Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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V -—;i The Lifeand Death—firme^ecem ''^P^^^^ ^^ * Szitit Augufiwe , wHo dcfircd tenquim cxiret ^ daycs bcforc hcc died, none might come tobis p°oft5avk him , that hce in that time might the betterfitr^SeVo. himfclfc for God. But to thofe that cameingicdeietur,(q \^[^ ^^ p^yg yg^y podlv aod wifc cxhottanifiijs tantum ^ O J O Jhoris qubus tionsfuting to their callings and conditions,medici adjn*/- •! ii*t i nt

M— ! — ,1 , ,.| 9mof M^. Bolton^5jdefiredhertobearehisdiffolution ,whichwas now athandjwithaChriftian fortitude,a thing which he had prepared her for by thefpacc of twenty ycares, telling her that hisapproaching death was decreed upon himfrom all eternity^and that the counfell oftheLord muft (land, and bad her make no if.y^^.doubt but Ihee fliould meete him againe inHeaven ; And turning toward his * children * He had fivetold them ,that they (hould notexped hec f,]t!lZifom,fhould now fay any thing to them ,would his ability of body and breath givehim leave, hee had told them enough in thetime ofhis fickneflc and before , and hopedthey would remember itjand verily believedthat none ofthem durft think tomeete him at thatgreat Tribunal! in an mregenerateftate. Abouttwodayes after, divers of his Parilh commingto watch with him,he was mooved by afriend that as hee had difcover*d to them byhis Do(5trine , the exceeding comforts thatwereinCHRisTjheewould now tell themwhatheefekinhisfoule. Alas {{zx^hc) doethey lookefor that ofmee now that '^ant breathandpower to fpeake^ 1 ha ue toldthem enough inneither d^^^i^ten,my

V -—;i The Life<strong>and</strong> Death—firme^ecem ''^P^^^^ ^^ * Szitit Augufiwe , wHo dcfircd tenquim cxiret ^ daycs bcforc hcc died, none might come tobis p°<strong>of</strong>t5avk him , that hce in that time might <strong>the</strong> betterfitr^SeVo. himfclfc for God. But to th<strong>of</strong>e that cameingicdeietur,(q \^[^ ^^ p^yg yg^y podlv aod wifc cxhottanifiijs tantum ^ O J O Jhoris qubus tionsfuting to <strong>the</strong>ir callings <strong>and</strong> conditions,medici adjn*/- •! ii*t i nt

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