Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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A/S%yi Sermon Preachedthere is chronicled) that he utterly dcteited thisprefcntlife, and abandoned all worldly cares, chaftifcdhis old impotent body with daily failing, plunginghimfelfe in Winter feafon into the cold water, fingingof Pfalmcs and devoutly praying, and when thebeholders faid. Brother Drithelme, this is a marvellousthing that you can pofTibly fuffer fuch bitter andfharp cold; marvell not (faith he) for I have feeneplaces colder then thefe. Let this move thee to feehthe Lord while he may hefound, the benefit ofthis lifeyou cannot long enjoy, and when it is once paft, it iscverpaft, you cannon recover it though you had inyour power a thoufand worlds to give to rcdeeme it.And as for us fellow fouldiers and dcarc Chriftians,iT3^tlth 'let us hold faft thatgoodnefle which we have, let usplay themen,lct us b.e couragious,conftant5and neverweary ofwell-doing 5 let neither divcl 1 nor man takeour crownes away from us, never looke to enjoy a(late which is beft of all, wihout much oppofition,Pharaoh will purfue you with all his power to bringyoujjack into fervitade, but do you like ftout Championsrcpell the temptations of the divcll, as GregoryGregar.Hyfeti Nyjfen infttu^eth you. Avant thou curfed and unsanaoBapti,happy ctcacure, I am a dead man, a dead man lovesnot bodily plcafurcs, a dead man is not caught withriches, a dead man flandereth not, a dead man is no^fia&flier,c^r now have F another kindeof life, and anotherrule of life then formerly I had. I have learnedro contemnc earthly things, and to fet my mind onI'^avenly things. That which Saint Hierem fpoke ofjudgemcnt,we may apply to the joy es ofheaven, letthem be painted on the walls of our houfcs, and inevery

'at the Fu/ieraffe/hA^Bolton,every corner thereof,that they may be alwaies beforeour eyes: as Captainesdo encourage their Souldiersto fight for their countryjlivesjprokflrion;^^^ . fo doeI fay to you brethren, it is the Lord of Hofts whofebatrailes you fight, it is your own falvation which isin hazard, your enemies would rob you ofgrace, anddeprive you of happineffe j ifyoergivc up your weaponsyouarc undone and firebrands of hell,be valianttherefore and keepe this trcafure, this pretious treasurewhich Christ {Caiih S.Berf^xrd) did judge tobe more pretiousthcn his owne bloody if I had keptthe blood of Ch-

A/S%yi Sermon Preached<strong>the</strong>re is chronicled) that he utterly dcteited thisprefcntlife, <strong>and</strong> ab<strong>and</strong>oned all worldly cares, chaftifcdhis old impotent body with daily failing, plunginghimfelfe in Winter feafon into <strong>the</strong> cold water, finging<strong>of</strong> Pfalmcs <strong>and</strong> devoutly praying, <strong>and</strong> when <strong>the</strong>beholders faid. Bro<strong>the</strong>r Dri<strong>the</strong>lme, this is a marvellousthing that you can p<strong>of</strong>Tibly fuffer fuch bitter <strong>and</strong>fharp cold; marvell not (faith he) for I have feeneplaces colder <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>fe. Let this move <strong>the</strong>e to feeh<strong>the</strong> Lord while he may hefound, <strong>the</strong> benefit <strong>of</strong>this lifeyou cannot long enjoy, <strong>and</strong> when it is once paft, it iscverpaft, you cannon recover it though you had inyour power a thouf<strong>and</strong> worlds to give to rcdeeme it.And as for us fellow fouldiers <strong>and</strong> dcarc Chriftians,iT3^tlth 'let us hold faft thatgoodnefle which we have, let usplay <strong>the</strong>men,lct us b.e couragious,conftant5<strong>and</strong> neverweary <strong>of</strong>well-doing 5 let nei<strong>the</strong>r divcl 1 nor man takeour crownes away from us, never looke to enjoy a(late which is beft <strong>of</strong> all, wihout much opp<strong>of</strong>ition,Pharaoh will purfue you with all his power to bringyoujjack into fervitade, but do you like ftout Championsrcpell <strong>the</strong> temptations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> divcll, as GregoryGregar.Hyfeti Nyjfen infttu^eth you. Avant thou curfed <strong>and</strong> unsanaoBapti,happy ctcacure, I am a dead man, a dead man lovesnot bodily plcafurcs, a dead man is not caught withriches, a dead man fl<strong>and</strong>ereth not, a dead man is no^fia&flier,c^r now have F ano<strong>the</strong>r kinde<strong>of</strong> life, <strong>and</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>rrule <strong>of</strong> life <strong>the</strong>n formerly I had. I have <strong>learned</strong>ro contemnc earthly <strong>things</strong>, <strong>and</strong> to fet my mind onI'^avenly <strong>things</strong>. That which Saint Hierem fpoke <strong>of</strong>judgemcnt,we may apply to <strong>the</strong> joy es <strong>of</strong>heaven, let<strong>the</strong>m be painted on <strong>the</strong> walls <strong>of</strong> our houfcs, <strong>and</strong> inevery

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