Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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<strong>the</strong>lifetocomenaifiedmth feeing^ nor <strong>the</strong> e^efilled ^ith bearingsfaith <strong>the</strong> wife maa. The miDrc a man covets<strong>and</strong> hunts alter <strong>the</strong> <strong>things</strong> <strong>of</strong>this lifc^his dcfiresare hereby more enlarged, but not hiscontentmenti for <strong>the</strong> mind is not plcafed inthat it is not fatis&d.^^^^«'»- ^'-Get <strong>the</strong>e gone <strong>the</strong>n, O my foUlcj<strong>and</strong> flie ^^hence tq th<strong>of</strong>e celeftlall manfions w here on- condufm,ly thou (halt finde reft, ihere^ <strong>the</strong>relhailallthy defif cs be filled,<strong>the</strong>re (hall <strong>the</strong> prefencc<strong>of</strong>GoorepleniQi <strong>the</strong>e with unutterable de- mtoTrme u,lights,<strong>the</strong>rc ancly (halt thou hearcf/;^i?wV^ nuulraaple^<strong>of</strong>joy<strong>and</strong>gladnejfe, <strong>and</strong>fonoy <strong>and</strong> mcwmng ~;^^^/hall flee ax;> ayi divorce thy affections from fin'^'l/^!'f!'^'<strong>and</strong> from all <strong>the</strong> pleafures <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> worldthoughnevcrfodeare tothce, <strong>and</strong> marry<strong>the</strong>m to Christ, thy gainc fliall bee great,thy glory greater^ even life <strong>and</strong>happineflefor evermore. Why (hould'ft thouftay <strong>and</strong>abide any longer here amongfl <strong>the</strong> enemies<strong>of</strong>thy peaccjamid'ft fo many forrowes <strong>and</strong>affli^iouspurfuing <strong>the</strong>e for thy fins?Who 'Deikatmes fiwould not forgoc a cottage togaine a King- dm cumf^cuiodomc?who would not exchange a few fraile Zntmcbficomforts <strong>of</strong>this life, for th<strong>of</strong>e ^^^^^^^^^ i'il^^.Z^'''C joyesJ

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