Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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S^PREPARATIONpatiently fubmitted to his omnipotent and moftmerciful! will. Neither doth want ofpatience onlyiir.patiency em- mightily enrage a crofTc, but italfo embitters aUtitnn aHcom- our Comforts. Thcbarcomifldonofa meerecomfmf,plcment in Mordecai did not only fill Hamms proudheart with many raging diftempers of hatred, maliccrevenge,foolifli indignation and much furiousHeflcr. ?. 1 1.'difcontenrment; but alfo turned all the pleafurc,and kindly relifh in his counly pleafures, riches,honours, offices, extraordinary advancements androyallfavours, into gall and worme-wood, ^ndHaman told them of the glory ofhis riches jandthe muL*'' ^' titude of his children y and all th things wherein thc:^King hadpromoted him^and how he had advanced himabove the Prin ces andfcrvants ofthe King, Hamanfaidmoreover^yeaEjlher the ^ueenedtdlet no mm come inWith the King unto the Banquet that fJ?e hadprepared,but m) felfe, and to morrow am J invitedunto her alfowith the King, Tet allthis availeth me nothingyfo longas Ifee (J\^lcrdecai the lew fitting at the Kings gatz^ .Whereas novj Davidy a King, as I told you before,by the benefit ofthis blefTed grace, did not fuiferhis Princely fpirit to be un- calmed at all, no nor bythe traiterous and moft inrollerable reviling of adead dog, and his bafeft vaffall.^Preparation. 2. Keepe offchy heart from the world, in thewlX. "^^^ greatet affluence ofwealth and worldly profperi-Mifchiefes of ty. Earthly-mindedneflfc ever fharpentth and*!2i*''*'keenes thefting inail diftreflfes.It gives teeth tothe crofTc to eat Ou^t the very heart ofthe affli

BE>FORE DEATH. 37jflhave made ge^ldmy hope, or have [did to thefinegoldy Thou art my confdence : iflrejoyced kcaufemyI^.ii.a4.wealth fvof great, and kcaufe wy hand had gottenfMtch : [_Herc "fky Divines, fomcthing is under- •Hicfubaudi©.ftood,as^/?'^^4W,£henl€tnieperi{h, orthclike] dy"^P^-^*"i*°v//b / heheldthe Sun when ttjhfncd, or the Moone rvalk- ^^^^g^jn heing in hrtghtneffe : ^nd my heart hath hcenefecretly ^ lob.j i .i

BE>FORE DEATH. 37jflhave made ge^ldmy hope, or have [did to <strong>the</strong>finegoldy Thou art my confdence : iflrejoyced kcaufemyI^.ii.a4.wealth fv<strong>of</strong> great, <strong>and</strong> kcaufe wy h<strong>and</strong> had gottenfMtch : [_Herc "fky Divines, fomcthing is under- •Hicfubaudi©.ftood,as^/?'^^4W,£henl€tnieperi{h, orthclike] dy"^P^-^*"i*°v//b / heheld<strong>the</strong> Sun when ttjhfncd, or <strong>the</strong> Moone rvalk- ^^^^g^jn heing in hrtghtneffe : ^nd my heart hath hcenefecretly ^ lob.j i .i

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