Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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BEFORE DEATH. 25<strong>and</strong> zeale, knowing too well, by long obfeivation<strong>and</strong> acquaintance, that <strong>the</strong>y never yet pafTed <strong>the</strong>peifedions <strong>of</strong> formall Pr<strong>of</strong>efTours , <strong>and</strong> fbolifhVirgins : Alas / Wee <strong>the</strong>n find by too much wo-^ormaii Pr<strong>of</strong>ullexperience; ifchcy politicJcly bite it not in, ^^^'"^^'that this faithfuU deahng doth marvcloufly difcontent<strong>the</strong>m, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe frcciotts Balmes do breakc<strong>the</strong>ir heads with a witneffe , <strong>and</strong> make <strong>the</strong> bloudrunne about <strong>the</strong>ireares ; whereupon <strong>the</strong>y arc wontto fall upon usmorefoule, ( fuehtruc Pharifes are<strong>the</strong>y) than would ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> drunkard or goodfellow,<strong>the</strong>Publicans <strong>and</strong> harlots do in fuch cafes:<strong>the</strong>y prefently fwelling with much palTionate heat,proud indignation, difdaine<strong>and</strong> impatiencytobereform'd, have recourfe to fuch wcakc <strong>and</strong> carnallcavils, contradi(5tions^ exceptions, ex cufes,<strong>and</strong> raving; that in nothing more doe <strong>the</strong>y difcover to e-very judicious man <strong>of</strong>G o D,or any who doth notflatter <strong>the</strong>m, or whom <strong>the</strong>y doe not blinde with<strong>the</strong>rr entertaincments <strong>and</strong> bounty, or delude withpainted pretences, <strong>and</strong> art <strong>of</strong> fceming, <strong>the</strong>ir formality,<strong>and</strong> falfc heartcdnefTc. K^ndyet, as <strong>the</strong>yLordare charaderiz'd, Tfi.^y,!. They feeke <strong>the</strong>dMly J <strong>and</strong> delight to know his wayes y as a nation thatdid righteoufnejfe^ <strong>and</strong> forfioke not <strong>the</strong> ordnance af<strong>the</strong>ir God; <strong>the</strong>y aske <strong>of</strong> Htm <strong>the</strong> ordinances <strong>of</strong>jufice : <strong>the</strong>y take delight in approaching to Go niThey may have divine Ordinances on foote in<strong>the</strong>ir families, cntertaine Go d s people at <strong>the</strong>irTable s,/i/? <strong>and</strong> afflifi <strong>the</strong>irfotiles upon daies <strong>of</strong>humiliation,as appeares in <strong>the</strong> fore-cited ChapterVcrfe 3. Beare <strong>the</strong> word gladly, with Her&d-y <strong>and</strong>with

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