Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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BEFORE DEATH. 13ravi{hment<strong>and</strong> joy, which orcly can feed <strong>and</strong> fill<strong>the</strong> reftlcfle <strong>and</strong> infinite appetite <strong>of</strong> that immortaJlThing with fullncffe <strong>of</strong> contentment, <strong>and</strong>frclhpleafiires,world without end.Thrice blefled <strong>and</strong> fweet <strong>the</strong>n is <strong>the</strong> advice <strong>of</strong> ^^^ .»«'»'^ '*our Lord <strong>and</strong> Maftcr J e s v $ C h r i s t> who tlilgTbeimtlwould have us to turne <strong>the</strong> eye <strong>of</strong> our delight, <strong>and</strong> <strong>things</strong> above,eagerneffe <strong>of</strong> affedion, from <strong>the</strong> fading gl<strong>of</strong>fe <strong>and</strong>painted glory <strong>of</strong> earthly treafures; wherein naturally<strong>the</strong> worme <strong>of</strong> corruption <strong>and</strong> vanity everbreeds,<strong>and</strong> many times <strong>the</strong> worme <strong>of</strong> an cvill confcienceattends; <strong>the</strong> one <strong>of</strong> which catsout <strong>the</strong>irheart when wee expe(5t an harveft j The o<strong>the</strong>rfeizes upon <strong>the</strong> Soule in <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> forrow, <strong>and</strong>finks it into <strong>the</strong> loweft hell : And as Men <strong>of</strong> Gc d,<strong>and</strong> Sonnes<strong>of</strong> Wifdome, to mount our thoughts,<strong>and</strong> bend our affedions to<strong>and</strong> raife our fpirits,<strong>things</strong> above 'jwhich are as faire from diminution<strong>and</strong> decay, as <strong>the</strong> vSoule from <strong>death</strong> ; <strong>and</strong> can beeno more corrupted or (liaken, than <strong>the</strong> Seat <strong>and</strong>Omnipotcncy <strong>of</strong> G o i> furprifcd. For, befides TUferme u-that, <strong>the</strong>y infinitely furpafie in eminency <strong>of</strong>worth ^^^xt <strong>things</strong><strong>and</strong>Aveetneife<strong>of</strong>pleafure, <strong>the</strong> comprehenfion oi^'^''^^''^'''''<strong>the</strong> largeft heart, <strong>and</strong> expreiTion <strong>of</strong> any Angelstongue; <strong>the</strong>y alfo out- laft <strong>the</strong> daycs <strong>of</strong> heaven,<strong>and</strong> runparallell with <strong>the</strong> life <strong>of</strong> God, <strong>and</strong> line <strong>of</strong>Eternity. As we fee <strong>the</strong> Fount aine <strong>of</strong> all material!light to powre out his beames, <strong>and</strong> fhining abundantlyevery day upon <strong>the</strong> world withoutwearincire5emptinefle,or end; fo, <strong>and</strong> incomparablymore doth joy <strong>and</strong> peace, glory snd bliflc, fpring<strong>and</strong> plentifully flow every moment with frcfhftreamcs

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