Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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<strong>the</strong>light which is inhim without hypocrifie (thismay mc very hea<strong>the</strong>ns have) but Evangclicall integrity,whereby <strong>the</strong> perfon being accepted forChris T,<strong>the</strong> heart though failing in fome particulara6tions,yet manifcfts habitual I grace by a conftantcourfe (in <strong>the</strong> generall) <strong>of</strong>a holy convcrfation.Laftly 5X0 name no more, ifwe are truly thankfullunto G o D for making away for ustogoe by <strong>death</strong>to heaven (by <strong>the</strong> <strong>death</strong> <strong>of</strong> his Son) wh<strong>of</strong>e portionby due defert was hell 5 how Iiidith <strong>and</strong> Ejier weremagnified for procuring deliverance to <strong>the</strong>ir countrymenfrom outward enemies, <strong>the</strong> Bible fliewcthhow <strong>the</strong> Grecians honoured i=*//tw/;?//^/ <strong>the</strong> Romancfor prevailing againft Philip o^Macedon, <strong>and</strong> proclai-Thanhjt'orRedemption/'"*'« '^f*^^*P'utar, in vitaming <strong>the</strong>ir Hb^rty, is regiftred in hea<strong>the</strong>n ftories , ^^r^'/^/^.with whatapplaufes <strong>and</strong> acclamations <strong>of</strong> all <strong>the</strong> Ro- R9m.ii.17,mans, men,women, <strong>and</strong> children Conftantine was receivedinto that Queene <strong>of</strong> C\xxt%,EufebiHs <strong>the</strong> Hifto-EufeidibA krian doth relate, for vanauifhing <strong>the</strong> Tyrant MAxm- Tll^i!^.//>/,calling him <strong>the</strong>ir deliverer,<strong>the</strong>ir conferver, <strong>the</strong>irherebountiful 1 Patron, a common good thing,c^f.was love <strong>and</strong> thankfulnefTe we fee m<strong>of</strong>t earneftjG g sknowcs<strong>and</strong> our owne confciencesteftifie unto us thisday how far we exceed th<strong>of</strong>e Grecians <strong>and</strong> Romansin mercies bcftowed upon us,not by amortallmanbut by our J E s V s ,nor from temporall fervitudc, butfrom <strong>the</strong> power <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> divell 5 if<strong>the</strong>n our cries <strong>and</strong>acclamations be to our ]e s vu conftantly,OTuwp m>Tii^,as<strong>the</strong>irs were to <strong>the</strong>ir deliverers, <strong>and</strong> we can joyfullyfound forth S.P4«/ Iwiwcf,<strong>death</strong> where is thyfiing—thankes he to God who hathgiven as viBory tfjrough J e -s V s Chris T w^r Lor p,thisisa good fignc <strong>of</strong>a bleffcd

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