Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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soPREPAjRATIONin fuch vicfkorious and triumphant Songs as thefelob. 1^ 2j,»4, Q^ f^^f ^y words were now written, ohthdt they werefrinted in a booke !iron^enAndleadtn the rock for ever.That they were graven mth anFor, I knowpril.46. »,>, that my Redeemer liveth, (^c. Wee will net fearerthough the earth be removed : and though the moun^tMnes bee carriedinto the middefl ofthe fea : though1.0m. s 38the waters thereof roare^ and be troubled,though themountaines Ihake with the fveiling thereof Selah. /.. amferfwadedthat neither death nor Ufe^ nor K^ngels ,nor frncifalitiej nor powers, cjrc^ Yet for all thisthat oncly wife God of thine may hereafter forfome caufe feeming good to Himfelfe, and for thygood, with-draw from thee the light of His countenance,and fenfeof His love, and leave thee for atime to the darken effe ofthine one fpirit, and Sa-Meanei for fif tans foreft temptations, &c. Ply therefore in this^* profpcrity ofthy foule all bleffed meanesteufer^"'^sthe Mi-'"'^ *niftry, Sacraments, Prayer, Conference, Medita-.tions, humiliation-day es, holineffc of Hfe, clearenefleof confcience^ watching over thy heart,walking with God, fan6lified ufc of affiidions,experimental! obfervation of Gods dealingswith thee from time to time, workes of juftice,mercy and truth, &c. Thereby fo to quicken,fordfie and fteele thy faith, that in the bittereft ex-^tremity ofthy fpirituall diftreffe, thou maift bee a-blc to fay with lob, Though He flay me, yet will I trujiin Him, lob, 1 3 . 1 5 • A thoufand croffes moe, calamities,and troubles may over-take thee beforethou takcft thy leave of this vale of teares : It wiHbee thy wifdomc therefore now in this calme toprovide

BEFORE DEATH.'31provide for a ftorme j trcafurc up out of G o d sBooke many mollifying medicines and foveraigneantidotes againft all flavifli and vexing forethoughtofthem in the meane time, and their bit-gJTz)^" tw^-eth hu.ternelTe when they fliall come upon thee. Thou Jn^b^'^'maiftbeairiiredjifthoubeea fonne^thy heavenly ifals.^^^&c^'Father will ever corrcdthee 51.' Never kfore 'ir^ 27.7*8.there be need-: and alw ayes in 2, ^ Pf'/fdomc^. :^^^'^^^^'^\}^'5.*^(Jiieajure, 4. ** Lovc^ ma tendermjjc^. i.Cor. 10. ij.5. For * a moment onely. 6. To *" try thee-^ what "*i'rov.j.i2.droffe of corruption,and what found metall of RevT^^^9!'fra.grace is in thee. 7. To s purge out finne. 8> To 6i.9.'Vh.ioi.*»refine thee, and make the vercues ofChrist in Ji^-'-Hof.ii.thee more fliining and illuftrious.*9. To ftirre A'nd^'l^j'/ii.'up, quicken and increafe all faving graces in thy iT.Ands4.11.foule. Ofwhich fee my Expo/ition upon the 26. V2kuo^'< scChapter of7/i. Amongft all the reft, Faith ever lo^V.&uj.becomes moft famous by afflivftions. Witneftc ^^^^^O'-^'-thatcloudofwitncfrcSj^^^. ir. 10. To ^ make And/7.16.theeblefled. 11. To'favethec. 12. And Hee icr.j.n.Mic" will be ever with thee in trouble. 13. He "will ^'^f' ^deliver thee. 14. Nay, and never was Gold- pfiime. 66.10.Smith more curious and precife to watch the very Proverb. 17.3.firft feafon, when his gold is thorowly refined and [i^" |''*ffitted for ufe, that hee may take it out of the for- « id. iis.Andnace^'than ourgratious Go j> ^ waits in fuch ca- p; And 27.9.fcs with an holy longing, that Hee may have mer- pr^uT^^ upon thee and deliver thee. But howfoever, or 'Dan.u.jf.^^'^^^lach.whatfoeverbefals thee in this life, ' thou muft upon r f1J.9. I. Pet. I.6,7.* Ioh.iM.Rom5,Ja4,f.ira.z6.j>. Iam.i.2,?. ''Iob.j.17. lam.x. tz.And f. rt.Pfal*94.1a, * I. Cor. 1 1.5 1. t.Cor.4 17. •ir.i 41.10,1 1. And 4J. 2 - Pfal.91.1j, "lob.ji?.i9,PfaIj4.i7,iS,ipAnd jo.15. Andpi.i j. *Ifa go. 18,necefllty

soPREPAjRATIONin fuch vicfkorious <strong>and</strong> triumphant Songs as <strong>the</strong>felob. 1^ 2j,»4, Q^ f^^f ^y words were now written, ohthdt <strong>the</strong>y werefrinted in a booke !iron^enAndleadtn <strong>the</strong> rock for ever.That <strong>the</strong>y were graven mth anFor, I knowpril.46. »,>, that my Redeemer liveth, (^c. Wee will net fearerthough <strong>the</strong> earth be removed : <strong>and</strong> though <strong>the</strong> moun^tMnes bee carriedinto <strong>the</strong> middefl <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> fea : though1.0m. s 38<strong>the</strong> waters <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> roare^ <strong>and</strong> be troubled,though <strong>the</strong>mountaines Ihake with <strong>the</strong> fveiling <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong> Selah. /.. amferfwadedthat nei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>death</strong> nor Ufe^ nor K^ngels ,nor frncifalitiej nor powers, cjrc^ Yet for all thisthat oncly wife God <strong>of</strong> thine may hereafter forfome caufe feeming good to Himfelfe, <strong>and</strong> for thygood, with-draw from <strong>the</strong>e <strong>the</strong> light <strong>of</strong> His countenance,<strong>and</strong> fenfe<strong>of</strong> His love, <strong>and</strong> leave <strong>the</strong>e for atime to <strong>the</strong> darken effe <strong>of</strong>thine one fpirit, <strong>and</strong> Sa-Meanei for fif tans foreft temptations, &c. Ply <strong>the</strong>refore in this^* pr<strong>of</strong>pcrity <strong>of</strong>thy foule all bleffed meanesteufer^"'^s<strong>the</strong> Mi-'"'^ *niftry, Sacraments, Prayer, Conference, Medita-.tions, humiliation-day es, holineffc <strong>of</strong> Hfe, clearenefle<strong>of</strong> confcience^ watching over thy heart,walking with God, fan6lified ufc <strong>of</strong> affiidions,experimental! obfervation <strong>of</strong> Gods dealingswith <strong>the</strong>e from time to time, <strong>worke</strong>s <strong>of</strong> juftice,mercy <strong>and</strong> truth, &c. Thereby fo to quicken,fordfie <strong>and</strong> fteele thy faith, that in <strong>the</strong> bittereft ex-^tremity <strong>of</strong>thy fpirituall diftreffe, thou maift bee a-blc to fay with lob, Though He flay me, yet will I trujiin Him, lob, 1 3 . 1 5 • A thouf<strong>and</strong> cr<strong>of</strong>fes moe, calamities,<strong>and</strong> troubles may over-take <strong>the</strong>e beforethou takcft thy leave <strong>of</strong> this vale <strong>of</strong> teares : It wiHbee thy wifdomc <strong>the</strong>refore now in this calme toprovide

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