to connect w ith the West Line at FederalCenter Station. The Green Mountain branch would be deleted, w ith those trips rerouted tothe Federal Center Station. The Green Mountain call-n-Ride is proposed to providealternative service.Route SX - Federal Center Express is proposed to be replaced by additional Regional tripsbetween Civic Cente-r Station and Federal Center Station.Route 6X - Federal Center/1-25 & Broadway Express is proposed to be replaced by all-dayconnections at Auraria West Station between the West Line and the C/E-Lines.Route 9 - West Eighth Avenue is proposed to operate over the existing Route 9 streetsbetween Sakura Square and the Decatur-Federal Station. Service west <strong>of</strong> Federal isproposed to be <strong>of</strong>fered by the West Line stations, Route 49, and the Belmar call-n-Ride.Route 11 - Mississippi Avenue has no changes proposed, but would obtain better transferconnections on Sheridan and Wadsworth Boulevards. Minor schedule adjustments may beneeded.Route 14 - West Florida is proposed to be discontinued west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth Boulevard, tobe replaced by segments <strong>of</strong> Route 21 , the Belmar call-n-Ride and the Green Mountain call ­n-Ride. On weekdays, trips would be extended to Lakewood Commons via WadsworthBoulevard, Ohio Avenue, Vance Street and Virginia Avenue, serving Belmar.Route 16 - West Colfax is proposed to be strengthened as the main Local line in the WestCorridor by extending alternate trips from Oak Station to Golden and rerouting all trips torun via the Decatur-Federal Station and Denver Human Services. Trips on Simms Street tothe Federal Center Station are proposed to be replaced by the W ide Acres call-n-Ride andthe West Line.Route 16Ltd - West Colfax Limited is proposed to be replaced by the West Line and Route16.Route 17 - Red Rocks Community College is proposed to operate between Federal CenterStation and the college between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Other parts <strong>of</strong> the currentRoute 17 are proposed to be covered by the Belmar call-n-Ride, Wide Acres call-n-Ride,Golden call-n-Ride and the West Line.

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 4Route 20 - 20rh Avenue is proposed to be realigned west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth to extend onweekdays to Lakewood Commons via the Lakewood/Wadsworth Station. Midday servicewould be improved to operate every 30 minutes, matching the current peak periodfrequency. Service west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth would be provided by the Applewood call-n-Ride.Service at night and on weekends would continue to terminate from the east at FederalBoulevard.Route 21 - Evans Crosstow n is proposed to be realigned west <strong>of</strong> Kipling Parkway tooperate on a shoRouter route into the Federal Center Station. From Union Boulevard,buses would continue to Wright Street, then Green Mountain Boulevard, Alameda Parkwayand onto the existing alignment via Van Gordon Street and West 2''d Place. Route 21would continue to serve Green Mountain High School and the Lakewood VeteransAdministration out-patient clinic. Portions west <strong>of</strong> Kipling would be covered by the GreenMountain call-n-Ride. Service at night, on weekends and holidays would continue toterminate at Pierson Street as at present.Route 28 - 28 1 h Avenue is proposed to be realigned, to turn south on WadsworthBoulevard to terminate at Lakewood Commons via Lakewood/Wadsworth Station.Alternate peak period trips would turn back via West 29th Avenue and Teller Street,holding service on the Wadsworth extension to every 30 minutes. Portions west <strong>of</strong>Wadsworth Boulevard would be served by the Applewood call-n-Ride. Night trips wouldcontinue to turn back at Sheridan Boulevard.Route 29 - Riverbend will have minor schedule adjustments.Route 30 - South Federal is proposed to terminate at the Colfax & Federal Transfer facilityfrom the south, reaching it via Decatur/Federal Station. Service levels would be the sameas at present.Route 30Ltd - South Federal Limited may have minor schedule adjustments. It isproposed to continue its Downtown Denver routing, except that it would be shifted fromStout Street to Welton Street inbound. West <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth, it would operate v1aDartmouth Avenue and Estes Street, serving stops presently covered by Route 87X.Route 31 - Federal Crosst own is proposed to bypass the Colfax & Federal Transfer andconnect with the West Line at Decatur/Federal Station. Service levels would be the sameas at present.Route 32 - West 32nd Avenue/City Park is proposed to terminate at Exempla LutheranHospital from the east. Service levels would be the same as at present, except that lowridership trips in peak periods would be withdrawn, retaining a thirty-minute frequency atthose times. Portions west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth Boulevard would be served by the Applewoodcall-n-Ride. Selected trips would operate via Wheat Ridge High School to Kipling Street,then to Oak Station at school times in the morning, returning in mid-afternoon afterclasses are dismissed. Selected peak trips would follow the same routing, timed to arrivein Downtown Denver for 7 :30 and 8:00 a.m. work starting times and departingwestbound for 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. work ending times.

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 5Route 36 - Fort Logan will have minor schedule adjustments.Route 36Ltd - Fort Logan Limited will have schedule adjustments to coordinate it withrelated service on Route 30Ltd. It is proposed to continue its Downtown Denver routing.Route 38 - 38th Avenue may have minor schedule adjustments.Route 44 - 44 111Avenue may have minor schedule adjustments.Route 49 - North Lowell is proposed as a new route, beginning at West 9 111 Avenue/VrainStreet. via West 1 orh Avenue, Perry Station, Sloans Lake, Lake Middle School, LowellBoulevard, West 44th Avenue, Lakeside, Harlan Street, West 48 11 Avenue, Marshall Street.West 52nd Avenue. Vance Street, Wadsworth Boulevard, and into Olde Town Arvada Parkn-Ridefor transfer connections. It would operate seven days a week, during hours similarto the current Route 9 service in Villa Park.Route 51 - Sheridan Crosstown would connect with the West Line at Sheridan Station.Service between Lakeside and Bear Valley is proposed to be increased to operate every 15minutes between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Hourly late evening service on weeknights andSaturday n1ghts 1s proposed to be extended to cover tra1n connections from the first trainsat Sheridan Station after 1 a.m.Route 76 Wadsworth Crosstown would connect with the West Line atLakewood/Wadsworth Station. In addition to the increased service on WadsworthBoulevard resulting from revisions to Routes 14, 20, 28 peak service betweenWadsworth/Hampden Park-n-R ide and Old Town Arvada is proposed to be increased toprovide 15-minute headways. It is proposed to extend the hourly evening service sevennights a week to cover train connections from the first trains at Lakewood/WadsworthStation after 1 a.m.Route 87X - South Wadsworth Express is proposed to be replaced by improved Route 76service, as well as segments to be covered by Routes 20, 28 and 30Ltd.Route 100 - Kipling Crosstown is proposed to connect with the West Line at FederalCenter Station and at Oak Station. It would travel the existing alignment north <strong>of</strong> ColfaxAvenue and south <strong>of</strong> Mississippi Avenue. The central portion <strong>of</strong> the route is proposed tobe realigned to continue from Mississippi Avenue via Garrison Street to Alameda Avenue,Roun Street, looping through the Federal Center Station, West 4m Avenue, UnionBoulevard, West 8tn Avenue, looping through Oak Station, and back to the current routeon K1pling. Other changes proposed are to run the same route on Saturdays via the RidgeRoad campus as on weekdays, providing 30-minute frequencies through the day onweekdays, and providing hourly service on weeknight evenings during typical shoppinghours.Route 100Ltd - South Kipling Limited is proposed to replace Route 1 OOX. It would makethe same stops between Ken Caryl Park-n-Ride and Alameda Avenue, then run via Routt

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 6Street into Federal Center Station. In addition to trips similar to the existing service,"reverse peak" trips southbound in the morning and northbound in the afternoon would beadded. The revised route w ould connect with Regional buses and the West Line forJefferson County points and Downtown Denver at Federal Center Station.Route 1 OOX - South Kipling Express is proposed to be replaced by Route 1 OOLtd .Route 116lt d - South Simms limited is proposed to replace Route 116X north <strong>of</strong> KenCaryl Park-n-Ride. It would start at the Park-n-Ride, making .local stops via Ken CarylAvenue, Simms Street,Ouincy Avenue, C-470, then make limited stops over the currentRoute 2X alignment via Morrison Road, Indiana Street, Yale Avenue, Bear CreekBoulevard, Alameda Parkway, and Union Boulevard into Federal Center Station. Tripssimilar to the existing service would connect with Regional buses and the West Line forJefferson County points and Downtown Denver at Federal Center Station.Route 116X -Route KC .South Simms Express is proposed to be replaced by Route 11 6Ltd andRoute AF - Downtown Den ver I Denver Internat ional Airport is a proposed restructuring <strong>of</strong>the current Route AF. The route would begin at the Denver Bus Center at 19 1 h/CurtisStreets, continuing via Market Street Station, Union Station (temporarily at ChestnutPlace/ 17''' Street), 20 1 h Street, 1-25, 1-70 to the existing route through the 40 1 h Avenue &Airport Boulevard Park-n-Ride. In 2014, it would be relocated into the underground UnionStation bus concourse and the stop at Market Street Station would be closed . Customersfrom the Federal Center Station and other West Line points would make connections atUnion Station. Customers from the 30 1 h & Downing Station would ride Route 43 toconnect with Route AS at Stapleton, which ridership figures indicate is the preferred,lower fare route today. A weekday trip from the Federal Center Station via DowntownDenver w ill be provided during early morning hours when trains are not running.Comparable train service will be <strong>of</strong>fered on weekends and holidays.Route CV ICS/CX - Pine Junction I Conifer I Denver are proposed to continue as currentlyaligned, with minor schedule adjustments for access to the new Pine Junction Park-n-Rideand for Route CS connections with the West Line at Federal Center Station. It is proposedto re-introduce a later evening peak trip to Pine Junction, departing Civic Center Station at6 :12 p.m. and f rom Federal Center Station at 6 :37 p .m.Route EV IES/EX - Evergreen I A spen Park I Denver are proposed to continue as currentlyaligned, with minor schedule adjustments for Route ES connections with the West Line atFederal Center Station.Route GS - Golden I Boulder is proposed to continue as currently aligned, with minorschedule adjustments for connections with the West Line at Federal Center Station.Route KC - Ken Caryl I Federal Center Stat ion I Denver is a proposed new Regionalservice replacing Route 11 6X in the portion <strong>of</strong> that route east <strong>of</strong> the Ken Caryl Park-n­Ride. Buses w ould run from the current loop west <strong>of</strong> C-470, then call at the Ken Caryl

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 7Park-n-Ride, then travel via C-4 70, 1-70 and US6 to make connections with the West Lineat Federal Center Station. They would cont inue via US6 on the current Route 11 6Xalignment and express stops into Civic Center Station. Regional fares would apply fortravel through the Federal Center Station. Passengers originating or terminating on RouteKC at Federal Center Station would pay the Express (LRT 3-zone) fare. Draft schedulescall for beginning with three trips arriving Civic Center Station at approximately 6:30, 7 :10and 7:50a.m. and departing f rom there at 4:10, 4:50 and 5 :30p.m.CALL-N-RIDE SERVICEBased on experience in other parts <strong>of</strong> the Regional Transportation District service area, fivenew call-n-Ride services are proposed. Recent technological advances make it possible tooperate more than one call-n-Ride bus in these coverage zones when patronage warrantsextra service. Call-n-Rides provide service at the Local fare, with free transfers to otherservices. All <strong>of</strong> the services are proposed to operate on weekdays between 5 :30 a.m. and++00 8:00p.m., with additional hours or days in special situations indicated below.A pplewood call-n-Ride is proposed to be based at Lakewood/Wadsworth Station, servingthe area bound by West 38 1 h Avenue, Wadsworth Boulevard, Colfax Avenue, NationalRenewal Energy Laboratory, Kendrick Street, West 32''d Avenue, Youngfield Street toApplewood Village Shopping Center. This includes the Denver West area. Buses wouldalso call at the Wai-Mart at Wadsworth Boulevard/Colfax Avenue, at the Wheat Ridge CityHall, and the Oak Station by reservation.Belmar call-n-Ride is proposed to be based at Lakewood/Wadsworth Station, serving thearea between West 13'h Avenue, Kipling Parkway, Morrison Road and WadsworthBoulevard. The buses would call at the Belmar shopping center.Golden call-n-Ride is proposed to be based at Jeffco Government Center/Golden Station.serving most areas within Golden west <strong>of</strong> a line drawn along Johnson Road, West 10 1 hAvenue, and Ulysses Street. Through additional Federal and local funding obtained by theCity <strong>of</strong> Golden, it is proposed to operate this call-n-Ride seven days a week, with extendedhours on Saturday nights. Scheduled times would be posted for access to JeffersonCouhty social services facilities.Green Mountain call-n-Ride is proposed to be based at Federal Center Station, servingareas roughly defined by Union Boulevard, Cedar Drive, Green Mountain Park, AlamedaParkway, Indiana Street, Morrison Road, and Kipling Parkway. It would enter the DenverFederal Center for passengers ending or beginning their trips in that facility.Wide Acres call-n-Ride is proposed to be based at Federal Center Station, serving the areabetween Kipling Street, Colfax Avenue, Indiana Street, and West 6'h Avenue Access Road,Gladiola Street and West 4 1 ~"~ Avenue. It would also call at NREL - Denver West OfficePark. Alternative transfers would be available at Oak Station. Service would be providedon weeknights through shopping hours at Colorado Mills.LIGHT RAIL

Attachment AJune 14, 201 2Page 8C-Lin e is planned to have additional early morning service northbound from Evans Stationand from 1 0 1 h & Osage Station to Union Station seven days a week.W -Line is planned to serve the West and Central Platte Valley lines <strong>of</strong> the <strong>RTD</strong>'s expandingLight Rail network. The span <strong>of</strong> service from the first to the last train <strong>of</strong> each day will besimilar to current service on the Southwest and Southeast lines. Basic service will beprovided every 15 minutes, seven days a week. Additional peak period trains will beprovided to <strong>of</strong>fer a 5-minute frequency between Union Station and Federal Center Station.The standard late evening and early morning 30-minute frequency will be scheduled, alongwith a post 2 :00a.m. train on Saturday, Sunday and holiday mornings.

@~~~~~s~a\e\'I'IIV&&GoldencnR®~~-;.West Corridor Service PlanMap 5: Proposed Routes~ N Date 6111112IBel~~ ~ 1 L SfiOppmg ~I I "-..:!../ ~center '0Belmar/::l (!) ....Q)_.(')~::::r-o- 3Q) NroMiles co 0~(!) .....0 1 2

Attachment AJune 14, 2012Page 10

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 11SUMMARY OF PUBLIC HEARINGSJeffco Government CenterMonday, April 16, 2012The goal <strong>of</strong> retaining a one-seat ride on Routes 1 OOX and 116X drew the most interestfrom the 26 members <strong>of</strong> the public attending the Golden meeting. Participants felt thatthe proposed alternatives were too slow and worried that adding a Regional Route KCfrom the Ken Caryl area would divide ridership up, rather than attracting customers. Twospeakers, including Tim Young (Jefferson County Human Services Manager for ChildServices), expressed concern about the proposed Golden call-n-Ride's ability to handle thefamily traffic on the mile stretch between their buildings and the light rail terminal.(Service is presently provided by Route 17 .)Individuals expressed support for retaining a one-seat ride on Local Route 9 from the area<strong>of</strong> the Garrison Station to the Market Street Station vicinity, criticized the alignment <strong>of</strong> theLight Rail line at Union Station, suppoRouted the alignment <strong>of</strong> the Light Rail line at UnionStation and asked neutral questions about changes proposed for Route AF. Six <strong>RTD</strong> staffmembers attended the meeting and answered numerous questions afterward.Clements Community Center - LakewoodWednesday, April 18, 2012The 52 members <strong>of</strong> the public who attended the Lakewood meeting represented diverseinterests. Common concerns were the proposed loss <strong>of</strong> direct bus service into Downtownon Routes 20, 28, 32 in the area to be covered by the Applewood call-n-Ride andexpected inadequacies in the call-n-Ride services for that area and replacing Route 17 forthe Jefferson County Human Services complex. Division Director Lynnae Flora <strong>of</strong> theJefferson County Department <strong>of</strong> Human Services stated that the call-n-Ride will beinadequate to access their campus. Two customers also spoke in favor <strong>of</strong> retaining Route1 OOX as a one-seat ride to Civic Center Station.Individuals covered a number <strong>of</strong> issues: Discontinuance <strong>of</strong> Route 9 between Wadsworthand Federal was opposed due to the poor sidewalks leading to light rail stations, with acirculator route for those neighborhoods proposed as an alternative; objections to the slowspeed <strong>of</strong> the 16 1 h Street Mall Ride; concern about possible travel times on the proposedRoute AF. Non-service issues raised included a suggestion that an intense safety programbe adopted along the line. One speaker objected to call-n-Ride vans operating in thevicinity <strong>of</strong> Garrison Station as a betrayal <strong>of</strong> <strong>RTD</strong>'s commitment not to operate bus serviceon Garrison Street. <strong>RTD</strong> Director Matt Cohen heard the testimony, along with six <strong>RTD</strong>staff members.Written testimony prepared for this meeting and submitted in lieu <strong>of</strong> making statementsincluded support for the idea <strong>of</strong> extending Route 76Ltd from West Colfax to Olde TownArvada; a proposal to replace Route 1 7 in the Jeffco Government Center with a fixedroute, rather than a call-n-Ride; adding a deviation to Route 49 to serve Regis University'scampus.

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 12Bear Creek Elementary School; Bear ValleyThursday, April 19, 2012Retaining through service to Civic Center Station on Routes 1 OOX and 116X was the topconcern among the 32 members <strong>of</strong> the public who attended the Bear Valley meeting.Similar concerns were raised on behalf <strong>of</strong> Route 2X service in the Green Mountain area.The route alternatives in the service proposal were opposed, but suggestions were madeby customers for other alternatives. The majority favored - if the Express routes were notretained as they are - adding a stop on the proposed Regional Route KC at the un<strong>of</strong>ficialpark-n-Ride at C-4 70/0uincy. The proposed discontinuance <strong>of</strong> Route 21 in the area to beserved by the Green Mountain call-n-Ride was also a concern <strong>of</strong> many, especially in regardto service for Green Mountain High School.Individual concerns were voiced, including the needs <strong>of</strong> Wheat Ridge High School studentson Route 32 in the segment proposed to be replaced by a call-n-Ride; concern was alsoexpressed by a satisfied user <strong>of</strong> the Dry Creek call-n-Ride who did not feel that call-n-Rideservice areas as large as proposed in the West Corridor plan were workable. Five staffparticipated in the meeting.Hadley Branch - Denver Public LibrarySaturday, April 21, 201 2Diverse comments were <strong>of</strong>fered by the eight members <strong>of</strong> the public who attended themeeting. One person was critical <strong>of</strong> the Union Station alignment, versus going into thecentral Downtown loop. Another had questions about where the new line would go inDowntown. Others opposed removing Route 14 west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth, but asked that it bescheduled for favorable connections with Route 76; supported restoring Route 100 serviceon Sundays; opposed discontinuing Route 17 service on West 44th Avenue at the ColoradoRailroad Museum; expressed concern about replacing Route 17 at the Human Servicesbuilding with the Golden call-n-Ride; supported 7-day a week operation <strong>of</strong> the Golden calln-Ride.Three <strong>RTD</strong> staff members and one City and County <strong>of</strong> Denver planner heard thetestimony and answered questions.Blair-Caldwell Library - Five PointsSaturday, April 21, 2012The most commonly expressed concern among the 14 members <strong>of</strong> the public at thismeeting regarded the call-n-Ride service proposed to replace Route 17 for Jeffco HumanServices buildings and in Applewood replacing segments <strong>of</strong> Routes 20, 28, and 32. Inbrief, the concern regarding the former is that the special needs <strong>of</strong> Human Services clientscould not be met and for the latter that capacity would be insufficient. A written proposalwas presented describing a merger <strong>of</strong> segments <strong>of</strong> Routes 20 and 28 to continue servingNREL. Two speakers also objected to the lack <strong>of</strong> rail service between Five Points and theWest Line/Union Station and favored a shuttle route <strong>of</strong> some type.Individual statements were made in support <strong>of</strong> retaining Route 9 east to SheridanBoulevard instead <strong>of</strong> introducing the new Route 49; in support <strong>of</strong> the Route 16 servicechange proposal if the first weekday morning trip remains in the current time frame; infavor <strong>of</strong> signaling changes on Welton Street to cure schedule adherence problems; in favor

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 13<strong>of</strong> moving the proposed B-C fare zone boundary west one station in order to lower fares atOak Station; opposed removing Route 3 from Green Mountain; opposed the proposedchange in Route AF; asked for more service for Fort Logan, especially to and from the D­Une via Route 51. Among the public attending was former <strong>RTD</strong> Director Daryl Kinton.Three <strong>RTD</strong> staff members heard the testimony and answered questions.<strong>RTD</strong> Blake Street OfficesWednesday, April 25, 2012The most urgently expressed interest in the noon meeting in Downtown Denver was insupport <strong>of</strong> retaining a one-seat ride on Routes 1 OOX and 116X between westernLakewood and Ken Caryl points and Civic Center Station. Six <strong>of</strong> the 26 members <strong>of</strong> thepublic attending named this as their concern. Alternatives were <strong>of</strong>fered by some,including adding a stop at Federal Center Station or adding an un<strong>of</strong>ficial Park-n-Ride at theC-470/0uincy interchange to the proposed Route KC. Individuals raised issues regardingthe loss <strong>of</strong> Route 2X service to Morrison that can be used for hiking into concerts at RedRocks Amphitheater, Route 21 travel needs <strong>of</strong> Green Mountain High School students, apotential shortage <strong>of</strong> space on Route 16 if customers do not switch to Light Rail,replacement <strong>of</strong> Route 17 service with call-n-Ride, the double transfer required to getbetween the new W-Line and the Southeast F/H-LinesO, and a lack <strong>of</strong> capacity forwheelchair customers running into other customers on the ramp at Littleton/DowntownStation. Ten <strong>RTD</strong> staff members attended the meeting.Conifer Library, ConiferWednesday, April 25, 2012Support for the proposed West Corridor service plan as related to Routes CV/CS/CXserving the Conifer area was the theme <strong>of</strong> much <strong>of</strong> the Conifer meeting. One speakerspoke in support <strong>of</strong> retaining Route 6X. Other issues were raised by individuals, includingrequests for improvements in specific connections, interest in information about the plansfor Pine Junction Park-n-Ride, and requests to go back to using glass in shelters. Twentymembers <strong>of</strong> the public, plus <strong>RTD</strong> Board Director Bruce Daly, were in attendance. Four<strong>RTD</strong> staff members participated in the meeting.Evergreen Library, EvergreenSaturday, April 28, 2012The major interest <strong>of</strong> the 23 attendees was in supporting the proposed retention <strong>of</strong>through Regional Routes EV/ES/EX service into Civic Center Station. Two attendeesspoke in support <strong>of</strong> retaining Route AF service at the Federal Center Station. Individualcomments included: anxiety about security for passengers with luggage at Union Station;a request to add a round trip to Denver from Evergreen on Saturdays and Sundays; arequest to run the Evergreen call-n-Ride till 9:00p.m.; a request to extend skyRide toEvergreen; noted a need for information on how to get to the Performing Arts complexfrom the West Line.

