Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ... Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...
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31 ^ Sermm VrtAchtdfaid tohis brethren. Your fins which you tooke tobcyourfriendsCasGo D himfclfc hach thrcatncd)are fuddenly turned to be your foes, and now do ap-Pfal.yo.zi. ^arc as a marfhallcd armycomming in a terriblemanner againft you, and when Goo fpeakcs1 Kineto your2'^ ^^*confciences, s^^Jehu did to the Eunuchs^ who is onmyftde? who? tvmx.\\QyW\\\caJl yotidowne and dajh,z%\iwere, your blood againfi the wdsy and make you to hetrampled upon 5 and then can you caft your eyes noway without horrour, if upw^irds unto heaven, theywill tell you that you'are juftly excluded our of thathappy place,ifyou think upon hell, the mouth thereof(as you fcare) is open every moment to receiveyou when thefc evil! daies fhail come,&c.Second Ufc ofinftru

at the FuntraH of M. Bolton.byitjuftifietb, andalfobya prudent obfcrvation ofthe workc of faith in thy foulq thou doft by faith believethat thou art juftificd by faithjthou haft alfo theattendant companion upon faith, that Chrift ian hopewhereby thou waitcfi: on G o d till he accompHfh Heb.j.^.all his gracious promifesjif wecomeagainftthe Divcllas Dji/vVdid againft the Philipne , not withfwerd^ i Sam. 17. 45.pucldandfj^eare^but in the name ofthe Lord ojHofs^wQare furc ro conquer. If we have thefe graces and bythe ufe of holy meanes do hold them faft^how happyare wclBltflTcdishethatbeleeveththe Lords wordsto be all of:h?m true, and bleifed is he that waitethonhim,tillhemanifefisthetruth of his words, thatbelieveth by faith that G d is his Father,and expcdethby hope that he fhould Ihew a fatherly atFe

at <strong>the</strong> FuntraH <strong>of</strong> M. Bolton.byitjuftifietb, <strong>and</strong>alfobya prudent obfcrvation <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> workc <strong>of</strong> faith in thy foulq thou d<strong>of</strong>t by faith believethat thou art juftificd by faithjthou haft alfo <strong>the</strong>attendant companion upon faith, that Chrift ian hopewhereby thou waitcfi: on G o d till he accompHfh Heb.j.^.all his gracious promifesjif wecomeagainft<strong>the</strong> Divcllas Dji/vVdid againft <strong>the</strong> Philipne , not withfwerd^ i Sam. 17. 45.pucld<strong>and</strong>fj^eare^but in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Lord ojH<strong>of</strong>s^wQare furc ro conquer. If we have <strong>the</strong>fe graces <strong>and</strong> by<strong>the</strong> ufe <strong>of</strong> holy meanes do hold <strong>the</strong>m faft^how happyare wclBltflTcdishethatbeleeveth<strong>the</strong> Lords wordsto be all <strong>of</strong>:h?m true, <strong>and</strong> bleifed is he that waitethonhim,tillhemanifefis<strong>the</strong>truth <strong>of</strong> his words, thatbelieveth by faith that G d is his Fa<strong>the</strong>r,<strong>and</strong> expcdethby hope that he fhould Ihew a fa<strong>the</strong>rly atFe

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