Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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'It4 PRE PA R ATIONJ<strong>the</strong> waycs <strong>of</strong>thcj»/?, Verfey. See Uremie 1 7.7.Now whereas <strong>the</strong> Prophet in <strong>the</strong> firft placedoth fumifh <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong>Go d before-h<strong>and</strong> witha ftrong counter-comfort <strong>and</strong> cordiall againft <strong>the</strong>irfaintirgs in <strong>the</strong> fornace <strong>of</strong>affli(flion,we may <strong>the</strong>ncebeinftruded,that,PTdvijiQn to beDo cr, Jtis an holy wifdom!', <strong>and</strong>ha^fy thingyUmale a^ain/t trcafureupccmfcrtahlefrovifionagainfi<strong>the</strong>Ddy<strong>the</strong>eviUday.<strong>of</strong>caLimty.M'lfcVtt^t <strong>of</strong>Ce-^uy tn quiet.is good counfelly md aklejfed csurfe, t<strong>of</strong>ioreufcomfort ag<strong>of</strong>nfl <strong>the</strong> evtllDayHe thatga<strong>the</strong>reth in Summer, (faith Salomon) k 4fonne<strong>of</strong> underf<strong>and</strong>ng : But he thatfleefeth in Har-,n/efiis a fonne <strong>of</strong> confufim, Trov. 10.5. If not by animmediate fcrnre,yet by a warrantable analogy <strong>and</strong>good confequent this Place will beare this Paraphrafe.That man which now in this fliire <strong>and</strong> feafonabicSun-fhine<strong>of</strong> his gracious vifitation is lull'dafleepcwith <strong>the</strong> Sy ren-fongs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe fenfuall times uponfwims downe <strong>the</strong> tempori-<strong>and</strong> lewdeft dayes with<strong>the</strong> lap <strong>of</strong> pleafure ;zing torrent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>fe laftfull faile<strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>perity<strong>and</strong>eafe, againft <strong>the</strong>fecretwafts <strong>and</strong> counter-blafts (as it were) <strong>of</strong> a reclaimingconfcience, as thouf<strong>and</strong>s doe, to <strong>the</strong>ir utter un.doing for ever; mif-pends his golden time, <strong>and</strong>many goodly opportunities <strong>of</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>ring fpirituallM^tnnay ingrafping gold, ga<strong>the</strong>ring wealth, growinggreat, greatning his p<strong>of</strong>terity, clafping about<strong>the</strong>arme<strong>of</strong>fleih, fatisfying <strong>the</strong> appetite, <strong>and</strong> fervinghimfelfe : In a word, he that while it is calledToday,x\xm^s not on Gods fide^ <strong>and</strong> by forwardncfTc

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