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 14

Attachment 8June 14, 2012Page 15Additional Communications49 additional communications (e-mail's, faxes, phone calls and letters) were received.Route Support Opposed Inquiry Additional Comments17 1 Opposed to cutting back route and replacing with Light Rail17 1 Opposed to cutting the 17 and the replacement services that will beprovided17 1 Opposed to cuts in service17 1 Depends on route 17 for transportation20 1 Opposed to route ending at Wadsworth76 1 Thinks 76 and 51 should be split into N/S routes at Light RaillOOL 1 Needs lOOL or 100 SB from Federal CenterlOOX 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Concerns over changes to route- services- new stops116X I I ".1.Requesting 116X stop at Quincy or Bowles116X 1 Requesting 116X stop at Quincy or Bowles116X I I 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Concerned replacement service will be much slower116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Requesting 116X stop at Quincy or Bowles116X 1 Opposed to changes in route- length <strong>of</strong> travel116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute116X 1 Opposed to changes in route -length <strong>of</strong> travel116X 1 Opposed to ending route/concerned about longer commute-Always requesting stop at Quincy87X 1 Opposed to changes in route- length <strong>of</strong> travelAF 1 Very upset about AF changing- 43 to AS not a good alternativeCall-n- 1 Concerned with Call-n-Ride service/will it service communityRideCall-n- 1 Will there be bus service from the end <strong>of</strong> W-Line to surroundingRidesub-divisions?Call-n- 1 Concerned over quality <strong>of</strong> service Call-n-Ride will provideRideCall-n- 1 Concerned that Edgewater and West Highlands will Not receive Call-RideN-Ride service

Attachment BJune 14, 2012Page 16Call-n-1Wants Green Mountain Call-n-Ride to support Federal CenterRideCall-n-Ride1Concerned with Call-n-Ride service/will it service communityFaresJCJCJCJC111concerned over new possible fare zonesOpposed to cutting services to the Justice CenterOpposed to cutting services to the Justice CenterOpposed to cuts in service- clientele who need access to HumanJCJCJCJC11ServicesOpposed to cutting services to the Justice CenterJCJC1Opposed to cutting services to the Justice CenterKCRoute1Supporting KC routeKCRoute1Requesting 116X stop at Quincy or BowlesKCRouteKCRouteOakStreetStationII111ISupport Express service from KC Park and Ride to Civic CenterStationI Requestmg 116X stop at Qumcy or BowlesWants route through neighborhood ending at Oak Street StationVeteransAffairsBuilding1Concerned about cuts to service- VA buildingVeteransAffairsBuilding1Concerned about Call-n-Ride service- 555 Corporate Circle -Veterans BuildingVeteransAffairs1Concerned about Call-n-Ride service- 555 Corporate Circle -Veterans BuildingBuildingVeteransAffairsBuilding1Concerned about Call-n-Ride service- 555 Corporate Circle -Veterans BuildingVeteransAffairsBuilding1Concerned about Call-n-Ride service- 555 Corporate Circle -Veterans BuildingTotal7 31 11Total EmailsConcerned over service from Ward Road to FCS49

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT ~[@ D TTo:Phillip A. Washington, General ManagerDate: June 19, 2012From: Bruce ~bel, Assistant General Manager,~~--Operations/ ' 'Date: June 19, 2012GM:Board Meeting: June 26, 2012Subject:Paratransit Service Contract Extensions andFundingACTIONXDISCUSSIONINFORECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Operations and Customer Service Committee that the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsauthorize the General Manager, or his designee, to extend the existing contracts with First Transit forcall center services, Global Transportation, and CUSA for the provision <strong>of</strong> Access-a-Ride services andwith MV Transportation and VIA Mobility (formerly Special Transit) for the provision <strong>of</strong> Access-a-Rideand Call-n-Ride services for a period <strong>of</strong> no more than twelve ( 1 2) months, at a not-to-exceed cost <strong>of</strong>$31,719,781.00 for Access-s-Ride service and $5,437,500.00 for fuel, for a total not-to-exceedamount <strong>of</strong> $37,157,281.00 for Access-a-Ride and a not-to-exceed cost <strong>of</strong> $3,792,932.00 for Call-n­Ride service and $710,659.00 for fuel, for a total not-to-exceed amount <strong>of</strong> $4,503,591 .00 for Calln-Ride.BACKGROUNDSince the implementation <strong>of</strong> the Access-a-Ride program in 1995, <strong>RTD</strong> has employed a variety <strong>of</strong>different service delivery models to provide complementary paratransit service as required under theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). From 1995-1999 <strong>RTD</strong> contracted with DAVE TransportationServices/Laidlaw to provide Access-a-Ride service through a single service contract reimbursed on acost per revenue hour basis. In mid-1 999 <strong>RTD</strong> contracted with Atlantic Paratransit Services toprovide Access-a-Ride services through a single service contract reimbursed on a cost per passengertrip basis. This service provider was not able to fulfill the service requirements and in 2000, <strong>RTD</strong>entered into an emergency contract with Special Transit to manage the provision <strong>of</strong> Access-a-Rideservices. This arrangement continued until <strong>RTD</strong> could re-procure the services under a multi-providermodel as the <strong>RTD</strong> Board was <strong>of</strong> the opinion that it no longer desired to have a single contractorresponsible for the provision <strong>of</strong> the District's ADA paratransit service. <strong>RTD</strong> entered into multiplecontracts to provide Access-a-Ride services for the period 2003-2007 and again starting in 2008.<strong>RTD</strong> currently contracts with MV Transportation, Global Transportation, VIA Mobility (formerlyknown as Special Transit), and CUSA for the provision <strong>of</strong> complementary paratransit service, Accessa-Ride,as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These contracts are due toexpire at the end <strong>of</strong> December 2012. <strong>RTD</strong> also contracts with First Transit for the provision <strong>of</strong> theAccess-a-Ride Call Center services. These contracts are to provide service for a three (3) year baseperiod (2008-201 0) with two (2) one-year options (2011 and 2012) at a variable revenue hour rateplus a monthly fixed fee. The Call Center reimbursement is also structured as a fixed and variablerate structure. In addition, the Contracts for MV Transportation and VIA were amended to includethe provision <strong>of</strong> Call-n-Ride service. The addition <strong>of</strong> the Call-n-Ride service to the Access-a-Ridecontracts enabled <strong>RTD</strong> to lower the cost for the provision <strong>of</strong> the Call-n-Ride services due to the factthat the contractors already had the operational infrastructure in place, and both contractors had

prior experience operating Call-n-Ride service. MV Transportation currently provides service foreleven (11) Call-n-Rides; VIA currently provides service for nine (9) Call-n-Rides.DISCUSSIONAn extension <strong>of</strong> the Access-a-Ride/Call-n-Ride service contracts (# 17-DH-001, 17-DH-026, 17-DH-027, and 17-DH-208) and call center contract (17-DH-004) for a period not to exceed 12 months isbeing requested in lieu <strong>of</strong> issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) at this time and procuring an identicalservice delivery model for the next contract period. During the last 5 years, Access-a-Ride hasprovided service to a passenger base <strong>of</strong> over 16,000 "active" individuals. There are four (4) serviceproviders and one (1) call center provider who work in concert to fulfill daily service delivery requeststhat currently average about 2600 passenger trips on an average weekday on Access-s-Ride andanother 1700 daily passenger trips on Access-a-Cab. The current service delivery model incorporatesboth vehicles that are 100% dedicated exclusively to the Access-a-Ride program, and cabs servicesprovided through the Access-a- Cab program. During the last year, staff has been critically assessingalternative service delivery models that include incorporating only "non-dedicated" vehicles as aresource for paratransit service. This alternative, "Non-Dedicated Service," operates with vehiclesthat do not provide transportation exclusively for a particular service such as Access-a-Ride but arealso used to transport non-Access-a-Ride passengers when not engaged in providing paratransitservice. These drivers and vehicles are in essence, hired to provide paratransit service for aparticular time and when released are free to use their vehicles for other transportation services.While the use <strong>of</strong> non-dedicated vehicles has been a viable form <strong>of</strong> transportation within the taxi andhuman services arena for years, the use <strong>of</strong> non-dedicated vehicles within the strictly regulatedparameters <strong>of</strong> ADA paratransit service has yet to be widely utilized and/or evaluated. The currentchallenge has been evaluating the application and reliability <strong>of</strong> the non-dedicated-vehicle paratransitservice delivery model in a transit property similar in size and scope to the <strong>RTD</strong>. In fact, the onlyproperty similar in size to <strong>RTD</strong> that staff is aware <strong>of</strong> that is preparing to engage in the concept <strong>of</strong>using non-dedicated vehicles is Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), located in Dallas, Texas. BruceAbel, AGM, Bus Operations, visited DART in December <strong>of</strong> 2011 and was informed that their newparatransit contract, which was to involve the exclusive use <strong>of</strong> non-dedicated vehicles, willcommence in October, 2012. As DART has proceeded through the implementation process over thepast few months, their service delivery model has morphed into a model that currently includes bothdedicated and non-dedicated vehicles and is beginning to resemble the current <strong>RTD</strong> model thatincludes both dedicated vehicles (Access-a-Ride vans) and non-dedicated vehicles (Access-a-Cab).While staff believes that the concept <strong>of</strong> non-dedicated service is sound and has its place within theoperation, to what degree, remains the unanswered question. A dedicated-vehicle approach tendsto ensure more accountability to the overall service. In a dedicated-vehicle approach, one companyis responsible for hiring and training drivers and maintaining vehicles, which ensures consistency inhiring, training and maintenance practices, and provides a level <strong>of</strong> accountability that goes all theway to the top <strong>of</strong> the organization. The non-dedicated-vehicle approach reduces the level <strong>of</strong>consistency and accountability as the hiring, training, and maintenance practices are spread out overmany independent operators.Staff believes that there are many variations regarding a non-dedicated vehicle approach that need tobe analyzed and carefully considered before issuing the next RFP for the provision <strong>of</strong> Access-a-Rideservice. In part, this request for an extension will provide time for DART to begin their contract inOctober and then allow <strong>RTD</strong> staff an opportunity to then conduct an on-site peer review to fullyassess the benefits and challenges <strong>of</strong> utilizing non-dedicated vehicles. In addition, staff is currentlyfocused on preparing for the West Line Light Rail opening in April, 2013, which includes the start-up<strong>of</strong> 5 new Call-n-Rides. In order to provide staff adequate time to study the various complexitiesassociated with this new alternative concept for providing ADA paratransit services and the

challenges involved in crafting the RFP to allow for alternative service model proposals, staff believesthat it is appropriate and necessary to extend the current Access-a-Ride call center and serviceprovision contracts beyond their current end-<strong>of</strong>-year expirations.FINANCIAL IMPACTThe funds for the contract extensions will be included in the 201 3 requested budget. Discussionswith the contractors providing Access-a-Ride and Call-n-Ride services under the current contractsresulted in a negotiated rate increase for the extension period <strong>of</strong> 2.5% on variable costs and noincrease to fixed costs. This resulted in an overall cost increase <strong>of</strong> approximately 1 . 5% for theextension period.The estimated costs for a full 12-month extension period for the Access-a-Ride and Call-n-Ridecontracts are detailed below. While staff is requesting an extension <strong>of</strong> no more than 12 months,staff anticipates a 9-month extension will provide adequate time to evaluate the DART service modeland craft a new RFP.Access-a-RideService$31,719,781Fuel$5,437,500Total$37,157,281Call-n-RideService$3,792,932Fuei$710,659Total$4,503,591ALTERNATIVES1) Extend the Access-a-Ride/Call-n-Ride contracts for a period <strong>of</strong> up to one year. This isrecommended as it will provide staff adequate time to evaluate alternative paratransit servicedelivery models and prepare a Request for Proposals (RFP) that will allow vendors to proposealternative and more efficient service delivery models.2) Do not extend the Access-a-Ride/Call-n-Ride contracts. This is not recommended as it wouldresult in either the issuance <strong>of</strong> a Request for Proposals for service provision according to thesame service delivery model as is currently provided or the issuance <strong>of</strong> an RFP for analternative service delivery model that has not yet been fully vetted.Prepared by: Larry Buter, Manager, Paratransit ServicesBrian Matthews, Manager, Special Services

BOARD OFDIRECTORS REPORT ~flQ)To:From:Date:Subject:Phillip A. Washington, General Manager .·Bruce Abel, AGM, Bus OperationsJSi\:>June 19, 2012Recommended Smart Media Related Fare PolicyAdjustmentsDate: June 19, 2012GMBoard Meeting Date: June 26,2012ACTION X DISCUSSION INFORECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Operations/Customer Services Committee that the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsapprove the recommended fare policy changes, as outlined in Attachment A, to take effect uponimplementation <strong>of</strong> Smart Media Technology fare products' beginning January 1, 2013.BACKGROUNDAs part <strong>of</strong> our ongoing efforts to implement the <strong>RTD</strong> Smart Media Technology (SMT) FareProject, we have continued to work through the translation <strong>of</strong> <strong>RTD</strong>'s existing fare policy into thenew smart media technology. In most cases this has been a straightforward exercise <strong>of</strong>translating our existing fare policy into the smart media. However, in some instances,technological issues have impacted our ability to implement a direct translation <strong>of</strong> our existingfare policy into the new smart media. We briefed the Board at the April 2012 and May 2012Operations/Customer Services Committee meetings about those instances where we have beenunable to provide a direct translation <strong>of</strong> our existing fare policy into the new smart mediatechnology. At those briefings we expressed the staff belief that, while many <strong>of</strong> the issuesidentified could be addressed through administrative changes, we also acknowledged that some<strong>of</strong> the issues identified would require Board approval which we are now seeking. The followingsection identifies those issues that have been identified as posing challenges to the directtranslation <strong>of</strong> our existing fare policies into the smart media fares as well as our proposed course<strong>of</strong> action to address these issues.DISCUSSION1) Currently <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers 10 ride ticket books for local, express and regional services.These ticket books are <strong>of</strong>fered at a 10% discount from face value (eg. $20.00for1 0 local rides with a $22.50 value). The smart card system does not allow forboth stored value and multi-ride fare products on a single card due to technicalissues with the electronic chips. As such we are moving forward with an approachto provide a 10% bonus for any stored value purchase in excess <strong>of</strong> $20 ( $22.00

t'l - ~worth <strong>of</strong> stored value will cost $20.00). This approach will allow patronspurchasing stored value smart cards to realize the same incentive as those currentlypurchasing the 10 ride ticket book/smart card. This approach also provides anincentive to patrons to purchase a stored value smart card for their transit trips asthe use <strong>of</strong> a smart card for the trip eliminates the need for a paper transfer as thesmart media provides an electronic (smart) transfer.2) As a result <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering a 10% bonus on stored value purchase in excess <strong>of</strong> $20.00,we are moving forward under the assumption that <strong>RTD</strong> will not allow refunds <strong>of</strong>smart card stored value purchases as we could potentially provide refunds inexcess <strong>of</strong> the amount actually paid by the customer for the stored value smartcard. Some exceptions will be made to the No Refund policy including:1. Military Transfers: If a military member receives a transfer out <strong>of</strong> thedistrict, they can provide a copy <strong>of</strong> the Military Orders with a writtenrequest for a refund.11. Deceased Cardholder: If a card is registered to a cardholder and thecardholder is deceased, a Death Certificate and Power <strong>of</strong> Attorney canbe sent with a written request for a refund.111. Due to the bonus program described above, refunds will be reduced by10% to cover the potential bonus, potential credit card fees incurredby the District, and the cost to issue the refund.3) <strong>RTD</strong> currently charges non-DIA employer Eco Pass holders a $5.00 surcharge forskyRide trips TO DIA. The smart card system cannot distinguish between trips TOand trips FROM DIA and as such we need to either eliminate the $5.00 surchargeor change this to some amount that would be charged for trips going both to andfrom DIA. As such we anticipate moving forward under an approach that charges$2.50 for trips to and trips from DIA until such time as Eco Pass is repriced toaccount for trips to and from DIA for employees <strong>of</strong> non-DIA based employers.Staff understands that this issue requires Board approval as it does result in amonetary change to existing fare policy. Staff is recommending that <strong>RTD</strong> chargenon-DIA employer eco Pass holders $2.50 each way in order to maintain theexisting fee <strong>of</strong> $5.00 per round trip. Eco Pass smart card products will contain a"stored value" purse that can be used to store cash value that can automaticallypay for the DIA surcharge for those affected riders and this will address staff'sinitial concern with potential impacts on dwell time. This action does not affect DIAbased businesses as they are not charged the Eco Pass surcharge.4) <strong>RTD</strong> currently sells a discounted round-trip skyRide ticket. We are moving forwardunder the assumption that we eliminate the sale <strong>of</strong> discounted round trip skyRidetickets due to technical limitations <strong>of</strong> the SMT system. Staff is investigating thepotential to issue one-way skyRide tickets via vending machines at DIA.5) Staff is moving forward with an assumption that <strong>RTD</strong> will limit the maximumpurchase <strong>of</strong> stored value to $200. This value was determined as a result <strong>of</strong> review2

<strong>of</strong> current industry practice and conversations with internal Staff. Staff isrecommending Board action to support this approach.6) The current implementation exercise has revealed an inconsistency in existing <strong>RTD</strong>fares on bus and rail. Currently, <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a one-day pass on bus that is priced atapproximately 3 times the one-way bus fare. LRT <strong>of</strong>fers a "round-trip ticket" that ispriced at 2 times the one-way fare. However, the LRT "round-trip ticket" is goodfor unlimited travel until 2:00 AM the next day which is, in reality, a one-day pass.Staff is recommending that <strong>RTD</strong> re-price and rename the LRT "round-trip ticket" tobe a one day-pass priced at 3 times the one-way fare. This will result in the onedaypass on bus and light rail being good for unlimited travel for one day and beingsold at the same price. Staff understands that this action will require Boardapproval and is recommending that the Board approve this change.7) Staff believes that <strong>RTD</strong> should implement a "6 hour pass" to replace what waspreviously a "round-trip ticket" on light rail. The original purpose in implementing a"round-trip ticket" on light rail was to allow patrons to purchase a round trip ticketto travel to/from special events without having to queue up at TVM' s for both theinbound and outbound trips. Industry practice among number <strong>of</strong> agencies that haveimplemented smart fare media is to sell 6-hour passes to address this market niche.This time period covers the duration <strong>of</strong> most, if not all special events. Staffunderstands that this action would require Board approval.A complete summary <strong>of</strong> the proposed changes is contained in Attachment A to this document.FINANCIAL IMPACTThe fare policy changes presented are not intended to address financial concerns but rather arepresented in order to address technical limitations <strong>of</strong> the Smart Media Technology project thathave been identified thus far during the implementation <strong>of</strong> the SMT project.ALTERNATIVES1 . Adopt the proposed smart card related fare policy changes as recommended in Attachment A.This is the recommended alternative.2. Do not adopt the proposed fare policy changes. This is not the recommended alternative dueto the need to address those technical limitations <strong>of</strong> the SMT system that have been identifiedand the desire to address existing inequities <strong>of</strong> the existing fare policy.Prepared by:Bruce Abel, AGM, Bus OperationsTony McCaulay, Senior Manager, Marketing

Attachment AFare Policy Recommendations For SMT06/19/121) Provide a 10% bonus for any stored value purchase in excess <strong>of</strong> $20 ( $22.00 worth <strong>of</strong> storedvalue will cost $20.00);2) Implement a "no refund" policy for smart card purchases. Exceptions will be made to the NoRefund policy to include:1. Military Transfers: If a military member receives a transfer out <strong>of</strong> the district,they can provide a copy <strong>of</strong> the Military Orders with a written request for arefund.11. Deceased Cardholder: If a card is registered to a cardholder and the cardholderis deceased, a Death Certificate and Power <strong>of</strong> Attorney can be sent with awritten request for a refund.iii. Due to the bonus program described above, refunds will be reduced by 10% tocover the potential bonus, potential credit card fees incurred by the District, andthe cost to issue the refund.3) Charge non-DIA employer eco Pass holders $2.50 each way for travel TO and FROM DIA inlieu <strong>of</strong> the current $5.00 charge for trips TO DIA;4) Eliminate the sale <strong>of</strong> discounted round trip skyRide tickets due to technical limitations <strong>of</strong> theSMT system;5) Limit the maximum purchase <strong>of</strong> stored value on smart card fare media to $200;6) Re-price and rename the LRT "round-trip ticket" to be a one day-pass priced at 3 times theone-way fare. This will result in the one-day pass on bus and light rail being good for unlimitedtravel for one day and being sold at the same price; and7) Implement a "6 hour pass" priced at two times the one-way fare to replace what waspreviously a "round-trip ticket" on light rail.

BOARD OFDIRECTORS REPORT ~f@To:From:Date:Subject:Phillip A. Washington, General Manager , · ·~··. \Bruce Abel, AGM, Bus Operations

As was discussed with the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors at the May 2012 Operations and CustomerServices Committee meeting, in order to develop a program to enforce <strong>RTD</strong>'s SMTprogram rules, staff has developed a progressive "disciplinary" program to provide theappropriate disincentives for failure to comply with SMT program rules. These progressivepenalties vary depending on the duration <strong>of</strong> the particular fare media that has beenpurchased, and these penalties have also been developed to parallel, to a certain degree,<strong>RTD</strong>' s existing fare enforcement policies regarding light rail. The penalties previouslydiscussed with the Board are as follows:Penalties for violating SMT program rules (based upon the calendar year):a. Annual Pass Programs (EcoPass, NecoPass, ValuPass, CollegePass)1. First Offense: Warning11. Second Offense: 7 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refund111. Third Offense: 30 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refundIV. Fourth Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the contractperiod; No refundb. Monthly Pass Programs:1. First Offense: Warningii. Second Offense: 7 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refund111. Third Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the contractperiod; No refundc. 7 or 5 day passes, day passes/ Multi-Ride:1. First Offense: Warning11. Second Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> thecontract period/Revocation <strong>of</strong> pass; No refundd. Stored Value (no time limitations)(identical to cash fare enforcement policy)1. First Offense: Warning11. Second Offense: Ticket111. Third Offense: Ticket with Suspension <strong>of</strong> ServiceThe proposed SMT program enforcement policy is contained in Attachment A to this document.FINANCIAL IMPACTThe SMT fare enforcement policy recommendations presented are intended to help address noncompliancewith SMT fare program rules in order to maximize <strong>RTD</strong> fare revenues as opposed toaddressing any particular financial concerns. No additional costs will be generated as a result <strong>of</strong>this recommendation as LRT fare inspectors will conduct fare enforcement activities as part <strong>of</strong>their on-going LRT fare enforcement duties.2

AlTERNATIVES1. Adopt the proposed SMT fare enforcement policy as recommended in Attachment A. This isthe recommended alternative.2. Do not adopt the proposed SMT fare enforcement policy. This is not the recommendedalternative due to the need to address <strong>RTD</strong>'s desire to ensure that LRT riders who utilize smartmedia technology fare products do so in conformance with SMT program rules.Prepared by:Gary Googins, IT Senior Project ManagerBruce Abel, AGM, Bus Operations

Attachment AFare Enforcement Policy Recommendations For SMT06/19/12Penalties for violating SMT program rules (based upon the calendar year):a) Annual Pass Programs (EcoPass, NecoPass, ValuPass, CollegePass)• First Offense: Warning• Second Offense: 7 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refund• Third Offense: 30 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refund• Fourth Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the contract period; Norefundb) Monthly Pass Programs:• First Offense: Warning• Second Offense: 7 day suspension <strong>of</strong> pass; No refund• Third Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the contract period; Norefundc) 7 or 5 day passes, day passes/ Multi-Ride:• First Offense: Warning• Second Offense: Suspension <strong>of</strong> pass for the remainder <strong>of</strong> the contractperiod/Revocation <strong>of</strong> pass; No refundd) Stored Value (no time limitations)(identical to cash fare enforcement policy)• First Offense: Warning• Second Offense: Ticket• Third Offense: Ticket with Suspension <strong>of</strong> Service

2012Fare EnforcementLaw ChangesOperations & Customer Service CommitteeJune 19, 2012

Previous Fare EnforcementStatute• 18-4-802 Theft <strong>of</strong> transportation services byfare evasion (Class 2 petty criminal <strong>of</strong>fense)• $50 & $100 fines• Jail -Only for Failure to Appear warrant• <strong>RTD</strong> policy <strong>of</strong> first time warning• <strong>RTD</strong> policy for suspensions for habitualviolators1

_ J-1 INew Fare Enforcement Statute• 42-4-416 - Failure to present a valid transitpass or coupon (Traffic infraction-no points)• $75 fine + $7.50 surcharges ($82.50)• Failure to Pay - person not allowed to obtain orrenew a driver's license• An outstanding judgment may be enteredagainst the person• Prior violations under the previous statutesealed if paid or found guilty• Will continue with service suspension forhabitual violators2

~ 1 ICurrent Warning Policy• First time violator issued a warning• 2011 - 23,394 warnings issued• 2011 - 6,294 citations issued• Now averaging approximately 100 per day total• Easier to void warnings than citations formistake <strong>of</strong> fact issues• Eliminating warnings would increase currentprocessing time by 300- 400°/o• Fairness issues -ADA, students, ECO passholders, out-<strong>of</strong>-town visitors, etc.3

