Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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B^K^ Sermon Preachedprai 3 9.2 1. God have done : prayer is our bcft guard when wc& 90.11., ' arcathome<strong>and</strong> when we arc abroad J God will nottukz.}». denieourfuitsmadein Christ his name, becaufcthis was one benefit which Christ merited for us.Alas what elfe fhould wedo'whcnweareevcry dayfor ought we know going to judgement iiliould we(liould wc notnot intreat <strong>the</strong> Judge to pardon us ^with fighcs <strong>and</strong> fobs cry continually unto him to behXT f *' *' '^^crcifuil unto us i Hier. reports in <strong>the</strong> life <strong>of</strong> Paul a/"• '^B ^ i. Difciplc oiAnthony <strong>the</strong> firft Monke,<strong>and</strong> that not (implyfor devotion, but to avoid perfecurion, that thisreligious man wjs found dead kneeling upon hissincmty.knees, holding up his h<strong>and</strong>s, lifting up his eyes, <strong>the</strong>foulc was fo devout that <strong>the</strong> very d^id corps leemcdto pray unto God, now this humble feeking to Go dby prayer that he would make us alwaics ready foi<strong>death</strong>, argues a foule fenfible <strong>of</strong> its owne weakencflfe<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Gods goodnelTe.6» Sixthly, rfthou art fincere <strong>and</strong> found at <strong>the</strong> heart,<strong>and</strong> walkefi with G o d in <strong>the</strong> uprightncfTe <strong>of</strong> thyfoule, <strong>and</strong> makeftthis <strong>the</strong> crowne <strong>and</strong> garl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> thylifcwhich will never wi<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> detay,that thou hateftall knowne fins, not <strong>the</strong> outward onely where<strong>of</strong>men may be witnedes, but all inward corruptions, asEfayjy.7. hardncrfc <strong>of</strong> heart, wanton revengeful! tlwughts<strong>and</strong> fuch like,where<strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> world can take no notice,if thou magnified Gods graces,<strong>and</strong> gracious perfons,<strong>and</strong>canft be content out <strong>of</strong>thy love to Ch r i s t,to fuffer anything for Chri st, this is fincerity: Ifaynotlegallfincerity, that is aperfedion too highfor us to attaine unto, nor onely natu rail <strong>and</strong> raorallintegrity,whercby an unrcgencratc man is guided by<strong>the</strong>

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