Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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^"^gBdfiUc Baw./(»t.x47.i^ Sermtn fnuhtdwhich thau haftfo much longed for; thy death isthe death of all thy defeats, & the beginning ofcverlaftinghappincffcjthy faithfullncfTe^thy integrity,thy2cale have procured to thee acrowneofglory, nowhaft thou thy fill of happinelTe 5 O blefTcd art thouthat n[iaift fee the Lord face to face, that thou maiftenjoy the happy fight ofthy fweet Saviourjthou bcholdeftthoufands of Angels, the Aficmbly of ourfirft ParentSjthe feites of the Apoftles, the tribunalsoftheProphe s, the fceptersof thePatriarkes, thecrownes ofthe Martyrs,3nd the praifes ofall juft menmade perfcd,as Saint Ba^iI faith.V E R. 24. Neverthekjfe te abide inthefl.jh is moreneedjullfor you.Coherence,Our Apoftle hath raadeic knowne unto us, why inrefpeift of himfclfhe defired to die, and ofthis I havealready fpoken ; now doth he in this vcrfe acquaintus with the reafon, why he fliould defireto live,becaufehis life made more for the profit and advantageofthePto^/>/4;f^, then his death could doe Formakingthe way to the maine point which Idoeonelyaime at,five things are to be meant by Flefli ^ the mortall body in>Cor.i«.j.JExftfition. I . Whatwhich the foule d wcllcth by a Synecdoche, flefh beinga confpicuous part thereof.2 .What is it to live in the flefii^ it is to live a naturalllife prcferved by naturall meanes,as eating, drinking,{leeping,c^fiwewalkcinthe flefh though wcdo not warrc after the flefh ;yet take him not as ifhemeant to abide. alwaics in the flefli, and by a privi,ledge

at the Funeraff of M. Bolton. 49ledge to be exempted from death which is appointedfor all men, but he meanes deliverance fromthofeprefent bonds, and the continuance of his life for atime to the furtherance oftheir faith and joy.3, Marke here and in the former verfc that ourAooftle fpeakcs as if his foule was himfelfejandas ifbis body was no cfTentiall part of man, this is not truein propriety of fpeech, and therefore isto be takenphil.1.12,improperly by a Synecdoche, Integrifremembro^ thewhole is put for apart, & here foraprincipall part ofp

^"^gBdfiUc Baw./(»t.x47.i^ Sermtn fnuhtdwhich thau haftfo much longed for; thy <strong>death</strong> is<strong>the</strong> <strong>death</strong> <strong>of</strong> all thy defeats, & <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong>cverlaftinghappincffcjthy faithfullncfTe^thy integrity,thy2cale have procured to <strong>the</strong>e acrowne<strong>of</strong>glory, nowhaft thou thy fill <strong>of</strong> happinelTe 5 O blefTcd art thouthat n[iaift fee <strong>the</strong> Lord face to face, that thou maiftenjoy <strong>the</strong> happy fight <strong>of</strong>thy fweet Saviourjthou bcholdeftthouf<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Angels, <strong>the</strong> Aficmbly <strong>of</strong> ourfirft ParentSj<strong>the</strong> feites <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ap<strong>of</strong>tles, <strong>the</strong> tribunals<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>Prophe s, <strong>the</strong> fcepters<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Patriarkes, <strong>the</strong>crownes <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Martyrs,3nd <strong>the</strong> praifes <strong>of</strong>all juft menmade perfcd,as Saint Ba^iI faith.V E R. 24. Never<strong>the</strong>kjfe te abide in<strong>the</strong>fl.jh is moreneedjullfor you.Coherence,Our Ap<strong>of</strong>tle hath raadeic knowne unto us, why inrefpeift <strong>of</strong> himfclfhe defired to die, <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>this I havealready fpoken ; now doth he in this vcrfe acquaintus with <strong>the</strong> reafon, why he fliould defireto live,becaufehis life made more for <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>it <strong>and</strong> advantage<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong>Pto^/>/4;f^, <strong>the</strong>n his <strong>death</strong> could doe Formaking<strong>the</strong> way to <strong>the</strong> maine point which Idoeonelyaime at,five <strong>things</strong> are to be meant by Flefli ^ <strong>the</strong> mortall body in>Cor.i«.j.JExftfition. I . Whatwhich <strong>the</strong> foule d wcllcth by a Synecdoche, flefh beinga confpicuous part <strong>the</strong>re<strong>of</strong>.2 .What is it to live in <strong>the</strong> flefii^ it is to live a naturalllife prcferved by naturall meanes,as eating, drinking,{leeping,c^fiwewalkcin<strong>the</strong> flefh though wcdo not warrc after <strong>the</strong> flefh ;yet take him not as ifhemeant to abide. alwaics in <strong>the</strong> flefli, <strong>and</strong> by a privi,ledge

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