Fare Enforcement Transition• New law became effective June Sth, 2012• S<strong>of</strong>tware update to load new violation formatinto system• Handheld citation devices re-programmed withnew law & court info• Issuance <strong>of</strong> paper warnings only by fareinspectors during interim• Transition in process, completion expected byJune 224

<strong>RTD</strong> Administrative Court?• Would require new state legislation• Development <strong>of</strong> internal court and due processsystem• DART and Houston Metro model• Pros- <strong>RTD</strong> retains fines• Cons- Cost <strong>of</strong> resource requirements to implement- Collection- Legislation and court cooperation required• Staff recommendation monitor new program and<strong>report</strong> back5

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo: Phillip A. Washington, General Manager Dat e: June 19, 2012,...,..From:

4 . Because <strong>of</strong> the large call volume, MV Transit, the contractor operating the SouthJeffCo Call-n-Ride, placed an additional employee 8 hours a day to assist withphone answering and scheduling rides for four weeks. MV also purchased a 2'\(jphone for use by the 2nd Call-n-Ride vehicle to assist in scheduling rides. By March,calls and complaints had dropped significantly.5. Established Flex trips covering the discontinued Route 67 during peak hours.6. Established Flex trips covering the discontinued Route 63X during peak hours.7 . Ridership on the Routes 59 and 77 (no changes) grew after this service change.Many customers moved their trips to these routes.8. Adjusted the Call-n-Ride boundary by extending coverage west <strong>of</strong> Wadsworth toKipling, north <strong>of</strong> Coal Mine.9. Most <strong>of</strong> the Call-n-Ride trips involve one <strong>of</strong> the Light Rail Stations or SouthwestPlaza.All in all, service on the South JeffCo Call-n-Ride appears to have settled down intoroutine operations since the implementation <strong>of</strong> the Flex Routes and the improved phonemanagement. Staff will be glad to provide an additional update after several moremonths operation.FINANCIAL IMPACTNo financial impact.Prepared by: Bnan Matthews, Manager, Special Services

Comparison <strong>of</strong> South Jeffc o Riders hip prior to and after J anuary Service ChangesPre J anuary 201 2 ChangesPost J anuary 201 2 ChangesRoutes Changes for run<strong>board</strong> Weekday Saturday Sunday Total Weekday Saturday Sunday Total59 Minor schedule adjustments 427 166 593 528 197 na 72560 Entire route discontinued 26 2663X Entire route discontinued 27 2767 Route west <strong>of</strong> Litt/DT Station discontinued 275 165 - 44076 Route south <strong>of</strong> SW Plaza d1scontmued 56 26 8277 Runnmg t1me changes 188 - 188 217 - 217401 Keep peak service only 327 160 120 .6Ql 173 - 173Call-n-Ride 13, 41 illTOTAL TOTAL 1963 T OTAL 1287Ridecheck data: August 2011 Run <strong>board</strong> and January 2012 Run <strong>board</strong> as <strong>of</strong> 26 March 201 2

BelleviewBowlesClc:Q.i:County UneTitanWaterton0&0 Data for Wednesday March 21, 2012South Jeffco Call-n-Ride5l*iel SeNteeS OIVISJOnAprt/18 2012O&D Lines- 120 Total TnpsBus Routes0Light RailMiles0 0.5

BelleviewBowlesCount}' UneTitanWaterton0&0 Data for March 19 - 23, 2012South Jeffco Call-n-Ride~Special Services DIVISIOnAprll17 20120&0 Lines- 505 Total TripsBus Routes~ Light Rail0Miles0.50

BelleviewBowlesTitanWaterton0&0 Data for Saturday March 24, 2012South Jeffco Call-n-Ride~Special SeNices DiviSionApri/18, 2012O&D Lines- 31 Total TripsBus Routes0...... Light Rail Miles0 0.5

Regional Transportation DistrictOur mission:To meet our constituents' present and future public transit needs by <strong>of</strong>fering safe. clean,reliable, courteous, ?ccessible and cost-effective service throughout the District_MemorandumTo:Through:From:Operations and Customer Services CommitteeBruce Abel, AGM Bus Operations ~ ~Jessie Carter, Manager, Service Planning and SchedulingDate: June 19, 2012Subject:Community Pilot Project Program Proposal (additional information)Staff would like to follow up last month' s conversation regarding the Community PilotProject Program Proposal that was discussed at the May 29, 2012 Study Session. Whilethat conversation focused on the financial aspects <strong>of</strong> the proposal and the impact on FundBalance, etc., very litt le conversation was directed towards the processes that currentlyexist within <strong>RTD</strong>'s service planning activities to entertain requests for new services. Assuch, staff would like to share w ith the Board the processes that currently exist for theconsideration <strong>of</strong> requests for new service.As part <strong>of</strong> an overall effort to design and implement t ransit service that is responsive tothe needs <strong>of</strong> the residents <strong>of</strong> the Regional Transportation District, the ServiceDevelopment Division commits significant resources and puts significant efforts intoseeking, gathering and addressing input through a number <strong>of</strong> processes. Some <strong>of</strong> theseprocesses are somewhat automated, while others involve significant personal outreach onthe part <strong>of</strong> <strong>RTD</strong>'s Service Planners/Schedulers. In no particular order, the followingprocesses currently exist within <strong>RTD</strong> to generate information on service needs in thecommunity:• customer service information systems - Service Request, TIC, Facebook, <strong>RTD</strong>Website• General Manager Request (GMR) - Board members , stakeholders, constituents• regularly scheduled meetings with Transportation Management Associations(TMA's) and Business Improvement Districts• grant coordination w ith DRCOG (Metropolitan Planning Organization)

• forums held with <strong>RTD</strong> bus operators• meetings with local governments - transportation advisory <strong>board</strong>s, staff,council persons. commissioners• <strong>RTD</strong> ' s own data gathering and compilation - customer surveys, householdsurveys, service performance, demographics and land use and development• public hearing process associated with service changes (typically occur threetimes per year)Efforts to review and analyze service requests are led by our three Senior ServicePlanner/Schedulers whose teams serve distinct geographic areas within the Districtenabling them to be well acquainted with the organizations that generate service requestsin their respective areas. The division also works closely with the project teams andconstituencies developing service plans for major transit corridors. Service Developmentthen processes this information according to Board policy including <strong>RTD</strong> ServiceStandards, Strategic Budget Plan, Sustainability Policy and Cost Sharing Polley and otherguidelines. This process allows <strong>RTD</strong> staff to consider all requests for new service withinthe context <strong>of</strong> overall agency needs and within the context <strong>of</strong> available resources .Staff understands that the Community Pilot Project Program Proposal is being forwardedto the Fiscal Sustainability Task Force for additional analysis and conversation. We thankyou for the opportunity to provide our comments regarding our existing service planningprocesses.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo:From:Phil Washington, General ManagerBruce Abel, AGM Bus Operations~Carla Perez, AGM AdministrationDate: June 13, 2012Subject:INTRODUCTIONRadio-CAD/AVL Project Status UpdateDate: June 13, 2012General ManagerBoard Meeting Date: 06/19/2012ACTION DISCUSSION INFOXI IIIThe first !NIT-equipped bus was introduced into revenue service on 6/11 /12. Concerns remain regardinginterface with ACS validator, however progress is being made. Potential installation conflicts with theSmart Media Technology (SMT) project installations have been identified. Below is a capsulatedsummary followed by a list <strong>of</strong> upcoming activities.1aCAD/AVL ContractInterface with ACSYellowAn interface between the ACS validator and the INIT on<strong>board</strong>computer is being developed. INIT and ACS met on June 13to work on the interface together.Without a completed interface, both the ACS OrbStar and theINIT TOUCHmon Mobile Data Terminals (MOTs), whichprovide displays for the Operator, will remain on<strong>board</strong>.Removal <strong>of</strong> the OrbStar at a later date could cost up to$75,000 and is not currently included in either contract.Fixes for major testing issues have been implemented. Somefixes are not the final resolution. Many minor issues remain tobe resolved. The first !NIT-equipped bus was introduced intorevenue service on June 11 .1bCAD/AVL ContractTestingGreenMini-fleet (pilot) testing is scheduled to begin in July.Threshold for formal mini-fleet test is 25 buses installed andall prior testing issues resolved. Production installations canbegin within 21 days <strong>of</strong> starting mini-fleet if no major issuesoccur.1cCAD/AVL ContractInstallationsYellowRouter installations in the SMT project are required forCAD/AVL installation. SMT installs one Division at a time anddoes not expect to complete installations until September.CAD/ AVL installations pu II buses from all divisions at thesame time and expect to start in July. To resolve thisproblem, <strong>RTD</strong> is considering an approach having INIT installrouters on vehicles that arrive for installation without a routerpreviously installed.

-HaOIO-l,AU/AVL t-'rOjeCt ::>tatUS UpaateJune 1::1, LUlL1dAdditional database interfaces are in development.CAD/AVL ContractAutomatic Stop Announcement (ASA) rules are beingdeveloped by a committee. One route at a time will beOther issues Green implemented to be sure data is good.Report development work to start this month.2Real-Time PassengerInformation (RTPI)GreenRTPI for buses will be developed in 2013 and 2014.3RTPI for Light RailGreenRTPI for trains will be added in 2014-2015.UPCOMMING A CTIVITIES I EVENTS;:-~ -. . . - . ~-- . . -,: AcjiviW .f E~~nt '·I.- -~-T-ime Frame·First buses introduced into revenue service 6/2012Mini-fleet testing with 25 buses 7/201 2Fixed-Route Bus Installations 7/201 2-10/2012System Acceptance Testing 1st Quarter 201 3- .,COM PLETED ACTIVITIESThe following project activities either complete or substantially complete and are no longer risks to theproject's success.• Paratransit Data Upgrade Project• Radio Network Build Project• Radio-only mobile and portable radio installation and deployment• Operations Control Center (OCC) RemodelPrepared by Eric Farrington2

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT ~[@To: Phil Washington, General Manager Date: June 13, 2012From: Bruce Abel, AGM Bus Operations~Carla Perez, AGM AdministrationGeneral ManagerDate: June 13, 2012 Board Meeting Date: 06/19/2012Subject: SMT Project Status UpdateI ACTION DISCUSSION INFOINTRODUCTIONVehicle installations are completed at Boulder & Platte Divisions. Installations are underway at EastMetro and First Transit Metro. Approximately 400 buses have been installed with Smart Cardequipment. Light Rail Validators are installed at Nine Mile, Lincoln, Mineral, 18 1 h/California, and PepsiCenter; Denver Union Station, Colfax at Auraria, and 125/Broadway will be installed in the next week.The <strong>RTD</strong> Network Team and SCADA Team are working together to connect the validators to the existingnetwork in the field for the Ticket Vending Machines. This network connection will make the validatorsmore reliable, allows for more frequent communications with the back-end, and will save the district $20per validator per month in cellular charges. This networking upgrade will also make the addition <strong>of</strong> creditcard acceptance at Ticket Vending Machines easier. Validators for West Corridor and additionalinventories for future needs will be requested as a contract amendment to be presented to The Board inJuly.Pilot 2 testing began May 15 1 h . Pilot 2 includes recrurtmg 6,000 volunteer customers and <strong>RTD</strong>Employees to use smart cards in addition to their EcoPass. At least 5,500 cards have already beendistributed to EcoPass customers. The volunteers will get a smart card to tap on bus and rail validatorsduring their normal rides. The purpose <strong>of</strong> Pilot 2 is to test the system with more volume and to gathercustomer experience and feedback. The Pilot 2 test is being extended from June 30 1 h to July 31 51 tocontinue reliability testing and to allow Light Rail riders more time to tap cards.Administrative policies surrounding the Smart Card system need to be implemented. An initial list <strong>of</strong> theadministrative policies was presented to The Board in March and another version in April. We willcontinue to add policy and procedure to this list and distribute to The Board as needed (no updates thismonth)MAJOR PROJECT ELEMENTS STATUSXFactory AcceptanceTestingGreenFactory Acceptance Testing 1 & 2 has been completed. FinalFactory Acceptance Test #3 will occur July gth_17 1 h, 2012.2Vehicle InstallationsYellowInstallations are underway, but the installation is beingslowed primarily by staff turnover from the sub-contractor(BlackFeet Lighting) and ACS equipment supply issues.Approximately 400 buses have had validators insltalled.Boulder & Platte divisions are complete. Current scheduleshows all vehicles installed by September 15, 2012 but theteam is working on options to get the installations completed

~lVI 1 jJrOJect ~tatus upaateIVIay ts , LUI Lsooner to prevent conflicts with the CAD/AVL Installations.3Platform ValidatorInstallationsYellowPlatform validator installations are taking longer thanexpected, but once the issues are resolved, the installationsshould accelerate. Installations complete at Mineral, Lincoln,Nine Mile, 18th/California, and Pepsi Center. Installations atDUS, Colfax at Auraria, and 1-25/Broadway will be completethis week. Other installations will follow, to be complete bymid-October. Validators for West Corridor and future needswill be recommended to The Board in July.4Pilot 2 TestingYellow5, 500 cards have been distributed for Pilot 2 testing. Thegoal is 6,000 cards. Extending the test until July 31 5 1 toallow more time to complete the test on bus and Light Rail.5Ecopass DistributionGreenEcoPass & CollegePass Card Stock has been ordered.MyRide Card Stock will be ordered this week. <strong>RTD</strong> has haddiscussions with Auraria, Anschutz, CU, DU, Naropa, andSchool <strong>of</strong> Mines about distribution for the student programs.<strong>RTD</strong> has met with the 20 largest EcoPass employers and theCity and County <strong>of</strong> Denver, City and County <strong>of</strong> Boulder, andThe State <strong>of</strong> Colorado to explain the program and discussdistribution options. EcoPass renewals and distribution willstart much earlier to allow enough time to have all cardsdistributed by the end <strong>of</strong> 2013. CU and <strong>RTD</strong> have agreed onthe technology to support a "BuffOne" integrated card andthe costs are being evaluated by the Smart Card Team.6Stored Value, PeriodPassesGreenFare policy has been translated into the system and tested.Anticipate going live with these products in 3'd Quarter 2013once the EcoPass program is fully deployed and stable. A list<strong>of</strong> administrative policies that need to be implemented withthe system was presented to The <strong>RTD</strong> Board in March &April and will be updated as needed.7Retail Point <strong>of</strong> SaleNetworkGreen<strong>RTD</strong> has met with King Soopers and Safeway who are on<strong>board</strong>to continue to sell <strong>RTD</strong> products electronically via anelectronic terminal installed at the store. EventuaJiy, we willhave up to 300 retailers around the metro area w herecustomers can purchase products and load stored value ontheir cards. In 2014 we will look at the integration <strong>of</strong> theTVM machines at Light Rail for integration. Will be meetingwith 7-11 in the near future. The statement <strong>of</strong> work for theretail terminals is complete and we expect to be presenting asole-source contract to The Board in July for the procurement<strong>of</strong> these terminals.INIT, ACS, & <strong>RTD</strong> met to discuss the interface design,8 INIT CAD/AVL Interface testing, and implementation. All parties have agreed uponYellow responsibilities, schedule, and deliverables. There is still riskassociated with any failure in this development due to2

~lVI 1 l"'roject ~tatus upaateIVIay ts, LUI~competing priorities. <strong>RTD</strong>'s Project Managers for both SMTand CAD/AVL will continue to follow the integration closely.NEAR-TERM ACTIVITIES I EVENTS (FEBRUARY 2012)~~~~~··i:e~ni;· :· -··. -- -&~.-~~::;---,__.~_-~ -~-~--- -~ ___-~;~1~~~~~~~-. - ·=~Pilot 2 Test May -July, 2012Factory Acceptance Testing Entire System July, 2012Vehicle Installations CompleteSeptember, 2012 or SoonerInitial Ecopass Card Distributions August, 2012CAD/AVL & SMT Integrated Testing September-October, 2012Reliability Testing/System Performance Monitoring September - November, 2012Substantial System Completion (All Deliverables) December, 2012Go-Live EcoPass on Smart Media January, 2013Period passes and Stored Value Mid-Late 2013Retail Point <strong>of</strong> Sale Network Mid 2013Elimination <strong>of</strong> Paper-based fare products December 31, 2013Elimination <strong>of</strong> Paper-based transfers 2014Prepared by Gary Googins, PMP - Smart Card Program Manager3

Regional Transportation DistrictOur mission:To meet our constituents' present and future public transit needs by <strong>of</strong>fering safe, clean,reliable, courteous, accessible and cost-effective service tllroughout the District.To:From:Through :Date:I }I)./<strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsJohn F. Tarbert, Transit Police Chief '1-J.'Phillip A. Washington, General Manag7rMay18,2012MemorandumSubject:1 sr Quarter 201 2 Security Statistics & Fare Inspection SummaryFare Enforcement StatisticsFare inspectors, security <strong>of</strong>ficers, street supervisors, and police <strong>of</strong>ficers conduct fareinspection on-<strong>board</strong> buses and light rail vehicles. <strong>RTD</strong>'s policy is to provide a warning t<strong>of</strong>irst time <strong>of</strong>fenders and then to issue a citation if that person is contacted a second timewithout fare. The table below shows the actual number <strong>of</strong> patrons without fare thatresulted in warnings or citations. The variation in numbers from month to month may bedue to several factors: special events or other security security-related incidents.Fare January February MarchInspectionWarnings 2 ,329 2,047 2, 190Citations 691 714 715Totals 3 ,020 2 ,761 2,905Light Rail Station Sweeps and on-Board Enforcement SweepsIn addition to the regular on-<strong>board</strong> fare enforcement, G4S Security <strong>of</strong>ficers conductrandom, unannounced fare checks at light rail platforms twice a week. Below are thenumbers <strong>of</strong> patrons contacted during the quarter. Any area that exhibits a higher fareevasion rate, we go back to that area and conduct an on-<strong>board</strong> enforcement sweep.Number <strong>of</strong> Patrons 1 5 1 Quarter 2012Patrons Checked I Without Fare I % Fare Evasion17,255 I 266 I 1.5Number <strong>of</strong> Patrons 2012 Yearly TotalPatrons Checked I Without Fare I % Fare Evasion17,255 I 266 _l 1.5

Plain Clothes Police Officer Fare InspectionDenver Police Officers are placed on bus and rail vehicles that have been identified byoperators, supervisors, dispatch logs and patrons as having a high perception <strong>of</strong> fareevasion, fare disputes or other problems.The following tables summarize information for the months <strong>of</strong> January, February, andMarch. These tables lists the number <strong>of</strong> patron <strong>board</strong>ings observed, no fare or partialfares, the estimated fare evasion rate, the number <strong>of</strong> warnings and citations issued, andthe number <strong>of</strong> arrests made by police <strong>of</strong>ficers. Arrests include citations issued or physicalarrests made for criminal violations other than fare evasion. This is an additionaladvantage to the plain clothes police fare inspection program as peace <strong>of</strong>ficers have theauthority to check for warrants and t ake the appropriate law enforcement action. Thisquarter the bus routes inspected include the 15, 1 6, 31 & 0 .BusDates Boardings No W arnings Citations %<strong>of</strong> ArreS1s*Observed Fares/Part ial EvasionFaresJanuary 739 0 0 0 0.0 33February 524 0 0 0 0.0 9March 871 0 0 0 0.0 50The below chart shows the plain clothes police fare enforcement observations for light rafl.There is a slightly higher fare evasion rat e observed by t he plain clothes program than forthe rail station sweeps and bus enforcement because <strong>of</strong> the following factors:• Fare station sweeps are conducted by uniformed security <strong>of</strong>ficers; these <strong>of</strong>ficersrequire all patrons to have fare before <strong>board</strong>ing vehicles• Rail operators do not have any interface with patrons, while bus operators do askfor fare• Plain clothes police <strong>of</strong>ficers do not have a deterrence factor as uniformed <strong>of</strong>ficers,thus they inherently find more violations <strong>of</strong> fare evasion.RailDat es Boardings No W arnings Citat ions %<strong>of</strong> Arrest sObserved Fares/Partial Evasion *FaresJanuary 3,665 201 141 60 5.5 6February 2,427 101 62 39 4.2 2March 3,292 131 89 42 4.0 5* A rrests include citations issued or physical arrest s made for criminal violat ions otherthan fare evasion.2

G4S Security Officer Use <strong>of</strong> Force IncidentsUse <strong>of</strong> Force is defined as any hands on touching <strong>of</strong> a suspect by a security <strong>of</strong>ficer todetain a suspect or make a citizen' s arrest. The majority <strong>of</strong> these issues are minor innature. No injuries to any suspect or <strong>of</strong>ficer occurred in this <strong>report</strong>ing quarter. Thefollowing table summarizes the use <strong>of</strong> force incidents per month.I Feb r~a ry I Marc; I Tota~ ~G4S Overtim e Hours<strong>RTD</strong> closely monitors the hours <strong>of</strong> overtime worked by security <strong>of</strong>ficers. There were nooccurrences in which security <strong>of</strong>ficers worked more than 60 hours in a week. We alsomonitor an intermediate category <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers working over 56 hours in a week for trackingpurposes. The average overtime hours <strong>report</strong>ed in the table below represent the averagenumber <strong>of</strong> overtime hours per week per security <strong>of</strong>ficer based on the total number <strong>of</strong>overtime hours and the total number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers.G4S Officers January February MarchOver 60 hrs. 0 0 0Over 56 hrs 0 1 4Over 12 hrs. 0 1 0Average OT hrs. Week 1 =5.6 Week 1 = 7.8 Week 1 =6.7Week 2 = 6.1 Week 2=6.6 Week 2=9.4Week 3=4.6 Week 3 =7.6 Week 3 = 10.7Week 4 = 5 .5 Week 4 = 6.7 Week 4 = 10.2Please contact David Genova at 303-299-4038 or John Tarbert at 303-299-2379 withany questions.3

On-Board Fare SweepsDate <strong>of</strong> Day <strong>of</strong> Time <strong>of</strong> Beginning #<strong>of</strong> #<strong>of</strong> Fare # <strong>of</strong> patrons # <strong>of</strong> patronsEnding StationSweep Sweep Sweep Station CPOs Inspectors checked w/o fare%<strong>of</strong>potentialevasionWarnings Citations SuspensionIssued Issued Issued1/6/2012 Friday 1000-1200 Yale Nine Mile 3 0 102 3 2.94% 3 0 0TOTALS 102 3 2.94% 3 0 0ln/2012 Saturday 1600-1800 1-25 & BroadWay Colorado 4 0 325 5 1.54% 3 2 1TOTALS 325 5 1.54% 3 2 11/11/2012 Wednesday 0900- 1100 20th & Welton 30th & Downing 4 0 132 4 3.03% 2. 2 0TOTALS 132 4 3.03% 2 2 01/13/2012. Fnday 1000-1200 10th & Osage Pepsi Center 3 0 32 2. 6.25% 0 2 0TOTALS 32 2 6.25% 0 2 01/24/2012 Tuesday 0900- 1100 Littleton 1-25 & Broadway 4 0 277 5 1.81% 5 0 0TOTALS 277 5 1.81% 5 0 01/30/2012 Monday 1-25 & Broadway Auraria West 4 0 244 7 2.87% 5 2 0TOTALS 244 7 2.87% 5 2 02/6/2012 Monday 1500- 1700 1-25 & Broadway Colorado 4 0 324 5 1.54% 4 1 1TOTALS 324 5 1.54% 4 1 1Denver Union2/26/2012 Sunday 0900 - 1100 10th & Osage Station 5 0 77 1 1.30% 1 0 0TOTALS 71, 1.30% 1 0 0Denver Union31312012 Saturday 0900 - 1100 10th & Osage Station 5 0 289 7 242% 5 2 0TOTALS 289 7 2.42% 5 2 03/4/2012 Sunday 0900-1100 1·25 & Broadway University 4 0 188 9 4.79% 6 3 1TOTALS 188 9 4.79% 6 3 13/24/2012 Saturday 1330- 1530 20th & Watton 30th & Downing 4 0 219 2 0.91 % 1 1 0TOTALS 219 2 0.91% 1 1 03/30/2012 Saturday 1500- 1700 South moor Nine Mile 3 0 273 11 4.03% 9 2 0TOTALS 273 11 4.03% 9 2 0OVERALL TOTALS 2,482 61 2.46% 44 17 3

