Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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tbelifetacome.mcnin <strong>the</strong> world were united into one Angularperfcdion: yet it would not fo muchas decipher unto us oneray <strong>of</strong>GoDs gloriouscountenance that (hall (hine upon usin Heaveni In his prefence({sLith <strong>the</strong> PJalmift)<strong>and</strong> it is <strong>the</strong> fullneffe thatisfuilneffe <strong>of</strong>joy jmakes up <strong>the</strong> joy^. Hence it is that in <strong>the</strong>earth <strong>the</strong> foule can have no true joy^becaufeit can have no fuInerfj,nothing in earth canfill <strong>the</strong> dcfires <strong>of</strong> it.for when we have heapedup never To many pleafures, never fo manydelights we ftill dcfircmore. The reafon is,<strong>the</strong> foule hath notyetattainedth<strong>of</strong>e delightsthat will fill it,nor ever will^tillit meet withhim that fils heaven <strong>and</strong> earth, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n willit everlaftingly fill it felfe.For beyond fulnes<strong>the</strong>reisno appct te.But this is not all,our delight in Heaventhat we (hall behold,<strong>the</strong> inexpreilible beauties<strong>of</strong>Gooiffuing from his glorious countenancejbut herein is<strong>the</strong> Angularity <strong>of</strong> ourjoy^thatwelhallbe wonderfully taken withhis beauty,<strong>and</strong> our foules inwardly ravtfliedifai.15.5^^The delight^/ ^^^fi"^^'^ ^^^'^^^'with <strong>the</strong> <strong>things</strong> thatwe (hall behold- Let trsrefume that former inftancc,A3which is <strong>the</strong><strong>of</strong>tneft

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