Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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16 PREPARATIONandcaftdowae: nay, why diouldhe not be 'extraordinarilyraifed and ravifhed in- fpirit withmuch joy full hope, and fwcecaflurance, when hethrowes himfeife downe at the Throne of grace jiich thed-earefl: Sonne of the eternal! G o d, theHcire of heaven and earth, the Mediator of thegreat Covenant of endlefle falvation is his Advocateat the hand of His Almighty Father in thej^JLukc*23.34.moft high and glorious Couit of Heaven ftWherefore when an humbled foule, and trenpblingfpirit is fore troubled, and almoft turnedbackefrom hispurpofe of prayer, and proftrationat the foot of heavenly Majefty* by entertainingbefore-hand a feeling apprehenfion of hisowne abhorred vilenefTe, and the holy purity ofGods all-feeing and fearching eye, tvhuh cannotlooke on iniquity ; let this confideration comfortand breed confidence, that Jesvs Christ theSonne of Q o d s love doth follicite and tender thefuit,who out ofHis owne fenfe and fympathy offuch like troubles aind temptations, dothdeale forus with a true, anaturall, and a fenfible touch ofcompailionateneffe and mercy. Shall that bleffedSaviourof ours call and cry for a pardon to HiswhoFather, for thofe which put Him to Death ;were fb farre from feeking unto Him, that theyfought and fuck'd His bloud ; and fhall He fhut Hiscares againft the groanes ofthy grieved fpirit, andheavy fighs ofthy bleeding foule, who values onedrop of His bloud at an higher price, thaniheworth ofmany world^f It cannot be.Thus that faying of Sdomonj and this counfellof

BEFORE DEATH.i^ofC H n I s T makes good the truth of the PoIrCjwhich jnay furthef appearc by thcfe Reafons.I. Taking this counfell berime, and hoarding' "Rm/o»^ /orup heavenly things in this harvcft time of grac€, llt^^uftlHioi,mightily helps to alTwage the fmart, mollifie the ut aUaies thebitterneflc, and illighten the darkncfTe of the cvill ^"^'^ '^ '^'^''Day. It is foveraigne, and ferves to take the vcnime,ftingand teeth out of any croflc, calamity,ordiftrefTe ; and fo preferves the heart from thatraging hopclefTe forrow, which, like a devouringHarpie^drics up^dilTolves, and dcftroyes thcbloud,fpirits,and lifeof all thofe who are deftitute offuch a divine Anti'dote. What vaft differencemay wee difcerne betweene lob and Itf^as ; Bazidand K^chitofhel, wthedayes ofevill't The two menofG o D being forma*ly enriched with his favourandfamiliarity,fo behaved themfelves, the one inthe fhip-wracke ofhis worldly happineife, the o-ther in the hazard of his Kingdome, as thoughthey had not bcenc troubled at all : The Lord Jot.i. .gave , and the Lokd hath taken away, faith lob,when al 1 was ^oncbleffed be the n^ne of the Lord.iflflailfindfavour in the eyes of the Lord, faithDavrdyHe will bring mee a^aine, andfhew me both it,and His habitation, ButifHeethusfay-,lharve no delightin thee : behold, here am 7, let Him doe to mee, atfecmethgcodunto Htm, But the fpirits of the othertwo falfeand rotten-hearted fellowes in the timeof trouble were fo overtaken, nay, over -whelmedwithgricfe, that they both hanged thcmfelves.j^sam. ij. if.i^.3. This holy providence before hand may l^Vr'""'Chappily

16 PREPARATION<strong>and</strong>caftdowae: nay, why diouldhe not be 'extraordinarilyraifed <strong>and</strong> ravifhed in- fpirit withmuch joy full hope, <strong>and</strong> fwcecaflurance, when hethrowes himfeife downe at <strong>the</strong> Throne <strong>of</strong> grace jiich <strong>the</strong>d-earefl: Sonne <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> eternal! G o d, <strong>the</strong>Hcire <strong>of</strong> heaven <strong>and</strong> earth, <strong>the</strong> Mediator <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>great Covenant <strong>of</strong> endlefle falvation is his Advocateat <strong>the</strong> h<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> His Almighty Fa<strong>the</strong>r in <strong>the</strong>j^JLukc*23.34.m<strong>of</strong>t high <strong>and</strong> glorious Couit <strong>of</strong> Heaven ftWherefore when an humbled foule, <strong>and</strong> trenpblingfpirit is fore troubled, <strong>and</strong> alm<strong>of</strong>t turnedbackefrom hispurp<strong>of</strong>e <strong>of</strong> prayer, <strong>and</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>trationat <strong>the</strong> foot <strong>of</strong> heavenly Majefty* by entertainingbefore-h<strong>and</strong> a feeling apprehenfion <strong>of</strong> hisowne abhorred vilenefTe, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> holy purity <strong>of</strong>Gods all-feeing <strong>and</strong> fearching eye, tvhuh cannotlooke on iniquity ; let this confideration comfort<strong>and</strong> breed confidence, that Jesvs Christ <strong>the</strong>Sonne <strong>of</strong> Q o d s love doth follicite <strong>and</strong> tender <strong>the</strong>fuit,who out <strong>of</strong>His owne fenfe <strong>and</strong> fympathy <strong>of</strong>fuch like troubles aind temptations, dothdeale forus with a true, anaturall, <strong>and</strong> a fenfible touch <strong>of</strong>compailionateneffe <strong>and</strong> mercy. Shall that bleffedSaviour<strong>of</strong> ours call <strong>and</strong> cry for a pardon to HiswhoFa<strong>the</strong>r, for th<strong>of</strong>e which put Him to Death ;were fb farre from feeking unto Him, that <strong>the</strong>yfought <strong>and</strong> fuck'd His bloud ; <strong>and</strong> fhall He fhut Hiscares againft <strong>the</strong> groanes <strong>of</strong>thy grieved fpirit, <strong>and</strong>heavy fighs <strong>of</strong>thy bleeding foule, who values onedrop <strong>of</strong> His bloud at an higher price, thaniheworth <strong>of</strong>many world^f It cannot be.Thus that faying <strong>of</strong> Sdomonj <strong>and</strong> this counfell<strong>of</strong>

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