Station EnforcementDate <strong>of</strong> Day <strong>of</strong> Time <strong>of</strong> # <strong>of</strong> #<strong>of</strong> Fare # <strong>of</strong> patrons # <strong>of</strong> patronsStation l ocationCheck Check CheckCPOs Inspectors checked w/o fare% <strong>of</strong>potentialWarnings Citations SuspensionIssued Issued Issuedevasion1/18/2012 Wednesday 0900- 1100 Mineral Station 4 0 110 1 0.91% 0 1TOTALS 110 1 0.91 % 0 1 11/27/2012 Friday Dayton 4 0 20 0 0.00% 0 0 0TOTALS 20 0 0.00% 0 0 02/ 19/2012 Sunday 0900- 1100 10th & Osage 6 0 55 12 21.82% 6 6 3TOTALS 55 12 21.82% 6 6 32/20/2012 Monday 0730-0930 10th & Osage 5 0 84 12 14.29% 4 8 4TOTALS 84 12 14.29% 4 8 42/29/2012 Thursday 1000- 1200 Oxford 5 0 66 5 7.58% 4 2TOTALS 66 5 7.58% 4 2 1OVERALL TOTALS 335 30 8.96°/o 14 17 9

Stahon Checks% <strong>of</strong>Date ot Oayoi Timeot # <strong>of</strong> Fare # <strong>of</strong> patrons #<strong>of</strong> patronsStation # <strong>of</strong>CPOs potentialSweep Sweep Sweep Inspectors checked w/o fa reevasion1/8/2012 Sunday 1530. 1930 Sports Authority 5 0 6,918 30 0.43%TOTALS 6.918 30 0.43%2/9/2012 Thursday 1500. 1700 10th& Osage 4 0 158 36 22.78%TOTALS 158 36 22.78%2/14/2012 Tuesday Evans 4 0 178 8 4.49%TOTALS 178 8 4.49%3/ 13/2012 Tuesday 1115- 1315 Dayton 4 0 104 9 8.65%TOTALS 104 9 8.65%3/21 /2012 Wednesday 1530- 1730 Evans 3 0 228 10 4.39%TOTALS 228 10 4.39%3/22/2012 Thursday 1500 - 1700 Dayton 5 0 83 4 4.82%TOTALS 83 4 4.82%OVERALL TOTALS 7,669 97 1.26%

Special Events#<strong>of</strong> % <strong>of</strong>Date <strong>of</strong> Day <strong>of</strong> Time <strong>of</strong> #<strong>of</strong> #<strong>of</strong> Fare #<strong>of</strong> patronsWarnings Citations SuspensionStation locationpatrons potentialCheck Check CheckCPOs Inspectors checkedIssued Issued Issuedw/o fare evasion1/8/2012 Sunday 1130 - 1530 Sports Authority 5 0 6,769 78 1. 15% 72 6 2TOTALS 6,769 78 1. 15% 72 6 2OVERALL TOTALS. 6,769 78 0.93°/o 72 6 2

Regional Transportation DistrictOur mission:To meet our constituents' present and future public transit needs by <strong>of</strong>feringsafe, clean, reliable, courteous, access1ble and cost-effective service throughoutthe District.MemorandumTo:Through:From:Operations and Customer Se(vice CommitteeBruce Abel, AGM, Bus Operations~Greg Smith, Manager, Competitive ServicesDate: June 19, 2012Subject: Contracted Fixed-Route Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter 2012The following is a discussion <strong>of</strong> the performance measures for the first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012 forthe fixed-route services provided by private contractors:• PREVENT ABLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS PER 100,000 MILESThe contractors as a group were below the target <strong>of</strong> :$ 2.0 Preventable VehicleAccidents per 100,000 miles in the 1st quarter. First Transit Commerce City didnot meet this goal for 1st quarter. First Transit attributes their performance tooperators improperly judging following distances during inclement weatherconditions. First Transit Commerce City has since utilized their drivecam system toincrease operator retraining and discipline which has resulted in 1 .46 and 1 . 55preventable vehicle accidents per 100,000 miles during April and March 2012. Thecontractors continue to emphasize safety with all employees at monthly safetymeetings, through periodic campaigns, and with daily reminders at their facilities.• PASSENGER ACCIDENT RATIO PER 100,000 MILESThe contractors as a group were above the target <strong>of</strong> :$ 0 . 18 Passenger Accidentsper 100,000 miles in the 1 51 quarter, First Transit Commerce City and Veolia didnot meet this goal for 1st quarter. First Transit attributes their increase in passengeraccidents to hard braking as a result <strong>of</strong> operators improperly judging followingdistances. First Transit continues to conduct proactive retraining and discipline toreduce the number <strong>of</strong> passenger accidents per 100,000 miles. Veolia attributestheir increase in passenger accidents to operators leaving the bus stop beforepassengers are seated or have a firm stance inside the bus. Veolia has employed aproactive post-accident investigation, retraining and discipline process that hasresulted in 0 .00 passenger accidents during April and May 2012 . Increasedpassenger awareness training continues to be a primary focus for all contractors inthis area.

• ON-TIME PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONSThe contractors, individually and as a group, met the target <strong>of</strong> 98% <strong>of</strong> PreventiveMaintenance Inspections completed as scheduled in the 1st quarter. The contractororganizations place a high emphasis on completing preventive maintenanceinspections as required, and as such, the local operations are diligent aboutcompleting these inspections on time.• ON-TIME PERFORMANCEThe contractors as a group did not meet the target <strong>of</strong> 88.0 % Local On-TimeService in the P' quarter. First Transit Denver did meet this goal for 1 51 quarter.The contractors <strong>report</strong> that they continue to experience route delays due toconstruction and detours. Increased passenger loads and associated <strong>board</strong>ingdelays also contribute to running behind schedule. <strong>RTD</strong> has developed a new ontimeperformance <strong>report</strong> that will allow contractors to more easily identify andcampaign routes with on -time performance issues. The contractors continue toaddress on-time performance issues with operators, but always t ie safety to thediscussion. It' s better to be a few minutes late than to have an accident.• MILES BETWEEN LOST SERVICE ROAD CALLSThe contractors as a group exceeded the target <strong>of</strong> 26,000 Miles Between LostService Maintenance Road Calls in the 1 51 quarter. Veolia continued to experiencechallenges during the 1 51 quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012, Veolia was in the process <strong>of</strong> identifyingnew Maintenance Manager. During recruitment, VeoliaJs Regional Vice Pres1dent <strong>of</strong>Maintenance assumed oversight <strong>of</strong> the Maintenance Department and through hisleadership improved miles between lost service roadcalls from an average ot1 6, 700in January and February to 24, 222 in March 2012. Veolia also <strong>report</strong>ed a 28%turnover in the Maintenance department personnel during the 1st quarter andcontinues to enlist the assistance <strong>of</strong> local maintenance vendors such as MHCKenworth, Rocky Mountain Cummins and CT Power to assist in addressingmaintenance issues. <strong>RTD</strong> Staff is closely monitoring Veolia's progress to ensurethey remain on track to improve their performance in this goal. <strong>RTD</strong> is takingfurther proactive steps to increase onsite monitoring with increased quality controloversight and onsite training staff to make certain quality repairs are beingcompleted. Veolia has <strong>report</strong>ed that all key Management positions have been filledas <strong>of</strong> April 2012.• OPERA TOR COMPLAINTS PER BOARDINGThe contractors. individually and as a group, did not meet the target <strong>of</strong> .0002Complaints per Boarding. The complaint trends identified by the private contractorswere primarily generated by buses running late or early, improper procedure byoperator, careless driving, discourteous operators and operators enforcing the farepolicy.Bus Did Not Show - Complaint numbers were showing a steady decrease through2010, but increased in 2011 and remain high in the first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012. In manycases, CAD/AVL playbacks confirm that buses are on route, but running late.However, from the passenger' s perspective, the bus did not show.

Bus Early - Playbacks for "bus early" complaints <strong>of</strong>ten show buses running late. Itis possible passengers see the prior bus running late and assumes it is their busrunning early. Actual on-time performance statistics for 2011 indicated 2.6% <strong>of</strong> alltime point observations were in the "early " category. The average for the firstquarter <strong>of</strong> 2012 was 3.3%Bus Late - Complaint numbers continue to remain high. Improving on-t imeperformance continues to be a challenge for a variety <strong>of</strong> reasons includingconstruction, traffic and heavy ridership delays; service reductions, which result inmore passengers on fewer t rips; and the inability to fund service improvements toaddress running-time issues.Careless Driving/Operator - Complaints in this category showed a downward trendin 2011 , and the totals for the 1 51 quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012 remain consistent with theaverages tor 2011 .Discourtesy/Operator - Complaints in this category showed decreases in 2010 and20 11. The totals for the 1 51 quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012 are slightly higher than the 2011averages. The contractors continue t o reinforce the importance <strong>of</strong> good customerservice with all operators at monthly safety meetings and individually as a part <strong>of</strong>the complaint investigation process.Discrimination - This category was created in 2009 to track complaints related toTitle VI issues. The 2011 data was over 50% less than 2010. The 1stquarter <strong>of</strong> 201 2 continues to show few complaints in this category.Fare Dispute - This category showed dramatic increases in 2009 and 2010following the renewed enforcement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>RTD</strong> fare policy. The 2011 numbersremained consistent with 2010, and the 1st quarter <strong>of</strong> 201 2 are slightly less thanthe 2011 averages. Many complaints indicate passengers are simply not happywith the operators' enforcement <strong>of</strong> the fare policies.Improper Procedure/Operator - Some <strong>of</strong> these complaints are related to theenforcement <strong>of</strong> the fare policies. Other complaints relate to the issues that arisewhen disabled passengers and passengers with strollers compete for use <strong>of</strong> thepriority seating area. The 1 51 quarter 2012 numbers are consistent with the 2011averages.In correct Info/Operator - This cat egory was tracked to identify possible trends withoperators providing incorrect information to passengers. The total numbers in thiscategory remain small, which indicates this area is not a problem.Passed Up Passenger At Stop - These complaint numbers have remainedconsistent from 2009 to 2011 and through the P 1 quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012. Oftentimes.playbacks for these complaints will confirm buses are on route and on time. It ispossible the passenger was not directly at the stop w hen the bus arrived.

The private contractors continue to investigate all customer complaints using avariety <strong>of</strong> tools, including CAD/ AVL playbacks and video review. Many t imes theresults <strong>of</strong> the investigation reveal that the complaint is not valid, Some <strong>of</strong> thereasons for the "Not Valid " classification include the following:Bus on time per playbackOperator followed proper procedurePassenger presented insufficient farePassenger had no pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> eligibilityExpired transferCounterfeit passSnow dayNo video evidenceThe contractors continue to focus on customer service in their training programsand through various refresher media (posters, videos, etc.) provided in the drivers'rooms.

PRIVATE CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE MEASURES 20122011 1ST 2ND 3RD 4THPREVENTABLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS PER 100,000 MILES GOAL QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTERFirst Transit Commerce City $2.0 2.2Veolia $2.0 1.9First Transit Denver $2.0 1.8First Transit Longmont $2.0 0.9Total <strong>RTD</strong> _2.0 1.02011 1ST 2ND 3RD 4THPASSENGER ACCIDENT RATIO PER 100,000 MILES GOAL QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTERFirst Transit Commerce City $0.18 0.28Veolia $0.18 0.41First Transit Denver $0.18 0.17First Transit Longmont $0.18 0.00Total all Contractors $0.18 0.25Total <strong>RTD</strong>

2011 1ST 2ND 3RD 4THMILES BETWEEN LOST SERVICE ROAD CALLS GOAL QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTERFirst Transit Commerce City 26,000 47,755Veolia 26,000 18,619First Tra nsit Denver 26,000 50,593First Transit Longmont 26,000 26,884Total all Contractors 26,000 30,260Total <strong>RTD</strong> 26,000 29,9972011 1ST 2ND 3RD 4THOPERATOR COMPLAINTS PER BOARDING GOAL QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTERFirst Transit Commerce City 0.0002 0.0005Veolia 0.0002 0.0004First Transit Denver 0.0002 0.0003First Transit Longmont 0.0002 0.0003Total all Contractors 0.0002 0.0004Total <strong>RTD</strong> 0.0002 0.0003

Regional Transportation DistrictOur missiOn:To meet our constituents ' present and future public transit needs by <strong>of</strong>fenngsafe, clean, reliable. courteous, accessible and cost-effective service throughoutthe District.MemorandumTo:Through :From:Date:Subject :Operations and Customer Service CommitteeBruce Abel, AGM, Bus Operations_/?~Larry Buter, Manager, Paratransit Services ~June 19, 2012Access-a-Ride Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter 201 2RidershipAccess-a-Ride ridership increased slightly in the 1 sr quarter <strong>of</strong> 201 2 as compared to thesame period <strong>of</strong> 2011 while revenue hours decreased. This resulted from an increase inproductivity from 1. 27 to 1. 30 passengers per hour. During the same period, Access-a­Cab ridership increased by 17%. The increased use <strong>of</strong> Access-a-Cab by Access-a-Ridepassengers continues to allow <strong>RTD</strong> to provide increased service w ithout an increase inresources. Combined Access-a-Ride and Access-a-Cab ridership increased 4 o/o compared tothe same period last year.Revenue HoursRevenue hours <strong>of</strong> service provided on Access-a-Ride declined slightly (approximately 1 % )from the first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2011 thru Q1 <strong>of</strong> 2012 due to improved productivity. Access-a­Ride is approximately 5 % under budgeted revenue hours through the f irst quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012.On-Time PerformanceA new vehicle deployment was implemented in mid-March 2012. A review <strong>of</strong> Aprilstatistics indicates that the new deployment is resulting in improvements to on-timeperformance. During the first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012, some <strong>of</strong> the private contractorsexperienced challenges recruit ing and retaining drivers. This did have a negative impact onon-time performance. As <strong>of</strong> t he end <strong>of</strong> May, the contractors <strong>report</strong>ed they were either athead count or had an adequate number <strong>of</strong> student s in t raining t o meet their operatorrequirements in the very near term.Customer ComplaintsComplaint s per passenger increased from .0004 in the 1 51 quarter <strong>of</strong> 20 1 1 to .0011 in the1st quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012. The highest number <strong>of</strong> complaints received related to on-timeperformance. Staff is continuing to work to address this issue with the service providers.

Access-a-Ride - Operations I Customer Service Committee Quarterly Report 2012tst Ort 1st Ort 2nd art 2nd art 3rd art 3rd art 4th art 4th art2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 1Q!.1 VarianceA-A-A Ridersh i~:Revenue Hrs. 139310 140124 · 1'!0 liDIV/0 1 itOIV/0! #OIVIO'Passengers t77243 174904 , IIDIV/0 1 #OIV/O' 8DIV10'Rev M1les 2278576 224016t .... ..• #OIV/0' IIDIV/0! #OIVIO'Product!VIt:z: 1.3 1.27 2~0 liDIV/0 1 #OIV/0! 11DIV/OIAccess-a-Cab:1st art 1St Ort 2nd art 2nd art Srd art 3rd art 4th Ort 4th OrtlQll 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 VarianceTrif:!S 38936 33266 17% IIOIV/01 #-OIV/0! #DIV/0!1st Ort lSI art 2nd art 2nd art 3rd Qrt 3rd Ort 4th Qrt 4th0rtAAR + AAC Ridershi~ 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 VprianceTotaiTnf:!S 216179 208 170 4 °/o #OIV/01 #OIV/0! #DIV/011st art tst Orl 2nd Ort 2nd art 3rd Ort 3rd Ort 4th Qrt 4th Ort2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 VariancePhone Stats:Calls Taken 63545 75427 16 ~o IIOIV/0' ROIV/01 #OIVIO•Average Speed 2.05 1:29 41)0., cQIV/01 i:OIV/0 1 I!OIV/01Averaae Call 4:07 4:15 -3•.. IIOIV/0 1 llDtV/0 1 IIDIV/011st Ort 1st Ort 2nd art 2nd Ort Srd art 3rd art 4th Ort 4th Ort2012 2011 Variance 2012 2011 Variance 201 2 2011 Variance lQll 2011 VarianceCertifications:Ouahfied 639 635 o•.,. ~OIV/0 1 "DlV/0 1 #OIV/0 1Denials 33 14 136°o #DIV/0 1 #OIVtOI RDIV/01Appeals 18 II 64% #QIV/0 1 qDIV/0 1 #OIV/01Overturned 4 5 ·20% #OIV/0 1 #OIV/0! •DIV/011st Ort 1st Ort 2nd Ort 2nd Ort 3rd Qrt 3rd art 4th Ort 4th OrtActual Budgeted Variance Actual Budgeted Variance Actual Budgeted Variance Actual Budgeted VarianceBudget Variance:Revenue Hours 1393 10 147371 ... so~o #OIV/0 1 #DIV/0! #DIV/01

~-~IRoute Match Metricst•·I r I.IIII II complaints II complaints paxcomplaints days per day pax trips ~ per hour I2008 2743 366 7.5 _693,507 0.0040 1.3 pre-RM-1 .29...2009 1075 365 2.9 672,901 0.0016 1.2 AM· 1.33~2010 950 365 2.6 713,432 0.0013 1.28 "+3.1%2011 540 365 1.5 694,664 0.0008 1.271.2012 II # complaints # complaints paxcomplaints days per day pax trios·---t-~ per hour-jan 67 31 2.2 58792 0.0011 1.3feb 70 28 2.5 56640 0.0012 1.32~mar•55 31 1.8 61811 0.0009 1.28~pr ' 30 0.0IIOIV/0!~ --may.31 0.0 IIDIV/0!-june 30 0.0 IIDIV/0!~ -Ijuly31 0.0 ltDIV/0!.~aug 31 0.0 IIOIV/0!sept. 30 0.0 #DIV/0!oct 31 0.0 IIOIV/0!t -nov 30 0.0l IIDIV/0!~dec .31 0.0 IIDIV/0!~t.~-total 192 365 0.5 177243 0.0011 1.30- ~--t--··-···-I

Access -a~ Ride Customer ComplaintsThe following chart outlines the number and type <strong>of</strong> complaints filed against the Access-a­Ride Service per Provider.2012 1 st Quarter MV CUSA VIA GLOBAL1•• TRANSIT TOTALSOn Time Performance 61 12 7 12 4 96Improper 21 7 2 6 1 36Procedure/BehaviorCall Center Error 0 0 0 0 7 7Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0Careless Driving 4 3 6 3 0 16Failed to Provide Door- 4 1 3 1 0 9to-DoorWrong Location 3 0 1 1 0 5Driver Failed to Secure 0 0 0 0 0 0Excessive Ride Time 4 3 0 1 0 8Maintenance 1 0 0 0 0 1No Show I Cancellation 4 1 0 3 2 10DisputeDid Not Follow Driver's 0 0 0 1 0 1AlertS<strong>of</strong>tware 0 0 0 0 0 0Policy Concern 0 0 0 1 1 2Assault 0 0 0 0 0 0Total Complaints 102 27 19 28 16 191Total Passenger Trips 87402 30354 29658 29829 177243Complaints Per Passenger 0.0012 0.0009 0.0007 0 .0009 .00011An analysis <strong>of</strong> this <strong>report</strong> confirms that the highest percentage <strong>of</strong> complaints relate to ourOn Time Performance. There are several steps that staff is cu~rently undertaking in orderto improve this performance standard. First, we are currently meeting with carrierdispatch personnel and developing policies and procedures that will assist the call centerwith driver call <strong>of</strong>fs and trips redistribution. In addition, we are encouraging ourpassengers to assist us in improving our On Time Performance by being ready to <strong>board</strong>their vehicle within 6 minutes <strong>of</strong> its arrival within their pick up window. There is muchwork to be done and enhancing community trust and confidence is a perpetual goal whichmust be earned day-by-day through every contact.

Regional Transportation DistrictADA Paratransit ServiceParatransit Services Monitoring Description SummaryAccess-a-RideThis is a listing and description <strong>of</strong> reviews conducted for the purpose <strong>of</strong> evaluating the ADA Access-a­Ride Paratransit Service.Call Center-Dispatch CodingThis review evaluates the correct coding <strong>of</strong> trips as they occur the day <strong>of</strong> the trip,Example:• A customer who calls to cancel their scheduled ride the night before will be marked a"cancel"; however, If cancelled within two hours dispatch should code both "latecancel" and "cancel" fields.• A driver that is running late over 16 minutes should be marked a "missed trip." In somecases, a new trip will be made but the old trip Is marked a "missed" trip, as well asJ a"cancel."• Many <strong>of</strong> the MDCs do not transmit this data as required; therefore, the dispatch isrequired to mark how the trip is completed.• No LD's are assessed because the information can be changed upon data entryverification, as well as, in a final <strong>report</strong> at the end <strong>of</strong> the month that catchesdiscrepancies.Call Center -Phone LogsThis review entails listening to the phone recording <strong>of</strong> the First Transit Customer ServiceRepresentat ives, as well as the dispatch pe rsonnel. This is to evaluate if the representativebooked the customer trip request correctly, handled the customer in a pr<strong>of</strong>essional manner andanswered questions correctly and politely.Call Center-Conditional EligibilityThis review evaluates whether the First Transit Customer Service Representatives have booked atrip according to the customer's given certification eligibility conditions. These conditions arebased on individual needs identified at intake during Certification Eligibility at Easter Seals <strong>of</strong>Colorado.Types <strong>of</strong> Eligibility Status• Unrestricted - Full service for up to four (4) years.• Conditional - Any "Conditions applied to service is done on an individual basis depending on theneeds <strong>of</strong> the passenger. The various conditions used are as fol lows:• Temperature Sensitive-If, as part <strong>of</strong> the eligibility process, it has been determined that a customermay only use Access-a-Ride services during identified weather conditions, Temperature Sensitivecondition shall be applied. Based on the specific temperature range given during the eltgfbilityprocess they may only use Access-a-Ride only when the outside temperature falls wlthin the range.The weather is tracked by www weather gov to verify the weather conditions for the day and hours1

that are requested. Passengers with "Temperature Sensitive condition may only schedule one (1)day in advance.• Dawn to Dusk-Service will be available after sunrise and up until sunset.• Dusk to Dawn-Service will be ava ilable after sunset and up until sunrise <strong>of</strong> the following day.• Snow-If snow accumulation is the only factor that prevents a customer from getting to and f rom abus stop, we will <strong>of</strong>fer them Access-a-Ride service on the day it snows and for seven (7) days thatfollow. Again, the FTCC call center will use weather <strong>report</strong>s from www.weather.gov to verify thatthere is at least a 30% chance that it will snow on the day you need a ride. Passengers with " Snow"condition must call one (1) day in advance for all trip requests.• Rain-If the possibility <strong>of</strong> rain causing damage to a power chair is the issue affecting the customergetting to and from a bus stop, we will <strong>of</strong>fer them Access-a-Ride during rain. The Access-a-Ride callcenter will use weather <strong>report</strong>s from www.weather.gov to verify that there is at least a 30% chancet hat it will rain on the day you need a ride. Passengers with "Rain" condition may only request tripsone (1) day in advance.• Fatigue- These passengers are allowed to use Access-a-Ride services when their fatigue limit s theirability to use the fixed route system. Passengers with " Fatigue" condition must call one (1) day inadvance for all trip requests.• In this review, many <strong>of</strong> the infractions involve the FTCC Customer Service Representative not bookingcorrectly for Infrequent Trips. This condition was given to customers requesting service needing tolearn new bus routes. The FTCC CSR was required to review the trip history tor the requestingcustomer and only <strong>of</strong>fer o trip to o single location no more than jour times. This is no longer givenas an eligibility condition as it was f ound that the customers were unable to learn the bus route whileriding on Access-a-Ride.Employee fileTh is review evaluates all safety-sensitive employees per contractual requirements such ascompleted application, background checks, MVR, etc.Driver Training File CheckThis review eva luates the Driver Training fi le and classroom training per contractualrequirements.Driver and Vehicle Road CheckThis review is handled on-site, out in the field. This is a quality control performance review toevaluate on-time performance, driver requirements such as Driver's License, DOT card,Insurance card, etc. This check also evaluates the cleanliness <strong>of</strong> the vehicle, use <strong>of</strong> wheelchairrestraints, etc.Maintenance Record CheckThis review evaluates the vehicle maintenance fi le per contractual requirements.2

<strong>RTD</strong> Quality ControlThis review is a random, on -site maintenance check for vehicles on lease to the Access-a-Ridecontractors.Manifest ReviewThis review is handled electronically via RouteMatch.Accident, Incident, Breakdown (AlB) TimelinessThis review is handled via the AlB Tracking form. This is reviewed monthly for timely submittal.The AlB form is submitted by the Contractor within three business days <strong>of</strong> event, not includingthe date <strong>of</strong> incident.Passenger Complaint Response TimeThis review evaluates the timely submittal <strong>of</strong> the customer complaints per contractualrequirements.FMCSR Hours <strong>of</strong> Service• Complaint totals are submitted monthlyThis review evaluates the allowable hour <strong>of</strong> service limits set by the Federal Motor Carrier SafetyAdministration's.Fare Collection ProcessThis review is to confirm that the fare accounting procedures are followed per contractualrequirements.Certification Process ReviewThis review is to evaluate the correctness <strong>of</strong> the eligibility certification file and entry into theRouteMatch customer module.Access-a-Cab Call Back ReviewThis review is designed to confirm that the passenger actually utilized the service.3

Regional Transportation DistrictOur mtssion:To meet our constituents· present and future public transit needs by <strong>of</strong>feringsafe. clean, reliable. courteous, accessible and cost-effective service throughoutthe District.MemorandumTo:Through:From:Operations & Customer Service CommitteeBruce Abel, AGM Bus Operations~>Brian Matthews, Special Services ManagerDate: June 19, 2012Subject: Special Services Quarterly Report - 1st Quarter 2012Comments regarding Special Services.Preventable Accidents - No accidents during the quarter.Customer Contacts - 155 - Contacts are operator related only. Comments can bepositive or negative contacts regarding the operator. ( 120 comments due to South JeffcoCall-n-Ride).Customer Denials - Denials have not been tracked for the last few years. The lastrecorded denial rate was approximately 2% <strong>of</strong> all incoming trip requests.2012 Service Changes -• Superior Call-n-Ride was discontinued effective January 20, 2012.• Aurora Call-n-Ride was discontinued effective January 20, 2012. TheRoute 130 was rerouted into the Heather Gardens Community where a majority <strong>of</strong>the Call-n-Ride passengers <strong>board</strong>ed. The <strong>RTD</strong> Senior Shopper has been scheduledto pick up seniors on Fridays for shopping trips to the King Soopers and TownCenter <strong>of</strong> Aurora. The first 2 scheduled trips occurred during bad weather andthere were no riders. The remaining trips for February and March had 55 seniors<strong>board</strong>ing the service.• Belleview Call-n-Ride ( 100 % grant funded) began operating effectiveJanuary 23, 201 2.• Federal Heights Call-n-Ride ( 1 00 % grant funded) begin operating effect1veJanuary 23,2012.

