Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...

Mr. Boltons last and learned worke of the foure last things, death ...


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4t<strong>the</strong>Fu»er/td^fM''3o\ton, 35good grainej you willnot live confcionably, <strong>and</strong> yetyou would die peaceably 5 <strong>and</strong> though you fpeakeChri ST faire,yetyou wil lo<strong>of</strong>c nothing for his fakej<strong>the</strong> chainc will make your pr<strong>of</strong>cflion aMd, <strong>and</strong> reproachwill make ic alhamed : you love him well yolbfay ^butyou willbeadvifed notto difplcafc fuch <strong>and</strong>fuchfriends for his love 5your fore-fight <strong>of</strong> Heayetjhath no h<strong>and</strong>s to do good works corporall <strong>and</strong> fpirituall,nor cyesto (lied tearcs for your fins <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> fins<strong>of</strong>o<strong>the</strong>rs, nor (tomacke to abide a holy <strong>and</strong> a religi-nor flefh to endure this mortification <strong>and</strong>ous faft,zealous revenge, nor tongue to fpeake <strong>the</strong> language<strong>of</strong>confcifion, <strong>and</strong> zealous, devout <strong>and</strong> faithfull prayersif <strong>the</strong>n in your extremities <strong>and</strong> when your fearcsapproach, you fend for us, as P^4r40^ did for c>rc/^j,<strong>and</strong> never till <strong>the</strong>n, <strong>and</strong> cry unto us helpe m <strong>and</strong> comfortus, as that flawed woman dX^^ to <strong>the</strong> King <strong>of</strong>ifr^d : Wceanfwer asheedid that diftrefTed creature,if'<strong>the</strong> Lo \ D doth not helpeym^horv jhould we? Andnow by this time Uupp<strong>of</strong>eyou are brought to thatpaire,that Gods fervants, whom you haveinyourpr<strong>of</strong>peritydcfpifed may fay to you concerning allyour dauberswhom you <strong>the</strong>n refpeded, where are<strong>the</strong>y now that will prophefie peace peace unto you?your confciences which before were aflcepe, beingnow awakened to heare <strong>the</strong> crie <strong>of</strong> your finnes , <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>fe glades formerly covered with dufl as it were,being wiped cleare to reprefent unv o you <strong>the</strong> disfigured<strong>and</strong> odions flice <strong>of</strong> your finnes ; when <strong>the</strong>fe evill» Kmg ^^-^^daies ftiall come upon you (as <strong>the</strong>y will or that whichis worfe) you muft needs confefTe to <strong>the</strong> tcrrour <strong>of</strong>your fouks,thar we Go d s Meifcngers have told you Gcn,4i. i».<strong>of</strong>ihcfe <strong>things</strong>, <strong>and</strong> you would not hearc us>as ReubenEfaid

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