Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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BEFORE DEATH. 27dawbers, <strong>and</strong> juftifie all downc-right dealers ;con- ^['J^^^'f^lTtempt <strong>of</strong>whole coimrdl, would now ciit in peeces<strong>the</strong>ir very heart-ftrings with reftleffe anguifli <strong>and</strong>horrour, <strong>and</strong> mightily flreng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> never-dyingwormc; whereby <strong>the</strong> enraged foule will thruftitsownch<strong>and</strong>s>asit were into its owne bowells,<strong>and</strong> teare open <strong>the</strong> very foiintaine <strong>of</strong> life <strong>and</strong> fenfeto feed upon it felfe. For, <strong>the</strong> worme <strong>of</strong> confci- irhat is <strong>the</strong>cnce (fay Divines) is onely a continuall remoife ^j'^^ojcon^<strong>and</strong> furious reflexion <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> foule upon its owne ^'^'^'^^'wilfull folly;<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>reby <strong>the</strong> w<strong>of</strong>ull mifery it hathbrought upon itfclfe.2. This may ferve fo ftirre up all <strong>the</strong> fonnes The benefit »/<strong>and</strong> daughters <strong>of</strong>wifdomc to hoard up with all ho- ^^^^y^"^'''^'lygreedinefTeJnftead <strong>of</strong> earthly pelfe, tranfitorytoyes <strong>and</strong> fliiningclay, <strong>the</strong> rich <strong>and</strong> lafting treafures<strong>of</strong> divine wealth <strong>and</strong> immortall graces.For,<strong>the</strong>fe heavenly jewels purchafed with'C h r i s t sbloud, <strong>and</strong> planted in <strong>the</strong> heart by <strong>the</strong> omnipcrcnch<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Holy Ghost, will (iuno comfortablyupon our foulcs with beames <strong>of</strong> bleflfednefle<strong>and</strong> peace? ?.n:iid all <strong>the</strong> miferies <strong>and</strong> confufions,<strong>the</strong> darlcnelTe <strong>and</strong> m<strong>of</strong>t defperatedangers <strong>of</strong> thisprefent life ; nay, in <strong>the</strong> very va//ey <strong>of</strong>ffjc Jlhtdow <strong>of</strong>^(C'.W/, <strong>the</strong>ir fplendour <strong>and</strong> fpirituali glory will notonely diffolve, <strong>and</strong> difpell all mifts <strong>of</strong> horrourwhich can poiTibly arifefrom <strong>the</strong>apprehenfion<strong>of</strong>hell, <strong>the</strong> grave, th<strong>of</strong>c laft dreadfull par^s, or anyo<strong>the</strong>r terrible thing; but alfo illighten, conduct <strong>and</strong>carie us triumphantly thorow <strong>the</strong> abhorred confines<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> King <strong>of</strong>feAre upon <strong>the</strong> wings <strong>of</strong> )oy,aad in <strong>the</strong> armes <strong>of</strong>Angels, to umffroachdle light,unknovvnc.

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