• South Jeffco Call-n-Ride (50% grant funded) begin operating effectiveJanuary 23, 2012.1 . Bus ridership in South Jeffco prior to service change was 1963 <strong>board</strong>ings per day.After service change ridership for bus and Call-n-Ride ridership was 1287 <strong>board</strong>ingsper day.2. Colorado School for the Blind residents relocated 1n March 2012 to an area outsideCall-n-Ride boundaries. A trip established specifically for the School (from theLittleton Downtown Station to the Pinnacle Apartments) was discontinued afterthe residents relocated.3. Complaints were very high. Complaints focused on not receiving a call back, notreceiving a call back within an hour, not getting a ride, driver not customer friendly,bus was late, general complaints about taking the fixed route service out and Calln-Ridenot sufficient.4 . MV Transit, contractor operating Call-n-Ride, placed an additional employee 8 hoursa day to assist with phone answering and scheduling rides. MV also purchased a2nd phone for use by the 2nd Call-n-Ride vehicle to assist in scheduling rides. ByMarch, complaints had dropped significantly.5. Established Flex trips covering the discontinued Route 67 during peak hours.6. Established Flex trips covering the discontinued Route 63X during peak hours.7 . Ridership on the Routes 59 and 77 (no changes) grew after this service change.Many customers moved their trips to these routes.8. Extended the Call-n-Ride area on parts <strong>of</strong> Route 67 that was discontmued, west <strong>of</strong>Wadsworth.9 . Most <strong>of</strong> the Call-n-Ride trips involve one <strong>of</strong> the Light Rail Stations or SouthwestPlaza.

2012 Special Services Report 1st Quarter ReportAverage Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May Jun Jul. Aug. Sept OcL Nov. DecA-Line • May 2003 2011I .Board1ngs- Weekday/Saturday/Sunday 94.3 96.5 1056i !III I !jBdngs/Hour - Weekday/Saturday/Sunday 3.5 3.0 3.1 3.4 I !art Shuttle - Sept 2004!Board1ngs 735.7 709.1 732.3 756.2i iBdngs/Hour 30.6 29.6 I 30.5 31 .5 ; I Ii lIArapahoe cnR - November 2006 i 'iiiIBoarcllngs- Weekday 73 7 74.5! 66.2 65. 1 jI IBdngs/Hour- Weekday 5.1 5.5 1 4.9 4.8 ! I l !1' i !IBelleview cnR- January 2012'''IiiI iBoard1ngs- Weekday 7.7 32.5 36.4 ! l~ I iBdngs/Hour · Weekday 0.4 ! 1.7 1.9 ! ! ~ ! I !Brighton cnR - March 2000 il IBoardings- Weekday 70.3 79.2 ! 80 5 73.0lIIi! !~~~9.~!.!:!.~.\-!E ..:.. ~~~~-~.?.Y. ...................... .......................... 4.8 5.9I II6.0 5.4iI I.......... ..... ........ l ~ tBoardings ·WK Via' (Schooltnps) 20.0 27.2 22.6 18.5 I ! lII!~~.!1.9.~!.!:!.(?.~L.: .. ~~.£l.Y. ... Y.!~: ............................................... 10.0 13.6II................ ....,.,.iBoardings combined · Weekday 961 106.4 H)3.1 91.5 i IIfl 11 .3 9.3 I Ilii !lBdgs/Hour combined - Weekday 5.7 6.8 6.5 5.6 !. i!i.!III ! iBroomfield cnR • April 2001!I I iBoardings - Weekday 63 2 74.0 73.1 64.0i 'I1i I!Bdngs/Hour- Weekday 4.4 5.5 5.4 4.7 l i I ~ IIFocus Points" l I i 'iIBoardings Operates scheduledII IIlIIiIBdngs/Hour tnps only 9.6 3.2 4.0 4.5 ! I i i !Dry Creek cnR ·November 2006'IiIIBoardmgs - Weekday 51.7 54.0 537 45.7 ! i i~II -Bdngs/Hour - Weekday 3.6 4.0 4.0 34 ! ! i 1 i lEvergreen cnR - March 2002Boardings -Weekday 1052 130.4II'124.3 122.1 ~ !Bdngs/Hour · Weekday 36 4.8 . 4.6 45I I..,.Boardings - Saturday 34.7 360 30.3 26.2 i IIBdngs!Hour - Saturday 3.5 36 i 30 2.6Federal Heights- January 2012"'Ii.iBoardings- Weekday 1.7 i 12.9 21 .5IBdngs/Hour · Weekday N/A 0 .1 I 1.0 1.6 ' 1Highlands Ranch cnR- November 2006IBoard1ngs- Weekday 26.8 3 1.8 32.4 31 2 II ;-Bdn~s/Ho(Jr_-_vv~ekday . 2,2 2,7 2.7 2.6I I.lIlIlIiIIiiPage t ol 3

HOP • October 1994Board1ngs ·WeekdayBdngsJHour -WeekdayBoardings - SaturdayIBdngs/Hour · SaturdayBoardmgs • SundayBdngs/Hour • Sundaylnterlocken/Westmoor cnR • April 2001Board1ngs · WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayUttleton S.Cart · 1988Boardings • WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayBoardings - SaturdayBdngs/Hour • SaturdayLone Tree cnR • January 2004Boardings- WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayLongmont cnR • February 2001Boardings - WeekdayBdngs/Hour - WeekdayBoardings • Saturday~~Hou r· SaturdayBoardings- SundayBdngs/Hour- SundayLouisville cnR • August 2000Boardings- WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayMeridian cnR • November 2006Boardings - WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayN Inverness cnR • November 2006Boardings · WeekdayBdngs/Hour ·WeekdayOrchard cnR-March 2006Boardmgs- WeekdayBdngs/Hour- WeekdayParker cnR • November 2006Board lngs- WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayS Jeffco ·January 2012' ..Board1ngs · WeekdayBdngs/Hour- WeekdayBoardings - SaturdayBdngs/Hour · SaturdayS Inverness cnR • November 2006Board1ngs · WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdaySouth Thornton cnR·August 2007Board1ngs · WeekdayBdngs/Hour · WeekdayAverage2852.731 31184.223 1706.322- 1 210.447.73.3114.73.731 53.533.93.867 44 1127.36 1205.77.8162.37.935.028N/AN/A169. -19 875.84.637. 41719.533. 1-925:328.969.84.240.36732.010.746.13.4!1 18o.ot _2?_1 28.5i 3.2r 28.3! 3.164.4 65.03.9 3.9133.36.7239.09.4133.26.7235.39.2108.8 l 101 .85.6 . 43001394.2268724.322.674.44.538.46.432.410.842.43.1149.35.021 .02.334.03.86724 1118.85.92151 .8.4 i95.54.927.82.2131.62.941 22.9150.37 .740.33.0Aprl !·IMayIIIJun JIJ1 Aug.'~~ - ''i!~ilSept.OcLl iiii.NovDec.IIIPage 2 ol3

Average Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun JulSenior Ride · 1977Sen1or R1de Events ' ! Psg/per tnp 20 8 23 2 20.2 23 0 ;;I IPsg/per hour 76 86 7.2 8.4 IlSemor Shopper'Psg/per tnp 15.6 18.6 15.8 16.3IPsg/per hour 7.2 8.3 7 .0 7.3 IThornton/Northglenn cnR - Dec 2003IBoard1ngs ·Weekday 40 6 38 6 41.9 44 6iBdngs/Hour- Weekday 28 2.9 3. 1 3.3 I IBoulder/Adams Counties 5311IBoard1ngs- Weekday 24Bdngs/Hour ~ WeekdayIJefferson County 5311Board1ngs - Weekday I 6I I IBdngs/Hour - Weekday l lThese numbers reflect passengers earned Wllh the ass1stance or the Brighton V1a Van Add1t1onal serv~ce began August 15. 2002 and 1Sused pnmarlly for school tnps.531 1 serv1ces are the rural serv~ ces that <strong>RTD</strong> prov1des local match for FT A section 531 1 .Adams and Boulder Counties (Spec1a1 Transit) Jefferson County (Seniors· Resource Center).531 1 numbers are nol available for 1st quarter,I I1Aug. Sept Oct Nov ~,Dec.Page 3 <strong>of</strong> 3

Regional Transportation DistrictOur mission:To increase the regional transit market share by meeting our constituents' presentand future public transit needs by providing safe, clean, reliable, courteous,accessible and cost-effecNve multi-modal service throughout the District.To:From:<strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsCarolyn Conover, Senior Manager, Contracted ServicesMemorandumThrough: Bruce Abel, AGM, Bus Ope rations --..,.,~~Date: June 5, 2012Subject:Customer Complaint AnalysisRecapped below is an update to the customer complaint analysis that was prepared for theBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors in 2010. This updated recap compares customer complaint data for theyears 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 . As you may be aware, <strong>RTD</strong> experienced<strong>report</strong>ing difficulties with its TrapezeCom complaint tracking s<strong>of</strong>tware in 2011 . One <strong>of</strong>the difficulties was the incomplete <strong>report</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> complaint statistics for some <strong>of</strong> theoperating divisions. The problem was identified and corrected in 2012. However, some<strong>of</strong> the complaint data for the later part <strong>of</strong> 2011 is still not available for <strong>report</strong>ing purposes.Consequently, the 2011 statistics <strong>report</strong>ed in the following summary are understated anddo not reflect a true and accurate representation <strong>of</strong> the total complaints received for theyear, However, the data does provide sufficient data to continue to analyze overallcomplaint trends,Complaint Categories Generating the Highest Number <strong>of</strong> Complaints ( 1000 or morelTotal complaints (<strong>RTD</strong> and the private contractors) were reviewed for 2007, 2008, 2009,2010 and 2011. Seven (7) complaint categories consistently <strong>report</strong>ed the highest number<strong>of</strong> complaints in each <strong>of</strong> those years. Different categories would hold different positions ineach year ( 1 51 , 2nd, 3'd, etc.), but the same seven categories comprised the majority <strong>of</strong>complaints received in each <strong>of</strong> the years reviewed. The top seven categories are asfollows:Bus Did Not ShowBus EarlyBus LateCareless Driving/ OperatorDiscourtesy /OperatorImproper Procedure By OperatorPassed Up Passenger At StopAll <strong>of</strong> these complaint categories are what <strong>RTD</strong> considers "operator related" and areincluded in the complaint numbers that are tracked and <strong>report</strong>ed to the Board <strong>of</strong> Directorson the Quarterly Performance Report. A recap <strong>of</strong> the ranking <strong>of</strong> these complaints by yearfollows at the end <strong>of</strong> this <strong>report</strong>.Complaint Trends

The high complaint categories were further analyzed for trends. Some additionalcategories were reviewed to assess the impact <strong>of</strong> recent policy changes (increasedenforcement <strong>of</strong> fare collection, revision to the stroller policy, and posting <strong>of</strong> decals statingpassenger rights under Title VI).The complaints were reviewed on an average-per-month basis. The percent <strong>of</strong> changefrom one year to the next for each category was compared to the percent <strong>of</strong> change for allcomplaints to determine which categories experienced higher than normal increases ordecreases. The category-by-category analysis follows at the end <strong>of</strong> this <strong>report</strong>. Thecomplaint categories showed the following trends through 2011 (based on the 2011 dataavailable):Bus Did Not Show - was showing a steady decrease through 2010, but increased in2011. In many cases, CAD/AVL playbacks confirm that buses are on route, but runninglate. However, from the passenger's perspective, the bus did not show.Bus Early - showing increases from year to year with 2011 data consistent with 201 0data. Playbacks for " bus early" complaints <strong>of</strong>ten show buses running late. It is possiblepassengers see the prior bus running late and assume it is their bus running early. On-timeperformance statistics for 2011 indicated 2 .6% <strong>of</strong> all time point observations were in the"early" category.Bus Late - showing steady increases from year to year, including 2011 data. Improvingon-time performance continues to be a challenge for a variety <strong>of</strong> reasons includingconstruction, traffic and heavy ridership delays; service reductions, which result in morepassengers on fewer trips; and the inability to fund service improvements to addressrunning-time issues.Careless Driving/Operator - numbers fluctuate from year to year. 2011 data wasdramatically lower than 2010, so even with the understated data, this category appears tohave a downward trend.Discourtesy/Operator -showed increases from 2007 to 2009, then decreases in 2010and 2011 . Refresher training for all <strong>RTD</strong> operators and increased customer service focusat the private contractors appears to have has a positive impact this complaint category.Discrimination - this category was created in 2009 to track complaints related to Title VIissues. The 2011 data was over 50% less than 2010. Even with the understated data,this category appears to have a downward trend.Fare Dispute - this category showed dramatic increases in 2009 and 201 0 following therenewed enforcement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>RTD</strong> fare policy. 2011 numbers appear to be trackingconsistent with 2010. Many complaints indicate passengers are simply not happy withthe operators' enforcement <strong>of</strong> the fare policies.Improper Procedure/Operator - showing minimal change from 2007 to 2009, then a bigincrease in 2010 and 2011 . Some <strong>of</strong> these complaints are related to the enforcement <strong>of</strong>the fare policies. Other complaints relate to the issues that arise when disabledpassengers and passengers with strollers compete for use <strong>of</strong> the priority seating area.

Incorrect Info/Operator - this category was tracked to identify possible trends withoperators providing incorrect information to passengers. The total numbers in thiscategory remain small. which indicates this area is not a problem.Passed Up Passenger At Stop - numbers have remained consistent from 2009 through2011. Oftentimes. playbacks for these complaints will confirm buses are on route and ontime. It is possible the passenger was not directly at the stop when the bus arrived.<strong>RTD</strong> and the private contractors continue to investigate all customer complaints using avariety <strong>of</strong> tools, including CAD/ AVL playbacks and video review. Many times the results<strong>of</strong> the investigation reveal that the complaint is not valid. Some <strong>of</strong> the reasons for the"Not Valid" classification include the following:Bus on time per playbackOperator followed proper procedurePassenger presented insufficient farePassenger had no pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> eligibilityExpired transferCounterfeit passSnow dayNo video evidence<strong>RTD</strong> and the private contractors will continue to investigate and address all customercomplaints received . Even though the complaint investigation may reveal that the operatorwas not at fault, from the customer's perspective the complaint is still valid . Managementwill continue to work with operators to refine the manner in which operators respond tocustomer issues. In addition, as customers become more comfortable with the newpolicies, complaints related to those issues may go down.

Top 7 Categories (1000 or more complaints)2007 2008 2009 2010 2011Passed Up PassengerAt Stop Discourtesy/Operator Discourtesy/Operator Bus late Bus LatePassed Up Passenger Passed Up Passenger Passed Up Passenger Passed Up PassengerBus late At Stop At Stop At Stop At StopImproper ProcedureDiscourtesy/Operator Bus Late Bus Late Discourtesy/Operator by OperatorImproper ProcedureBus Did Not Show Bus Did Not Show Bus Did Not Show by Operator Discourtesy/OperatorCareless Careless CarelessDriving/Operator Dfivtng/Operator BUs Early Driving/Operator Bus Did Not ShowImproper ProcedureCarelessby Operator Bus Early Driving/Operator Bus Early Bus EarlyImproper Procedure Improper Procedure CarelessBus Early by Operator by Operator Bus Did Not Show Driving/Operator

Top Categon•·'· and Complamts Related to Policy Changes2007 2008 2009 2010 2011Bus D1d Not Show 1582 1508 1478 1453 1515Avg per month 132 126 123 121 126Percent change over prior year -5% -2% -2% 4%Bus l:.dr l , 1035 1207 1438 1521 1500Avg per month 86 101 120 127 125Percent change over prior year 14% 16% 5% -1%Hu .. __ : _ 1765 1773 1820 2597 2747Avg per month 147 148 152 216 229Percent change over prior year 0% 3% 30% 5%Carcle:os Dnvmg/Opl!rator 1266 1359 1267 1536 1075Avg per month 106 113 106 128 90Percent change over prior year 7% -7% 18% -43%Discourt~iy/Op

Regional Transp ortation DistrictBoard <strong>of</strong> Directors1600 Blake StreetDenver. CO 80202-1399303/299-2303Chair - Lee Kemp, District IFirst Vice Chair - John Tayer, District 0Second Vice Chair - Matt Cohen. District MSecretary - Angie Malpiede, District CTreasurer - Kent Bagley, District HLorraine Anderson, District LBruce Daly, District NBarbara Deadwyler, District 8Larry Hoy, District JBill James, District AWilliam "Bill" McMullen, D1strict EJack O'Boyle, District GTom Tob1assen, District FJeff Walker, District DKathi Williams, District KAGENDAFINANCE ADMINISTRATION AND AUDITTuesday June 19, 2012Rooms R, T, & D5 :30 p.m.Conference Dial-in #: 303-299-2663Conference 10: 1 5120Financial Administration and Audit CommitteeChaired by Director JamesI. Recommended A ctions• Authorization to Enter Into IGA with COOT to Accept FASTER Grant Funds forCentral Corridor Light Rail Improvements (Howerter/Cohen)• Authorization to Enter Into an IGA with COOT to Accept FASTER Grant Funds forTicket Vending Machine Upgrades and Replacements (Howerter/Cohen)• Contract Amendment with Scheidt & Bachmann for Southeast Corridor TicketVending Machine Upgrade and Southwest and Central Corridor Ticket VendingMachine Replacement (Howerter/Cohen)• Approval <strong>of</strong> 2012 Amended Budget (Howerter/Scarpino)II.Updat es• First Quarter 2012 Performance Measures (Howerter/Scarpino)• Pension Accounting Update (Howerter/Macleod)• April 2012 Monthly Financial Status Report (Howerter/Macleod)Ill. Other MattersIV. Next M eeting Date - July 10, 20 12V. Adjourn

The following communica1ion assistance is available for public meetings:• Language Interpreters• Sign-language Interpreters• Assisted listening devicesPlease notify RTO ot the communication assistance you requite at least 48 hours 10 advance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>RTD</strong> meetingyou wish to attend by calling 303.299.2307

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTToFrom:Phillip A. Washmgton, General ManagerTerry L .~er ,Chief Financial OfficerDate: June 19, 2012IGM--Date:June 4, 2012I Board Meetmg Date: June 26, 2012Subject:Authorization to Enter Into IGA with COOT to AcceptFASTER Grant Funds for Central Corridor Light RailImprovementsACTIONXDISCUSSIONINFORECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Financtal Admimstrat1on and Audit Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsauthorize the General Manager or his destgnee to execute all documents necessary to receive FASTER grantfunding in the amount <strong>of</strong> $692,000 from the Colorado Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation (COOT), and pay therequired local match in an amount <strong>of</strong> $173,000. Funding for the four projects is included in the 2012 ProposedAmended Budget.BACKGROUNDIn 2009, the State Legislature approved the Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation & EconomicRecovery (FASTER) program. The intent <strong>of</strong> the program was to raise money for bridge reconstruction, highwaysafety projects and transit primarily through an increase in veh1cle registration fees. The FASTER programprovtdes grants for transit projects, such as new bus stops, bike parking, maintenance facilities or multi-modaltransportation centersIn October 2011 , <strong>RTD</strong> submttted a FASTER grant application for $692,000 for four projects to upgrade theex1sting Central Corridor light rail line, and COOT approved the grant tn February 2012DISCUSSIONIn order to receive the grant funds, <strong>RTD</strong> must enter into an intergovernmental agreement w1th the ColoradoDepartment <strong>of</strong> Transportation and prove to COOT that it can provide the local matching funds. The local matchfunding will be approved in the 2012 Proposed Amended Budget. This action will authorize the General Manager,or his designee to enter into the Intergovernmental agreement with COOT in order to receive the grant funds thathave been awarded to <strong>RTD</strong>Th1s FASTER grant will help With four different repair and Improvement projects along the Central Corndor railltne These projects will enhance safety for our passengers, pedestrians, and motorists using the gradecrossings along the line. and will reduce <strong>RTD</strong>'s ongoing costs to maintain the Central Corridor infrastructure. Thefollowing four projects are funded through the FASTER grant:1. 13th Avenue Crossing Safe Sign Addttion. Upgrade the s1gnals at the 13'h Avenue grade crossing toallow "Second Train' s1gns 1ndicat1ng two tra1ns approaching the crossing from opposite direct1ons. Thiswill provtde an additional warn1ng to pedestrians and motonsts to avoid potential collisions with trains atthe crosstng.2. E-Clip Replacement. Analyze the extent <strong>of</strong> corrosion <strong>of</strong> e-cltps and track in the downtown area. andreplace corroded e-clips and ratl as needed3. 13th and Bayaud Cross1nqs Improvements Replace the deteriorated rubber crossing panels at theex1sting grade crossings at 13tn Avenue and Bayaud Avenue with precast concrete panels

