Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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34 PREPARATIONElies patience.i.Sam.3.18.Lcvit, 10.3.in peeces <strong>the</strong> heart <strong>of</strong>many a gracelcffe King! Andyet Davf^ by <strong>the</strong> helpe <strong>of</strong> this holy vertue, pafTcdon along patiently without woundjOrpalTion.That heavy newes which was fo horrible, thatit made both <strong>the</strong>eares <strong>of</strong>every one that heard it,tingle, brought by Samuel to £// immediatelyfrom Gods ownc mouth, might have mademany an carth-worme to have run mad with <strong>the</strong>very fore-thought <strong>of</strong> fo much mifery to comeBut good old patient Eli;whcn he had heard it all,fweetly ejaculates :vphatfeemeth him good.It u <strong>the</strong> Lo kd: Let htm docThe taking away <strong>of</strong> two fonncs at once by afudden <strong>and</strong> violent <strong>death</strong>, with vifible vengeancefrom heaven, <strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> middeft <strong>of</strong>am<strong>of</strong>thorrible finne, is naturally matter <strong>of</strong> forrowwhich cannot be expreft, <strong>and</strong> extreme/!: griefcyet KyiAYon in fuch a cafe having <strong>learned</strong> conformity<strong>of</strong> his ownc will to <strong>the</strong> divine pleafure <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>oncly wife Go d ; when il/^y^-^ told him that <strong>the</strong>Lord VDOuld he fantfifed in <strong>the</strong>m that come nighJmpatkncyworfetkenany(r<strong>of</strong>e.Bimy <strong>and</strong> before all <strong>the</strong> people He vpould hee glorifed -^Aaron held his feace. SoHe held his peace : K^ndquieting hisfo.heart becaufe God would have itSee fur<strong>the</strong>r for this purp<strong>of</strong>e, 2.Sam,^.i'^yi6,jfa.S9'^'^c.By <strong>the</strong>fc few precedents you may eafily perceivewhat fingular <strong>and</strong> foveraigne powerpatiencehath to pull <strong>the</strong> fting, <strong>and</strong> extrad <strong>the</strong> poyfonout <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t grievous calamities <strong>and</strong> grcatcfttroubles.But now on <strong>the</strong> contrary :Impatiency <strong>and</strong>unpleafcdneile

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