Board <strong>of</strong> Dtrectors ReportAuthonzat1on to Enter Into IGA w1th COOT to Accept FASTER Grant Funds for Central Corndor L1ght RatlImprovementsJune 4. 2012Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 24. Central Corridor Downtown Switches. Upgrade the last two remaining downtown switches that have notbeen upgraded to Western Cullen Hayes electro-hydraulic switch machines to improve the performanceand reliability <strong>of</strong> switch operation.FINANCIAL IMPAC TFund1ng for the four proJects is included in the 2012 Proposed Amended BudgetALTERNATIVES1. Accept the Recommended Action. It is recommended by the Financial Administration and Audit Committeethat the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute all documentsnecessary to receive FASTER grant funding tn the amount <strong>of</strong> $692,000 from the Colorado Department <strong>of</strong>Transportation (COOT) for, and pay the requ1red local match in an amount <strong>of</strong> $173,000. Funding for thefour projects is Included 1n the 2012 Proposed Amended Budget2. Do not accept the Recommended Act1on. This 1s not recommended because the grant would fund neededsafety and operational1mprovements along the Central Corridor. If <strong>RTD</strong> were not to accept the grant, <strong>RTD</strong>would need to find another source <strong>of</strong> fund1ng for these improvements Otherwise, <strong>RTD</strong> would need t<strong>of</strong>orego making these improvements, and would not realize the safety enhancements and reductions toongoing operations and matntenance cost that would be made possible through these projects.Prepared by· Susan Cohen. Manager FasTracks Program Control2

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTToFrom ~Date.Ph1ll1p A Washington, General ManagerRichard F Clarke, Ass1stant General Manager,Capital ProgramsTerry L. Howerte~ Financial OfficerJune 5, 2012~:e · June 19, 201_2 ___ ~Board Meeting Date: June 26, 2012Subject:Authorization to Enter Into an IGA with COOT toAccept FASTER Grant Funds for Ticket VendingMachine Upgrades and ReplacementsACTIONXDISCUSSIONINFORE COMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Financial Administration and Audit Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsauthorize the General Manager or his designee to execute all documents necessary to receive FASTER grantfunding in the amount <strong>of</strong> $440,000 from the Colorado Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation (COOT) for ticket vendingmachine (TVM) upgrades for the Southeast Corridor and six replacement TVMs for the Southwest Corridor.and pay the required local match 1n an amount <strong>of</strong> $118,041 Fund1ng for the project IS Included in the 2012Adopted BudgetBACKGROUNDIn 2009, the State Legislature approved the Funding Advancement for Surface Transportation & EconomicRecovery (FASTER) program. The tntent <strong>of</strong> the program was to ratse money for bndge reconstruction, highwaysafety projects and transit primarily through an tncrease in veh1cle registration fees. The FASTER programprovtdes grants for transtt projects. such as new bus stops, bike parking, maintenance facilities or multi-modaltransportation centers.In October 2011 , <strong>RTD</strong> submitted a FASTER grant application for $440.000 to upgrade the Southeast CorridorTVMs to accept credit cards. and COOT approved the grant in February 2012. After <strong>RTD</strong> received the FASTERgrant, the cost <strong>of</strong> the Southeast Corridor TVM upgrade was determined to be less than the grant amountTherefore. <strong>RTD</strong> asked COOT for permission to reallocate the balance <strong>of</strong> the grant to the purchase <strong>of</strong> the sixTVMs for the Southwest CorridorDISCUSSIONIn order to rece1ve the grant funds, <strong>RTD</strong> must enter into an Intergovernmental agreement with the ColoradoDepartment <strong>of</strong> Transportation and prove to COOT that it can provide the local matching funds. The local matchfunding was approved in the 2012 Adopted Budget This action will authorize the General Manager, or hisdesignee to enter into the intergovernmental agreement with COOT tn order to receive the grant funds that havebeen awarded to <strong>RTD</strong><strong>RTD</strong> has an existing contract with Scheidt & Bachmann to procure TVMs for the future FasTracks corridors. withoptions to purchase additional TVMs Staff is requesting the authority to amend the Scheidt & Bachmanncontract under a separate action.FINANCIA L IMPACTThe 2012 Adopted Budget includes a total <strong>of</strong> $1 .95 million for the s<strong>of</strong>tware upgrades and the TVMreplacements This action will cover $558,041 <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> the project3

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportAuthorization to Enter Into an IGA w1th COOT to Accept FASTER Grant Funds for T1cket Vendtng Mach1neUpgrades and ReplacementsJune 5, 2012Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 2AlTERNATIVES1 Accept the Recommended Actron It is recommended by the Financial Administration and Audit Committeethat the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> D1rectors authorize the General Manager or h1s designee to execute all documentsnecessary to receive FASTER grant funding tn the amount <strong>of</strong> $440,000 from the Colorado Department <strong>of</strong>Transportation (COOT) for ticket vending machine (TVM) upgrades for the Southeast Corridor and sixreplacement TVMs for the Southwest Corridor, and pay the required local match in an amount <strong>of</strong> $118,041Funding for the project is included in the 2012 Adopted Budget.2 Do not accept the Recommended Action. This is not recommended because <strong>RTD</strong> needs to upgrade theSoutheast Corridor TVMs to accept credit cards and replace the existing TVMs on the Southwest Corridorfor compatibility with the West Corridor This action would provide a portion <strong>of</strong> the funding needed toaccomplish this goal by 2013, and would reduce the ultimate cost to the District.Prepared by· Susan Cohen, Manager, FasTracks Program Control4

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo:From.Phillip A. Washington, General ManagerRichard F Clarke, Assistant General Manager.Capital ProgramsTerry L. How~ief Financial OfficerIDate· June 19, 2012GMDate:Subject.June 5, 2012Contract Amendment w1th Scheidt & Bachmann forSoutheast Corridor Ticket Vending MachineUpgrade and Southwest and Central Corridor TicketVending Machine Replacement~oard Meeting Date-::Jllrie 26, ..,.. 2...,... 0-12 ___ACTION DISCUSSION INFOXRECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Financial Adm1n1stration and Audit Committee that the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsauthorize the General Manager or his designee to increase the existing contract with Scheidt & Bachmann inthe amount <strong>of</strong> S1 ,250, 703 to upgrade the ticket vending machmes (TVM) on the Southeast Corridor, and toreplace the existing TVMs on the Southwest and Central Corridors. Funding for these projects is included inthe 2012 Adopted Budget.BACKGROUND<strong>RTD</strong> w1ll be opemng the West Ra1l Lme for revenue service m April 2013. At that time, the TVMs and s<strong>of</strong>tware onthe existing corridors must be compatible with those on the West Rail Line. <strong>RTD</strong> has an existing contract withScheidt & Bachmann to provide TVMs for its new corridor projects. The current contract Includes TVMs for theWest Rail Line and Denver Union Station, and includes opt1ons to add other corridors as needed.DISCUSSION<strong>RTD</strong>'s existing TVMs on the Southwest and Central Corridors were installed in 2000, with the opening <strong>of</strong> theSouthwest Corridor for revenue service. These machines are obsolete and are reaching their projected usefullife <strong>of</strong> 12 years It is difficult to maintain these TVMs in a state <strong>of</strong> good repair due to a lack <strong>of</strong> available parts,resulting in inconvenience to customers. In addition, these machines do not accept credit cards, and cannot beupgraded to do so.The TVMs on the Southeast Corridor were installed in 2006, and have not reached the end <strong>of</strong> their useful life.However, the s<strong>of</strong>tware and hardware used in the TVMs does not allow the machines to accept credit cards,which makes 1t incompatible with the s<strong>of</strong>tware for the West Rail Line. Therefore, the s<strong>of</strong>tware and hardware inthese TVMs must be upgraded to maintain a single s<strong>of</strong>tware platform and allow all TVMs to accept cred itcards. This will make it easier for customers to use the TVMs, and will minimize <strong>RTD</strong>'s ongoing cost tomaintain and update the TVM s<strong>of</strong>twareFINANCIAL IMPACTThe total cost <strong>of</strong> the Scheidt & Bachmann work on the s<strong>of</strong>tware upgrade and TVM purchase is $1 8 millionThese costs are partially <strong>of</strong>fset by scope reductions and cost reallocations on the existing contract, resulting 1nthe proposed net increase <strong>of</strong> $1 ,250,703 in the contract amendmentFunding for the Southeast Corridor TVM upgrade and the TVM replacements for the Southwest and CentralCorridors is mcluded in the 2012 Adopted Budget. The sources <strong>of</strong> funds include a FASTER grant from theColorado Department <strong>of</strong> Transportation. local match to the FASTER grant. and proceeds <strong>of</strong> Certificates <strong>of</strong>Participation to be issued in 20125

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportContract Amendment with Scheidt & Bachmann for Southeast Corndor Ticket Vend1ng Machme Upgrade andSouthwest and Central Corridor Ticket Vending Mach1ne ReplacementJune 5, 2012Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 2ALTERNATIVESAccept the Recommended Action. It 1s recommended by the Financial Administration and Aud1t Committeethat the <strong>RTD</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directors authorize the General Manager or his designee to increase the existingcontract with Scheidt & Bachmann in the amount <strong>of</strong> $1 .250,703 to upgrade the ticket vending machines(TVM) on the Southeast Corridor, and to replace the existing TVMs on the Southwest and CentralCorndors Funding for these projects is included in the 2012 Adopted Budget2 Do not accept the Recommended Action, and proceed w1th a separate procurement to upgrade the TVMson the Southeast Corridor and replace the TVMs on the Southwest and Central Corridors. This is notrecommended because a different vendor will not be able to upgrade the existing TVMs, and <strong>RTD</strong> may endup with replacement TVMs that are incompatible with those in serv1ce on the West Rail Line and SoutheastCorridor3 Do not accept the Recommended Action. Do not upgrade the TVMs on the Southeast Corridor, and do notreplace the TVMs on the Southwest and Central Corridors Th1s is not recommended because the TVMupgrades and replacements wi ll provide better service to <strong>RTD</strong>'s ra1l customers and reduce the ongoingma1ntenance costs for the TVMsPrepared by· Susan Cohen Manager FasTracks Program Control6

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTT a·From.Phtllip A Washington. General ManagerTerry L Howert~ef Financial OfficerDate June 19. 2012r--GMDate: June 19, 2012Subject:Approval <strong>of</strong> 2012 Amended BudgetBoard Meeting Date: June 26, 2012ACTION DISCUSSION---lINFOXRECOMMENDED ACTIONIt is recommended by the Financial Admimstration and Audit Committee that the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors adoptResolutton No. _ , Series <strong>of</strong> 2012 to amend and appropriate funds for the proposed 2012 Amended Budget,to increase the appropriation by $75.185 million to $1,680.920 million as detailed below in the overview <strong>of</strong> the2012 Amended Budget, and to decrease the appropriation <strong>of</strong> Capital Carryforward (previously approved capitalfunds) by $149.484 million to $657.795 million.The 2012 Amended Appropriation includes the amounts in the Amended Budget column (in thousands)·2012 Adopted 2012 P reposedBudget Amended BudgetBASE SYSTEM (0.6%) (In Millions) (In Millio ns) ChangeOperating Expense $ 391 .325 $ 414,692 $ 23,367lnteres t Expense 23.347 21 ,088 (2 259)Capttalized Interest 2 ,097 2 ,097New Captlal 38 .888 40,549 1.661Debt Payments 46.741 46.741Board Appropriated Fund 13.200 13.200Capital Replacement Fund 6 ,000 6 ,000Unrestricted Funds 36,538 16,812 (19,726)Base System (0.6%) Appropriation $ 558,136 $ 561,179 $ 3,043Base System Previously Approved Capi tal $ 129,203 $ 102,034 $ (27,169)2012 Adopted 2012 ProposedBudget Amended BudgetFASTRACKS PROJECT (0.4%) (In Millions) (In Millions) ChangeOperattng Expense $ 109,139 $ 136,302 s 27,163Interest Expense 29,652 28,991 (661)Capttahzed Interest 43,429 43.429New Capital 817 157 862.701 45,544Debt Payments 9,822 9 ,822FasTracks Contingency Reserve 30,000 30,000Unrestncted Funds 8 400 8,496 96FasTracks Project (0.4%) Appropriation $ 1,047,599 $ 1,'119,741 $ 72,142FasTracks Project Previously Approved Capital $ 678,076 $ 555,761 $ (122,315)7

Board <strong>of</strong> D1rectors ReportJune 19 2012Page 2FASTRACKS OPERATIONSOperating ExpenseInterest ExpenseCapitalized InterestNew CapitalDebt PaymentsUnrestncted FundsFasTracks Operations2012 AdoptedBudget(In Millions)s 8,429${8,429)2012 ProposedAmended Budget(In Millions)$ 8,496${8,496}Change5 67(67)$FasTracks Operations Previously Approved Cap.$$DISTRICT -WIDE2012 AdoptedBudget(In Millions)2012 ProposedAmended Budget(In Millions)ChangeOperating ExpenseInterest ExpenseCapitalized InterestNew Cap1talDebt PaymentsBoard Appropriated FundCapital Replacement FundFasTracks Contingency ReserveUnrestricted FundsDistrict-Wide Appropriation$ 508,89352,99945 526856 04556 56313,2006 00030,00036 509$ 1,605,735$ 559,49050,07945.526903.25056.56313,2006,00030,00016,812$ 1,680,920$ 50 597(2,920)47.205$ ( 19,697)$ 75,185District-Wide Previously Approved Capital$ 807,279$ 657,795$ (149,484)BACKGROUNDThe purpose <strong>of</strong> this memorandum IS to request an amendment to the 2012 Adopted Budget. Th1s amendmentwill account for capital carryforward adJustments from 2011 to 2012. The amendment also will detail otheradjustments to the capital budget and adjustments to the operating and administrative budget.DISCUSSIONOverview <strong>of</strong> the 2012 Budget AmendmentThe total proposed appropriation for the 2012 Amended Budget and the changes from the 2012 AdoptedBudget are summarized in the table above.8

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportJune 19 2012Page 3201 2 Operating Expense AdjustmentsThe operatmg and administrative portion <strong>of</strong> the proposed budget amendment reflects an increase <strong>of</strong> $50.6million (excludmg interest expense) from the 2012 Adopted Budget. This increase consists <strong>of</strong> $23.4 million onthe Base System (including the Denver Union Station $11 million contribution) $27.2 million in FasTracksConstruction and Operations. Of the total increase. a net $30.8 million is attributed to previously approvedtransfers. On the Base System. the true increase to operating expenses is $2.6 million net <strong>of</strong> one-t1meexpense projects and the DUS contribution.Shown on the attached Amendment A, notable changes are listed below:Bus Operations• Increase in repair parts <strong>of</strong> $0.316 million at increased cost on older fleet• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 397 million for the May serv1ce adjustments to address performance on problematic routesRail Operations• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 119 million for the May service adjustments• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 865 million in Central Corndor Improvements, funded by a FASTER grantPrivate Carrier Operations• Increase in DRCOG VanPool <strong>of</strong> $0.199 millionAccess-A-R1de• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 145 million 1n fuel costsCapttal Programs-Base• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0.450 million in LRT station repairs• Transfer <strong>of</strong> $0 125 million for McCaslin Bridge work moved from Base to FasTracksSafety, Security and Facilities-Base• Transfer <strong>of</strong> $5.0 million from the unrestricted fund balance for the relocation <strong>of</strong> the Amtrak station at DUS,to be <strong>of</strong>fset by a $4.0 million FASTER grant• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0. BOO million for 13 1 h & Osage crossing project and other Central Corridor infrastructureprojects, partially funded by a FASTER grant• Increase <strong>of</strong> SO 323 million for snow removalAdmmistration• Reduct1on <strong>of</strong> $0.339 million on operating expenses in various areas• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 224 million in expenses to restore expense funds used on proJects• Transfer <strong>of</strong> $0.877 million from expense to capital for salaries and fringes for DAD/AVL and SMT proJects• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0 278 million in additional funding for WIN program, partially <strong>of</strong>fset by matching grant• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0.179 million in education expenses (PDP. EDP, and required trainmg)Non-Departmental• Increase <strong>of</strong> $1 074 million for expenses associated with pass-through grants• Increase <strong>of</strong> $2 276 million for one-time union bonus based on the lump sum provision <strong>of</strong> the CollectiveBargaming Agreement

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportJune 19, 2012Page 4• Increase <strong>of</strong> $11 m1llion for the OUS contributionPlanning-FasTracks Construction• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0.225 million for McCaslin bridge repairs ($0.125 million transferred from base, $0.100 millionnew funds)Capital Program s-F as Tracks Construction• Capital to expense transfers <strong>of</strong> $20 1 million to cover the CC<strong>of</strong>D IGA for the Peoria grade separationproJect• Increase <strong>of</strong> $0.160 million 1n ROCIP consulting fee updated to 2012 fee schedule• Increase <strong>of</strong> $1 .606 million 1n STAMPS projects funded by CMAQ grant2012 New CapitalThe capital portion <strong>of</strong> the proposed budget amendment reflects an mcrease <strong>of</strong> $47.2 million to the 2012Adopted Budget. These changes result from program changes that have occurred since the 2012 Budget wasadopted, and include the followmg significant changes:FasTracksFasTracks new capital had an increase <strong>of</strong> $45.5 1111ll1on due to alignment <strong>of</strong> corridor funding with updatedtimmg, adjustments for grant funding, and changes tn cost estimates. Please see Attachment B for detailBase SystemNew cap1tal expenditures 1ncreased $1 .7 million on the Base System Please see Attachment B for detailPreviously Approved Capital Carryforward AdjustmentsFor the 2012 Adopted Budget, year-to-date actual expenditures as <strong>of</strong> 9/30/11 were used to compute theestimate <strong>of</strong> the carryforward This methodology is used to accommodate the timing <strong>of</strong> the adoption <strong>of</strong> theannual budgetPreviously approved capital carryforward has been decreased by $149.5 million from the 2012 Adopted Budgetto reflect fourth quarter 2011 actual expenditures, transfers to reclassify certain capital projects as expenseprojects, previously approved transfers, completion <strong>of</strong> projects. and project scope changes. The FasTracksport1on was a decrease <strong>of</strong> $122.3 million and the Base System decrease was $27.2 million Please seeAttachment C for detailRevenue ChangesRevenues are projected to increase $46.7 million (combined).• Sales and Use Tax revenues are projected to increase $5.7 million based on March forecasts.• Federal grant revenues, including operating grants, capital grants, capital maintenance, FASTERgrants, and Homeland Security grants. are projected to increase $21 2 million over amounts projected1n the 2012 Adopted Budget. This reflects flat allocations in formula grant appropriations over the 2012Adopted Budget <strong>of</strong>fset by increases in CMAQ capital grants for FasT racks• Fare revenue is proJected to increase $9 9 million in the amended budget based on the current year runrate <strong>of</strong> 7% over 2011 actuals.• Sale <strong>of</strong> land (Block A at DUS) to USNC 1s projected to generate $10 million10

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportJune 19 20 12Page 5Unrestricted Year-End Fund BalanceThe Unrestricted Fund Balance (formerly Transit Development Reserve) is projected to decrease $19 7 millionfrom the Adopted Budget to $16.8 million reflecting increases in year-end accruals and the net pensionobligationFasTracks Contingency ReserveThe proposed 2012 Amended Budget reflects continued maintenance <strong>of</strong> the FasTracks Contingency Reserveat a balance <strong>of</strong> $30 million. This reserve is appropriated annually, and is used to fund any changes in theFasTracks schedule that could not be forecast at the time <strong>of</strong> adoption <strong>of</strong> the annual budget. The purpose <strong>of</strong>this reserve is to allow the District to accommodate minor changes to the FasT racks schedule without requiringfrequent budget amendments to draw funds from the FasTracks Future Construction Reserve The Reservehas been carried at $30 million since 2010 and remains at that level in both this Amended Budget and the2012 Adopted Budget.Budget TransfersThe proposed 2012 Amended Budget reflects year-to-date budget transfers executed within the GeneralManager's authority or by prior authorization <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors. The District's budget transfer policywas adopted by the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors on 2/26/85 and further amended on 1/1/93 5/15/08 and 4/1/10 Thepolicy states that cumulative transfers between projects in amounts exceeding $250 000 requ1re prior approval<strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsCost Recovery RatioThe proposed 2012 Amended Budget meets the cost recovery ratio mandated by the Colorado GeneralAssembly The estimated SB154 recovery ratio (all nontax revenue except ADA farebox revenues divided byall expenditures, including depreciation. except ADA expenditures and expenditures incurred for long-termplanning and development <strong>of</strong> rapid transit infrastructure) exceeds the annual target <strong>of</strong> 30% mandated by theGeneral Assembly. The <strong>RTD</strong> operating revenue recovery ratio (operating revenues except ADA fareboxrevenues divided by the same cost basis as the Colorado General Assembly) is estimated to exceed the 20%target established by the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors.Fund Balance PolicyThe proposed 201 2 Amended Budget Includes a reserve <strong>of</strong> 3% <strong>of</strong> annual spending as defined m Article X,Section 20 <strong>of</strong> the Colorado Constitution (the TABOR reserve). The proposed 2012 Am ended Budgetmaintains a Board-Appropriated Fund, Capital Replacement Fund, and Unrestricted Year-End Fund balance mthe District's working capital.Basis <strong>of</strong> Accounting and BudgetingThe accounts <strong>of</strong> the District are <strong>report</strong>ed using the accrual basis <strong>of</strong> accounting Revenues are recognizedwhen earned and expenses are recognized when incurred The District's basis <strong>of</strong> budgeting follows the accrualbasis <strong>of</strong> accounting except (1) capital outlays and payments <strong>of</strong> principal are treated as expenditures, and (2)depreciation and gains and losses on disposal <strong>of</strong> property and equrpment are excluded.11

Board <strong>of</strong> Dtrectors ReportJune 19 2012Page 6ALTERNATIVES1 Amend the 2012 Budget to reflect the capttal project changes and the adjustments to the operating budget.This is the recommended action.2. Request staff to revise the proposed amendments to the 2012 Budget and amend the budget wtthrevisions.3 Do not amend the 2012 Budget. This is not recommended, because the 2012 Adopted Budget does notreflect the capital carryforward adjustments. capital budget adjustments, and material changes to theoperating and administrative budget.Prepared byReviewed by:Jannette Scarp1no Manager. Budget and F1nanc1al Analys6~~~~-\~ -Terry L Howerter ~ hief Financial Officer'12

BASE SYSTEI\1O per.cting ReV(·nuc~ .ttcbox Revenues'•\•IVtl!lSlnS RevenUe.•I mt Venture Revenue•1th ., pu .. tl~ Rc\'tnuTot :~ l Oper.llirt!! lhHnueOpcr.llilll! El.pe n"·~ ( t\rludin~ Orpr«i.>ttultlP-u 1 •pct.ttJcns( R r ' •rerattCII\sPtl'idle Cam~r Optl UonsAc'-14)I;li3,37Y\25,n·l1H 621·~ ~ !!1S•7,6J1I 4 -1q6l17,4Q~~.CM21,.!Y4•i.~7 4x.~X9~4;~I.!I 71 )1011 \duptttlHmlgt-tIG(),2311J,()()'l845"111 .6~$11•.62111.~681(>,59'>ll J7'7 ;'.. 1(.,19243,7'15~ >1s2i,.t.:!3.~.J&-1' 677~67Q;jI nt:1 l Opera line F\penses (t\fltttlint Otprrri:ttion) 391.325C )per:lting J n cume/( l.u

CJ .~H IUiljRegi onal Transportation DistrictFiscal \'e:u· 2012 \mended BudgetFasTrac"s Project (In Thousands)FASTRACKS PROJECT2111 [ \11Ua lzun ,\,luplt~:.Jwdown/fl.nCJe:l.sc 10 F 1., I r·1L~$

Regional Transportation DistrictFiscal Year 2012 Amended BudgetFasTracks Opentions (Jn Thousands)$ Fav/(lfl•rav) 'It Fnv/(llnlllV)2012 Am•uservt

....... " .......... .COMBINE DOpl'l'aling Rl'Vt'lllll'I· ueb .~Revenue,A •.:h• lllootng Rl!'t·enue;I ,t '-~-nt-.ne f{,.\(m•,..f 1 • t1llf'l,!:}L ....I tii:JI Opera1i.J1::, J{t'HnucOJWI':I Iin!! Etp cn~c~ (o•\durliug Dtprnl"1i'"''h•J 1 ~rcr,lhMslld Jpcr•l""'''"' t

Regional Tra nsportMion DistrictFiscal Year 2012 Amended Budget- Fund BalanceBase System nnd FasTracl 850.536 N52,737 ~201 03%1>/ontp39 r.)()0 ..\1T •hor R~••ove l1J,971\ ll.l8•J l18H G98 62%RfJfflct~·d .Vet ·hH!·/\' '20,?45 ,-63? 5..,.04.~ rS9/) .J m-;,Hoard Appropr.•te•i Fund I \)00 I311H)~ap otal Rep l •c~rncnt Fund 6,tii>O 6,0110nn•·•., o•1.Ope1atmg. Reserve 18.~6S 0 () 0 1'GL'm C>U l 7 771 ; d" ...'un w )','" 077R.,m,tid Not .4."''' 819,!119 4/5.373 r..U.67] 170,JIJ9 65. /W,1Jp

NET A SETSFASTRACKS OPERt'14.714ns,6712.J,J'lil(J,(lltl'\SSJI77l'l • ..O6,000~.~I\16.81~1,92!1,4111( ~16.4..1 7).. Rui:Na •Jt: uahulc I Ul h-.t't,lutEd .. .,riang up~al &n I incl1;:b 1\Dui.J ''·• are tcptl)·rrJU"n,trfj by t1411-J co·Jcr-t,.llll.$. c;Mu amtu:t !loud if" cn.lfh•rt U\d pc..uc- "'~• tcaa·.cs a;.c,. I pt~oi rtft'IVr 'lotlltbU IVIIi4bt. I fuM l':lfillC-)'til uptt'ld~Uttl r .. r lt".t f&ITI"*. ....S }K('f;flm• f.t~na~~ttl uve.w~dai..-tes:~J u.• e 'l"'' m j\111mliifl (:rUle C¢NIU'Od.ion(lt0\l f.ulrad.s t~~~~[l'(tlc.lll'l'22~•.?~7!3 · -~ ~-,' ,~3.10'."79•8.21'\1riO,' I] OJ1 &M~ 489)1HfH. I18)(57 1,191)~'211~~.811I ),(19711 0,59~7,61510~),

,.\t\aCfln'lttNAR!'YBI'IUe t.l'ld Qr~ta'•l •g E) Oe1"10!1\lre .A.Of"ilrf!tmtsOescr1 ttonRtvonu• BaseSa'es attd (J'U Td•~-taiGralllSFa'e Reve-rruernef Revenue3.~33.696, 86990619.862 ?4210000.000All' aunt21 426 0~2SubTotal Base. System Revenue Adjustment.a21.426,032 21,426,032OperaUng bpcndtturu BaseBus Opera~onsPrr.>Ovs/y P.pprowc Trams!•l!lRT Oper.~ornPrev•ousry Approved Trnn:JfersAdditional funds lor l'fd LED tlgnats ~" enllffi •IJgnmentf~o addJbonaJ S'gn•tffractton Power Mamtam~tt wa7es ~,.d lnrtge!J011~ adcHonal MOW lnstruaor!S,JpeM.sorM•y Sei\JCe AdjCJ>tmeNtC•rtra Comdorl"'~"'ems tondi'd byFASTERIJran:Pr,vate C...-ner OperatJonsPtev•ovsty Approveif'\l' .,,.._4 frt~Srtlfl! 1 t"t .S:a!a~"'l wag-~ lnd ft~n.ges rrom "~P!'"e te: rapta/ ,or CAQ/AVL 1nd s..~r pro;etlslldd·lronal lundmg for WIN programlncmase ,, Educat10t1 tPDP, EDP &. Requtred TritUIIfiQj(50000)(339500)10.80036.00026,00018,800~ooot.223.650500011,,77 131)278,0891786501)9J 8421Ptt~l;tO&JSit ADproved Tnnt'~rsAdt1'tiO~"i1A tra ... ~l ~ .. ~nusi007i0o-~L5002~fPV¥01JSl( Aporo"'~ "'"ttf'JSf~rJF ••tid Poss~/ltfVutJfl ~r •. mt:.UmonBonus0/.JS

'lttA(Nn~N A~t.'P-Ii'tJ~ m1 O,Cra ng E~par.Otwre Mj-ust.m ·~Revenu .. F11Track"Saf.s ,}nd Jt-ft TaAt=~er;,J G••r1fSnba JJan oJ7 997!.rnourt2$.,26 ~3~SubTotal FasTraeks Revenue Ad]uSiments25,326,335 25.321>,335Operating Elptndtture-a FasTrack.s-Constructlo•tPr~tf

2012 Requested Amended BudgetNew Capital Projects in 2012 Amended BudgetDollar ChangeCommentsFasTracksAURAR lA WEST CROSSOVER- pro,ect NEWBURNHAM YARDCRMF TO PECOSCOMMUTER RAIL MAINT> FACILITYDENVER UNION STATION-OVERSIGHTDUS SYSTEMS EAGLEEAST CORRIDORFASTRACKS MISC IMPROVEMENTSGOLD LINE1-225 CORRIDOR1-225 CORRIDOR SEGMENT 1LONGMONT STATIONNORTH METRONORTH WEST RAILNORTHWEST RAIL SEGMENT 2PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIONSIOUTH EAST CORRIDOR EXTENSIONSYSTENIMPROVEMENTSSOUTH EAST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTSU S 36 TVMs -proJect NEWWEST CORRIDOR FEDERAL PROJECTWEST CORRIIDOR GARAGEWEST CORRIDOR THIRD PARTY FUNDED PROJECTSWEST CORR IDOR 3RD PARTY BETIERMENTSTotal Fastracksn2,BOO Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget1,590,533 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget9,658,582 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget40,714,795 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget220.472,066 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget774.508 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget306,098,441 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget101 554 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget112,778.834 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget5,203 947 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget28.572.734 Fastracks New Caprtal per Amended Budget4,289 523 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget35,232,713 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget19.704,035 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget9,227,258 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget7,367.554 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget6 042 630 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget954,052 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget18 650.643 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget781 000 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget26,064 042 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget4,947 984 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget370,375 Fastracks New Cap1tal per Amended Budget2,330,909 Fastracks New Capital per Amended Budget----------------~--~--s862,701 ,512Base SystemFacilities Con struction and MaintenanceTRANSMISSION DYNAMOMETER UPGRADE51 450 Project Approved in 2012 SBPPark-n-ridesPINE JUNCTION104TH & COLORADO REPLACEMENT No Corridor1,337,700 ProJect Approved m 2012 SBP1,131 ,900 ProJect Approved tn 2012 SBPCapital Support ProjectsBUS SHELTER -2012STREET IMPROVEMENTS-2012LOCAL GOVERNMENT REQUESTS77 175 PrOJect Approved 1n 2012 SSP41 I 600 Project Approved in 2012 SBP308.700 Project Approved in 2012 SBP2)

Artacnmem 1:12012 Requested Amended BudgetNew Capital Projects in 2012 Amended BudgetDollar ChangeCommentsLRT ConstructionMAINTENANCE OF WAY FACILITY RIO COURT620 565 ProJect Apptoved in 2012 SBPLRT TransitSTATIONS-PLATFORM CCTV INSTALLATIONS133,770 ProJect Approved 1n 2012 SBPFleet Modernization & Expansi onINTERCITY BUSES26 381 492 ProJect Approved tn 2012 SBPCapital Su pport & Equipment: OperationsADMIN/POOLISUPE RVISOR VEHICLES( NEW)ADA CALL CENTER UPGRADESSUPPORT/SERVICE VEHICLES NEWFIXED ROUTE BUS STOP ANNUNCIATERSIN-PLANT VEHICLES & EQUIPSMART CARD SYSTEM ARRALRT NEW TVM UPGRADES. SE



REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTRESOLUTION NO._. SERIES OF 2012(Amendment to 201 2 Budget and Appropriations)WHEREAS, a number <strong>of</strong> changes have occurred in the anticipated revenues and expendituresas shown in the Resolutions adopting the 2012 Budget and Appropriation, an amendment andsupplement to the Appropriation Resolutions are necessary; andWHEREAS. the projected revenues <strong>of</strong> the Regional Transportation District have increased by$46.7 million due to adjustments in sales/use tax revenue, grant revenue, fare revenues, andother income since the budget was adopted; andWHEREAS, operating expenditures (excluding interest expense) have increased $50.6 millionprimarily due to transfers <strong>of</strong> capital to expense and the DUS contribution; andWHEREAS, interest expense has decreased $2.9 million due to capitalization <strong>of</strong> interest toreflect GAAP treatment in the budget: andWHEREAS, new capital expenditures have increased $47.2 million due to alignment <strong>of</strong>FasTracks corridor funding with updated timing adjustments for grant funding, and changes incost estimates: andWHEREAS, the unrestricted fund balance is projected to decrease $19.7 million due toincreases in year-end accruals and the net pension obligation; andWHEREAS, the previously approved capital has decreased $149.5 mi llion to reflect the fourthquarter 2011 actual expenditures, transfers to reclassify certain capital projects as expenseprojects, previously approved transfers, completion <strong>of</strong> projects. and project scope changes; andNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the RegionalTransportation District that the following adjustments be made to the 2012 Budget;a. Revenues be increased by $46.7 million for a new total <strong>of</strong> $923.2 million.b. Operating expenditures (excluding interest expense) be increased by $50.6mi llion for a new total <strong>of</strong> $559.5 millionc. Interest expense be decreased by $2.9 million for a new total <strong>of</strong> $50.1 milliond New capital expenditures be increased by $47 .2 million for a new total <strong>of</strong> $903.2mil!ion.e. The unrestricted fund balance be decreased $19.7 million for a new total <strong>of</strong> $16.8million.f. Previously approved capital expenditures be decreased by $149.5 million for anew total <strong>of</strong> $657.8 million.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2012 Appropriation <strong>of</strong> the District shall besupplemented, modified, and amended as set forth herein to defray the expenses and liabilities2!i

<strong>of</strong> the District and be appropriated for the corporate purpose <strong>of</strong> the Regional TransportationDistrict (in thousands)·Resolution(In Thousands)Operating ExpenseInterest ExpenseCapitalized InterestNew CapitalDebt PaymentsBoard Appropriated FundCapital Replacement FundFasTracks Contingency ReserveUnrestricted Fund BalanceCurrent Year Appropriation$$559,49050,07945,526903.25056,56313,2006,00030,00016,8121,680,920BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2012 Previously Appropnated Capital <strong>of</strong> theDistrict shall be amended as set forth herein to defray the expenses and liabilities <strong>of</strong> the Districtand be appropriated for the corporate purpose <strong>of</strong> the Reg1onal Transportation District (inthousands):Previously Appropriated Capital $ 657,795Passed and adopted by the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the Regional Transportation District onthe day <strong>of</strong> June. 2012Lee KempChairmanAngie MalpiedeSecretary26

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo. Phillip A Washington, General Manager Date: June 19, 2012From: Terry L~e_rter . Chief Financial Officer GMDate: June 19, 2012 Board Meeting Date:Subject:First Quarter 2012 Performance MeasuresACTION DISCUSSION INFOXPOLICY REFERENCEFiscal Policy Statements - Budget Policy 10DISCUSSIONAttached is the Performance Report for the First Quarter 2012. These year-to-date measures provide aframework in which <strong>RTD</strong> determines how well it provides service to its passengers and the citizens <strong>of</strong> theDistnct Of the 22 performance measures tracked, <strong>RTD</strong> met 15 <strong>of</strong> the goals in their entirety in the ffrstquarter. The following are the exceptions:Goal 1.1 - Veolia and First Transit exceeded the goal for number <strong>of</strong> safety incidents per 100,000 miles Anunusual number <strong>of</strong> accidents were <strong>report</strong>ed in 01 <strong>of</strong> 2012 incurred during January and February inclementweather. Veolia and First Transit are using DriveCam and Smart Drive technologies to help operatorsimprove/correct driving practices. Both contractors are providing Smith System retraining to all <strong>of</strong> theiroperatorsGoal 2.1 - Average facilities maintenance complaints per month exceeded the goal in 01 primarily due tosnow/ice complaints in February (20+ inches <strong>of</strong> snow plus thaw/freeze), shelter clean-up in March fromsnow. and n1ne instances where shelters have a one-time per week maintenance schedule . The number <strong>of</strong>weather-related complaints is expected to drop in 02.Goal 3.1 - The District did not meet its goal for local bus on-time service. Load times have increasedthroughout the District during this time <strong>of</strong> increasing ridership. Steps are being taken by Bus Operations(through the Amended Budget) to add service trips on the most problematic routes.Goal 3 3- Mileage between lost service road calls was met by all carriers in 01 except Veolia. Veolia hasreplaced the GM and Maintenance Manager (the new GM was introduced to the Board at the 4/10Operations Committee meeting) and Bus Operations continues to work with them to provide support andguidance to make a successful transition . We expect this measurement will be restored to goal in duecourse.Goal 4.2 - Customer complaint numbers have become available from the Trapeze monitoring system.First Transit and Veolia slightly exceeded the goal ln 01. We have seen customer complaints increaseacross the entire system due to several ongoing factors including the fare enforcement campaignincreasing ridership, and heavy/longer load times.Goal 5.1 - The District did not meet its goal with ADA on-time performance. During Q 1, carriers haddifficulties maintaining headcount due to a shrinking pool <strong>of</strong> qualified operators in spite <strong>of</strong> increased effortsto attract and retain drivers, and this has affected on-time performance.Goal 5.3 - A slight decrease in ADA on-time performance above resulted in a slight increase in averageADA complaints per <strong>board</strong>ing .

Board <strong>of</strong> Directors ReportJune19 2012Page 2AttachmentPrepared byReviewed by·Jannette scarp1no, Manager, Budget & Financ1at Anatye~ ~' \"'~~~ , ~~ - -~rTerry L Howerte~ Chief Financial Officer28

2012 PERFORMANCE REPORT-FIRST Q uARTERVISIONTO DELIVER REGIONAL MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTSTHAT SIGNIFICANTLY AND CONTINUALLY INCREASE TRANSIT MARKET SHARE.MISSION STATEMENTTO MEET OUR CONSTITUENTS' PRESENT AND FUTURE PUBLIC TRANSIT NEEDS BY OFFERING SAFE. CLEAN,RELIABLE, COURTEOUS, ACCESSIBLE, AND COST-EFFECTIVE SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT.Objectives:GOAL .L TO MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING SAFE• Reduce vehicle accident ratio• Increase preventive maintenance• Reduce passenger accident ratio• Improve light rail safety• Improve employee safetyTRANSPORTATION SERVICE.PERFORMANCE MEASURES:1.1 Reduce the number <strong>of</strong> safety incidents. 2010 2011 2:)12 2012(Department: Bus Operations) Actual Actual Goal 1st OtrVeh1cle Accident Involvements per 100,000 miles- Preventable 0.7 1.1 ~0 1.3<strong>RTD</strong> 0.3 0.9 ~0 1.0First Transit • Commerce City 1.4 1.5 520 2 2

To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING SAFETRANSPORTATION SERVICE.GO'"PERFORMANCE MEASURE~ (CONTINUED):1.2 Percentage <strong>of</strong> Preventive Maintenance inspections incurred as 2010 2011~ it1.2[Ischeduled every 6,000 mlles. 1 Actual Actual ~..oal(Department: Bus Operations)Percentage <strong>of</strong> Preventive Maintenance inspections incurred as scheduledeverv 6,000 miles -system wide99.4% 99.9%li1,(1<strong>RTD</strong> 99.4% 99.5% ·~.---First Transit - Commerce City 100% 100% •A----·-Veolia 98.1 % 94 70.o J8 'First Transit - Denver· 99.9% 100"', 19 .-----.First Transit - Longmont' N/A N/A ~Fl ,•Htstoncally tracked as combmed Denver/Longmont. Startmg m 2012, Ftrst Transtt wtll be dtsaggregated as Denver andLongmont stand-alone operations and metncs will be tracked separately' Inspections are scheduled 600 miles prior to 6,000 miles or 600 miles after 6,000 mtles.20121st Qtr99.a--99.5~1~98.5~1()0'%10

GOAL 2: To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING CLEAN-------------- ---- - -TRANSPORTATION SERVICE.Objectives:• Prompt graffiti removal• Prompt bus interior and exterior cleaning• Prompt shelter cleaningPERFORMANCE MEASURES:2.1 Prompt response to facility complaints. 2010 2011')fll ~· 2012(Department: Safety, Security, and Facilities) Actual Actual (,.-,;,1 1st QtrAverage Response Time Public Complaints < 4 hours

Objectives:GOAL 3: To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING RELIABLETRANSPORTATION SERVICE.+ Improve on-time performance• Improve miles between lost service road calls+ Decrease number <strong>of</strong> missed tripsPERFORMANCE MEASURES:3.1 Maintain system-wide on time performance. 2010(Departments: Bus Operations, Rail Operations)Actual2011 2012Actual(:,CW20121st Qtr 71Local On-Time Service- System-wide 88.6%RTO Local 89.2%First Trans1t - Commerce City :.;, ..:, ~aVeolia e'

GOAL 3: To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING RELIABLETRANSPORTATION SERVICE.PERFORMANCE MEASURES (CONTINUED):3.3 Improve miles between road calls. 2010 2011 ?01?(Departments: Bus Operations) Actual Actual ('itaMileage Between Lost Service Maintenance Road Calls (District) 1 ' 4 30,807 31,350 :h 000-<strong>RTD</strong> 28,956 29,550 76{00-Transit Bus 28,963 28.501Small Bus N/A N/AMedium Bus 30,449 N/AArticulated Bus 20,688 21,241Intercity Bus 34,683 36,821First Transit - Commerce City 33,942 39 321 .:'6000-~- ---Transit Bus 41,437 43,102---Small Bus N/A N/AMedium Bus 15,435 24,932- --Veolia I l (I _I· :6 ~ (l(\'lTransit Bus 21,331 20,407Small Bus N/A N/AMedium Bus 32,147 37,128---First Transit- Denver• 46,521 41,876 .'t. \)()IJTransit Bus 59,470 54.156Small Bus N/A N/AMedium Bus 27.850 28.239Cutaway Bus 59,842 21.546--- -First Trans1t- Longmont• N/A N/A .)f> 000Transit BusSmall BusMedium BusCutaway Bus-Hours Between Lost Service Maintenance Road Calls (Mall) 902 1,198 :!600D1stnct-wJde m1feage between lost seTVJce mamtenance road calls excludes the Mall Shuttles.1 Maintenance effectiveness for the Sixteenth Street Mall Shuttle IS measured in terms <strong>of</strong> service hours.3 Bus Operations continues to work with the new GM and Maintenance Manager at Veolia to restore measure to goal.4Average age <strong>of</strong> the fleet follows20121st Qtr30,35529,99733,996N/ANIA20,61730,96441.T":JO55,328N/A22,87116,893NIA23,012:50,59348.449NIA72,675N/AZ7M;32,077N/A24,30021,755n.,»;2012 2012QuantityAverage AgeFleet Average Number <strong>of</strong> Buses and Average AgeATD 572 10.87First Transit- Commerce City 122 6.84Veolia 118 7.91First Transit- Denver• II 122 6.59First Transit - Longmont ' 1: 68 9.95Mall Shuttles 36 10.49• H1stoncally tracked as combmed Denver/Longmont. Startmg m 2012, Flfsf Trans1t w1ll be d1saggregated as Denver andLongmont stand-a/one operations and metrics will be tncked separately-2012 Performance Repori- First QuarterMay2, 201233?age 5

GOAL 4: TO MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS Q.E THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING COURTEOUSTRANSPORTATION SERVICE.Objectives:• Reduce customer response time• Limit customer complaints• Decrease average wait time for telephone information• Complete installation <strong>of</strong> shelter <strong>board</strong>s by date <strong>of</strong> service changePERFORMANCE MEASURES:4.1 Reduce average customer response time. 2010 2011?Ill~ 2012(Department: Communications) Actual Actual r:;.o.;t( 1st Otr!Average TIC Call Wait Time (in seconds) 63 75 1

4.3 Complete installation o1 shelter<strong>board</strong>s by date <strong>of</strong> service changa.(Oapartment: Customer Services)Completed installation on time for January 2012 servtce changes.GOAL~ To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING ACCESSIBLEObjectives:• Improve on-time performance standards• Improve ADA trip availability• Improve ADA courtesyTRANSPORTATION SUPPORT SERVICE.PERFORMANCE MEASURES:5.1 Improve ADA on-time performance. 2010 2011 L(ll? 2012{Department: Bus Operations) Actual Actual --..II 1st OtrIAccess·a-Ride On-time Serv1ce ' 960/: % es s:./Access-a-Rtde servtce expenenced an mcrease m demand dunng che thlfd quartet. Vehtcle deployment has been adjusted toaccommodate the increased demand but has yet to be recalibrated properly to fully correct rhe situation· resolution continues.2During the first quarter, camers had difficulties maintaining headcount due to a shrinkmg pool <strong>of</strong> qualified operators, in spite<strong>of</strong> mcreased efforts to attract and retain drivers..5.2 Improve ADA trip availability. 2010 2011(Department: Bus Operations) Actual Actual.?Ot? 2012•:...oal 1st Qtr!Adherence to ADA mandate to have zero denials to service request 100% 1 00'7oll)(t .•1IQF...,5.3 Improve ADA courtesy. 2010 20 11(Department: Bus Operations) Actual Actual!Average ADA complaints per <strong>board</strong>ing 0012 .0008.JA sftght decrease m on-It me performance above resulted m an mcrease m customer complamts.201? 20121->()dl 1st Otr0010 00111'2012 Performance Report - First QuarterMay2, 201 235Page7

GOAL 6. To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING COST-EFFECTIVE AND.=....;:;...;.....;.;;;;_____ -- - --EFFICIENT TRMJSPOR-c:\TION SERVICE.Objectives:• Maintain cost recovery ratios+ Increase ridership+ Increase farebox and EcoPass revenue+ Improve route efficiency• Monitor selected internal functions for efficiency• Maintain cost effective and efficient transportation services+ Hire and train competent personnelPERFORMANCE MEASURES:6.1 Maintain all required recovery ratios. 2010(Department: Finance)Actual!Operating Cost Recovery Ratio 30.0%2011 ... , ?Actual ......,29.7% .102012lsi Olr.so.sc-,.6.2 Increase ridership. 2010(Department: Finance)Actualfoverall Ridership Increase' -. .0Rtdershtp was been tmpacted by the local economy and an unemployment rate <strong>of</strong> 8. 7 %.2011 ''(\!?Actual....,._ "d0.7% ~ '20121st 0113£-':::6.3 Increase in fare revenue, EcoPass revenue, and total revenue. 2010(Departments: Finance, Communications)Actual2011 .:o;?Actual ,:..C·.at20121st OtrFare Revenue· 1.0%EcoP~ss RevenueTotal Operating Revenue- J yN/A10.9%. --16.4% J --11.3}o I : ...."Fare mcreases took effect 1/1/08, 111109. and 1/1/ 11 Pnor to 2012, thts measurement was farebox revenue only .1.5~2.5-":::1~-:6.4 Monitor selected internal functions for efficiency. 2010 2011.~n,.,(Department: Communications) Actual Actual 11!Audits 20 20 _o20121st Qtr.!-- --- - ---2012 Perfom1:1ncs Reoor'i- First Qnarter.,hy "?, ~0 I ). ,36

~(" t'\" 1 6. To MEET THE PRESENT TRANSPORT A Tim ! NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT BY PROVIDING COST-EFFECTIVE AND- - - --- --- -EFFICIENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE.PERFORMAI~CE MEASURES {CONTINUED):6.5 Maintain bus operator/mechanic headcount within 2010 2011 ~'(Jl =-authorization. 1 Actual Actual(Department: Bus Operations)"'"Bus Operator- Vacancies 2 2.3% 0% !c (rBus Operator- Over Headcount 0.0% 39%~.-HIBus Mechanic -Vacancies 3.9% 1.3% I!.----Bus Mechanic - Over Headcount 0.0% O':·C. -:Jt (r .IAuthonzed headcount represents the level <strong>of</strong> personnel reqwred to meet serv1ce demands tn the current runt:Joard.2Human Resources has been authorized to exceed authorized headcount to compensate for operator attrition.20121st Qtro:.-=o.e~1.3=-...rp.,6.6 Maintain stock-out level. 2010 2011~'(I l .(Department: Administration) Actual Actual ( ,.. .. J!Stock-Out Level 3 0.8% 1.0% 1 .J . .Calculated as number <strong>of</strong> stock-out occurrences divided by number <strong>of</strong> requests .20121st Qtril.u""cGOAL 7: To MEET THE FUTURE TRANSPORTATION NEEDS OF THE DISTRICT.PERFORMANCE MEASURES.7.1 Deliver c ivic and neighborhood presentations to communicate 2010 2011 'fll.·with the public regarding service issues. Actual Actual ..... il(Departments: Communications, Executive Office, Bus Operations.Planning)Commumcations 64 79I

i .2 Accuraie l=inancial Ano;lysia 2011 I' OO"JQ 2012(Dapartman t: Fil'lance)Aciualallo1st QtrI ~Distinguished Budget Presentation AwardCet1ificate <strong>of</strong> Achievement tor Excellence in FinancialReportingR:~:!.'Sd O~t;nguished 1 "l· 'I, fit'"ll [1~\IISlil:!d3udgst Pr~3entalion Bl:tdrl,l•l ' '~ ~( lJ!ill· lA.,~d from the : ·.. ~ t:J It ''fitN/A3:)~e-mm;;on l FinanceI ... i-·OJ(Ij•_ 11 f !Oiil• I'Of~Cers Associ:::tion in I !fit. • !>, ~'-'>e

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo:From:Phlllrp A. Washington, General ManagerTerry L. Howerter, Chief Financia~Date: June 19, 2012GM:Date: June 5, 2012 Board Meeting Date: June 26, 2012Subject: Pension Accounting Update ACTION DISCUSSIONINFOXBACKGROUNDThe Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASBl has issued an exposure draft that addressesa forthcoming change in accounting for defined benefit (DB) pension plans. The GASB guidancewill be implemented for <strong>RTD</strong>'s fiscal year ending 2014, with the possibility <strong>of</strong> earlier adoption, andwill require a change in how <strong>RTD</strong> accounts for its DB pension plans. <strong>RTD</strong> has a DB pension plan forsalaried employees hired before January 1, 2008 and a separate DB plan for represented employees.<strong>RTD</strong> has a third plan for salaried employees h1red on January 1, 2008 and thereafter which is adef1ned contnbution (DC) plan for which there is no accounting impact from the exposure draft.A DB plan 1s a pens1on plan whereby a defined monthly retirement benefit will be provided by thepension trust based on the employee's earnings h1story and tenure. A DC plan 1s a retirement planwhereby employer contnbutions are prov1ded, the employee rl1rer.ts the investment <strong>of</strong> balances andthere IS no agreement to provide future ret1rement benefits over the employer contributions.Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require that <strong>RTD</strong> recognize a liability for unpaidobl1gat10ns in employee DB pension plans. Although <strong>RTD</strong> is obligated to only fund a specifiedpercentage contribution to its DB pension plans (8 % with an additional 3% contribution fromemployees for the represented employee plan and 9% for the salaried employee plan). it mustrecognize any unpaid pension obligation for accounting purposes. Unpaid pension obligations arisewhen the value <strong>of</strong> plan assets are less than the pension benefits to be provided, as determined eachyear by a third party actuarial analysis.When a pension obligation ex1sts, <strong>RTD</strong> recognizes a liability 1n its financial statements. Fo r financ1al<strong>report</strong>ing purposes, an mcrease in the pension obligation decreases the unrestricted fund balance <strong>of</strong><strong>RTD</strong> and vice versa.As <strong>report</strong>ed annually to the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors, the represented DB plan has had a growing obligation1n plan assets since 2002 while the obligation in the salaried DB plan has grown but remainedrelatively small. These shortfalls have been recorded as liab11it1es in <strong>RTD</strong>'s financial statements andhave recently been <strong>report</strong>ed as follows under current accounting gUidance:\'ear I· nclcd2008~009201020 II~e t Pension Obligation (,\'PO)Represented Salaried r otal'5 I .5.6-ll ,985 $ 886.8+-1 $ I o.52~.8:!9.22.881A6927.6'2 3.860) 1,98"'.011I.J..J-3.8922.520,0251. 385.0322·l227,36130. 1•13.88';17.3 70.06'539

Board <strong>of</strong> Dtrectors ReportPension Accounting UpdatePage 2 <strong>of</strong> 3Mitigation <strong>of</strong> the salaried DB plan shortfall was addressed through certam changes to the plan itselfas well as placing new hires after January 1, 2008 into the salaried DC plan. The represented DBplan was modified to contain a provision in which represented employees hired after January 1,2011 w1ll receive a benefit multiplier <strong>of</strong> 1% rather than the 2.5% multiplier received bygrandfathered employees. Certain vesting and years-<strong>of</strong>-service requirements have also beenchanged under this modif1ed benefit structure. A "Trigger" provision exists which will resc1nd th1smodified benefit structure if the actuarial required contribution (ARC) drops below 11% which is thecurrent employee and employer contribution rate. The ARC is the percentage <strong>of</strong> wages, calculatedby the actuaries, that 1s required to be contributed to the plan annually tn order to fully fund thepension benefits.DISCUSSIONThe purpose <strong>of</strong> this discussion is to update the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors on the current versus proposedaccounting impact <strong>of</strong> the shortfalls in the DB pension plans.Current accounting guidance requires that <strong>RTD</strong> <strong>report</strong> as a liability the amount <strong>of</strong> cumulat1veunderfunding to date as calculated through actuarial analysis. This liability is referred to as the NetPension Obligation (NPO) and assumes that future funding <strong>of</strong> the plan Will be at the ARCrecommended by the actuaries.The proposed accounting will require <strong>RTD</strong> to <strong>report</strong> as a liability, beginning in 2014, the differencebetween the current value <strong>of</strong> plan assets and the present value <strong>of</strong> future pension obligations. This 1sreferred to as the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL).DB Information from the most recent actuanal analysis performed as <strong>of</strong> January 1 , 2011 includes thefollowing:January 1, 2011 Represented Plan Salaried PlanAnnual Vesting * 2 .5% 2.5%--Assumed Investment Return 8.0% 7.5%<strong>RTD</strong> Contribution 8.0% 9.0%Employee Contributio_n __ 3.0% -Actuarial Required Contribution 18.1% 10.8%(ARC)f-Total Partictpants 1,676 753Plan Funded Ratio 68.7% 97.7%• The annual vesting for represented employees ltirtH.l 011 ur after January 1, 201 1 is 1.0% annually subjectto the "Trigger" proviston.A comparison <strong>of</strong> the two accounting methods usmg the January 1, 2011 actuarial analysts follows·40

Boatd <strong>of</strong> Dtrectors ReportPension Accounttng UpdatePag e 3 <strong>of</strong> 3Represented EmployeesSalaried Employee

BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTTo: Phillip A. Washington, General Manager Date: .June 19, 2012From: Terry L. Howerter, Chief Financial Offit:c1"1;(Date: June II, 2012Subject: Apri12012 Monthly Financial Status ReportBoard McetinJ: Date:ACTION DISCUSSIONII INFOXDASHBOARD (in Thousands)Current Month vs. Prior YearMonth" . , .\ I ~~I''Year-to-Date vs. Prior Year-to-DateActual v.s. Prior YearJltmrhBusLight Rat!Revenue Servitl: HoardingsMall ShuttleOther~1onrh S:,,;r.!m-Wide Boarding>• • •,:l,il'f7.lo;c.~.0'1976 l,Sll SIO.J;tlRIDERSHIP (in Thousands):!JJI.! 1m •. J/20// ~. llltU5.505 5,3251.871 1,89-t7,376 7,2191.159 1,223103 928.638 853-tVaria net180llJJ157((i,J)II104~ Variance.u~2.2%12.0'11.2'kt't(IT·/IJ· Dell('BusL1ght RailRevenue Serv&ce Boarding~Mall ShuuleOtherYear-to-Date System-Wide Boardings21,433 20.4877.169 7,02928,602 27 5164.57'i 4.7 19400 36633.577 32,6019461401.086(t.a.a)349764.6"'r2.0%3.9%liC':9.3%3.0%Actual vs. BudgetMonthY car-to-DateZiJJl,ld11ol 20ll Budf(tt8.638 8,29833,577 31,698Variance.\401.879% Varltmct~.1%5.9%~~9.08.8 .8.68.- 7.67.-11.2~~')~.. ~ l>'~ ~~~v,

Actual vs. Prior· Year:0,.1onthYear-to-Dah!Actual vs. BudgetMonthYear-to-Dates1o.o TFARE REVENUE ciu'lhuusandsl:!012 Actual 1011 Artuals 9,496 s 8.94337.588 35.066~0/.J ACUJal 1011 B uds!tts 9.496 $ 8,93437.588 34,131Vttrionceo/c Variances 553 6.2%2,522 72%Varianct'

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTST.\ TEMENT OF POSffiONA!> uf April30, 21H2 (In Thousands)( l 1 '\A li/JI'I'HJIRinD1011fiwt' \\.\1( '"1012r-,urroc1.s ,-.,,, •. r,2011 1012 December 31, 101/l'tu ltolllu r lp!o • umbwrd (llllll>lm·d ChniiNL'1lSSETSCLRJ{F~'T ASSET~:CaJ>h & Llsh Equi\'a.lemsRt'Cel\•~hles:s 56,438s :!117.686 s(31·'1 $ 323,810 ~ 478.509 s (154.699) (liSnlcs Tax~(irantsOther (less allowunce ror douhtlul •

REGION \L TRANSPORTATION DISTRICTSTATEMENT OF POSITION.\s uf April 30. 2012 tin Thousands)1U/JITIW)~rDZOJ!lltlU' ''~I· u.1012 2011Jt'tH fratA\ l'ruwn (· Dll'to1l'h OfH2012 December Jl, 2011( :\• 111111~ & l'.1yablt.Current J>onton <strong>of</strong> Long Trrm Debtt\o.:cru~cl Cmnpcns.UJunAccntctl lntl!rcsl l'ay.WkOtherTOTAL ,sn47,3':15lci.Jn11.12927.833129,607s ,5,65~ ~7.-1~9 -1:! -.'3.1!67 ..76.990 -s 61.52-1 s 313.36S s (2SO.t~-t4) m54.85~ 5·1.78tt li8l b .. WO 18.279 C l.MI!'I)4-1.996 16,63() :!lDbO27.1i33 10.911 (3.078)206.591 -B3,980 (2n.383)~0:'\C..:l' RRE.'H 1.1.-\BJUTIE.S:Li.1n g Tcnn Dd>tEJglc P3 Least' l'u)·ab)eNet P.:n•i,•n Ohhgat~nTOT,\1. :\Ul'i(' t i KJU :~ t LLUIIl.Hif •..,4:\4.477.37.370-19' Q471.424.1-17 -. ..- -I ~24 14- -1.878.()24 1,SW,819 (2.1'15)-.-J7.170 37.370 -1.915.99-1 1918.189 (~.19Sl~UlTOTAl. UAUILITIES~ (t21.454'!I 1.5111.137 ~s 2,122,5'1 1 ) 2.352.169 ~ (229.5711)NET I'OS/1'10/11ln\'Clil.:d 111 Captlal "''""''· ~-- c~f Rc .. Hw lkbtTi\IK>R FundDchl Rcservc,/l'roJc~l FundsOlhc-r Restrict~J t\~15FOISTrJckl. Cootm~~ncy fundFa.~T mcks Con;trucuon hmc.lOpcraung Reser~,Boord 1\pprorna1cd FundC:tpttal Rrphtccmrm FundUnrc~tnc1ed Fu111.l B~lanc~'I UTAL :-it:' I POSITI0:-1$ 92l:.!1311 .189II Ui99ltJ.tiiO-1'3.0006.00019,005~ 1.09·UIIis 72R.I63 s -5.5 19.\~11.82686.597.-JU.OOO -3-14.832 (31412.!159 .-.) 1.5.!6.7!16 s (3 1~ )s 1,651,376 s 1,536.529 .s 11~.1)4716,708 lti.388 J:.!O439,925 ~~6.417 3.50897.107 \11!.460 ( 1.253)~0.000 10.000 -344.5111 .359.657 li5.1W)2.!!59 19.867 (17.0W) 10:)13.()()('1 . 13.000 {4)6.000 (1.000 ,..,19.005 17.850 1.155s !.620.598 s 2.515.1611 $ ws ..uoTOTAl LL\BILlTIES & "'ET I'OSffl< I~~ 1.715.570~ J.027.9J4 '!I (314)s ~.743.1!10 s 4.1167,.337 s (124.147)(.l~ l'uvnwnllllllfl•lo UTP ror L.~lcl'lschcolule~ COtl'ltructoon p3)111\:lll <strong>of</strong>$22tllllillioulu JonUOI'}(41 OPf'l;,lhh~ ~·tH• fur Bibe '~

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT- COM/1/:YPIJST-\ TEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE IN NET POSITION\pril30, 2012 (In Thousands)Cl \'.ll IUJUJJItt»OI'ERATING Rf~VENUE:!~tooth\ l ontl1(. ,Jmhltl••' (..,,,,b;,, l-ad C:, Faa•/\clllall0/2 Budget2012 (Uujiu•J rUtifm•)-·----··- -----·.. -- - ......... -··YTOC:umbimJAcwn/201l---·--YTDC.omhwtJ Fov/ %f'ol'lBudget 2012 (Uufm•} (Utifm•)----- ---·---- ----l'a' .coga- F-Jrt:c $ 9.-H6 $ s.~l4 .$ 56~. 6.311;AJvcrtism:•, Rcn1 ~n.l Olllo..'f 45fi o~n fiiiJ -H~Totnl 0pclilllll!l. fd -142 .3% c -161 ·I L6'lAdll'lnL•IT.ltion 1,8 11 2301 ~'}() 21 •.3~l·1n:1nce 911 703 i~U~I -19b%CommurutaiiUII.!o 680 nr, 56 7.6%Execunvc Office -~~ 4~ OO'l-Bu.1nl Offic" 71 Ill II 13-lr.bOther Non-O.:panrnental E>.pclkhtun:s 39 il:l7) (17(>1 128.S'J>rx,rcclallon 11.523 1).'223 fUOOt -tO. I%rota! Opernllnf Expense• -13.461 42.847 (6141 14%84.291w .. n~572.3.92611.6431.9846.8242,4-I'J2.556182Ill36.136.956162.292S5.108 817 10'-" Ill11.921 1,486 1:!.5'1> ~~)688 116 16.9%12.48, a.~~7 68.5% (J)14.-11? 1.189 19.3% wI 7l!f> (198) · II 1% l5)9.~bS :2.-1-1-1 26.4% ·~!L~~2 1m •l.o·;. 17)3.13'J St\.1 ll!.b% cRI18~ .1 l(l%3.12 221 ci«,b'l (YI.(4-lbl (IS()'I) 1814% (10)32.1193 c-I.O(iJI 12A'1174.341 12,049 6.9%OPERAl'lNC, INCOME/ILOSSl (33.5091 tJ3.4"1J (6RI 0.2~"1122,927)1138.4021 IS 475 11.29'c:'\O!'IOPERATI'G RE\'ENLE tf\l'ENSESISale> .1.: Use T:t' :16.SO\I 14,4-H l.Jt>(> b.9~Opcrnuog Grnnt!. 4.817 6,262 ( 1.-14~1 -23.1%ln;c!l.tm:nl l!..:uu.: 79Cl 274 ~Ill 188:.1%Otl..:r lnconr. 876 ~·w (541 ·5.1!'.\Gacn/(los~) C.1p•t.11 ~ . . - 00'1ln~I'C'it E.\pcnsc (5.1161 cHS41 163:!1 141%Ner Nonoperuung Revenue ([.,pcu>CJ 38.176 37,425 7.~1 lU~IJ0.27-I111.85'11.6343.594-(20.)7())143.985129.~~b tO:llb l\O'h25.(141> (ti.lll7) 24.7%1.097 537 -190%l.72S (I J4l -36%0.0%07.!/Hl INCREASFJ(DECRE \SEl IN NE'l I'OSITIO"' \ 15,.15(1 ~ 20.797 \ ~.659 22.4%21.058&4.412... 105.4703J~2 17.666 520.R'.l~38.·131 45.981 119.6": tiHJ'> 41.8:0 s 63.647 152.2%t II 'rh( tarianc(" JlnuwnJ) due to pun,:h.a\t"tl lrau;-punuhun twang uruier budgtt from nu aocruuJ rt~rDDJ trum OM' priiJr \ear1! 1 lbt \'ll~ h '"'""" rn ....'*.... f"Q.il «.at~~tcu.:tACY camp:u:n ••n4 ,,o.• ml Dnd I'J"Al:( \\'cU Ua&- adhtlJOO , .. ~bro.-... "'a nr CSO.funl1_.11 '~ r.~rT.llk.'T"' t•rim .. riiJ 1iur i:e DrvadwaJ a..ad f..ucl.td tDn.wt impro,~b oot )~ ~.wta:c. i1K"\&11"t'd AI""" a; fundl bud;df'fl for the ~-.tL.r.t._,, tt.lf:uivo not \C"t tDc:urrNhi I Thr u~ U pnmanh tlu«- tu t.bc: ttmirt~ uf l'tvjt

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT - l:AS£ 1\f~Tr,STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE IN NET POSITIONApril30, 2012 (ln Thousands)l \ IUJ//1./Jl~mA-.jOPERA'I ING llf.VENUE:MonthMouthu,,~SV•/,\c'tual :!01:! BttdgttliJI::! tl'ujilv} 1U11Ja\')-l 1 :l~~eu~c1 hu-e \ 9.496 li S.9J-I s 51\2 6.\'.\>Adwrusang. Rem and 01hcr .:156 ~72 •I b) ·3..1'1lotal Oper;~tm~ Re•·cnuc 9.952 9.406 5-16 5M%Ol'ERA'nNC EX I'ENS~llus Operauon.\ .!1 .~54 2l.2b5 (89) ·0.4%l5 1·17 !U~l'lanmng 97 101 4 ·W'NCapllul Program! 306 461} lb3 34 S%S.<strong>of</strong>cty. Scturny ;u~R%!icncrol CnUJ~'el +12 .196 {.16) ·116'1l~ 11.1551 (1,3.11 I [176) l.l2'1l~tsTrack~ S•·r\lc2!1 7.-l'l.l (1. 1.!7) ·15.0%lot:U Operaun& hpe1~>eS }6..155 ll.to 5 no 0.61-OPEIUT I NC~ INCO!\l MI.OSSl (28.503) !29.269) 766 -2.6r.£NONOPERATING REVENUE (l!li.I'ENSESlS. e• &. U•e T3x 22.0ll6 20.b6:1 J..m 6.1J'kOpcrnun~ Gr.nt:; 4.783 6.262 ( 1.4791 -236\tlnv~Mmemlncoont" 237 Jl) 19ii 'i07.7c i1.6\l)) II.SOII IO!i -60'11'-ct Nonopemun~ Revenue cF~po:u:..:J ?.5.554 ~5..\5'1 195 0.8'1INCOME BEFORE CAPITAL C.IL\NTS (2.949) 13.!110) 961 ·24.6".;.( ·•1111~1 Grant> and Local Conmbuuons 201 2.4-IQ I 1-llSI -918'IN. o.o·~31..170 29.'173 tl.-197) ·50%1-18.291 155.007 6.716 -ll'lj!Ull,926)( 119.068) 10,142 8.5~S-U65 77,915 6.HO li.O't·18.777 25.0.16 (6.269) ·!5.0'N419 l'ib 261 lto86'it•654 7112 (128) - lt>.-1%. - 00~i6.6S4) (7.203) 'il9 7 2'1-97.331 %.6'16 635 0.7'(11,5951 (22,372) 10,777 48.2cr.3.187 5.598 (2..111) --IJ I':'s (8,4081 -~-· __,16.77-1) $ 8J66 --19.9';•

REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT- I" iSTUACKS I'RO.IFCTSTATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE LN NET POSITIONApri130, 2012 (ln Thousands)(n\ \LIJ/n'IJJ~m~CX>Ol'lRA TJNG REVENUE:l\lonth\ lonth;., ... ,,_-~. I'IOJ' I ',.,.[,.,,, ""-' /'r.· Fm•t tr, f"Ul'/Acrmrl :!Oil Budgn 20/Z (Urljao•) (Uufao•)···-··----- ----·- --·-·--- -----P~: 'sengtt fare~ s - s - ~ - 00\l:Ad~cnwog. Re•• and Ot!ICI' -c00'1-lotnl Opcr:llllljl Rt:venue - - 0.0%OP£RATINC FXI'ENSESa ••, Opetauotl> - 001n\ I 1 I 50.M:Plf'lcprecaauon 2.')(}1 7JO ( IHI ·297.7'1r:'1 oml Opcrnunll hpcn~ 4.907 3.772 II I ~51 -:10.1'!1.OPERA TIN(. INCOMEICLOSSI 1~.9071 (3,7721 (1,1351 31J.I 'ICNOSOPERATIIIOC RE\ENUE CI£XPENSESI:ialt:l. & U!>e lnx 14.721 U.77 1 J I).J~ ft9');Opcmung Grnn~' 34 -..1~ 0.()~lnvesunemlncolliL! 553 ! ~~ JIS ,,5 31),OtlteJ lncom: "'35 1J5 . OO'.i>Gaon/(l..os.) Capt!.ll Ac:b - - - O.O'llntetc>l Expcn>t (3.4231 c2.t>!13l (/4Ui 176~Net Nunoperunng Revenue CE,.pcusc) 12.622 12.0C1b 5S6 46%IIIIC0:-1£ BEFORE CAPITAl.. GRAN1S 7,715 K.Z94 (5791 -7.0%Cupllill Gr.~nl' aod u>.224 43.3',INCREASEICDECRP.ASE} IN NI.!T POSITION ~ _28~L __ $ __ 22,658 s S.(>-15 24.'1%YTDYTD/t. I,,,, .l. I' I'• o)

~00'\(0""'"REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT - l•'AS TRACKS OPERA TIONSSTATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGE IN NET POSITIONApril 30, 2012 (In 1l10usands)I IJNA L V/1'1:/))OPER•\TING RFVF.NUE:\1ooch\lonth'.,,,,.."~..OPio:RA TING EXPENSES13U\ Oper.i!JOIL\ - - 0.0%RaJI Operation> 5b 34-l 28S S3.7%Pl.lnrung . - OO'l>Capttal Prugrant1 . - OU'hSnlcty. Secumy nnd h&c&ht•~ .n 5tl 7 140%G~ncral Counsel - . . 00%Admrustrdtlon . - 00%I mance . 6 6 11.)0.0%Cntnmurucauon• - . 0.0%l .x~~uuvc Oflicc 0.0%Hoard Orfice . . 00%Other Non-Dep.1nno:mal E\pcndicurcs . - 00%fles 99 -I(Kl '01 15.\'KOPERA T!NG INCOMEI(LOSS) (9'Jl (400). 3()1 -75J "l-NO~OPF.RATINC Rf.VE:'/Lf.. (E:\.l'E"'SESJs, lc: &. lJ.e flU . . - U.O'lOpcraung Gran!$ . . IJO'kltwc~lt1tl:n tlncomc-0.0~{Jlhcr Income . . - 00'#u•tnl{lo>sl Cap&tlll "'~". OO'klmcre~t E,,pcll.'l!' . uo~Net Nonopemung Rc,cnue (Exp.:n>

REGIONAL TRANSPORfATlON DISTRlCTSYSTI~M 1% SALES & USE TAX INCLUDING VENDOR ALLO WANCEFISCAL YEARS 2011 AN D 2012~nt»l •:tcc1~t•m\'cmlur ..-\1111\\U aH'tto.sl 1 •.'1 Cullc:~tum~ Fe~~C IJtC III b\! 111112Otr•;4~~C )c4ohcr2H i ll,) rr,,.., t,.,.Nuveu&hc•211121111'1~~g-.sOcccmiJcl2012()')-•.~'1-oJ IIUII '\:1-.n ....,_!J.S!o1I )1-1It'll~~ [II.\ loll\..:hill l'lu~ ('L'\ fvrt..:~ )tfebru;a.r)!012\1urdl101~\pnl!tH!\Ia)"!Ut:!.tunc!Ot!lui>201!\ u~ u ''!Ut!\ c-rtember2011Ot..\ubc•lOllNu"e.mhtf!012Oc.:cenlbt•2012I o

Regional Transportation DistrictOur tnl

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